• Title/Summary/Keyword: road structure

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Case Study on the Impact-Echo Method for Tunnel Safety Diagnosis (터널 안전진단을 위한 충격반향법 사례 연구)

  • Shin, Sung-Ryul;Jo, Cheol-Hyun
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2009
  • For the purpose of determining the thickness of concrete lining and detect of the cavity where may be located behind tunnel lining, IE (Impact-Echo) method it effectively useful in the tunnel safety diagnosis and the quality control during the construction. As a part of case study, we applied IE method to various tunnel structure types such as road tunnel and subway tunnel constructed by NATM (New Austrian Tunnelling Method) and ASSM (American Steel Support Method). As tunnel specifications estimated from this method were compared with coring data, design drawing and other survey results, it was very good agreement with each other. In conclusion, we verified that IE method shows an accurate and reliable result. The conventional interpretation of IE method in frequency domain gives only vertical information at a certain point. However, the interpretation using time-frequency analysis and depth section imaging technique from two dimensional profiling surveys can show more reliable information about structure inside.

Analysis Method of Module Type Crash Cushion (모듈형태의 충격흡수장치 해석방법)

  • Ko, Man-Gi;Kim, Kee-Dong;Sung, Jung-Gon;Yun, Duk-Geun
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2008
  • Many atypical structures on the roadside are exposed to traffics unshielded posing great danger. One way to shield an atypical structure to secure the occupant safety is to stack energy absorbing material modules in front of the structure. This paper presents the analysis method of module type crash cushion made of EPS blocks using simple energy balance of the car and crash cushion and numerical examples for 0.9ton-500km/h, 0.9ton-60km/h and 0.9ton-70km/h impact are presented. This method gives simple estimation of maximum acceleration, time of crash, whether or not the vehicle stops completely before whole cushion is being crushed. However, since the acceleration and velocity data from the analysis is so crudely spaced that calculation of safety indices such is RA and OIV is not possible. Problem is overcome by using data interpolation. The spline and linear interpolation is introduce and safety analysis is made and the results are compared.

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The Changes of Adjacent Residential Area after the Restoration of Covered Urban Streams (도시복개하천의 복원사업 이후 인접 주거지의 물리적 특성 변화)

  • Kim, Jun-Yeong;Yang, Woo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to analyze the changes of adjacent residential area after the restoration of covered urban streams in seoul. The changes of adjacent residential area after restoration were analyzed by changes of land using, urban structure, individual lot of land and architecture to investigate relationship of the urban stream and residential change. The result as follows: the first one is the change of land use and urban structure in adjacent residential area. This change of infrastructure through stream restoration has transformed land use and urban structure in adjacent residential area. Secondly, there is the changes of the individual lot of land. It seemed that new development by combined lots would be concentrated in stream-side blocks. But, the changes of lots such as combining or dividing lots tend to be concentrated in stream-side, main road and main streets. In stream-side, commercial function of land use has changed to residential one which has restored streams landscape by transformation of lots use without changes of ownership-lots. Finally, there is the change of architecture. It turned out new building in adjacent residential area is similar to general development. However, new building in streamside is related to direction of stream. In addition, remodeling and expansion tend to change in commercial buildings on stream-side bridges of corner lots intensively. As a result, it is related to expectation of architectural activation and improvement of sidewalk environment by stream restoration.

Study on the Scientific Functional Investigation of Steel Space Truss Structures by using Technology Tree Methodology (기술트리를 이용한 입체트러스 강구조물의 과학적 기능분석 방법론에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong Kyu;Kim, Do Hwan;Kim, Jin Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.321-333
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    • 2013
  • This study presents a practice of a scientific methodology, i.e., technology tree to describe hierarchies of functions and technologies of research projects. In this study functional developments of a well-known steel space frame truss are dealt with for an application of the technology tree process to execute the maintenance of road tunnels without blocking vehicles. It is verified that established results of technology tree process can be linked to a proof process of revealed functions and component technologies such as reference works and structural analyses. In the future the technology tree methodology can be extendedly used for an effective tool setting up research plans and developing integrated technologies of a specific item such as a steel structure.

