• Title/Summary/Keyword: resources evaluation

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An Efficient Personal Information Collection Model Design Using In-Hospital IoT System (병원내 구축된 IoT 시스템을 활용한 효율적인 개인 정보 수집 모델 설계)

  • Jeong, Yoon-Su
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.140-145
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    • 2019
  • With the development of IT technology, many changes are taking place in the health service environment over the past. However, even if medical technology is converged with IT technology, the problem of medical costs and management of health services are still one of the things that needs to be addressed. In this paper, we propose a model for hospitals that have established the IoT system to efficiently analyze and manage the personal information of users who receive medical services. The proposed model aims to efficiently check and manage users' medical information through an in-house IoT system. The proposed model can be used in a variety of heterogeneous cloud environments, and users' medical information can be managed efficiently and quickly without additional human and physical resources. In particular, because users' medical information collected in the proposed model is stored on servers through the IoT gateway, medical staff can analyze users' medical information accurately regardless of time and place. As a result of performance evaluation, the proposed model achieved 19.6% improvement in the efficiency of health care services for occupational health care staff over traditional medical system models that did not use the IoT system, and 22.1% improvement in post-health care for users who received medical services. In addition, the burden on medical staff was 17.6 percent lower on average than the existing medical system models.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Surveillance on Improving the Detection of Healthcare Associated Infections (의료관련감염에서 감시 개선을 위한 평가)

  • Park, Chang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2019
  • The development of reliable and objective definitions as well as automated processes for the detection of health care-associated infections (HAIs) is crucial; however, transformation to an automated surveillance system remains a challenge. Early outbreak identification usually requires clinicians who can recognize abnormal events as well as ongoing disease surveillance to determine the baseline rate of cases. The system screens the laboratory information system (LIS) data daily to detect candidates for health care-associated bloodstream infection (HABSI) according to well-defined detection rules. The system detects and reserves professional autonomy by requiring further confirmation. In addition, web-based HABSI surveillance and classification systems use discrete data elements obtained from the LIS, and the LIS-provided data correlates strongly with the conventional infection-control personnel surveillance system. The system was timely, acceptable, useful, and sensitive according to the prevention guidelines. The surveillance system is useful because it can help health care professionals better understand when and where the transmission of a wide range of potential pathogens may be occurring in a hospital. A national plan is needed to strengthen the main structures in HAI prevention, Healthcare Associated Prevention and Control Committee (HAIPCC), sterilization service (SS), microbiology laboratories, and hand hygiene resources, considering their impact on HAI prevention.

A Study on the Establishment of Allowable Criteria for Sailing Ships at Offshore Wind Farms (해상풍력발전단지해역 선박 통항 허용기준 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Ohn, Sung-Wook;Lee, Chang-Hyun;Kim, Cheol-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.841-847
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    • 2018
  • Since global energy consumption and demand for energy have dramatically risen, a focus on environmental problems and sustainability has become more important. Clean and renewable energy sources such as offshore wind power generation have received attention among new renewable energy options as alternative energy resources. Due to maintenance and operational perspectives, offshore wind farms have been planned for installation in many coastal waters. However, development of offshore wind farms faces interference from existing maritime traffic along the planned areas. In order to safely and effectively govern marine traffic in the vicinity of wind farms and inner areas, standard criteria are suggested to allow vessels to sail the internal waters of offshore wind farm areas. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to establish allowable criteria for sailing vessels and safety zones for offshore wind farms by investigating the local regulations of various offshore wind farm cases overseas. The commended inner safety zone of wind farms is proposed to be a distance of 150 % of the rotation diameter of the wind turbine rotor and a distance of 200 m from the outer wind turbine for the outer safety zone. Besides this, the allowable criteria for sailing vessels within a wind farm is proposed to have an air draft of 14.47 m south-west wind farm sea areas for a minimum margin to avoid hull contact through evaluation of the tide and height of a wind turbine. further studies will be needed to establish vessel sailing criteria among adjacent offshore wind farms as well as vessel sailing criteria within a single offshore wind farm.

