• Title/Summary/Keyword: regional competitiveness

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Effects of Competitiveness Improvement Measures on Red-pepper and Garlic (고추, 마늘의 경쟁력제고사업 효과 분석)

  • Hong, Seungjee;Kim, Byung-Ryul
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2006
  • This study attempts to investigate the possible extent that main spicy vegetables' competitiveness can be improved through various measures. More widely open the agricultural market becomes, more important enhancing the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products is especially in high tariff products such as red-pepper and garlic. Up to date, numerous measures have been applied to those products for enhancing the competitiveness by government, regional agencies, and producer's organizations. However, there is few studies about how much the competitiveness can be improved as a whole from implementing the diverse methods. Following the results, the competitiveness of red-pepper and garlic can be improved up to 70% and 50% respectively by reducing production costs.

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A Correlation Analysis among Regional Industrial Diversification, Job Creation and Regional Competitiveness (산업구조 다양성과 고용창출 및 지역경쟁력간 관계 분석)

  • Kim, Dae-Jung;Kyung, Jong-Soo;Jung, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.786-800
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between the change of the diversity of the industrial structure, and regional employmentability and the intensification of regional competitiveness, and consequently, is to present policy implications. As a result of the analysis of the whole industry such as the primary, secondary and tertiary industry in Chungnam Province, the existing strategic implementation on the employmentability and regional competitiveness throughout the policy on the existing specialized industries can be regarded as appropriate. However, under the condition that danger and stability in each industry are fluctuated and the internal and external circumstances are varied, the detailed analysis and rapid policy prescription on the primary and tertiary industry are required. Along with these results, policy implications are as follows; Firstly, in terms of effectiveness, regional policy are simultaneously conducted along with industrial, technological and regional development's policies while consider ing complex and comprehensive characteristics of the regional industry and rapid changing the global market conditions. Secondly, with respect to equity, regional policy is needed to implement by reducing the socio-economic gap across regions and mixing regional and sectoral policies along with regional and local uniqueness.

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Changes in Industrial Structure and Competitiveness of Manufacturing Crisis Region: Focusing on Gunsan City (제조업 위기지역의 산업구조 및 경쟁력 변화: 군산시를 사례로)

  • Song, Juyoun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.299-319
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    • 2022
  • Since 2010, there have been phenomena that the recession of key industries has spreaded into a regional crisis, affecting the overall regional economy in Korea. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the regional industrial structure and manufacturing competitiveness has been changed in Gunsan, which is in crisis due to the decline of the shipbuilding and automobile industries. As a result, the pace of change in industrial structure of Gunsan has accelerated, and this is because the mass employment released from the key industries has been absorbed into other industries, but there were no manufacturing fields that could replace the recession of the key industries. Among the manufacturing of Gunsan, the degree of specialization of the basic industries has been gradually weakened, and in addtion, the weakening of location competitiveness has brought a negative impact on the growth rate differential of the manufacturing. It is necessary to closely examine changes in characteristics of regional industrial structure for Gusan to find an alternative direction in order to respond to the manufacturing crisis.

Comparative Analysis of the Role of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) according to the Characteristics of Business Districts - Based on a case study on BIDs in London, UK -

  • Youngseo Park
    • Architectural research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2023
  • London's BID, introduced in the early 2000s, has grown significantly to fill the gap between government services which have been decreased by the global recession and localism, and the demand for better services to strengthen competitiveness on a global level. Based on this background, this study comparatively analysed two BIDs in London with contrasting regional characteristics to find how BID works differently for the regeneration and sustainable development of regional business districts according to regional characteristics. As a result, the two BIDs ultimately had the goal of improving the local business environment and strengthening the competitiveness of local businesses and had a common point of working in close partnership with the public sector such as the local government. However, depending on the local situation and characteristics, it has been observed that there are differences in the strategies of work and the roles and relationships in the partnership with the public sector.

A Case Study on Regional Tourism Innovation through Smart Tourism: Focusing on Incheon Smart Tourism City Project (스마트관광을 활용한 지역관광 혁신사례 연구: 인천 스마트관광도시를 중심으로)

  • Han, Hani;Chung, Namho
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2024
  • Smart tourism aims to maximize the utilization of local tourism resources, effectively manages cities and contributes to improving communication and quality of life between tourists and residents. Therefore, smart tourism emphasizes synergistic collaboration, considering both residents and tourists. This study explores smart tourism interaction and roles in enhancing regional competitiveness. By conducting thorough examination, focusing on integrating the four key elements of smart tourism city (smart experience, smart convenience, smart accessibility, and smart platform) with local residents, local businesses, regional resources, and ecosystem to foster positive synergies, Incheon smart tourism city project was employed as a single case study design. Research results indicate that the collaborative model of a smart tourism city positively impacts service satisfaction and strengthens regional tourism competitiveness. Building upon these results, this study aims to contribute to the development of smart tourism cities by proposing directions for future development and emphasizing the enhancement of regional competitiveness through the integration of smart technology and local tourism.

