• Title/Summary/Keyword: river management flow

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Water Quality Analysis of Hongcheon River Basin Under Climate Change (기후변화에 따른 홍천강 유역의 수질 변화 분석)

  • Kim, Duckhwan;Hong, Seung Jin;Kim, Jungwook;Han, Daegun;Hong, Ilpyo;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.348-358
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    • 2015
  • Impacts of climate change are being observed in the globe as well as the Korean peninsula. In the past 100 years, the average temperature of the earth rose about 0.75 degree in celsius, while that of Korean peninsula rose about 1.5 degree in celsius. The fifth Assessment Report of IPCC(Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) predicts that the water pollution will be aggravated by change of hydrologic extremes such as floods and droughts and increase of water temperature (KMA and MOLIT, 2009). In this study, future runoff was calculated by applying climate change scenario to analyze the future water quality for each targe period (Obs : 2001 ~ 2010, Target I : 2011 ~ 2040, Target II : 2041 ~ 2070, Target III : 2071 ~ 2100) in Hongcheon river basin, Korea. In addition, The future water quality was analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis and artificial neural networks after flow-duration curve analysis. As the results of future water quality prediction in Hongcheon river basin, we have known that BOD, COD and SS will be increased at the end of 21 century. Therefore, we need consider long-term water and water quality management planning and monitoring for the improvement of water quality in the future. For the prediction of more reliable future water quality, we may need consider various social factors with climate components.

An Impact Assessment of Climate and Landuse Change on Water Resources in the Han River (기후변화와 토지피복변화를 고려한 한강 유역의 수자원 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Byung-Sik;Kim, Soo-Jun;Kim, Hung-Soo;Jun, Hwan-Don
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.309-323
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    • 2010
  • As climate changes and abnormal climates have drawn research interest recently, many countries utilize the GCM, which is based on SRES suggested by IPCC, to obtain more accurate forecast for future climate changes. Especially, many research attempts have been made to simulate localized geographical characteristics by using RCM with the high resolution data globally. To evaluate the impacts of climate and landuse change on water resources in the Han-river basin, we carried out the procedure consisting of the CA-Markov Chain, the Multi-Regression equation using two independent variables of temperature and rainfall, the downscaling technique based on the RegCM3 RCM, and SLURP. From the CA-Markov Chain, the future landuse change is forecasted and the future NDVI is predicted by the Multi-Regression equation. Also, RegCM3 RCM 50 sets were generated by the downscaling technique based on the RegCM3 RCM provided by KMA. With them, 90 year runoff scenarios whose period is from 2001 to 2090 are simulated for the Han-river basin by SLURP. Finally, the 90-year simulated monthly runoffs are compared with the historical monthly runoffs for each dam in the basin. At Paldang dam, the runoffs in September show higher increase than the ones in August which is due to the change of rainfall pattern in future. Additionally, after exploring the impact of the climate change on the structure of water circulation, we find that water management will become more difficult by the changes in the water circulation factors such as precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, and runoff in the Han-river basin.

A Status of Agricultural Water Quality and Improvable Countermeasure in Korea (우리나라 농업용수 수질오염 현황과 개선대책)

