• Title/Summary/Keyword: retail store

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Channel Innovation through Online Transaction processing System in Floral Wholesale Distribution: FLOMARKET Case (화훼도매 온라인 거래처리 시스템을 통한 유통경로 개선방안 연구: (주)플로마켓 사례)

  • Lee, Seungchang;Ahn, Sunghyuck
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2010
  • The ICT(information & communication technology) led to a dramatic change of floral distribution service, a phase of competition between wholesales and retail stores, and distribution channels in floral industry. It was expected that a role of the intermediaries in this industry would have reduced due to the improvement of transaction process by ICT. However, the ICT made to overcome a regional limit of the floral retail distribution service leading to an increase in sales and enlargement of the stores. And even it made possible to bring out another type of intermediaries such as private associations. This case study focuses on what kinds of efforts the floral wholesale distributors have made to enable a distribution process more smoothly between the wholesale distributors and retail stores through the information system, and what the failure factors in adopting the information system have been. This paper is also to examine how the wholesale distributors have changed themselves to gain dominant positions in distribution channels. As a result of the study, it was found that the intermediaries mostly failed in successfully achieving the distribution channel innovation through the information system because of several main reasons. FLOMARKET Inc. tried to innovate a distribution channel to obtain high quality goods through consolidating a wholesale distribution market in that segregated both floral joint market from free markets. after implementing the information system with consideration of the failure factors, FLOMARKET Inc. was able to minimize goods in stock and make a major purchase of various goods. In addition, it made a possible pre-ordering process and an exact calculation of purchasing goods so they could provide their products with market price in real time, which helped for the company to gain credits from their customers. Also, FLOMARKET Inc. established the information system which well suited to its business stage in order to deal with a rapidly changing distribution environment. It's so obvious that the transaction processing system of FLOMARKET Inc. definitely helped to share information among traders more seamlessly and smoothly in realtime, standardize goods, and make a transaction process clearer. Besides, the transaction information helped the wholesale distributors and retail stores to make more strategic decisions in their business because through the system they enabled to gather the marketing intelligence information more easily and convenient. If we understand that the floral distribution market is characterized by the low IT- based industry, it's worth to examine a case study proving that the information system actually increases the productivity of the transaction process in the floral industry.

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The Effect of College Students' Perceived Choice Attribute of Traditional Market and Relationship Quality: Moderating Effects of Consumption Emotion and Mediating Effects of Consumer's Value (대학생들이 지각하는 전통시장 선택속성이 관계품질에 미치는 영향: 소비감정의 조절효과와 소비자 가치의 매개효과)

  • Lee, Young-Chul;Yang, Hoe-Chang
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2012
  • This study is focused on traditional market's competitiveness in Korea. Ever since the Korean retail industry had been opened to the big conglomerates, the traditional markets have faced very serious competition from various types of distribution channels. In particular, this study has been conducted to find another way to help the Korean traditional market from the perspective of college students who are consumers of the future. This study examines the relationships among store choice attributions, consumption emotion, consumer's value, and relationship quality from the perspective of college students. In order to verify the relationship, and moderating and mediating effects, data were collected from 126 college students in Whasung, Gyeonggi Province to test the theoretical model and its hypotheses. The results of this study are as follows: First, service (= .263, p < .01) and advertising (= .188, p < .05) are significantly positively related to relationship quality. However, store atmosphere (= .176, p = .052) is not statistically significantly related to relationship quality. The result that students have stereotypes about the atmosphere of traditional markets and are therefore excluded from their store choice attributions can be expected. Second, college students selected service division (= .230, p < .05) as the most important factor among the traditional market's store choice attributions. This result reflected that enhancing service strategy would strengthen the traditional market against discount stores. The process of product selection by customers in discount stores is based on the concept of self-service. However, traditional market traders can make various contacts with their customers. If traditional market traders can enhance various service factors just like in the process of product selection, it will effect strong competitive advantages. Third, it is also revealed that consumer's value exhibit complete mediation effect in the relationships between service and advertising. These results showed that traditional markets must be considered for consumer value. Because previous studies showed that values refer to "enduring belief that … specific mode of conduct or end-stat of existence … personally or socially preferable to an opposite of converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence" (Rokeach, 1973; George and Jones, 1996). Furthermore, Schwartz (1994) defined values as desirable trans-situational goals, varying in importance, that serve as guiding principles in the life of a person or other social entity. As conceptions of desirable end-states of existence or modes of conduct, values help people choose, evaluate, and give meaning to their experiences (Rokeach, 1973). Efforts (e.g. promote the consumers value) of the traditional market traders will improve the preferences for the traditional market of consumers and college students. Implications and future research directions are also discussed.

