• Title/Summary/Keyword: rice straw management

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Estimation of Gas-particle partitioning Coefficients (Kp) of Carcinogenic polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons in Carbonaceous Aerosols Collected at Chiang - Mai, Bangkok and hat-Yai, Thailand

  • Pongpiachan, Siwatt;Ho, Kin Fai;Cao, Junji
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.2461-2476
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    • 2013
  • To assess environmental contamination with carcinogens, carbonaceous compounds, water-soluble ionic species and trace gaseous species were identified and quantified every three hours for three days st three different atmospheric layer at the heart of chiang-Mai, bangkok and hat-Yai from December 2006 to February 2007. A DRI model 2001 Themal/Optical Carbon Analyzer with the IMPROVE thermal/optical reflectance (TOR) protocol was used to quantify the organic carbon(OC) and elemental carbon content in $PM_{10}$. Diurnal and vertical variability was also carefully investigated. In general, OC and EC contenttration shoeed the highest values at the monitoring period o 21.00-00.00 as consequences of human activities at night bazaar coupled with reduction of mixing layer, decreased wind speed and termination of photolysis nighttime. Morning peaks of carboaceous compounds were observed during the sampling period of 06:00 -09:00, emphasizing the main contribution of traffic emission in the three cities. The estimation of incremental lifetime partculate matter exposure (ILPE) raises concern of high risk of carbonaceous accumulation over workers and residents living close to the observatory sites. The average values of incremental lifrtime particulate matter exposure (ILPE) of total carbon at Baiyoke Suit Hotel and Baiyoke Sky Hotel are approsimately ten time shigher then those air sample collected at prince of songkla University Hat-Yai campus corpse incinerator and fish-can maufacturing factory but only slightly higher than those of rice straw burnig in Songkla province. This indicates a high risk of developing lung cancer and other respiratory diseases across workers and residents living in high buildings located in Pratunam area. Using knowledge of carbonaceous fractions in $PM_{10}$, one can estimate the gas-particle partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Dachs-Eisenreich model highlights the crucial role of adsorption in gas-particle partitioning of low molecular weight PAHs, whereas both absorption and adsorption tend to account for gas-particle partitioning of high molecular weight PAHs in urban residential zones of Thailand. Interestingly, the absorption mode alone plays a minor role in gas-partcle partitiining of PAHs in Chiang-Mai, Bangkok and hat-Yai.

Creation of an Environmental Forest as an Ecological Restoration

  • Lee, Chang-Seok;You, Young-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2001
  • We created an environmental forest on the basis of ecological design around the incineration plant of Jindo Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd., which is located in Jeongwang-dong, Siheung-si, Kyunggi-do. To get ecological information of this site, physico-chemical properties of soil on salt marsh, which is located close to the syudy site and of forest soil transported from other sites for ecological restoration were analyzed. Texture of salt marsh and transported soils were loam and sandy loam, respectively. pH, organic matter, T-N, available P, and exchangeable K and Na contents of salt marsh and transported forest soils were 6.7 and 5.4, 4.1 and 0.4%, 1.0 and 0.3mg/g, 46.7 and 6.8ppm, 521 and 207ppm, and 3.8 and 0.5mg/g, respectively. Introduced plants were selected among the dominant species of forests and the species composing the potential natural vegetation around the present study site. Those plants were selected again by considering the tolerances to air pollution and to salt, and their availability. Selected trees were Pinus thunbergii, Sophora japonica, Celtis sinensis, Quercus aliena, Q. serrata, Q. dentata, and Q. acutissima. Selected sub-trees were Albizzia julibrissin, Koelreuteria poniculata, and Styrax japonica and shrubs were Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense, R. mucronulatum, Callicarpa japonica, Euonymus alatus, E. japonica, and R. schlippenbachii. On the other hand, introduction of herbs was not considered except for Liriope platyphylla, which was ornamentally planted in one site. Planting bed of mound type was adopted to provide the fine drainage system. Mound was designed to furnish litter, A, B, and C layers simuating the profile of forest soil. Slope of mound was mulched by rice straw of 2cm in thickness to prevent for sliding of litter and soil in cases of strong wind or heavy rain. Height of mound was designed to secure more than 1 m by combining A and B layers. Narrow zones, in which mound with stable slope degree cannot be prepared, was designed to equip the standard soil depth with the introduction of stone for supporting. On the other hand, plants with shallow root system were arranged in some zones, in which satisfactory soil depth cannot be ensured. Plants were arranged in the order of tree, sub-tree, and shrub from center to edge on the mound to make a mature forest of a dome shape in the future. Dispersion of plants was designed to be random pattern rather than clumped one. Problems on creation of the environmental forest by such ecological design were found to be management or inspection by non-specialized project operators and inspecting officers, and regulations for construction without ecological background. Alternative plans to solve such problems were suggested.

