• Title/Summary/Keyword: rehabilitation hospital

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A Clinical Study of Non-Accidental Intracranial Hemorrhage in Children (소아에서 사고에 의하지 않은 두개내 출혈의 임상적 고찰)

  • Huh, Kwon Hoe;Song, Keum Ho;Min, Ki Sik;Yoo, Ki Yang
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.11
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    • pp.1067-1072
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Non-accidental intracranial hemorrhage in children is not low in incidence and results in high mortality and serious sequelae. So, the authors have researched the distribution of sex and age, causes, symptoms and signs, hemorrhagic types, mortality rate and sequelae of the patients hospitalized with non-accidental intracranial hemorrhage at Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital. Methods : The medical records of twenty patients, aged 15 or younger, and excluding neonatal patients, were analyzed retrospectively. The patients in this study were admitted with non-accidental intracranial hemorrhage from January 1999 to June 2002. Results : Of the twenty cases, the ratio of male to female was 1 : 0.8. The patients aged one or less and between 11 and 15 were discovered to be the most frequent cases. Shaken baby syndrome and arteriovenous malformation were found to be the most frequent causes. Seizure was most frequently found to be a symptom and a sign. Hemorrhagic type was classified into subdural hemorrhage eight, intracerebral hemorrhage five. There were three mortal cases. Twelve surviving patients, excluding five not-followed ones, were reclassified into six cases of complete recovery and six of sequalae. Conclusion : Non-accidental intracranial hemorrhage in children is not low in incidence, with a high mortality rate and a high incidence of serious sequelae after survival. Consequently, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are required. In addition, appropriate rehabilitation after treatment is needed because the high survival rate due to advanced medical treatment results in an increasing number of neurologic sequelae.

Usefulness of DTI-based three dimensional corticospinal tractography in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (편마비를 가진 뇌성마비 환아에서 확산 텐서강조영상을 이용한 3차원 피질척수로 영상의 유용성)

  • Yeo, Ji Hyun;Son, Su Min;Lee, Eun Sil;Moon, Han Ku
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging-based three-dimensional fiber tractography (DTI-FT) is a new method which demonstrates the orientation and integrity of white matter fibers in vivo. However, clinical application on children with cerebral palsy is still under investigation. We present various abnormal patterns of DTI-FT findings and accordance rate with clinical findings in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, to recognize the use fulness of DTI-FT. Methods : The thirteen children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy evaluated at Yeungnam University hospital from March, 2003 to August, 2007 were enrolled in this study and underwent magnetic resonance DTI-FT of the corticospinal tracts. Two regions of interest (ROI) were applied and the termination criteria were fractional anisotropy ${\geq}0.3$, angle ${\leq}70^{\circ}$. Results : The patterns and distribution of abnormal DTI-based corticospinal tractographic findings were interruption(10 cases, 76.9%), reduction of fiber volume (8 cases, 61.5%), agenesis of corticospinal tract (3 cases, 23.1%), transcallosal fiber (2 cases, 15.4%) and, aberrant corticospinal tracts (4 cases, 30.8%). Abnormal DTI-based corticospinal tractographic findings were in accordance with the clinical findings of cerebral palsy in 84.6% of the enrolled patients. Conclusion : Our results suggest that DTI-FT would be a use ful modality in the assessment of the corticospinal tract abnormalities in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.

Comparison of Play Perception and Play Participation of Parents of Disabled Children and Non-disabled Children in Preschool Age (학령전기 장애 아동 부모와 비장애 아동 부모의 놀이 인식과 놀이 참여 비교 연구)

  • Park, DaSol;Lee, EunYoung;Lee, SunHee;Park, Hae Yean
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive survey of children's play in parents of disabled and non-disabled children prior to commencing school. This study aimed to further understanding play recognition and to present a specific direction of play necessary to each parent. Methods : A questionnaire based on prior studies was sent to 700 people who had previously agreed to the take part. A total of 596 questionnaires were analyzed. Uncollected and insincere surveys, of which 106 were questionnaires for parents of disabled children, were exclused from analysis. The SPSS Window 23 program was used for data analysis and frequency analysis and the independent sample T test were performed. Results : Disabled children's parents perceived playing with their children as more important than that of non-disabled children's parents(p<0.01). There was no statistical difference between disabled children and non-disabled children's parents, but there were some differences(p=0,053). Both disabled and non-disabled children had more time to participate with their mothers than with their fathers. Mothers with disabilities had more time to play however, fathers with no disabilities had more time. Both disabled and non-disabled children's parents had the most "ordinary" frequency of buying toys and there was very littele difference between the 2 groups. Both disabled and non-disabled children's parents primarily used the internet to acquire play information, and consideration when buying fun was followed by interest inducement, development level and safety. Conclusion : Through this study, it was possible to compare the status of play recognition and participation by parents of children with or without disabilities. Based on this study, parents will be able to find out what they really need to play and will be provided as a basis for future play studies for children.