The Visualization of films for the stand on narrative of Germanic Mythology -Focused on "The Road of the Ring", "Harry Potter", and "The Chronicles Of Narnia"- (게르만신화의 서사구조를 바탕으로 한 영화의 시각화 -반지의 제왕, 해리포터, 나니아 연대기를 중심으로-)

  • Baek, Kwang-Ho;Han, Myung-Hee;Kim, Mi-Jin
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.1129-1136
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    • 2009
  • The digital contents industry already heads toward the OSMU(One Source Multi Use) method of media. In case the success of the original novel recreates to a movie, the success of a movie is again noticed with the original novel. For this reason, a novel and movie are open at the same time, In this paper, we analyze through the case study of three fantasy films having the narrative structure of the germane myth : The Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Chronicles Of Narnia based on the analysis basis : Hero's Journey 12 steps by J. Campbell, The analysis of scenes of each film visualizing the narrative structure of a novel can be used as the basic materials in the process of visualizing the scale of the original and message of a writer, we consequently believe that these analysis will be able to be applied the appropriate visual techniques (the special effect, the scene tractions, and etc.)in visualization of films.

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A Study for Control of Thermal Cracking by Heat of Hydration in Subway Concrete Box Structure (지하철 콘크리트 BOX 구조물의 수화열에 의한 온도균열 제어 방안 연구)

  • Song, Suk-Jun;Yoo, Sang-Geon;Park, Ji-Woong;Kim, Eun-Kyum
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.1024-1029
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    • 2009
  • According to increase of massive concrete structures, Thermal crack done by heat of hydration have been increased in a process of the execution. In case of a subway concrete box structure, thickness of structures are almost over 1 meter, and penetrating crack by external restraint takes a bad effect on the durability with a water leakage and deterioration in especially concrete wall. A try of shortening a constructing period often occurs as subway is generally constructed according to a road to decrease a traffic jam. The research proposes executing method by skipping one block as a plan of shortening a constructing period and investigate an influence on thermal cracking control. Additionally, sensitivity analysis is accomplished by changing a height of a concrete wall, and concrete placing and air temperature met with a field condition.

Multi-Scaling Models of TCP/IP and Sub-Frame VBR Video Traffic

  • Erramilli, Ashok;Narayan, Onuttom;Neidhardt, Arnold;Saniee, Iraj
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.383-395
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    • 2001
  • Recent measurement and simulation studies have revealed that wide area network traffic displays complex statistical characteristics-possibly multifractal scaling-on fine timescales, in addition to the well-known properly of self-similar scaling on coarser timescales. In this paper we investigate the performance and network engineering significance of these fine timescale features using measured TCP anti MPEG2 video traces, queueing simulations and analytical arguments. We demonstrate that the fine timescale features can affect performance substantially at low and intermediate utilizations, while the longer timescale self-similarity is important at intermediate and high utilizations. We relate the fine timescale structure in the measured TCP traces to flow controls, and show that UDP traffic-which is not flow controlled-lacks such fine timescale structure. Likewise we relate the fine timescale structure in video MPEG2 traces to sub-frame encoding. We show that it is possibly to construct a relatively parsimonious multi-fractal cascade model of fine timescale features that matches the queueing performance of both the TCP and video traces. We outline an analytical method ta estimate performance for traffic that is self-similar on coarse timescales and multi-fractal on fine timescales, and show that the engineering problem of setting safe operating points for planning or admission controls can be significantly influenced by fine timescale fluctuations in network traffic. The work reported here can be used to model the relevant characteristics of wide area traffic across a full range of engineering timescales, and can be the basis of more accurate network performance analysis and engineering.