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Comparison of Growth Characteristics by Varieties and Effects of Rain Shelter and Mulching on the Production of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) (아스파라거스이 품종간 생육특성 비교와 비가림, 멀칭에 의한 생산성 향상 효과)

  • Ki Cheol Seong;Jung Su Lee;Sang Gyu Lee;Byong Chun Yoo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2001
  • Asparagus varieties popular in the foreign countries were collected and tested on their productivities and qualities for five years under rain shelter and open field conditions. Among the tested varieties, cultivars of UC309 and Excel showed superior productivity to the others in spear weight but the initial growth was not different among the tested varieties. However, the growth index was higher than the other varieties. According to the result from eight-year experiment, the best variety in productivity and quality were UC309 and Excel both for rain shelter and open field cultivations. To avoid the damage caused by stem blight, rain shelter and soil surface mulching treatments were tested with var. Excel. The spear sprouting and first harvesting date were a few days earlier in rain shelter cultivation than in open field, but there were no differences among the mulching materials. The number of spears and the spear weight per plant were increased in rain shelter cultivation, especially with rice straw and black P.E. mulching treatments. Marketable yield also increased by 253% in black P.E film mulching in rain shelter cultivation compared to non-mulching in open field. The stem blight examined in the autumn, 1997 was not observed under rain shelter treatment, but severe damage was observed in the open field regardless of the mulching materials. In the experiments, high asparagus yield could be achieved by black P.E. film mulching in rain shelter cultivation without the occurrence of stem blight.

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Studies on the Use of Radioisotope Tracer Technique to Investigate and Improve The Root Activities in Rice Plant [III] -Effects of Application of Fused Magnesium Low Level Phosphate and Control of Irrigation Water- (방사성(放射性) 동위체(同位體) 도입(導入)과 그 추적기술(追跡技術)에 의(依)한 수도계(水稻系) 활성상(活性上)의 해명(解明)과 개선(改善)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(제 3 보)(第 3 報) -저인산성(低燐酸性) 무기(無機) 용성물질(熔成物質)의 시용(施用)과 용수조절(用水調節) 효과(?果)에 대(對)하여-)

  • Ahn, Hak-Soo;Ro, Jun-Chong;Chung, Hee-Don;Kim, Kyu-Won;Lee, Chun-Yong
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1973
  • 1. Through out the entire stage of growth, the amount of nutrients, number of tillers and of spikes increased in the Simagcalin treated plot as compared with the control. The treated plot showed healthul growth at the later growing stage. On the other hand, management of irrigation water resulted in raised the grain straw ratio and retarded the culm height about 10%. 2. Application of Simagcalin greatly increased the content of phosphorus and magnesium at the harvesting time. The culm and sheath analyses are recommendable for the determination of magnesium deficiency. 3. The controled irrigation would effect root activity as the main factor, and Simagcalin might act as a secondary factor. 4. While the application of phosphorus may not affect the yield components, The basic elements in Simagcalin may enhance the uptake of nutrients under heavy application of nitrogn.

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Establishment of Application Level for the Proper Use of Organic Materials as the Carbonaceous Amendments in the Greenhouse Soil (시설재배지 유기물자원 적정 시용기준 설정)

