• Title/Summary/Keyword: regional innovation system

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Establishing the Innovation Platform for the Sustainable Regional Development: Tech-Valley Project in Sejong city, Korea

  • Lee, Seo-Jeong;Lee, Eung-Hyun;Oh, Deog-Seong
    • World Technopolis Review
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.5.1-5.12
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    • 2017
  • The Republic of Korea developed a national project to construct a new administrative capital, Sejong city and to relocate administrative organizations of the central government for improvement of overpopulated capital, Seoul and regional balanced development. By the way, to relocate the central administrative organizations was not a sufficient condition for the sustainable development of the city. An industrial infrastructure development has been tried to attract universities, enterprises and research institutions in the region as a demand for internal growth power of the city was increased. In addtion, a basis for regional endogenous growth through projects to establish innovation system based on industry-academia cooperation was prepared as well. This paper reviews the major contents of the development plans for Tech-Valley project and looks into major introductory functions, characterization plans, strategies for fostering strategic industry, cooperation system of the inside and outside the region, and a strategy for building innovation platform. This case can be regarded as a significance of constructing technology infrastructure for the sustainable growth by preparing foundation for establishing innovation system and a cluster based on this system in the process of building and developing new city which did not have any industrial platform in the region.

Promotion Strategies for Daegu-Kyungbuk Mobile Cluster: Searching for Alternative Regional Innovation Governance (대구.경북 모바일 클러스터 육성전략: 지역혁신 거버넌스의 대안 모색)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hyop;Kim, Hyung-Joo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.477-493
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    • 2009
  • This research aims to examine Korean regional innovation governance, find structural problems, and explore alternative strategies of regional innovation governance. Especially the alternative governance was searched through the case study of Daegu-Kyungbuk mobile cluster, of which formulation Samsung is the anchor institution. Regional innovation governance in this research is defined as a policy system to link knowledge generation & diffusion subsystem and knowledge application & exploitation subsystem, and institutional conditions to steer the system. "Social Capital Assessment Tool (SOCAT)" of the World Bank was utilized for the appreciation of cluster governance. The regional innovation governance of Daegu-Kyungbuk mobile cluster is characterized as production networks dominated by one-to-one relationship between Samsung and hardware/software developers, decentralized R&D networks and policy networks with multiple hubs. Major policy agents have not developed networks with local companies, and rare are interactions between the policy agents. Local companies, especially software developers, responded they have had experiences to cooperate for local problem solving and shared their community goal, however, the degree of trust in major local project leaders is not high. Local hardware/software developers with core technologies need to be cooperative to develop similar technologies or products in Daegu-Kyungbuk mobile cluster. Regional administrative actors, such as the City of Daegu and Kyungsangbuk-do, and diverse innovation-related institutes should build cooperative environment where diverse project-based cooperation units are incessantly created, taken apart, and recreated.

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스웨덴의 지역혁신체제 및 클러스터 육성정책

  • 박상철
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.195-214
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    • 2003
  • Sweden's regional innovation system is built mainly on innovative clusters, several of them - in automobile, steel, new materials, information and telecommunication, and bioscience - world-class. Most successful clusters were developed at local bases imbued with local history. In fact, a cluster's competitiveness is intimately related to its closeness of fit with its local environment. Geographically dispersed clusters in Sweden - some national, others local, and some local but deemed members of a national cluster as well - have already created many new competitive products and services. In 2001, Sweden has eight national and nine regional clusters, and envisioned eleven national and five regional clusters more. The experience of Swedish clusters indicate several elements that determine the ability of cluster policies to promote and strengthen regional economic growth. Cluster policies require strong public sector support, particularly in the form of providing basic national conditions. Regional cluster policies place new demands on national and regional industrial policies. All policies must be closely interwoven without compromising their primary allegiance to their respective areas.