An Empirical Study on the Export Competitiveness of Korean Automobiles in the Local Chinese Market (한국 자동차의 대중국 수출경쟁력에 관한 연구 - RCA, CAC, ESI 지수 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Heon
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.583-611
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    • 2009
  • This study aims at analysing the export competitiveness of the six largest countries which have the highest market share in world automobile market, namely Japan, USA, China, Germany, South Korea and France for the last seven years between 2000 and 2006 in Chinese automobile market by using revealed comparative advantage index(RCA), comparative advantage index by country (CAC) and exporting similarity index(ESI). On analysis of the RCA index, it showed that the export competitiveness of Korean automobile in the world market was high following Japan and Germany, but it ranked the lowest competitiveness among the six trade competitors in Chinese automobile market. In other side, it is also made sure that the formidable competitors of Korean automobile export in global market are Germany and Japan. Therefore, South Korea needs to raise its ability to adjust to improvement of the international competitiveness in exports through close cooperation between government and automobile export enterprise and consistent monitoring about Chinese automobile industry and market.

A Study for Models of Regional Science & Technology Information Infrastructure to Develop Regional Innovation System

  • Kim, Yon-Hyong;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.335-348
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is to suggest the roles of government through constructing models of regional scientific technology and information to develop regional innovation system, which can maximize international competitiveness of Korea. To do this, this research compares the characteristics and superiorities of each regional areas in Korea. Constructing DB for scientific technology and information is recognized as a primary factor for constructing scientific technology and information infrastructure. In regional areas, constructing DB for professional scientific technology and information and networks are regarded as a key factor for regional scientific technology and information. Also, the primary problem to be solved in the regional areas is to construct DB for scientific technology and information.

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Research Policy for National Competitiveness (성장잠재력 확충을 위한 기초연구 정책방향)

  • 송충한
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.167-182
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    • 2003
  • Basic research is becoming more important in knowledge-based economy. In Korea, government's research policy has been enforcing applied research and development for economic growth rather than basic research. But, in 21st century, Korea's catch-up policy in science and technology arrived its limit. Without creative knowledge, we cannot expect national competitiveness. Therefore, we have to reform our research policy for national competitiveness. The directions are as follows; first, strengthening basic research, especially use-inspired basic research. Second, enlarging individual research program rather than group research program. Third, encouraging universities' specification through research grant review criteria. Fourth, beginning a new program for supporting regional universities' competitiveness.

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A Study on the relationship between Koera-US FTA and Export Competitiveness in Gyeonggi Province (한.미 FTA 체결과 경기도의 수출경쟁력에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwa;Song, Jeong-Seok
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.221-250
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated and analyzed the export competitiveness of Gyeonggi-Do and the effect of Korea-US FTA on its export competitiveness. By reviewing the current status of trade structure and implementing trade specialization index(TSI) of export commodities of Gyeonggi-Do, the investigation has listed the specific export commodities with competitiveness for increasing the volume of its export in the United States, in the short, mid and long run perspectives. From the findings in this study, it suggests specific trade and commercial policies to Korea-US FTA including implementing commodity-oriented export supporting system, strategic marketing method, economic-free-zone plan, R&D investment, export financing and regional economic cooperation.

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A study on the identification of hub cities and delineation of their catchment areas based on regional interactions (지역 거점도시 식별 및 상호작용에 따른 영향권역 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dohyeong;Woo, Myungje
    • Journal of Korea Planning Association
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 2018
  • While the competitiveness of small and medium sized cities has become important for balanced development at the national scale, they have experienced continuous decline in population and employment, particularly those in non-capital regions. In addition, some of small and medium sized cities have been classified into shrinking cities that have declined due to their long-term structural reasons. To address these issues, a regional approach, by which a hub city and its surrounding small and medium sized cities can collaborate has been suggested. Given this background, the purpose of this study is to identify and delineate hub cities and their impact areas by using travel data as a functional network index. This study uses a centrality index to identify the hub cities of small and medium sized cities and Markov-chain model and cluster analysis to delineate regional boundaries. The mean first passage time (MFPT) generated from the Markov-chain model can be interpreted as functional distance of each region. The study suggests a methodological approach delineating the boundaries of regions incorporating functional relationships of hub cities and their impact areas, and provides 59 hub cities and their impact areas. The results also provide policy implications for regional spatial planning that addresses appropriate planning boundaries of regions for enhancing the economic competitiveness of small and medium sized cities and ensuring services for shrinking cities.