• Title/Summary/Keyword: rice varieties

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Field Lodging Degree of Rice Varieties according to Nitrogen Application Rate (벼주요품종의 질소시비수준에 따른 도복저항성 정도)

  • 박중수;이원우;주영철;김영호
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.226-235
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    • 2002
  • This experiment was to evaluate lodging characteristics of 35 recommended rice varieties of Kyonggi-do at normal (110 kg N/ha) and hen (220 kg N/ha) nitrogen application rates during 1999 to 2000. At heavy N fertilization rate, varieties that were highly resistant to lodging were Obongbyeo, Daejinbyeo, Naepoongbyeo, Nonganbyeo and Ilpumbyeo. Fourteen varieties including Daeanbyeo were moderately resistant and 11 varieties including Jinbubyeo were susceptible to lodging. The lodging-related characters which showed the highest effect on lodging at lodging degree of 9 were culm length and height of center gravity, culm length at lodging degree of 5, and culm length and the third internode length at lodging degree of 3 or below. The difference in rice yield between normal and heavy nitrogen fertilization rate was within 5% in early-maturing varieties but there was great yield difference in mid- and late-maturing varieties depending on the degree of lodging. Consequently, stable rice yield could be obtained by selecting lodging-resistant varieties and lowering fertilization rate, specially in the paddy field where lodging occurrence is common.

Morphological and molecular characterization of germinability related to direct-seeding in rice varieties

  • Hyun, Do Yoon;Oh, MyeongWon;Choi, Yu-Mi;Lee, Sukyeung;Lee, Myung-Chul;Oh, Sejong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.192-192
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    • 2017
  • Direct-seeding cultivation of rice is increasing in Asia instead of transplanting system, because of its lower cost and operational simplicity. Low-temperature germinability (LTG) and anaerobic germinability (AG) are important characters for breeding of varieties for wide-spread adoption of direct-seeding cultivation in rice. This study was performed to characterize LTG and AG of seven rice varieties and identify varieties with strong germinability on both low-temperature and anaerobic conditions. The mean germination rate and germination vigor of seven varieties were 51.7% and 6.0 under low-temperature condition, respectively. Among these varieties, Cheongcheongjinmi and Hwanggeumnodeul had the highest germination rate of 80%, indicating that Cheongcheongjinmi and Hwanggeumnodeul have a good LTG. In anaerobic conditions, the germination rate and coleoptile length for all varieties were 47.6% and 3.2 cm, respectively. Of them, the highest germination rate and coleoptile length were observed in Subo and Hopum, respectively, suggesting that these two varieties are tolerant to anaerobic during germination stage. Molecular characterization by SDS-PAGE revealed that the protein patterns differed at 50 kDa, 40 kDa, and 22 kDa between low-temperature and anaerobic conditions. Varieties identified as good LTG or AG in this study may be used for developing new direct-seeding rice cultivars through pyramiding these traits in the breeding program.

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Response of Phytotoxicity on Rice Varieties to HPPD-inhibiting Herbicides in Paddy Rice Fields (HPPD 저해 제초제에 대한 벼 품종별 약해 반응)