  • Kang, Bo-Goo;Lee, Sang-Young;Lim, Sang-Cheol;Kim, Young-Sang;Hong, Soon-Dal;Chung, Keun-Yook;Chung, Doug-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.248-255
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    • 2011
  • For the environmental friendly soil management on the cultivation of crops in the greenhouse, organic materials, such as the by product-fertilizer derived from livestock manure, rice straw, mushroom media, rice hulls, wood sawdust, and cocopeat, were used as carbon sources adjusting the ratio of carbon to nitrogen to 10, 20, and 30 based on the inorganic soil N. In each C/N ratio of greenhouse soil, watermelon was cultivated in the greenhouse as crop for experiment for the spring and summer of the year and the experimental results were summarized as follows. The concentration of T-C in the organic materials applied were between $289{\sim}429g\;kg^{-1}$, In the C/N ratio of 10, using watermelon as the crop cultivated during the second half of the year in the greenhouse soil, the $NO_3$-N and EC were reduced by 21 to 37%, and 26 to 33%, respectively, except the by product-fertilizer from livestock manure, compared to the soil $NO_3$-N and EC used in the experiment. After the watermelon was cultivated in soils that C/N ratios were controlled as 10, 20, and 30 with wood sawdust adding as carbon sources in the three soils with the different EC values, EC values of the soils were reduced by 33, 42, and 39%, respectively, compared to the soil EC used in the experiment. The weight of watermelon was 10.1-13.4 kg per one unit, and, of the three soils with different EC values. In the soils with three different EC values controlled at C/N ratio of 20, the weight of watermelon was good. The degree of sugar of watermelon were 11.8 to 12.3 Brix, which means that the difference between the treatments was not significant. In conclusion, the C/N ratio of 20 controlled by the proper supply of organic materials according to the representative EC values shown in the greenhouse soils was optimal condition enough to maintain the soil management for the organic culture with the proper nutrient cycling.

Study on Dry Matter Yields and Persistence of Forage Plants Using Cattle Feedlot Manure in Fallow Paddy Land Located in the Mid-mountain Area (퇴구비를 시용한 중산간지 휴경답에서 초종별 영속성 및 건물생산성에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Sei-Hyung;Ji, Hee-Chung;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Choi, Eun-Min;Jeong, Min-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2010
  • Recently, fallow paddy land located in the mid-mountain area (FPL) due to a decrease in rice consumption has increased in some regions of our country. So, grasses and forage crops available for years in once sowing should be introduced in FPL. This study was conducted to develop the technique for cultivation of grasses and forage crops using animal manure in FPL The field experiments were carried out from 2007 to 2009 on FPL at Kumsan, Chungbuk province in Korea. Cattle feedlot manure (CFM) was prepared by mixing feces and urine of cattle with rice straw in cattle feedlot for 6 months. The experimental plots were consisted of four treatments; tall fescue-based mixed pasture applied with chemical fertilizer (Control), mono-tall fescue pasture (MTFP), tall fescue-based mixed pasture (TFBMP), mono-Perennial ryegrass (MPR-FCM), mono-Italian ryegrass (MIR-FCM), mono-Red clover (MRC-FCM) and mono-Reed canarygrass (MRCG-FCM) applied with FCM. The field of tall fescue-based pasture had been sown with a grasses mixture containing 'Fawn' tall fescue, 'potomac' orchardgrass, 'Reveille' Perennial ryegrass, and 'kenblue' Kentuky bluegrass, 'Kenland' Red clover. Seeding rates were 16, 6, 4, 2 and $2\;ha^{-1}$, respectively. DM yields of forages and rates of grass coverage was higher in MTFP, TFBMP and MRCG-FCM as compated with control treatment. This result means that FPL has contained with favorable conditions for growing grass, because forage productivity is more than 15 tons per ha per year in fallow paddy land. In addition, the farmer can save the trouble of repeated plowing and sowing every year, due to the introduction of perennial grasses. The farmer must conduct the re-seeding and induce the improvement of management methods for the elevation of the persistence of red clover and perennial ryegrass, because both red clover and perennial ryegrass having high nutritive value and palatability was less persistent. Therefore, we suggest that FPL may be the good land for forage production utilizing FCM and FCM can be applied on FPL without any negative effects on DM production and the property of soil. FPL of Korea can be better utilized by applying FCM to the mono and/or mixed swards.

A Survey on Hanwoo Calf Management Prior to Weaning (이유전 합리적인 송아지 사양관리를 위한 한우농가 송아지 사양관리 실태 조사)

