• Title/Summary/Keyword: respirable $PM_{2.5}$

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Evaluation of genotoxic potentials in diesel exhaust particulate matter with the Ames test, the comet assay and the micronucleus assay

  • Kim, Soung-Ho;Lee, Do-Han;Han, Kyu-Tae;Oh, Seung-Min;Chung, Kyu-Hyuck
    • Proceedings of the PSK Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.165.1-165.1
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    • 2003
  • This research was designed to examine the presence of mutagenic/carcinogenic compounds in airborne pollutants in diesel particulate matter using an integrated biological approach. Respirable air borne particulate matter (PM2.5: <2.5mm) was collected from diesel engine exhaust using a high-volume sampler equipped with a cascade impactor. (omitted)

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Air concentration and particle size distribution of wood dust during wood-working processes (나무 종류에 따른 공기중 분진 농도와 입경 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seung Ki;Roh, Jaehoon;Kim, Chi Nyon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 1999
  • Wood dust is created when machines are used to cut or shape wood materials. Industries of high risk of wood dust exposure are sawmills, dimension mills, furniture industries, and carpenters, etc. Health effects associated with wood dust exposure includes dermatitis, allergic respiratory effects and cancer. Health effects of wood dus t are mainly depend on the concentration, dust size and exposure time. This study were carried out to evaluate the concentration and particle size distribution of wood dust during working processes. The subjects of this study were 53 workers exposed to wood dust in 7 furniture factories and 5 musical instruments, and 5 sawmill factories. The average total wood dust concentrations measured by personal cascade impactor were $1.82{\pm}2.31mg/m^3$ in primary manufacture, $3.59{\pm}1.72mg/m^3$ in s econdary manufacture, $5.09{\pm}1.46mg/m^3$ in sanding operation. Mass median diameters of hardwoods dust were $3.36{\mu}m$ in primary manufacture, $4.25{\mu}m$ in secondary manufacture, $4.21{\mu}m$ in sanding operation. softwoods dust were $3.39{\mu}m$ in primary manufacture, $4.34{\mu}m$ in secondary manufacture. Particle size distributions showed a nearly the same pattern in each working processes. The sample concentration of all hardwood dust exceeded the Threshold Limit Value(TLV) and 20.8% of the softwood dust exceeded the Threshold Limit Value. The range of size distribution were $0.5-10{\mu}m$ in the soft and hardwood dust. The respirable dust of soft and hardwood took up 59% and above. Therefore new threshold limit value for wood dust should be needed in Korea. Also, it should be done for various studies on health effects related to occupational exposure of wood dust.

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Measurement and Analysis of Dust Concentration in a Fattening Pig House Considering Respiratory Welfare of Pig Farmers (비육돈사 작업 종사자의 호흡기 관련 공기 중 분진 농도 측정 및 분석)

  • Kwon, Kyeong-Seok;Lee, In-Bok;Hwang, Hyun-Seob;Ha, Tae-Hwan;Ha, Jung-Soo;Park, Se-Jun;Jo, Ye-Seul
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2013
  • In swine house, dust generation comes from various sources and is known to be harmful both for the animals and the farmers because the dust contains biological and gaseous matters. When farmers are constantly exposed to the dusts, they can suffer chronic or acute respiratory symptoms and have high probability of manifesting various diseases. To address this problem, understanding of the mechanism of dust generation is very important. In this paper, the dust concentration of inhalable, respirable, TSP and $PM_{10}$ were monitored and analyzed according to the pig-activity level, ventilation quantity and feeding method in fattening pig house. From the measured results, in case of the concentration of TSP, an inverse-linear relation with ventilation rate ($R^2=0.88$) and linear relation with the installation height of feed supply pipe ($R^2=0.73$) were determined. However in case of the concentration of $PM_{10}$, no particular relationship with the variables was observed. Using the concentration of inhalable and respirable dust based on the pig-activity level, multi-variate regression analysis was conducted and results have shown that the movement of pigs can contribute to the dust generation (p<0.05, $R^2=0.71$, 0.61). The relationship determined between dust generation and environmental variables investigated in this study is very significant and useful in conducting dust-reduction researches.

Characteristics of Particle Size Distributions Generated in the Vicinity of Building Blasting Demolition Sites (발파해체현장에서 발생하는 순간분진의 입경분포 특성)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Hee;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Park, Chan-Gyu;Ko, Kwang-Baik
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2009
  • In building demolition work, major dust-generating activities are blasting concrete and rock. The aim of this study was to find the characteristic of particle size of dusts which were generated during building demolition work using explosion. The DustMate of the Turnkey-Instruments Ltd. was used for particulate size-selective sampling of the four sites. TSP(Total Suspended Particle), PM10(Particle Matter $10{\mu}m$), PM2.5(Particle Matter $2.5{\mu}m$), and PM1.0(Particle Matter $1.0{\mu}m$) were measured during building demolition work using explosion. The large particulate (higher than the diameter $10{\mu}m$) showed to be higher than 50%. The particulate ranged from $10{\mu}m\;to\;2.5{\mu}m$ showed about 30-40%. PM2.5 was not scarcely detected in the samples collected for building demolition work using explosion. We conclude that the dust generated during building demolition work using explosion has not most respirable particulate.