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The Effect of Retail Site Characteristics and Out-door Promotion on the Retailer's Performance (소매정의 입지축성과 점두판촉이 소매점성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Yi, Sung-Keun;Choi, Ji-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.107-122
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is to find out what factors have an effect on the retailer's performance. Most of the former researches in the similar fields performed their study based on the customers reasons for revisiting or store loyalty. But this research has been done not based on the customer but based on the retailers. It means that the data was collected from individual retailer. Considering the former research and characteristics of the franchisee retailers, size of temporal population around the retailers, visibility of the retailer, competition situation, out-door promotion, street shelf, size of the retailer were selected as factors affecting on the retailers performance. As a performance variable, number of visitors happened to observation period. Data collection was performed through the observation of the retail circumstance and interview with the retailers owner. As meaningful variables affecting on the retailers performance, size of temporal population around the retailers, visibility of the retailer were found in the 5% significance level, and out-door promotion, street shelf, size of the retailer in the 10% significance level, whereas competition situation did not have effect on retailers performance. Finally, we discuss several theoretical and practical implications, and suggest limitations for the research and future research issue.

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An Influence of Private Brand′s Perceived Cues on It′s Proneness (유통업체 상표의 지각된 정보단서가 이의 지각품질, 지각희생 및 선호에 미치는 영향)

  • 김성배;전인수
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.19-40
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    • 2002
  • According to the secondary data, private brand(PB)'s share of retail sales is 25-30% in the USA, but about 45 in Korea. In Korea PB's average price is 23.3% less than manufacturer brand. It is very interest that PB's price advantage doesn't have a good effect on it's share of retail sales. This research's objective is to study why Korean consumers don't purchase private brand cheaper than manufacturer brand. A theoretical reasoning depends on information cue theory and means-ends model of perceived value. A unit of analysis is consumers who purchase private brand at E-mart in Pusan city, one of largest discount store in Korea. Hypothesis tested by Lisrel's structural equation model and interesting results as follows: First, favorable brand image among extrinsic cues is most positively correlated with perceived quality/sacrifice and intrinsic cues is also statistically significant. This fact imply that intrinsic cues; package, logo, country of origin are very important in the adoption of private brand in Korea. Second, compared with manufacturer's brand, PB's perceived price is positively correlated with perceived quality/sacrifice. This fact imply a assimilation effect between manufacturer's brand and private brand. Finally, a correlation between perceived sacrifice and PB proneness is satistically insignificant, but perceived quality has a significant effect on its proneness. this fact imply that innovators(about 4% of potential consumer) are risk-taker.

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A Study on the Anomaly in Retailing Market: Focused on the day of the week effect of Sales Volume in Fashion Apparel Products Retail Store (소매유통시장에서의 이상현상에 관한 연구: 의류소매점 매출의 요일효과를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Sang-Min
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.117-141
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    • 2006
  • Daily sales volume in retailers seems to be changed because of five-days-work in a week resulting in growth of leisure time in Korea recently. The day of the week effect of sales volume that can not be theoretically explained, which sales pattern varies depending on days systematically and consistently, is so important. Especially the day of the week effect of sales volume exists in which retail branch and the extents of the day of the week effect from the perspective of marketing in retailing is very important. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether the day of the week effect of sales volume exists in men's clothing retailers and if so, there is difference in daily sales volume. There was insufficient researches in the field of anomaly such as the day of the week effect of sales volume in marketing. For this reason, this study has drawn upon research findings of finance, general demand theory, and previous studies of the day of the week effect in stock markets. In doing so, these works are referenced in theoretical background and applicability in retailing market of this study. This study empirically investigated the day of the week effect of sales volume through the revenues of a men's clothing retailers (P company) in past five years. As the result of this study, the day of the week effect of sales volume existed in men's clothing retailers and the day of the week effect showed positive from Monday to Sunday, which means Sunday, the biggest. Also, the day of the week effect by season was different. The result of this study is expected to provide some helpful evidence that offers effective operational strategies to retailers.