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Building an Innovation System for Industrial Development in a Knowledge based Economy (산업의 지식집약화를 위한 혁신체제 구축 방향)

  • 김선배
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2001
  • The purposes of this research are to examine the theoretical background and industrial policy issues with regard to building a Innovation System for encouraging industrial competitiveness and fostering regional industry in Korea. Knowledge has become the driving force of economic growth and the primary source of competitiveness in the world market. So since 1990s, Innovation Systems have been put emphasis on as new industrial development strategy in a knowledge-based economy. It can be understood that Innovation System is composed of National Innovation System(NIS) and Regional Innovation System(RIS) and interrelated the concept of clusters and networks, which are contribute to industry development throughout boosting innovation. As for the Korean industrial policy, when the former centralized policy decision making process became decentralized through the implementation of local autonomy, the role of local or state government in relation to regional industrial promotion intensified. But with the impotance of for fostering strategic industry in the region. new industrial policy issues in Korea are needed as follows; $\circled1$ Building a market-oriented support system for industrial cluster through providing the resource of innovation. $\circled2$ Establishing agency for regional industrial development. $\circled3$ Making a evolutionary vision for broader region including 2 or 3 province, $\circled4$ Fostering strategic industry which is selected in term of specialization and potential of the region. The RIS model for industry development is outlined in this paper but policy initiatives for building a RIS have to be extracted from further case studies.

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Marketing Technologies In Educational Management: Current Problems

  • Zhytomyrska, Tetiana;Zrybnieva, Iryna;Romaniuk, Nadiia;Havrysh, Iryna;Gorditsa, Tetyana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.298-302
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    • 2022
  • The article considers in detail the possibilities and significance of marketing technologies for additional education programs as the most flexible and adaptive component of the educational process. Moreover, additional education programs are the most market-defined. Also at this stage, we have developed the structure of the e-mail message about ongoing additional educational programs in order to promote them, and on its basis, we have prepared an example of a letter for e-mail.informational and educational mailing using techniques to attract the attention of the addressee in order to promote additional educational programs.The content of the letter was also formed for students of the electronic course "Education Marketing", sent out in order to monitor the educational process.

The Status and Network Characteristics of Regional Innovation Support Agencies(company support agencies and R&D institutes) in Daegu City, Korea (대구지역 기업지원 및 연구기관 현황과 네트워크의 특성)

  • Lee, Chul-Woo;Kim, Myeong-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.391-404
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    • 2005
  • This paper attempts to show the status and network characteristic of regional innovation support agencies(company support agencies and R&D institutes, RISA) which play an important role in the regional system of innovation in Daegu City, using questionnaire data. Most of these agencies were established in 1990s and tend to locate in Buk-Gu and Dalsu-Gu, being major local universities which retain a large number of R&D and industry support agencies. The business areas of the agencies are largely associated with business training and applied research. Their major role is to provide the information that local firms need to acquire. It shows that they have relationships with 1 to 5 agencies, primarily in the form of informal network, for the purpose of sharing information and knowledge about science/technology and market trend. There are not many spin-offs from RISA. But most of spin-offs from RISA are located in Daegu City and maintain cooperative relationships with their parent organization primarily in the form of formal network. The main purpose of cooperative relationships with RISA is to interchange knowledges about technology.

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Evaluation of Regional Knowledge Innovation System in China: An Economic Framework Based on Dynamic Slacks-based Approach

  • CHIU, Sheng-Hsiung;LIN, Tzu-Yu
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2019
  • The paper proposes a knowledge innovation performance model by the dynamic data envelopment analysis with slacks-based measure approach for evaluating the effectiveness of 30 regional knowledge innovation activities in China from 2010 to 2016. In recent years, China has paid more attention to knowledge innovation activities, as central and local governments have pushed on with their innovation projects by lots of investment whatever the difficulties may be. Decision-maker is usually interested in judge its knowledge innovation performance relative to target benchmark by exploring whether one provincial administration region performs better among others and/or if the growth of economy will be benefited greatly by the knowledge innovation activities. To acquire the managerial insight about this issue from a comprehensively designed performance evaluation model, knowledge innovation activity is conceptualized as an intertemporal production process. Invention patent and regional gross product are imposed on desirable outputs, highlighting the need for knowledge economy. The empirical result shows that knowledge innovation has a positive effect on economic development. At the same time, decision-maker should be interest in the economic effect of patents' type and quality. The government should then encourage new technical applications with greater commercial value from a market-oriented perspective, in order to benefit the most from the innovation process in the short-run.