  • Baeg, Cheong-Oh;Kang, Sang-Gu;Lee, Kwang-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.506-519
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    • 1996
  • The water quality in the rural areas is degrading due to a variety of causes such as the increase of the urban sewage and industrial wastes, the disposal of solid wastes, the growth of livestock waste, the growth of leisure facilities, the establishment of agricultural industry estates and etc. The water pollutants are scarce while the effluent is increasing from wide scattered sources. The technology specifically designed for the rural wastes water treatment plant needs to be implemented with improvement of agricultural water quality. 1. An integrated management measures against water pollution sources. The prevention of water pollution is the best measures in the environmental pollution. Hence, the most effective measures needs to be against the sources. Small-scale water treatment plants needs to be constructed in each village in the rural areas. As for the industrial effluent, the effluent discharge needs to be strictly monitored. Government subsidy for the establishment of treatment plant for livestock wastes is necessary. 2. The establishment of national-wide network for agricultural water quality. The network for agricultural water quality have been operated to conserve the agricultural water quality, and to develop management policies by the assessment of water pollution in the rural areas. The results of agricultural water quality network indicates that the water quality is degrading not only around urban areas but also in the distant rural areas, and the water quality at the pumping stations and weirs is worse than that of reservoirs. 3. The legal, systematic, and technical approaches for the agricultural water quality management. The actions currently implemented for the improvement of agricultural water quality involve temporary measures such as the improvement of irrigation facilities. These contingency measures are not effective in the long-term, and sometimes bring secondary pollution. Therefore, integrated measures covering the whole water environment such as the flow, quality, river morphology, aquatic ecosystem, and the surrounding environment, need be invented and implemented. Besides, the legal, systematic, and technical frameworks for the management are not fully established so far. The technology for the treatment of rural water pollution should be refined afterwards, and the research for the development of rural waste water treatment plant should be carried out.

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A Study on integrated water management system based on Web maps

  • Choi, Ho Sung;Jung, Jin Young;Park, Koo Rack
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2016
  • Initial prevention activities and rapid propagation conditions is the most important to prevent diffusion of water pollution. If water pollutants flow into streams river or main stresm located in environmental conservation area or water intake facilities, we must predict immediately arrival time and the diffusion concentration to the proactive. National Institute of Environmental Research developed water pollution incident response prediction system linking dam and movable weir. the system is mathematical model which is updated daily. Therefore it can quickly predict the arrival time and the diffusion concentration when there are accident of oil spills and hazardous chemicals. Also we equipped with mathematical model and toxicity model of EFDC(Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code) to calculate the arrival time and the diffusion concentration. However these systems offer the services of an offline manner than real-time control services. we have ensured the reliability of data collection and have developed a real-time water quality measurement data transmission device by using the data linkage utilizing a mode bus communication and a commercial SCADA system, in particular, we implemented to be able to do real-time water quality prediction through information infrastructure of the water quality integrated management business created by utilizing the construction of the real-time prediction system that utilizes the data collected, the Open map, the visual representation using charts API and development of integrated management system development based on web maps.

The Characteristics of Water Quality and the Estimation of Pollutant Loadings from the Flowing Streams in Cheju Island (제주도내 유수하천에 대한 수질특성 및 오염부하량 산정)

  • 조은일;오윤근
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.845-851
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    • 1998
  • In order to manage the water quality from the flowing streams in Cheju Island, the characteristics of water quality was investigated from August, 1996 to May, 1997 and the pollutant loadings for future were estimated from the watershed at each stream. Comparing the mean concentrations of each water quality with the criterion of water quality in river, it was under I class except for Changgo Stream, for DO, under I class at the whole station for SS and under II class for BOD. As the pollutant loadings at each stream in 2020 is compared with those in 1996, the estimated results are as follows : 1) for BOD, 59% at Donghong Stream, 24% at Yeonoe Stream, 44% at Ohngpo Stream and 57% at Changgo Stream. 2) for T-N, 91% at Donghong Stream, 76% at Yeonoe Stream, 63% at Ohngpo Stream and 89% at Changgo Stream. 3) for T-P, 69% at Donghong Stream, 42% at Yeonoe Stream, 45% at Ohngpo Stream and 73% at Changgo Stream. The point source loadings discharged through combined sewer could be treated at sewage treatment plant. However, the expected slow decreasing rate of BOD, T-N, and T-P loadings is due to the part of untreated nonpoint source loadings. Nonpoint source loading overflow typically occurs when the flow of stormwater combined with sewage exceeds the capacity of the interceptor sewers. Since most of the sewers used in Cheju Island are the combined sewers, the combined overflow sewage is bypassed into the receiving water area after a rainstorm. Therefore, a means to control nonpoint source loadings should be considered for the river and marine water quality management.