  • Yeo, Joon-Mo;Lee, Sung-Hoon;Ki, Kwang-Seok;Hwang, Jin-Ho;Lee, Sung-Sill;Kim, Wan-Young
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2012
  • The present survey was conducted to provide basic information on Hanwoo calf management. Eight hundred and sixty-two Hanwoo breeding farms from all nine provinces were surveyed via personal interviews. The percentages of farms categorized by herd size were 30.5%, 32.8%, 26.0% and 10.7% for <50 heads, 51-100 heads, 101-200 heads, and >200 heads, respectively. More than 50% of farms offered calf starter at 6-10 days of age, showing that calf starter was offered relatively at an earlier age. Calf starter was replaced every three days by 30.1% of farms. The percentages of farms replacing starter weekly (19.2%) were even higher than those of replacing starter daily (18.8%), suggesting that the frequency of replacing starter needs to be increased to maintain starter freshness and to increase starter intake. About one-third of farms offered forage at 6-10 days of age and 21% of farms offered even at 1-5 days of age although it has been well known that forage does not contain either nutrient density or nutrient profile necessary to stimulate rumen papillae development, especially before weaning. Furthermore, about half of farms used rice straw with calf starter. Water was offered relatively at an earlier age (1-5 days of age) by 55% of farms. Deciding when to wean calves should be based on starter intake rather than age but less than 50% of farms decided weaning age by starter intake. In conclusions, to reduce weaning age of Hanwoo calves by rapid rumen papillae development it is necessary to provide fresh starter and water by increasing frequency of starter replacing and water trough cleaning and not to feed forage before weaning.

Present status and prospect for development of mushrooms in Korea

  • Jang, Kab-Yeul;Oh, Youn-Lee;Oh, Minji;Im, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Seul-Ki;Kong, Won-Sik
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.27-27
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    • 2018
  • The production scale of mushroom cultivation in Korea is approximately 600 billion won, which is 1.6% of the Korean gross agricultural output. Annually, ca. 190,000 tons of mushrooms are harvested in Korea. Although the numbers of mushroom farms and cultivators are constantly decreasing, the total mushroom yields are increasing due to the large-scale cultivation facilities and automation. The recent expansion of the well-being trend causes increase in mushroom consumption in Korea: annual per capita consumption of mushroom was 3.9kg ('13) that is a little higher than European's average. Thus the exports of mushrooms, mainly Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus ostreatus, have been increased since the middle of 2000s. Recently, however, it is slightly reduced. However, Vietnam, Hong Kong, the United States, the Netherlands and continued to export, and the country has increased recently been exported to Australia, Canada, Southeast Asia and so on. Canned foods of Agaricus bisporus was the first exports of the Korean mushroom industry. This business has reached the peak of the sale in 1977-1978. As Korea initiated trade with China in 1980, the international prices of mushrooms were sharply fall that led to shrink the domestic markets. According to the high demand to develop new items to substitute for A. bisporus, oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) was received the attention since it seems to suit the taste of Korean consumers. Although log cultivation technique was developed in the early 1970s for oyster mushroom, this method requires a great deal of labor. Thus we developed shelf cultivation technique which is easier to manage and allows the mass production. In this technique, the growing shelf is manly made from fermented rice straw, that is the unique P. ostreatus medium in the world, was used only in South Korea. After then, the use of cotton wastes as an additional material of medium, the productivity. Currently it is developing a standard cultivation techniques and environmental control system that can stably produce mushrooms throughout the year. The increase of oyster mushroom production may activate the domestic market and contribute to the industrial development. In addition, oyster mushroom production technology has a role in forming the basis of the development of bottle cultivation. Developed mushroom cultivation technology using bottles made possible the mass production. In particular, bottle cultivation method using a liquid spawn can be an opportunity to export the F.velutipes and P.eryngii. In addition, the white varieties of F.velutipes were second developed in the world after Japan. We also developed the new A.bisporus cultivar "Sae-ah" that is easy to grown in Korea. To lead the mushroom industry, we will continue to develop the cultivars with an international competitive power and to improve the cultivation techniques. Mushroom research in Korea nowadays focuses on analysis of mushroom genetics in combination with development of new mushroom varieties, mushroom physiology and cultivation. Further studied are environmental factors for cultivation, disease control, development and utilization of mushroom substrate resources, post-harvest management and improvement of marketable traits. Finally, the RDA manages the collection, classification, identification and preservation of mushroom resources. To keep up with the increasing application of biotechnology in agricultural research the genome project of various mushrooms and the draft of the genetic map has just been completed. A broad range of future studies based on this project is anticipated. The mushroom industry in Korea continually grows and its productivity rapidly increases through the development of new mushrooms cultivars and automated plastic bottle cultivation. Consumption of medicinal mushrooms like Ganoderma lucidum and Phellinus linteus is also increasing strongly. Recently, business of edible and medicinal mushrooms was suffering under over-production and problems in distribution. Fortunately, expansion of the mushroom export helped ease the negative effects for the mushroom industry.

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