Development of a Occupation-Based Bilateral Upper Extremity Training Protocol in a Medical Setting for Stroke Patients (뇌졸중 환자를 대상으로 한 병원 환경에서의 작업 기반 양측성 상지 훈련 프로토콜 개발)

  • Kim, Sun-Ho;Kim, Jung Ran;Park, Hae Yean;Han, A-Reum;Kim, Jong-Bae;Park, Ji-Hyuk
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.24-44
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    • 2020
  • Objective : To develop an occupation-based bilateral upper extremity training protocol that can be effectively applied in a medical setting Methods : The research process using the delphi technique was carried out in 3 stages. The first stage was an open questionnaire development stage, The first draft is prepared through literature review and open questions were developed through preliminary research based on the draft. The second stage was the delphi survey. Based on the responses of the experts obtained through the open Delphi survey, the adequacy of the training protocol was shown on a Likert 5 point scale. The items were edited and deleted, reconstructed by analyzing the mean and standard deviation, stability, convergence degree, consensus, and content validity ratio through the questionnaire. The third step was the completion of the protocol. After discussions between researchers, the finalized protocol contents were reorganized to complete the occupation-based bilateral upper extremity training protocol for medical setting. Results : The final protocol consisted of 9 items across 3 areas in the occupation-based intervention selection domain and 81 items across 4 areas in the bilateral upper extremity training domain, intervention period, and evaluation. Conclusions : This study suggests an evidence-based method that collects the opinions of occupational therapists in order to use occupation-based activities as interventions in a situation that currently sees occupational therapy primarily performed in hospitals. It is also meaningful that the bilateral upper extremity training can be applied effectively in clinical situations by concretely presenting.

Cell study on the Magnesium ion implanted surface with PSII (PSII를 이용한 마그네슘 이온 주입 임플란트에 대한 MC3T3-E1 골모양 세포 반응 연구)

  • Shin, Hyeong-Joo;Kim, Dae-Gon;Park, Chan-Jin;Cho, Lee-Ra;Lee, Hee-Su;Cha, Min-Sang
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.361-374
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    • 2009
  • For successful osteogenesis around the implants, interaction between implant surface and surrounding tissue is important. Biomechanical bonding and biochemical bonding are considered to influence the response of adherent cells. But the focus has shifted surface chemistry. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the MC3T3-E1 osteoblast like cell responses of magnesium (Mg) ion implanted titanium surface produced using a plasma source ion implantation method. Commercially pure titanium disc was used as substrates. The discs were prepared to produce four different surface, A: Machine turned surface, B: Mg implanted surface, C: sandblasted surface, D: sandblasted and Mg implanted surface. MC3T3 El osteoblastic like cells were cultured on the disc specimens. Cell adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and synthesis of extracellular matrix were evaluated. The cell adhesion morphology was evaluated by SEM. RT PCR assay was used for assessment of cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. ALP activity was measured for cell differentiation. The results of this study were as follows: 1. SEM showed that cell on Mg ion groups was more proliferative than that of non Mg ion groups. On the machine turned surface, cell showed some degree of contact guidance in aligning with the machining grooves. 2. In RT PCR analysis, osteonectin and c-fos mRNA were more expressed on sandblasted and Mg ion implanted group. 3. ALP activity was not significantly different among all groups. Within the limitations of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: It might indicate Mg ion implanted titanium surface induce better bone response than non Mg ion groups.

Arm Morbidity after Breast Cancer Treatments and Analysis of Related Factors (유방암 환자의 상지 부작용과 관련 요인)

  • Chun Mi Son;Moon Seong Mi;Lee hye Jin;Lee Eun-Hyun;Song Yeoung Suk;Chung Yong Sik;Park Hee Bung;Kang Seung Hee
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : To evaluate the incidence of arm morbidity following breast cancer surgery including axillary dissection and to identify related factors. Materials and Methods : One hundred and fifty nine patients were studied using a self-report questionnaire and a clinical examination. Lymphedema, reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint and subjective symptoms (pain, impaired arm movement, numbness, stiffness) were evaluated. As related factors, demographic, oncologic characteristics and types of treatment were analysed. Results : The incidence of lymphedema ($\geqq$2 cm difference comparing to unaffected arm) was $6.3\%$, $10.7\%$, $22.5\%$ and $23.3\%$ at each 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm, and 40 cm from wrist. Reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint ($\geqq$ 20 degree difference comparing to unaffected arm) was noted In more than 1/3 patients for flexion, abduction and internal rotation. Especially the reduction of range of motion in internal rotation was severe ($>50\%$ reduction) in 1/3 patients. Approximately 50 to $60\%$ of patients complained impaired arm movement, numbness, stiffness and pain. Body mass index (BMI) was the significant risk factor for lymphedema. Conclusion : Lymphedema was present in 1/3 of patients and the common sites of edema were 30 cm 40 cm proximal from the wrist. Also most severe reduction of range of motion in shoulder joint was with internal rotation. There needs weight control for lymphedema because BMI was the significant risk factor for lymphedema. Also rehabilitation program for range of motion especially internal rotation In shoulder joint should be developed.