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Characteristics of Water Quality by Storm Runoffs from Intensive Highland Agriculture Area in the Upstream of Han River Basin (한강상류 고령지 농업지역에서의 강우시 비점오염 유출 특성)

  • Jung, Sungmin;Jang, Changwon;Kim, Jai-Ku;Kim, Bomchul
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.102-111
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    • 2009
  • Turbid storm runoff from intensive highland agriculture area has emerged as the major problem of water quality deterioration in the upstream region of the Han River. High slope of the upland combined with high rate of fertilization and intensive plowing causes high rate of soil erosion, and subsequently high suspended sediment and phosphorus content in the runoff water. The variations of water quality during rain spells were surveyed for two years (2005 and 2006) in the Jawoon Stream that is one of hot spots of intensive horticulture discharging turbid storm runoff. SS and TP showed large increase according to the increase of flow rate, whereas TN and BOD showed less fluctuations. Mean EMCs of SS and TP measured for nine rain events were as high as $207mgSS{\cdot}L^{-1}$ and $0.27mgP{\cdot}L^{-1}$, respectively. The export coefficient of SS and TP per area of cultivated field were calculated as $11,912kgSS{\cdot}yr^{-1}{\cdot}km^{-2}$ and $785kgP{\cdot}yr^{-1}{\cdot}km^{-2}$, repectively, which are significantly higher than reports of other area. It can be concluded that SS and TP in the runoffs were high enough to impose major threat to aquatic habitats, and the highland agriculture should be the main target of water quality management or habitat conservation in the study area.

Numerical Analysis of River Bed Change Due to Reservoir Failure Using CCHE1D Model (CCHE1D 모형을 이용한 저수지 붕괴에 따른 하상변동 해석)

  • Son, In Ho;Kim, Byunghyun;Son, Ah Long;Han, Kun Yeun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 2016
  • This study presents the analysis of flood and bed deformation caused by reservoir failure. The CCHE1D is used to simulate 1D non-uniform, non-equilibrium sediment transport and bed deformation. The CCHE1D deals with the adaptation length for non-equilibrium sediment, classified sediment particle for non-uniform sediment and mixing layer for the exchange with the sediment moving with the flow. The model is applied to Ha!Ha! river basin where was experienced reservoir failure in 1996 to analyze non-uniform and non-equilibrium sediment transport. The calculations are compared with morphological bed changes of pre- and post-flood. In addition, model sensitivity to main parameters involving adaptation length ($L_{s,b}$), non-equilibrium coefficient (${\alpha}_s$), mixing layer thickness (${\delta}_m$) and porosity (p') is analyzed. The results indicates that thalweg change is the most sensitive to non-equilibrium coefficient (${\alpha}_s$) among those parameters in the study area.

Water Balance Analysis for Securing Flexible River Flow at Geumho River Basin (탄력적 하천수량 확보를 위한 금호강유역의 물수지 분석)

  • Jeon, Kyeong Soo;Hwang, Ju Ha;Kim, Hyung San;Maeng, Seung Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.588-588
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    • 2015
  • 최근 기후변화로 인해 6 ~ 7년 주기로 가뭄의 정도가 점차 증가하고 있으며, 과잉취수로 인해 하천 상류 수원이 부족하여 지속적으로 하천 건천화가 발생되고 있는 실정이다. 물부족 지역의 경우 지하수와 같은 고갈되기 쉬운 물을 사용하므로 발생빈도가 높으며, 진행속도가 다른 자연재해와 달리 느리므로 시 공간적으로 정확하게 판단하기 어려워 해결이 장기화 되고 있다. 우리나라 물수급 지역이 급격하게 증감함에 따라 수량 확보와 탄력전인 하천수량 관리 기술이 사회적으로 중요시되고 있다. 이를 위한 수자원계획 도구로 여러 가지 방법이 제시되었다. 이러한 방법들 중 국내 실정에 맞도록 개선된 수자원평가계획모형인 K-WEAP(Korea-Water Evaluation And Planning System) 을 이용하여 물수지 분석하였다. 본 연구는 낙동강수계 금호강유역을 대상으로 중권역 내 행정구역별로 생활, 공업, 농업용수의 수요처와 공급량을 산정하고 이에 따른 네트워크를 구성하여 분석하였다. 각 하천의 자연유출량은 EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) 에서 개발한 강우-유출 모형인 SWMM(Storm Water Management Model) 에 의하여 산정된 결과를 적용하였다. 행정구역을 고려한 물수급 분석을 통해 물수급 전망이 세분화되어 있으나 실제 발생하는 물수급 평가의 어려움은 여전히 존재한다. 생공용수는 공급시설을 고려하여 물수급 분석을 수행하고, 농업용수는 월별로 수요량과 공급량을 검토하는 물수급 분석을 통해 국가수자원공급 계획을 반영한 광역, 기초자치단체의 수자원 확보 방안에 필요한 기초자료로 활용될 것이라 사료된다.