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Effects of vegetation structure and human impact on understory honey plant richness: implications for pollinator visitation

  • Cho, Yoori;Lee, Dowon;Bae, SoYeon
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2017
  • Background: Though the biomass of floral vegetation in understory plant communities in a forested ecosystem only accounts for less than 1% of the total biomass of a forest, they contain most of the floral resources of a forest. The diversity of understory honey plants determines visitation rate of pollinators such as honey bee (Apis mellifera) as they provide rich food resources. Since the flower visitation and foraging activity of pollinators lead to the provision of pollination service, it also means the enhancement of plant-pollinator relationship. Therefore, an appropriate management scheme for understory vegetation is essential in order to conserve pollinator population that is decreasing due to habitat destruction and disease infection. This research examined the diversity of understory honey plant and studied how it is related to environmental variables such as (1) canopy density, (2) horizontal heterogeneity of canopy surface height, (3) slope gradient, and (4) distance from roads. Vegetation survey data of 39 plots of mixed forests in Chuncheon, Korea, were used, and possible management practices for understory vegetation were suggested. Results: This study found that 113 species among 141 species of honey plant of the forests were classified as understory vegetation. Also, the understory honey plant diversity is significantly positively correlated with distance from the nearest road and horizontal heterogeneity of canopy surface height and negatively correlated with canopy density. Conclusions: The diversity of understory honey plant vegetation is correlated to vegetation structure and human impact. In order to enhance the diversity of understory honey plant, management of density and height of canopy is necessary. This study suggests that improved diversity of canopy cover through thinning of overstory vegetation can increase the diversity of understory honey plant species.

The Change of Spatial Structure of a Rutian Settlement on the Lower Reaches of Tumen Riverside in China (두만강 북안 하류 조선족 농촌마을 공간구조의 변화 -훈춘시 경신진 노전마을을 대상으로-)

  • Lin, JinHua;Kim, Tai-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2007
  • Rutian village is situated at the lower stream of Tumen river- U shaped entrance which is around many small mountains. This village which can be entered through the ferry of the HyoRyongBong village had started to be founded before the "Korean village"was founded. It was cultivated by Chinese, but because of the increasing number of the Korean immigrants, it finally became the village for only Korean Chinese. It has become from the very small village in the reclamation period to the prosperous one containing 45 houses in the Cultural Revolution period. Unfortunately, after adopting the Open policy, the village got smaller and contained only 15 houses. The reasons were: many young people emigrated to big cities for economic security and the education of their children; some went abroad to get job. To see the space structure for the village, streets and the roads, which can connect 130-year-old village to the villages around it, were opened as national roads. Bat these roads disappeared and also were not used much because of the decreasing number of resident population. The residence has become from the very small village in the reclamation period to the prosperous one and then become a smaller one again now. Especially, front villages and remote villages have started to disappear. Moreover, because of a good geographical condition such as the mountain and the water, fish farms have been much built up, and so houses with business facilities have started to build up.

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Development and Application of Impact Assessment Model of Forest Vegetation by Land Developments (개발사업에 따른 산림식생 영향평가모형 개발 및 적용)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2009
  • Fragmentation due to land developments causes disturbances and changes of composition in forest vegetation. The purpose of the study was to develop the impact assessment model for quantitative distance or degree of disturbance by land developments. This study conducted a survey about structure and composition of forest vegetation to determine degree of impact from land developments. The results of field survey, there was a difference in structure and composition of forest vegetation such as tree canopy, herbaceous cover, and number of vine and alien species the distances from edge to interior area such as 0m, 10m, 20m, 40m, and over 60m. To assess the disturbance of forest vegetation, the factors selected were the rate of vine's cover and appearance of alien species. The impact assessment model about vine species explained by a distance, forest patch size, type of forest fragmentation, and type of vegetation ($R^2$=0.44, p<0.001). The other model about alien species explained by a distance, type of forest fragmentation, type of vegetation, and width of road (85.9%, p<0.005). The models applied to Samsong housing development in Goyang-si, Gyunggi-do. The vines and alien species in the study area have had a substantial impact on forest vegetation from edge to 20 or 40m. The impact assessment models were high reliability for estimating impacts to land developments. The impact of forest vegetation by development activities could be minimized thorough the adoption of the models introduced at the stage of EIA.