A Study of Health Consciousness and Physical Therapy Cognition of Old Ages (고령자의 건강의식과 물리치료 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Park Hwan-Jin;Park Rae-Joon;Kim Han-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2000
  • This study which applies to the 403 healthy people who don't have particular diseases recently(193 urban aged. 210 rural aged) among male and female aged over 60 years old living in Daegu(city) and Gyungbook(agricultural village) is fulfilled from November 1st to December 31st by interview using the questioned paper which researcher developed, and reached to these tallowing conclusions. 1. Every aged men independent of the place residence answered positively yes but aged women had weak assurance of their health. Especially $38.6\%$ of rural aged women said yes and $51.4\%$ of rural aged women said no. 2. In the sleep and well-regulated life, urban and rural aged generally marked on the sound sleep. Compared with male and female, men answered they had better sleep and regulated life than women. 3. The percentage of the urban and rural aged's judgement on their activity was high and the percentage of the rural aged was lower than the percentage of the urban aged. 4. While $62.6\%$ of urban aged answered they were active. $38.6\%$ of rural female aged answered yes, This shows that the rural female aged regard their health is not good. 5. Compared with same generation. urban aged ranked lower than urban aged in the confidence of physical strength. Especially rural need women answered $42.1\%$ of them were weaker than the same generation. This shows that rural aged women don't have confidence in general physical activities. 6. Taking exercises three times a week which can influence on health cue to sixties and seventies aged ranked $26.1\%$, rarely do is $18.8\%$ and never do is$28.8\%$. Urban and rural aged do not exercise on the purpose of health. 7. The reason of exercise was to advance the physical strength and quality of motion$(34.9\%)$ to get rid of stress$(13.4\%)$ and to prevention of adult illness$(27.8\%)$, prevention of fatness$(15.3\%)$. Aged have a correct understanding that exercise can promote health and protect from the diseases of adult people because the items about the diseases of adult people was marked high. 8. Among the subject of total investigation, 209 persons answered. It showed necessary to recognize that the exercise is still important essential part between adult illness and health care. 9. The $67.7\%$ of urban aged men answered yes in the question of undergoing a physical examination but the rate of not undergoing a physical examination was high in rural aged and urban aged women. According to this, there were the difference of consciousness about health between urban and rural aged. and men and women. 10. Among the people who haying undergone the physical examination, $80.3\%$ of the aged went back to the hospital again because of the result. 11. In the case of stroke, most aged answered the would be placed under medical care. but $53.9\%$ of rural aged women answered they would rely on Chinese medicine. According to this. aged preferred Chinese medicine in some particular diseases. 2. The $58.1\%$ of whole object of this study answered that stroke would be recovered.

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Clinical Evaluation of Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses (임플란트-지지 고정성 보철물의 임상적 상태에 대한 평가)

  • Park, Chan-Yong;Yun, Mi-Jung;Huh, Jung-Bo;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Jeon, Yeong-Chan
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 2013
  • This study was to compare the cumulative survival rate of implant-supported fixed prostheses and to analyze association between risk factors and cumulative survival rate of implant-supported fixed prostheses. In order to assess the clinical status of implant-supported fixed prostheses, individuals who treated in the Department of Prosthodontics, Pusan National University Dental Hospital, between 2000 to 2007 were examined. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Length of service of implant-supported fixed prostheses was $6.6{\pm}32.0$ years (mean), 11.7 years (median). 2. Age and sex of patient was found to have no statistically significant influence on longevity of implant-supported fixed prostheses (P>.05). 3. Reason of tooth extraction wax found to have statistically significant influence on implant-supported fixed prostheses (P<.05). The longevity of fixed prostheses was low in tooth extraction case due to periodontal disease (median:9.0 years). 4. Location of implant-supported fixed prostheses was found to have statistically significant influence on longevity of fixed prostheses (P<.05). The longevity of fixed prostheses was low in molar region (median:8.8 years). 5. Number of units in implant-supported fixed prostheses was found to have no statistically significant influence on longevity of fixed prostheses (P>.05). 6. Condition of opposing dentition was found to have no statistically significant influence on longevity of implant-supported fixed prostheses (P>.05). 7. Food impaction (40.5%), porcelain fracture (25.8%), screw loosening (23.6%) were frequent complications.