  • Kwon, Oh-Do;Shin, Seo-Ho;An, Kyu-Nam;Lee, Yeen;Min, Hyun-Kyeng;Park, Heung-Gyu;Shin, Hae-Ryoung;Jung, Ha-Il;Kuk, Yong-In
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.240-255
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    • 2012
  • The objectives of this study were to investigate the levels of phytotoxicity of rice varieties to HPPD (4-hydroxy phenylpyruvate dioxygenase)-inhibiting herbicides known for their efficiency to control the sulfonylureas-resistant weed species:mestrione, benzobicyclone, and tefuryltrione. The twenty-six rice varieties (8-Japonica ${\times}$ Indica-type varieties and 18-Japonica-type varieties) were grown for 25 days on seedling trays and then transplanted to paddy rice fields followed by herbicide treatment i.e. standard and double doses of there respective herbicides at 5, 10, and 15 days after transplanting. Although mestrione, benzobicyclone and tefuryltrione are all HPPD-inhibiting herbicides, the phytotoxicity symptoms of the different rice varieties based on the timing of application and doses of the herbicides were significantly different. The Japonica ${\times}$ Indica-type varieties showed much more phytotoxicity symptoms than Japonica-type varieties in all applied herbicides. Increasing herbicidal doses of mesotrione, and an earlier application of and increasing herbicidal doses of benzobicyclon caused severe phytotoxicity symptoms. On the other hand, phytotoxicity due to tefuryltrione did not exhibit significant differences between rice varieties in either the timing of application or dose of the herbicide. Regardless of timing of application and dose of the herbicides, Hangangchalbyeo-1, Hyangmibyeo-1 and high-yield rice varieties such as Namcheonbyeo, Dasanbyeo, Areumbyeo, and Hanareumbyeo, which belong to the Japonica ${\times}$ Indica-type varieties, showed 5 to 8 levels of phytotoxicity symptoms including albinism, browning, detached leaf, and necrosis to mesotrione and benzobicyclon whereas only 1 to 3 levels of phytotoxicity symptoms (chlorosis, albinism, and browning) were seen with to tefuryltrione application. The Japonica-type varieties exhibited only slight phytotoxicity symptoms (1~2 levels) in conformity with the timing of application and doses of the herbicides. However, there were significant differences among the Japonica-type rice varieties, depending on the type of herbicide. Thirteen-Japonica type rice varieties were sensitive to benzobicyclone while 4-Japonica-type and 7-Japonica-type varieties showed phytotoxicity symptoms such as chlorosis and albinism with mestrione and tefuryltrione application, respectively. Therefore, we suggest that the combined-type herbicides including mestrione, benzobicyclone and tefuryltrione should be rejected in paddy fields where rice is grown for either human consumption (functional or processed rice) or livestock feed because of severe phytotoxicity symptoms on the various rice varieties seen regardless of the timing of application and doses of the herbicides.

Selection of Early Maturing Rice for Duble Cropping before Growing of Alisma plantago

  • Kwon, Byung-Sun;Shim, Jeong-Sik;Choi, Seong-Kyu
    • Plant Resources
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.104-108
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    • 2002
  • In order to obtain basic information for selecting early maturing rice varieties which is suitable for early cropping before Alisma plantago in the southern part of Korea. Six rice varieties were grown from May to August in 2002 at Youngjeon Experiment Field, Sunchon and yield components and yield of plants were investingated. Early maturing rice cv. Grubyeo showed higher rough rice yield than any other varieties used in the experiment. It showed high yield components, such as culm length, panicle length, number of panicles per plant, number of spikelets per panicle and ratio of ripened grains. Therefore, it was concluded that Grubyeo was the most suitable variety with high yield for the cultivation before growing of Alisma plantago at the southern part of Korea. The heritability of culm length number of spikelets per panicle and rough rice yield were high and that of panicle length number of panicle per plant, ratio of ripened grain and 1,000 grain wt. of milled rice were low. According to the result of path coefficient analysis, characters highly correlated with rough rice yield showed large direct effects on rough rice yield.

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Resisitance of Varieties to Rice Blast in Korea I. Japonica Type of Rice Varieties (한국(韓國) 수도품종(水稻品種)의 도열병(稻熱病) 저항성(低抗性)에 관(關)하여 I. 일본형품종(日本型品種))

  • Choi, Jae Eul;Park, Jong Seong;Park, Nam Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1989
  • This experiment was undertaken to clarify derivation of resistance of Japonica type of rice varieties to rice blast in Korea and to classify Japonica type of rice varieties on the basis of their rice blast reaction in the blast nuisery test. 1. The resistance of Iljin, Kwancheok 9, Koshi, Baedal and Paldal, Jaekeon, Sinpung, Jinheung, Hokwang and Palkeum, and Gwangmyungbyeo and Yeongdeogbyeo to rice blast was derived from Kyudai Taicho Asahi 3, Futaba and 2067, respectively. 2. The resistance of Kwanok, Mankyeong and Nongbaek to the rice blast was derived from Kanto 55, Hokwang and Kusabue, and Ishigarisiroge, respectively. 3. The resistance of Seomjinbyeo, Sinseonchalbyeo, Donghaebyeo and Tamjinbyeo to the rice blast was derived from Milyang 20 and the source of resistance to the rice blast in Jinjubyeo and Daecheongbyeo was HR 769 or HR 1590. 4. The resistance of Dobongbyeo, Gwanagbyeo and Chiagbyeo to the rice blast was derived from Tjina, Kongo and Kuik 90, respectively. 5. The resistance of Seolagbyeo, Seonambyeo, Kihobyeo, Namyangbyeo, Samnambyeo, Seohaebyeo, Whaseongbyeo, Daegwanbyeo and Taeseongbyeo, and Sobaegbyeo, Odaebyeo and Unbongbyeo to the rice blast was derived from Fuji 280 and Fuji 269, respectively. 6. The source of resistance to the rice blast in Cheonmabyeo and Baegambyeo was BL 7 and Nongbaek, the resistance of Dongjinbyeo and Sangpungbyeo to the rice blast was derived from Satominori and Simokita, respectively. 7. Japonica type of rice varieties was classified into eleven varietal groups according to their reaction to the blast as follows. Eight varieties of Jinheung group, two varieties of Dongjinbyeo group, two varieties of Jinjubyeo group, three varieties of Gwanagbyeo group, four varieties of Sobaegbyeo group, one variety of Nongbaek group, two varieties of Baegambyeo group, five varieties of Sinseonchalbyeo group, five varieties of Seonambyeo group, two varieties of Taeseongbyeo group and some variety of Nagdongbyeo group.