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Effects of Product Value of Outlet Stores on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (아울렛의 제품 가치가 고객 만족도와 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Soon-Hwa;Jung, Yeon-Sung;Kim, Moon-Seop
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - As more consumers pursue high quality products at reasonable prices, Korean retail companies are increasing investment in expanding their outlet stores. Despite the growing importance of the outlet business, there has been very little empirical research on consumers' outlet shopping behaviors. This study aimed to investigate the relationships between consumers' perceived product value (performance quality, value for money, and social value) of outlet stores and overall shopping satisfaction and the effect of shopping satisfaction on outlet store loyalty. Research design, data and methodology - The authors developed a structural model in which performance quality, value for money, and social value of products are proposed to affect overall outlet shopping satisfaction, thus increasing customer loyalty. To analyze the research model, data were collected from 88 shoppers at suburban outlets. SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 were utilized to test the hypotheses. The unidimensionality of each construct was supported from the results of the reliability test with Cronbach's α and confirmatory factor analyses. Correlation analysis was performed and the results warranted the nomological validity of the measures. The fit statistics of the overall model analysis demonstrated an acceptable fit(X2(161)=171.651, p=.000; X2/df=1.546; GFI=.821, NFI=.879, TLI=.942, CFI=.953, RMR=.035, RMSEA=.079). Results - The findings are as follows. First, consumers' perceived value of product performance quality had a significant positive effect on overall outlet shopping satisfaction. Consumers, who evaluate performance quality of the product more positively, tend to express stronger satisfaction and happiness about outlet shopping experience. Second, consumers' perceived social value of outlet products influenced their overall satisfaction significantly. Consumers who believe that products of outlet stores enhance self-concepts are more likely to satisfy with outlet shopping experience. However, consumers' perception of outlet products on value for money was not found to significantly influence overall shopping satisfaction. Finally, overall shopping satisfaction had a significant and positive influence on loyalty. Conclusions - While outlet retailers have traditionally focused on promoting competitively priced merchandise, the results of this study suggest that customers' overall satisfaction with outlet shopping is influenced more by the non-price-related product values. In the context of an outlet shopping environment, performance quality and social value of the products were found to be more critical predictors of customer overall satisfaction. Therefore, it would not be efficient for outlet retailers to highlight economic value of their merchandise. Instead, they need to investigate the performance quality of the products regularly and try to deliver quality guaranteed goods to enhance customer satisfaction. Also, outlet retailers should differentiate their businesses by carrying more unique and prestigious brands and emphasize higher social value and symbolic meanings of their products. As competition among outlet retailers are getting fierce, retail companies need to focus on strengthening customer loyalty with a long-term perspective. With a deeper understanding of the relationship between consumers' perceived product values and shopping satisfaction, outlet retailers will be able to develop customer loyalty strategies effectively and to achieve competitive advantage.

An Analysis of the Current Status and Characteristics of Airborne Fungi in Indoor Air in Multi-Use Facilities Nationwide (전국 다중이용시설의 실내공기 부유 곰팡이의 현황 및 특성 분석)