Properties Evaluation and flowability of Controlled Low Strength Materials Utilizing Industrial By-Products (산업부산물을 활용한 저강도 고유동 채움재의 유동성 및 물성평가)

  • Cho, Yong-Kwang;Kim, Chun-Sik;Nam, Seong-Young;Cho, Sung-Hyun;Lee, Hyoung-Woo;Ahn, Ji-Whan
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to expand the use of coal ash and coal slag in thermal power plants. In addition, controlled low strength materials was developed to prevent mine settlement. Bottom ash and KR slag are mixed at ratio of 7:3 to expand the use of industrial by-products through carbonate reaction and inhibit the exudation of heavy metals. In order to efficiently fill the abandon mine, workability and physical properties were evaluated according to flow. As a result of elution of harmful substance experiment, it was confirmed that the carbonation reaction inhibited the elution of heavy metals. It was confirmed that the difference in water ratio was the difference in specific surface area of the controlled low strength materials. It was confirmed that the working efficiency is excellent when the flowability is 300mm compared to 260mm. compressive strength measurement result was relatively high at 260mm compared to 300mm because the number of pores due to decrease of water ratio was small.

A Study on the Necessity of Verification about depot level maintenance plan through the Weapons System cases analysis (무기체계 사례 분석을 통한 창정비개발계획안 검증 필요성 연구)

  • Ahn, Jung-Jun;Kim, Su-Dong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.76-82
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    • 2019
  • This study has done to search for a solution to remove risk limitedly caused by separating weapon system acquisition from operation and maintenance at the view point of Logistic Commander who's responsible for stable operation and maintenance after acquiring weapon system. At the System development stage, unverified overhaul development plan may cause additional manpower and costs after the development, and furthermore it is likely to have risk to lower reliability of the military. Thus, research and development agency should write overhaul development plan at the System development stage, and it should be verified through evaluation and verification test. Secondly, during research and development, institutional supplementation is needed to calculate human and material resources writing overhaul development plan. Thirdly, it should be able to analyze proper operation & maintenance plan and cost for overhaul plan at the pre-investigation stage. Fourthly, the base which can develop overhaul concept and overhaul factors should be included in the need and need determination document. Lastly, for the weapon system which has small amount of high power figure, project management should be performed to be able to specify at the each acquisition level of weapon system to realize Article 28, clause 3 and 4 of Defense business law.

Analysis of Education Needs for Instructional Competency of Lifelong Education Instructor (평생교육 교수자의 교수 역량에 대한 교육 요구 분석)

  • Kim, Mi-jeong;Ahn, Young-Sik
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of current difference of education needs for instructional competency of lifelong education instructor and the level of importance of lifelong education for drawing priority. Through the literature review, this is divided the lifelong education instructor's competencies such as planning, implementation, management and support and analyzed the current level and importance with 35 items through t-test analysis. The priority for education needs is applied to Borich and the Locus for Focus model simultaneously. According to result for study, the largest item of competency for lifelong education instructor is verified with the current level and importance for building of social networking and managing competency. The top priority item of education needs for instructional competency of lifelong education instructor is located in the first quadrant of model and the Locus for Focus model, according to priority in needs for Borich and was showed in program competency. The second items in priority were derived by learning resources, information gathering, competency for focus development, equitable evaluation for student, competency for building team work. Therefore, these competencies are considered as factors for priority of lifelong instructor and will be developed in personal and organizational development.

A Study on the Establishment of Visual Landscape Impact Factors for Natural Landscape Management (자연경관관리를 위한 시각적 경관영향 요소 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Min-Ji;Shin, Ji-Hoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2018
  • A Visual landscape planning and management system has been introduced and implemented by each ministry so as to solve the problems of visual landscape destruction due to recognition on the value of natural landscape of beautiful territory and various development projects. At present, this system emphasizes the importance of the visual and perceptual aspect of the landscape however, there is a lack of techniques required for comprehensively predicting, evaluating, and managing it. Furthermore, sustainable landscape management after the completion of development projects has been inadequately carried out, as the focus has been only on consultation in the planning process of the development project in institutional performance. To this end, we presented objective and standardized criteria to predict and judge the effects of development projects on landscapes before project implementation. During the implementation of the development project, the influence of the visual landscape becomes accumulated in the construction progress stage. There is a need to identify the main viewpoints and to examine the continuous changes in the landscape-influencing factors, owing to the remarkable influences on the landscape, such as the change in the topography and the change caused by the artificial structure. During the stage of managing the influence on the visual landscape after the completion of the project, the influence on landscape should be monitored by measuring the change in the continuous landscape-influencing factors and determining the extent to which the actual reduction plan has been implemented. These processes should be performed continuously to maintain the quality of the visual landscape. The change in the landscape caused by the development project is shown to cause relatively greater visual damage than other factors composing the landscape owing to the influence of the artificial factors including the structure or the building. This shows that not only detailed examination of the visual impact before the development project but also continuous management is required during and after the development project. For this purpose, we derived eight landscape-influencing factors including form/shape, line, color, texture, scale/volume, height, skyline, and landscape control point. The proposed considering to be of high utilization in that it has a clear target of the landscape influencing factors.