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Comparison of Physicochemical Properties and Cooking Quality of Korean Organic Rice Varieties (국내산 유기재배 쌀의 이화학적 특성과 취반특성 비교)

  • Wi, Eunui;Park, Jjhye;Shin, Malshick
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.785-794
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    • 2013
  • To satisfy the consumer's interest with safety and high quality of staple foods, the physicochemical properties and cooking quality of organic rice using hairy vetch in Korea were compared. Two Korean varieties, Hopyeong and Ilmi, two Japanese varieties, Koshihikari and Hedomebore, and newly developed in Jeonnam, Mipum which cultivated in the same region and conditions were used. Physicochemical properties and cooking quality were investigated. All samples were japonica type short grains and their length/width ranged 1.74-1.84. The protein, ash, and crude lipid contents were significantly different with varieties and the protein content of Korean rice was lower than that of Japanese rice, especially, that of Hopyeong was the lowest. Amylose content and initial pasting temperature were lower in Hopyeong and Japanese rice, but peak viscosities showed reverse trends. Swelling power at $80^{\circ}C$ showed higher in Hopyeong and Koshihikari. Color values, L, a and b were significant difference with varieties and color differences of Hopyeong and Huitomebore were lower than those of others. Texture properties, hardness and adhesiveness of Hopyeong cooked rice showed the lowest values, but adhesiveness of Japanese cooked rice exhibited the highest value. On sensory evaluation of cooked rice, glossiness of Koshihikari, intactness of Koshihikari, Huitomebore, and Hopyeong, stickiness of Koshihikari and Hopyeong showed higher values (p<0.05). The overall quality score of organic cooked rices decreased as following order; Koshihikari> Hopyeong> Huitomebore> Mipum> Ilmi.

Genetic diversity analysis of high yielding rice (Oryza sativa) varieties cultivated in Bangladesh

  • Epe, Isma Akter;Bir, Md. Shahidul Haque;Choudhury, Abul Kashem;Khatun, Asma;Aktar, Most Mohshina;Arefin, Md. Shamsul;Islam, Mohammed Aminul;Park, Kee Woong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.283-297
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    • 2021
  • Investigation of genetic diversity and molecular characterization in high yielding rice varieties is important for their identification. The experiment was conducted during 2016 - 2017 to analyse the genetic diversity of fifteen high yielding rice varieties in Bangladesh by using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Polymorphism was revealed in 12 RAPD primers out of 30, whereas no other reaction was detected on the remaining 18 primers. The 40 out of 45 bands (88.89%) polymorphics were produced by the primers and ranged from 50 to 100%. The maximum number of polymorphic bands was produced by the primer OPB-18 whereas the lowest number of polymorphic bands belonged to OPC-12. The genetic similarity coefficients were determined with the RAPD data, which ranged from 0.47 to 0.94. The unweighted paired group of arithmetic means (UPGMA) dendrogram presented the studied rice varieties into two major clusters. Moreover, the value of Nei's genetic diversity is 0.26 and the Shanon information index is 0.41. The study produced distinct positions, suggesting that the genotypes were different from each other. The results indicated that these markers could be efficient for comparing the genetic relationships, patterns of variation, and measurement of genetic distance among rice varieties. Considering all of these results, RAPD analysis is found to be an effective tool for estimating the genetic diversity of different rice varieties. The outcomes of this research may contribute to the germplasm data of rice accessions and a future breeding program of rice genotypes.