Analyzing Typology and Factor Combinations for Regional Innovation in Korea Using fs/QCA (퍼지셋 질적비교분석을 이용한 우리나라 지역혁신의 유형 및 요인 분석)

  • Kim, Gyu-hwan;Park, In Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 2018
  • These days, regional innovation draws more attention than ever as a growth engine for regional economies, and governments put a variety of efforts to establish Regional Innovation systems(RISs). In this circumstance, this study aims to analyze types of RISs and the combinations of the factors influencing innovation performance as measured by patent application. Most of previous works have depended on case-oriented or variable-oriented strategy to classify types of RISs or to analyze the effects on performance of innovation factors, having some limitations: Variable-oriented approaches fail to capture complex combinatory effects of factors, while case-oriented approaches tend to depend on subjective interpretation. This study made use of the recently proposed fs/QCA(Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis) to overcome the limitations of those strategies. Based on the theory of RIS, three factors for regional innovation-input, infrastructure, and network-are used to classify 16 Korean Provinces. The results show that eight types of regional innovation types are identified, and that most of the regions are classified into either IN-type, equipped with high levels of Input and Network, or F-type, with high levels of infrastructure. In addition, applying seven sub-variables of the three factors to the fussy-set combination factor analysis, we examine a combination of factors influencing patent application. The results show that regions with high levels of R&D expense, valid patent, industry-academia cooperation, IP budget, and TLO values, and low IP capital almost always have a high level of patent application. Therefore, for regional innovation, the public sector needs to provide institutional support for R & D personnel training. It is also important to for both the public and the private sectors to make efforts to stimulate IP financing.

A review of the immunomodulatory activities of polysaccharides isolated from Panax species

  • Hu, Yeye;He, Yang;Niu, Zhiqiang;Shen, Ting;Zhang, Ji;Wang, Xinfeng;Hu, Weicheng;Cho, Jae Youl
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2022
  • Panax polysaccharides are biopolymers that are isolated and purified from the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits of Panax L. plants, which have attracted considerable attention because of their immunomodulatory activities. In this paper, the composition and structural characteristics of purified polysaccharides are reviewed. Moreover, the immunomodulatory activities of polysaccharides are described both in vivo and in vitro. In vitro, Panax polysaccharides exert immunomodulatory functions mainly by activating macrophages, dendritic cells, and the complement system. In vivo, Panax polysaccharides can increase the immune organ indices and stimulate lymphocytes. In addition, this paper also discusses the membrane receptors and various signalling pathways of immune cells. Panax polysaccharides have many beneficial therapeutic effects, including enhancing or activating the immune response, and may be helpful in treating cancer, sepsis, osteoporosis, and other conditions. Panax polysaccharides have the potential for use in the development of novel therapeutic agents or adjuvants with beneficial immunomodulatory properties.

Regional Innovation System for Co-developing Neighboring Cities: Analysis on the Innovation Actors of Cheonan and Asan, Chungnam (인접지역 공동발전을 위한 지역혁신체계 구축의 과제: 충남 천안시와 아산시의 혁신주체 분석)

  • Kim Hak-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.70-79
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    • 2006
  • In a recognition of regional innovation system approach for a co-development effort of the Cheonan-Asan area, Chungnam, this research conducted a survey from the local leaders of these two cities. The results of the survey show that most local leaders strongly agree with the necessity of co-development efforts, that some suggest a merge of two cities, and that some suggest industrial development programs in the city border. The local leaders expect that public officials should play a major role in co-development of the two cities while local leaders are disappointed with the public officials activities. They also highly expect that civilian leaders (NGOs) and professors should play important roles in this matter. Upon these results, the research suggests to formulate a cooperative regional innovation system for the co-development of the two neighboring cities by three steps.

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