Suggestion of Zoning Criteria Based on the Assessment System for River Environment (하천환경 평가체계의 구축에 따른 지구 지정 기준의 검토 및 제안)

  • Chun, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.647-657
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to review as criteria for zoning at management plan for river restoration, in case of naturalness of river environment and suitability of water friendly activity suggested at assessment system of river environment in Korea. As a result of reviewing law and guidelines concerned, historic & cultural resources used as criteria for preservation zone, it was judged that the historical and cultural value as the preservation zone needs to be examined in connection with waterfriendly activity zone. In this study, we propose a sequential evaluation method to distinguish the waterfriendly activity zone by applying suitability of waterfriendly activity reflecting land use social characteristics, followed division of preservation and restoration zone at the first stage by the naturalness of river environment reflecting the natural environmental characteristics as a result of application to the test bed, Gap and Yudeung streams. In particular, it was concluded that the results of the present study provided more clear criteria for the problem that the last criteria for zoning did not reflect the difference between the left and the right side of stream, or the designation of the excessive water friendly zone. On the other hand, the criteria for designation in this study reflect the characteristics of various river environments as well as the setting of assessment unit based on the physical characteristics of rivers, and other legal regulations and local situations should be adjusted and supplemented in administrative procedures.

Characteristics Evaluation of Radiation Shielding Materials Used Waste Glass and Chelate Resins (폐유리와 킬레이트 수지를 사용한 방사선 차폐재의 재료특성 평가)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jung;Jang, Jong-Min;Song, Young-Soon;Noh, Jae-Ho;Yi, Seong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2019
  • Various approaches have been attempted to develop recycling technologies related to industrial waste resources containing metals. Among them, glass is not decomposed into microorganisms, so landfill is not suitable, and interest in the recycling of waste glass is increasing. In this paper, by incorporating chelate resin to suppress the elution of heavy metals in waste glass and using waste glass as a fine aggregate and we want to evaluate the strength, drying shrinkage, alkali-silica reaction and heavy metal leaching of shielded filler materials and to provide basic data for utilizing waste glass as an economical and environmentally friendly shielding filler. As a result of the test, it was found that the use of waste glass as a fine aggregate was effective in the development of strength, but the incorporation of chelate resin had an influence on the strength development. In addition, the addition of chelate resin was effective in improving drying shrinkage but it was found to affect the alkali - silica reaction. As a result of the heavy metal leaching test, the KSLP test method satisfies all the criteria for heavy metal leaching. However, in case of lead, the limit of US ANSI 67-2007a was exceeded and further study should be done.

Food Safety Culture Assessment of Home Meal Replacement Manufacturer (가정간편식 식품 제조업체의 식품안전문화 평가)

  • Cho, Seung Yong;Seok, Dasom
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.380-387
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    • 2019
  • Of great importance in food safety culture are the values of an organization regarding food safety that combine the human and material requirements needed to produce safe and hygienic foods. In recent years, efforts have been made to improve the level of implementation of food safety management systems by improving certain cultural elements of food safety. This study investigated the current state of food safety culture in the HMR manufacturing sector. An anonymous survey of 46 HMR manufacturers of various sizes was conducted to evaluate the implementation status of HACCP prerequisite program and food safety culture. The perceived importance of food safety culture factors and their performance were also surveyed. Employees of HMR manufacturers who participated in this survey recognized that the participation of employees and leadership was the most important factor in ensuring food safety. Smaller enterprises are less aware of the importance of such organizational culture. The survey shows that food safety culture indicators in large companies are generally higher than those of small and medium enterprises. Especially, the manager's level of commitment to food safety, resources input, and education and training was significantly higher than that found at small companies (p=0.005). Among the food safety culture evaluation factors, it was found that education and training had significant influence on HACCP prerequisite program performance. Continued employee education and training on food safety and hygiene are important for HMR manufacturers to achieve HACCP certification standards.