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Developing Surface Water Quality Modeling Framework Considering Spatial Resolution of Pollutant Load Estimation for Saemangeum Using HSPF (오염원 산정단위 수준의 소유역 세분화를 고려한 새만금유역 수문·수질모델링 적용성 검토)

  • Seong, Chounghyun;Hwang, Syewoon;Oh, Chansung;Cho, Jaepil
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2017
  • This study presented a surface water quality modeling framework considering the spatial resolution of pollutant load estimation to better represent stream water quality characteristics in the Saemangeum watershed which has been focused on keeping its water resources sustainable after the Saemangeum embankment construction. The watershed delineated into 804 sub-watersheds in total based on the administrative districts, which were units for pollutant load estimation and counted as 739 in the watershed, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and agricultural structures such as drainage canal. The established model consists of 7 Mangyung (MG) sub-models, 7 Dongjin (DJ) sub-models, and 3 Reclaimed sub-models, and the sub-models were simulated in a sequence of upstream to downstream based on its connectivity. The hydrologic calibration and validation of the model were conducted from 14 flow stations for the period of 2009 and 2013 using an automatic calibration scheme. The model performance to the hydrologic stations for calibration and validation showed that the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NSE) ranged from 0.66 to 0.97, PBIAS were -31.0~16.5 %, and $R^2$ were from 0.75 to 0.98, respectively in a monthly time step and therefore, the model showed its hydrological applicability to the watershed. The water quality calibration and validation were conducted based on the 29 stations with the water quality constituents of DO, BOD, TN, and TP during the same period with the flow. The water quality model were manually calibrated, and generally showed an applicability by resulting reasonable variability and seasonality, although some exceptional simulation results were identified in some upstream stations under low-flow conditions. The spatial subdivision in the model framework were compared with previous studies to assess the consideration of administrative boundaries for watershed delineation, and this study outperformed in flow, but showed a similar level of model performance in water quality. The framework presented here can be applicable in a regional scale watershed as well as in a need of fine-resolution simulation.

A Study on the Improvement of Image-Based Water Level Detection Algorithm Using the Region growing (Region growing 기법을 적용한 영상기반 수위감지 알고리즘 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Okju;Lee, Junwoo;Park, Jinyi;Cho, Myeongheum
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_4
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    • pp.1245-1254
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the limitations of the existing water level detection algorithm using CCTV images were recognized and the water level detection algorithm was improved by applying the Region growing technique. It applied three techniques (Horizontal projection profile, Texture analysis, and Optical flow) to estimate the water area, and the results were analyzed in a comprehensive analysis to select the initial water area. The water level was then continuously detected by the Region growing technique, referring to the initial water area. As a result, it was possible to confirm that the exact level of water was detected without being affected by environmental factors compared to the existing level detection algorithm, which had frequent mis-detection phenomena depending on the surrounding environmental factors. In addition, the water level was detected in the video showing flooded roads in urban areas, not in the video of the river. These results are believed to be able to supplement the difficulty of monitoring at all times with limited manpower by automatically detecting the level of water through numerous CCTV footage installed throughout the country, and to contribute to laying the foundation for preventing disasters caused by torrential rains and typhoons in advance.