Relationship Between Hot Water Solubles of Rice and Texture of Cooked Rice (쌀의 열수 가용성 물질과 밥의 텍스처와의 관계)

  • Kim, Kwan;Kang, Kil-Jin;Kim, Sung-Kon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.498-502
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    • 1991
  • The relationships between the textural properties of cooked rice and hot water-solubles of rice or rice flour were studied. The amounts of solubles or soluble amylose among japonica varieties were similar, but those among Tongil type varieties were different. At the same heating conditions, japonica varieties showed higher contents of solubles as well as soluble amylose than Tongil varieties. The solubles and soluble amylose from rice or rice flour showed a negative correlation with hardness but a positive correlation with adhesivess of rice cooked with optimum water.

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Anthocyanin Profiling and Radical Scavenging Activity of Selected Pigmented Rice Varieties

  • Ali, Hiba A.;Cho, Il-Kyu;Kim, Sun-Ju;Kim, Se-Na;Kim, So-Young;Cho, Young-Sook;Baek, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Jung-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2011
  • BACKGROUND: Anthocyanins have been recognized as health-enhancing substances due to their antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and hypoglycemic effects. The objective was to identify anthocyanins-rich rice grains for the development of functional foods and/or functional food colorants METHODS AND RESULTS: Rice grains of one black and three red-hulled rice varieties were extracted with acidified 80% aqueous methanol. The antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts was screened on TLC plates and in an in vitro assay using DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) as a free radical source. Red-hulled rice varieties exhibited higher antioxidant activity (88%, 1 mg/mL) than black rice (67%, 1 mg/mL). Among the red-hulled varieties tested, rice variety SSALBYEO54 (901452) was the most active (72%, 0.5 mg/mL). Rice extracted anthocyanin compounds were analyzed by HPLC-DAD-FLD and LC-MS/MS. Red-hulled varieties comprised cyanidin-3-glucoside in addition to ferulic acid esters, apigenin and kaempferol glycosides. CONCLUSION(s): Anthocyanins identified in the black rice variety were cyanidin-7-O-galactoside, cyanidin-3-Oglucoside, cyanidin-3'-O-glucoside, cyanidin-5-O-glucoside, cyanidin-3, 7-O-diglucoside, cyanidin-3, 5-O-diglucoside and peonidin-4'-O-glucoside. The results of this study show that the black rice (IT212512) and red-hulled rice variety SSALBYEO54 (901452) contain notable antioxidant activity for potential use in nutraceutical or functional food formulations.

Changes in Palatability of Cooked Rice by Blending High Quality Rice or Glutinous Rice to Low Quality Rice and by Blending Rice of Different Varieties (불량식미쌀에 대한 우량식미쌀 및 찹쌀의 혼합과 쌀의 품종간 혼합이 밥맛에 미치는 영향)

  • Yong-Woong Kwon;Je-Cheon Chae;Jeon-Woo Bang
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.351-359
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    • 1991
  • Demand for the rice of better eating quality is ever increasing in recent years. However. the rice is presently handled by the government and merchants as mixture of the rice of different varieties from the purchase of the rough rice to storing and milling. It is well known that the eating quality of rice varies significantly by variety. The present study aimed at evaluation of the effect of blending different rices on the change in palatability of low and high eating quality rices. The eating quality of a low quality japonica rice was improved significantly on sensory panel test by blending it with the Dongjin rice. one of the highest eating quality. only when the Dongjin was blended to 80 percent by weight. and also it was same for blending an ordinary quality rice of mixed varieties which has been stored by a governmental storehouse with a top class rice on free market. The eating quality of aged Tongil type rice. produce of 1987 and 1989 and a mixture of varieties, was improved significantly by blending it with a high quality glutinous rice on market to 20 per cent by weight. But Samgang rice. a high eating quality Tongil type variety. and an ordinary quality rice of Japonica varieties were not significantly improved by blending them with the glutinous rice by 20 per cent. Blending rices of the variety Nagdong. ordinary quality among varieties and low quality among Japonicas, Chucheong, a high quality rice among Japonicas. and Dongjin. one of the best eating quality rice among Japonicas, each other in different ratios did not affect significantly the sensory scores.

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