  • Park, Yongsung;Kwon, Soonhyun;Park, Song-Yi;Kee, Sun-Ho;Yoon, Wonsuck
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.282-289
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    • 2022
  • Background: Airborne fungi are ubiquitous in the air and exposure to an airborne fungus can be a significant risk factor. The composition of fungi has been potentially important for human health, especially for respiratory diseases like asthma and atopic dermatitis. Therefore, we attempted to ascertain what kind of airborne fungi affect human health at a nationwide level. Objectives: This study was carried out to provide information on indoor fungi distribution at multi-use facilities throughout South Korea. Methods: We classified our data by region and public facility after collection, cultivation, and identification via the sequencing of the ITS (internal transcribed spacer) region. We investigated whether or not the proliferation of HaCaT cells was affected by the identified airborne fungi. Results: In our data, the most isolated airborne fungi by region were Penicillium spp (Seoul, Daegu), Periconia sp (Gyeonggi-do), Iprex sp (Gangwon-do), Phanerochaete sp (Busan), Bjerkandera sp (Gwangju), and Aspergillus sp (Jeju-do). In the public facilities, the most detected fungi were Cladosporium sp (public transport), Penicillium sp (apartment house, retail market, financial institution, karaoke room), Bjerokandera sp (underground parking lot, public toilet, medical institution), Periconia sp (retail store), and Fusarium sp (general restaurant). Next, we selected twenty airborne fungi to examine their cytotoxicity and proliferation of human skin cells. In this experiment, the proliferation of the cells was influenced by most of the identified fungi. In case of the cytotoxicity test, most genera except for Rhodotorula sp and Moesziomyces sp showed cytotoxicity in HaCaT cells. Conclusions: The distribution of mold in the indoor air in multi-use facilities in South Korea differs from region to region, and this is an indicator that should be considered in future health impact studies. In addition, as a result of culturing about 20 types of bacteria dominant in indoor air, it was found that most (90%) inhibit the growth of skin cells, which can be harmful to health. An in-depth study of the health effects of floating fungi is needed.

The Roles of Economic Benefits and Identity Salience: Inducing Factors in the Behavioral Intent to Use Outlet Shopping Centers (아울렛 쇼핑센터의 이용의도에서 아이덴티티 현저성의 요인과 경제성의 역할)

  • Choi, Nak-Hwan;Lim, Ah-Young;An, Lina
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - Inducing consumers' behavioral intent to use an outlet shopping center is a critical issue for managers since it can be used as a guide for developing marketing strategies. Low prices could lead to a growth in retail purchases, but there might also be a positive relationship between prices and customer perceptions of product quality. The extent to which consumers use price as a predictor of quality may differ according to the availability of important alternative cues such as brand, store name, and identity salience triggered by the store. Consumers can obtain non-economic benefits from marketing exchanges that go beyond basic economic achievement. We argue that identity salience can play a crucial mediating role when consumers, acting as exchange partners, seek to obtain social benefits. This study shows that identity salience could mediate the relationship between identity salience-inducing factors such as multi-finality, prestige and role performance, and consumers' behavioral intent to use an outlet shopping center. Research design, data and methodology - The survey was conducted on college students enrolled in marketing classes. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed, of which only 194 were returned. After five incomplete questionnaires were excluded, a final sample of 189 was used for empirical analysis. Using a covariance structural analysis in Amos17, we confirmed the fit of the research model and estimated its parameters by using the maximum likelihood method. Results - The results of the hypotheses testing are as follows. First, both identity salience and economic benefits have positive effects on the behavioral intent to use an outlet shopping center. Second, role performance, prestige, and multi-finality have positive effects on identity salience. Finally, the additive analysis of the direct effects of identity salience-inducing factors shows that the role performance, prestige, and multi-finality factors have no direct effects on the behavioral intent to use an outlet shopping center, suggesting that identity salience plays a positive mediating role. Conclusions - This study informs marketers that not only price but shoppers' identity salience directly affects their intent to visit an outlet shopping center. To strengthen shoppers' identity salience, marketers should find ways to help shoppers fulfill their multiple social roles, realize their multiple goals, and achieve prestige. In other words, outlet shopping centers must improve their personal service environment in order to enhance their employees' service quality and assist the execution of multi-finality by minimizing the perceived costs (e.g., travel time, effort) associated with shopping trips, thus making it easier for consumers to combine visits to multiple stores in outlet shopping centers and buy the items required for their consumption goals. Outlet shopping centers must also offer assortments with both breadth and depth in order to help consumers play the social roles their social networks have given them.