Radiographic Evaluation of Stiffness of Articular Eminence in the Temporomandibular Joint(TMJ) of Korean Using Dental cone-beam CT (한국인의 측두하악관절에서 Dental cone-beam CT를 이용한 관절융기의 경사도에 대한 방사선학적 평가)

  • Oh, Sang-Chun;Han, Ji-Seok
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2013
  • When the mandible performs opening movement, the condyle-disk complex conducts sliding movement along the articular eminence. Thus, anatomic configuration of articular eminence is very important to normal movement of TMJ. The purpose of this study was to measure the posterior slope of the articular eminence and evaluate the effect of a pathologic bone change in the condylar head on the stiffness of articular eminence, and compare the differences of the articular eminence slope by gender and age using dental cone-beam CT. As using i-CAT Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, the CT images of 204 TMJs of 102 patients(43 men and 59 women, mean age: 37.7 years) who were diagnosed at Wonkwang University Sanbon Dental Hospital were evaluated. All images were converted into a TMJ analysis mode to observe the continuous sagittal section images and coronal section images of the joints. To observe and assess bone changes in the condyle, three dentists measured the stiffness of the articular eminence on the same images, and when two of the three dentists agreed on their reading, these results were adopted and recorded. The articular eminence slope, considering the condylar anatomic configuration, was measured in three regions, namely, lateral part, central part, and medial part of the condyle. In the cases of a normal condyle(NCBC) and a condyle(CBC) with bone change, the articular eminence slopes were $57.0^{\circ}$(NCBC) and $51.8^{\circ}$(CBC) at the medial part, $57.9^{\circ}$(NCBC) and $52.4^{\circ}$(CBC) at the central part, and $55.1^{\circ}$(NCBC) and $49.5^{\circ}$(CBC) at the lateral part of the condyle. And the articular eminence slope of the condyle with bone change demonstrated less steepness than that of normal condyle (p<0.05). The articular eminence slope showed mediolaterally that it was the steepest at the central, followed by at the medial, and at the lateral (p<0.05). There were no significant differences by the gender and the age (p.0.05).

The Effect of Kinesio Taping on the Change of Muscle Strength and Endurance in Trunk Flexion and Extension in Chronic Low Back Pain(CLBP) (만성요통 환자의 테이핑 적용 시체간의 굴곡과 선전의 근력과 지구력의 변화 측정)

  • Kim, Su-Hyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the muscle strength and endurance of the lumbar at flexion and extension were determined using an isokinetic muscle strength meter (Biodex) in patients with chronic lumbar go (10 male and 10 females), and the changes in muscle strength and endurance of the lumbar at flexion and extension after application of Y-shaped sacrospinalis muscle taping, typically used for patient with lumbar go, were studied. In addition, the sacrospinalis muscle taping of a different shape (I-shaped taping) was applied bilaterally centering on the spine, and the muscle strength and endurance of the lumbar at flexion and extension were determined and compared with those before taping. In addition, the results after application of Y-shaped taping and I-shaped taping were also compared. 1. The extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of Y-shaped taping showed the level of significance (p<.05). The flexor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio taping and after application of Y-shaped taping did not show the level of significance. 2. The flexor muscle endurance of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and application of Y-shaped taping did not show the level of significance. The extensor muscle endurance of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of Y-shaped taping did not show the level of significance. 3. The extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of I-shaped taping showed the level of significance (p<.05). The flexor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of I-shaped taping showed the level of significance (p<.05). 4. The flexor muscle endurance of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio taping and after application of I-shaped taping showed the level of significance. The extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec before application of kinesio Taping and after application of I-shaped taping showed the level of significance (p<.05). 5. In comparison between after application of Y-shaped taping and after application of I-shaped taping, the flexor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/sec did not show the level of significance. In comparison between after application of Y-shaped taping and after application of I-shaped taping, the extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $60^{\circ}$/ sec showed the level of significance (p<.05). 6. In comparison between after application of Y-shaped taping and after application of I-shaped taping, the flexor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec did not show the level of significance. In comparison between after application of Y-shaped taping and after application of I-shaped taping, the extensor muscle strength of the lumbar at loading of $90^{\circ}$/sec did not showed the level of significance (p<.05).

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