Potential Exposure to RSP, $NO_2$ and VOCs for Taxi Professional Driver

  • Kim, Dae-Won;Lee, Jung-Eun;Son, Bu-Soon;Kim, Young-Hee;Yang, Won-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Health Society Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.299-302
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    • 2005
  • Vehicle occupant exposure to air pollutants has been a subject of concern in recent years because of higher levels of air pollutants inside gasoline or diesel-using vehicle, comparing to the surrounding atmosphere. This study evaluated the potential exposure to respirable suspended particulate (RSP), nitrogen dioxide ($NO_2$) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), comparing weekday (Monday and Thursday) and weekend (Saturday). Indoor mean concentrations of RSP inside vehicle were 51.2 $ug/m^3$ and 75.52 $ug/m^3$ in weekday and weekend, respectively. Measured indoor NO$_2$ concentrations were 14,8 ppb and 20.8 ppb, respectively. Benzene and toluene mean concentrations inside vehicle were 5.4${\pm}$2.4 ppb and 23.8${\pm}$33.8 ppb, respectively.

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Evaluation of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals-Complex Mixture in Diesel Exhaust Respirable Particulate Matter

  • Ryu, Byung-Tak;Jang, Hyoung-Seok;Kim, Yun-Hee;Kim, Soung-Ho;Lee, Do-Han;Han, Kyu-Tae;Oh, Seung-Min;Chung, Kyu-Hyuck
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Environmental Toocicology Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.195-195
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    • 2003
  • It is well known that diesel exhaust particulate matter contains mutagenic PAHs, such as benzo[${\alpha}$]pyrene, benz[${\alpha}$]anthracene, chrysene, etc. Therefore it is suspected that these chemicals act on estrogen receptor and reveal endocrine-disrupting effects. Recent attention has focused on causative chemicals of endocrine-disrupting effects. We examined the estrogenic activity of respirable diesel exhaust particulate matter derived from diesel powered vehicle. PM2.5 diesel exhaust of vehicle was collected using a high volume sampler equipped with a cascade impactor. Diesel exhaust samples were fractionated according to EPA methods. The presence of estrogenic and antiestrogenic chemicals in PM 2.5 diesel exhaust was determined using E-screen assay. To quantitatively assess the estrogenic and antiestrogenic activities in diesel exhaust particulate matter, estradiol equivalent concentration (bio-EEQ) was calculated by comparing the concentration response curve of the sample with those of the estrogen calibration curve. Weak estrogenic activities and strong antiestrogenic activities were detected in the crude extract and moderately polar fractions. Higher antiestrogenic potency was observed with higher EROD activities in aliphatic and aromatic compounds fraction. In conclusion, estrogenic/antiestrogenic-like activities were present in diesel exhaust particulate matter. However, the health consequences of this observation was unknown, the presence of these activities may contribute to and exacerbate adverse health effect evoked by diesel exhaust particulate matter.

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Comparison of Metal Contents in Respirable Particulate Mass by Particle Size and Season in Seoul and Asan City (서울.아산지역 호흡성먼지의 금속함량에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Na;Jeon, Yong-Taek;Jang, Bong-Ki;Yang, Won-Ho;Yom, Yoon-Ki;Son, Bu-Soon
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to characterize background mass concentration of $PM_{10},\;PM_{2.5}$ and metallic composition from June 2004 to June 2005 in comparison with Seoul and Asan city. The results were as follows: 1. Annual mean of $PM_{10}$ concentrations in Seoul and Asan were $56.95({\pm}25.63){\mu}g/m^3,\;57.02({\pm}27.22){\mu}g/m^3$ respectly. 2. Annual mean of $PM_{2.5}$ concentrations in Seoul and Asan were $46.97({\pm}40.36){\mu}g/m^3,\;42.16({\pm}21.79){\mu}g/m^3$ respectly. 3. The average $PM_{2.5}/PM_{10}$ ratio was 0.82 in Seoul and 0.74 in Asan city. 4. The concentration of $PM_{10},\;PM_{2.5}$ were the highest in spring and the lowest in summer. Asan was higher than Seoul in spring and summer. 5. The results showed that average $PM_{10}$ composition order as Si>Fe>Pb>Zn>Mn in Seoul and Si>Fe>Zn>Pb>Mn in Asan. The concentration of metals in $PM_{10}$ of Seoul that Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn were high in spring and Zn was low in Fall. Fe, Mn were high in spring of Asan. 6. The results showed that average $PM_{2.5}$ composition order as Si>Pb>Fe>Zn>Mn in Seoul and Si>Fe>Pb>Zn>Cr in Asan. The concentration of metals in $PM_{2.5}$ of Seoul that Cr was high in spring. 7. The result showed that relation between Cr and Cu, Cu and Fe, Fe and Mn, Mn and Zn, Zn and Si in Seoul, Cr and Zn, Cu and Pb, Zn and Pb, Pb and Mn in Asan. The result showed that $PM_{10}$ concentration exceeding $50{\mu}g/m^3$(US-EPA Standard) and $PM_{2.5}$ concentration exceeding $15{\mu}g/m^3$(US-EPA Standard). In urban area, the monitoring of $PM_{2.5}$ permits the anthropogenic sources and the interference of natural sources with respect to $PM_{10}$ measurements.