An Analysis of the Effects of Large-scale Retailer Operation Regulations on Agriculture and Fisheries (대형 유통업체 영업 규제가 농수산업에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Hwan;Ryu, Sang-Mo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The Korean government has revised the distribution industry development law to regulate large-scale retailer operations to protecting medium- and small-scale retailers and traditional markets. According to the revised law, large-scale retailers must follow regulations on operating hours and compulsory store closures two days per month. Based on the revised distribution industry development law, most local governments regulate operation hours and they have adopted compulsory closure programs for large-scale retail stores. However, it is argued that fresh food producers suffer from a decrease in sales based on the compulsory closure of stores operated by large-scale retailers. Large-scale retailers reduce their fresh food orders from agricultural and fishery producers because of the compulsory store closures. Fresh food producers also suffer from a decrease in prices because reduced orders lead to a decrease in auction prices based on the availability of excess goods in wholesale markets. This paper investigates the effects of operation regulations for large-scale retailers on agricultural producers by surveying agricultural and fishery producer organizations. Research design, data, methodology - A survey was conducted on 117 producer organizations of fruits and vegetables, cereals, fisheries, and livestock products from September 10 to October 4, 2012. Survey items are annual sales, shares of sales accounted for by large-scale retailers, reduction of orders and prices from large-scale retailers, methods to deal with the sales reduction, unfair trade practices of large-scale retailers, opinion of the large-scale retailer regulations, and so on. The average sales of the sampled producer organizations are 13.7 billion won and the average share of sales accounted for by large-scale retailers is 35.4%. Results - Survey results show that the sample producer organizations' sales decreased 10.1% because of the compulsory closures of stores operated by large-scale retailers. It is estimated that the total sales of producer organizations decreased 371.2 billion won because of the regulations on the operation of large-scale retailers. In addition to the direct effect of a sales decrease due to order reduction, agricultural and fishery producer organizations suffered from the secondary effect of price reduction in wholesale markets. When orders from large-scale retailers decreased, most agricultural and fishery producer organizations shipped redundant products to wholesale markets, decreasing auction prices. It was estimated that the price received decreased 21.9% when sold in other marketing channels. As producer organization sales decreased, it was reported that the labor force employed by producer organizations also decreased by 15.1%. Therefore, we can conclude that the regulations for large-scale retailer operations resulted in negative impacts on agricultural producers. Conclusions - Although the sales reduction due to the regulations for large-scale retailer operations are not great, the cumulative effects due to the continued compulsory closure of stores operated by large-scale retailers could be great. This paper suggests governmental programs that could help agricultural producer organizations to find new and effective marketing channels such as direct marketing, farmers' markets, exports, Internet shopping, and so on.

Domestic Restrictions on the Opening of Retail Stores

  • Yoon, Myoung-kil;Kim, Yoo-oh;Lee, Min-kweon;Nam, Kung-sok
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.121-140
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    • 2006
  • This study has explored a number of problems arising from distribution restrictions and the ways to improve efficiency. As matters stand, since the cooperation between larger stores and local retailers is limited due to the nature of the market, the current situations call for bottom up restrictions such as the active promotion of smaller merchants and traditional marketplaces, the enhancement of the competitiveness of smaller merchants and manufacturers through the establishment of a customized consulting support program for individual shops, and the continual support for traditional marketplaces with facilities and management modernization. The government should maintain the optimal balance between the efficiency and effectiveness of the distribution industry through such bottom up restrictions as shown above, rather than the top down restrictions primarily relying on the hurdles to the establishment of stores. The problems raised in this study include: (i) the decline of traditional marketplaces and the alleged over saturation of stores; (ii) the possible abuse of indiscreet restrictive measures; (iii) the harmful effects of the monopoly or oligopoly by larger distributors; and (iv) the lack of systematic programs to promote development. The ways to improve efficiency are: (i) the establishment of the policies to specialize and nurture traditional marketplaces; (ii) the effort to prevent the injury arising from monopoly; (iii) the two tire strategies for the coexistence of larger and smaller businesses; and (iv) the administration of joint sales promotion and training.

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