Estrouenic/antiestrogenic potencies in crude and fractionated extracts of diesel exhaust particulate matter(PM) on human breast cancer cell

  • Ryu, Byung-Taek;Kim, Yun-Hee;Han, Kyu-Tae;Oh, Seung-Min;Chung, Kyu-Hyuck
    • Proceedings of the PSK Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.165.2-166
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    • 2003
  • Diesel exhaust is suspected to cause acute and chronic adverse effects on health. In recent. the effect of estrogenic endocrine disruptor in diesel particulate matter was little studied. Therefore, we examined the estrogenic activity of respirable diesel exhaust particulate matter derived from diesel engine motor. PM2.5 diesel exhaust of vehicle was collected using a high volume samples equipped with a cascade impactor. (omitted)

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Indoor distribution characteristics of airborne bacteria in pig buildings as influenced by season and housing type

  • Kim, Ki Youn;Ko, Han Jong
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.742-747
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    • 2019
  • Objective: A concentration of airborne bacteria generated from swine houses is recognized to be relatively higher than other work places and it is essential to optimally manage it to prevent farmers' respiratory diseases. This study was conducted to assess the distribution characteristics of airborne bacteria in swine houses located at South Korea. Methods: A total 27 pig buildings of the enclosed type operated with mechanical ventilation system by a side wall fan and deep-pit manure system with slats were surveyed. Air samples were collected at 1.0 m above the middle floor in pig housing room. A six-stage viable particulate cascade impactor was used to identify the distribution of the sizes of particles in diameter. Results: Seasonal mean levels of airborne bacteria in the housing rooms of gestation/farrowing pigs, nursery pigs and growing/fattening pigs were 3,428(${\pm}1,244$) colony forming unit $(cfu)/m^3$, $8,325({\pm}3,209)cfu/m$, and $13,254({\pm}6,108)cfu/m^3$ for spring; $9,824({\pm}2,157)cfu/m^3$, $18,254({\pm}5,166)cfu/m^3$, and $24,088({\pm}9,274)cfu/m^3$ for summer; $1,707({\pm}957)cfu/m^3$, $4,258({\pm}1,438)cfu/m^3$, and $8,254({\pm}2,416)cfu/m^3$ for autumn; and $2,322({\pm}1,352)cfu/m^3$, $6,124({\pm}1,527)cfu/m^3$ and $12,470({\pm}4,869)cfu/m^3$ for winter, respectively. Conclusion: Concentrations of airborne bacteria according to pig housing type were highest in growing/fattening housing room followed by nursery housing room and gestation/farrowing housing room. In terms of seasonal aspect, the pig building showed the highest levels of airborne bacteria in summer followed by spring, winter and autumn. The respirable airborne bacteria which are ranged between 0.6 and $4.7{\mu}m$ accounted for approximately 60% compared to total airborne bacteria regardless of pig housing type.

Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Fine Particles Collected in Seoul Metropolitan Area (서울북부 지역 미세먼지에 함유된 유해 중금속의 분석 및 건강위해성평가)

  • Park Eun-Jung;Kang Misun;You Dae-Eun;Kim Dae-Seon;Yu Seung-Do;Chung Kyu-Hyuck;Park Kwangsik
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.20 no.2 s.49
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2005
  • Particulate materials (PM) less than 10 ${\mu}m$ in diameter are of special interest in air pollution because they are respirable and responsible for the increasing mortality rate of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases. These particles are often referred to as $PM_{10}$ and they are divided into a coarse fraction and a fine fraction which is also often referred to as $PM_{25}$. In this study, we monitored the TSP, $PM_{10},\;PM_{2.5}$ concentration of ambient air collected in northern part of Seoul in early spring and measured the concentration of heavy metals; Cr, Mn, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb. All the heavy metals were found in the collected particles and the concentrations were variable in the $PM_{10},\;and\;PM_{2.5}$ respectively. The detected concentration ranges were Cr: $ND\~2,889ng/m^3,\;Mn:2.4\~257.9ng/m^3,\;Zn:ND\~353.7ng/m^3,\; As:ND\~22.3ng/m^3,\;Cd:0.1\~2.9ng/m^3,\;and\;Pb:ND\~392.2ng/m^3$ in fine particles. Heavy metal toxicity of the particles were also tested in $H_9C_2$ cell line derived from rat cardiomyocytes. As for the results of health risk assessment calculated by unit risk of IRIS, heavy metals in ambient air of Seoul metropolitan area were found to be responsible for the increase of total excess cancer risk. Among them, chromium (hexavalent) was found to be the most risky in fine particles of ambient air collected in the northern part of Seoul in early spring.