• Title/Summary/Keyword: referrals

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Is the Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score Accurate and Reliable in Predicting Vertebral Compression Fractures for Spinal Metastasis? A Systematic Review and Qualitative Analysis

  • Lee, Chang-Hyun;Hong, Jae Taek;Lee, Sun-Ho;Yi, Seong;Sohn, Moon-Jun;Kim, Sung Hwan;Chung, Chun Kee;Korean Spine Oncology Research Society
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.4-12
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    • 2021
  • Spinal metastases can present with varying degrees of mechanical instability. The Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS) was developed as a tool to assess spinal neoplastic-related instability while helping to guide referrals among oncology specialists. Some previous papers suggested that the SINS was accurate and reliable, while others disagreed with this opinion. We performed a systematic review regarding the SINS to evaluate its accuracy and precision in predicting vertebral compression fractures (VCFs). The 21 included studies investigated a total of 2118 patients. Thirteen studies dealt with the accuracy of SINS to predict post-radiotherapy VCFs, and eight dealt with the precision. Among 13 studies, 11 agreed that the SINS categories showed statistically significant accuracy in predicting VCF. Among eight studies, body collapse was effective for predicting VCFs in six studies, and alignment and bone lesion in two studies. Location has no statistical significance in predicting VCFs in any of the eight studies. The precision of SINS categories was substantial to excellent in six of eight studies. Among the six components of the SINS, the majority of the included studies reported that location showed near perfect agreement; body collapse, alignment, and posterolateral involvement showed moderate agreement; and bone lesion showed fair agreement. Bone lesion showed significant accuracy in predicting VCFs in half of eight studies, but displayed fair reliability in five of seven studies. Although location was indicated as having near perfect reliability, the component showed no accuracy for predicting VCFs in any of the studies and deleting or modifying the item needs to be considered. The SINS system may be accurate and reliable in predicting the occurrence of post-radiotherapy VCFs for spinal metastasis. Some components seem to be substantially weak and need to be revised.

Introduction of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Korea and Their Role During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Focusing on the Ministry of Education Policy

  • Seo Jung Kim;Jongha Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.4-14
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to discuss mental health services for children and adolescents that are being implemented as initiatives of the Korean government and to review the functions and roles of these projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three government departments are in charge of providing mental health services for children and adolescents: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and Ministry of Health and Welfare. The Ministry of Education has implemented several policies to facilitate the early detection of mental health issues among school students (from preventive interventions to selective interventions for high-risk students). The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family additionally serves out-of-school children and adolescents by facilitating early identification of adolescents in crises and providing temporary protection or emergency assistance (as required) through the Community Youth Safety-Net Project. Furthermore, the Ministry of Health and Welfare operates relevant mental health agencies for individuals of all ages including children and adolescents. Any high-risk students who have been screened through the projects of the Ministry of Education are supported through referrals to the following institutions for appropriate treatment of their symptoms: specialized hospitals, the Youth Counseling and Welfare Center operated by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, the National Youth Healing Center, the Mental Health Welfare Center operated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Suicide Prevention Center, and the Child Welfare Center. To assist students who are facing any psychological difficulties because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Education has established a psychiatric support group for providing emergency mental health care; furthermore, schools are promoting psychological surveillance (e.g., provision of non-face-to-face counseling services that are centered around the Wee Center). The Ministry of Education, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and Ministry of Health and Welfare have provided varied mental health support services in order to address the challenges faced by children and adolescents during the pandemic. Nevertheless, the mental health services operated by each ministry do show some limitations because their service provision system is insufficiently collaborative. The present study discussed the positive effects of each initiative as well as its limitations; furthermore, it suggested improvements for facilitating the healthy development of children and adolescents' mental health.

Different Abortion Approaches in Europe and Women's Health: Implications for Korean Abortion Debates (유럽 각국의 낙태 접근과 여성건강 - 한국 낙태논쟁에 대한 함의 -)

  • Chung, Jin-Joo
    • Issues in Feminism
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.123-158
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    • 2010
  • For the last several months, abortion debates have sparkled in Korea. The government has escalated the need of active punishment of illegal abortions to solve low fertility problems, while some obstetricians and gynecologist have proclaimed stoppage of illegal abortions suing colleague doctors who has conducted illegal abortions. Women's rights groups and researchers have also responded to the abortion debate claiming that women's decisions over their pregnancy are important in making of abortion policies. To contribute to Korean abortion debates, his paper aims to analyze European experiences of abortion polices in relation to the consequences on women's health. For the analysis of European abortion experiences, three countries - Ireland, U.K, and Netherland -are chosen. These three countries are selected since their legal and social acceptance of abortion and the level of safe abortion system are different. Each country is reviewed by national abortion policy, legal regulation, medical system and the role of civil society. The analysis shows several implications for abortion debates occurring in Korea. Various systematic policy mechanisms - abortion on women' request, abortions without complicated doctor's referrals, transparent and anonymous counseling and information provision regarding abortion, training and education for medical professionals to guarantee high quality abortion, abortions funded publicly for women to improve their access to abortions, steady monitoring and auditing abortion procedures and outcomes for safe abortion and so on - are required in Korean society. Two track procedures - safe abortion on women's request and prevention of unwanted pregnancy - are needed for reproduction of healthy women and society.

A Study of Home Care Needs of Patients at Discharge and Effects of Home Care -Centered on Patients Discharged from a Rural General Hospilal- (퇴원환자의 가정간호요구와 가정간호사업의 효과 분석 - 일 종합병원을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Yun Soon;Kim, Dai Hyun;Storey, Margaret;Kim, Cho Ja;Kang, Kyu Sook
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 1992
  • The study was carried out at W. hospital, an affiliated hospital of Y university, involved a total of 163 patients who were discharged from the hospital between May 1990 und March 199J. Data collection was twice, just prior to discharge and a minimum of three months post discharge. Thirty patients who lived within a hour travel time of the hospital received home care during the three months post discharge. Nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions For these patients were analyzed in this study. The results of the study are summarized as follows : 1. Discharge needs for the subjects of the study were analyzed using Gordon's eleven Functional categories and it was found that 48.3% of the total sample had identified nursing needs. Of these, the needs most frequently identified were in the categories of sexuality, 79.3 %, health perception, 68.2 % self concept, 62.5 %, and sleep and rest 62.5 %. Looking ut j he nursing diagnosis that were made for the 30 patients receiving home care, the following diagnoses were the most frequently given; alteration in sexual pattern 79.3%, alterations in health maintenance, 72.6%, alteration in comfort, 68.0%, depression, 64.0%, noncompliance with diet therapy, 6.3.7%, alteration in self concept, 55.6%, and alteration in sleep pattern, 53%. 2. In looking at the effects of home nursing care as demonstrated by changes in the functional categories over the three month period, it was Found that of the 11 functional categories, the need level for health perception, nutrition, activity and self concept decreased slightly over the three month period. On the average sleep patterns improved, but restfulness was slightly less and bowel elimination patterns improved but satisfaction with urinary elimination was slightly less. On the other hand, role enactment, sexuality, stress management and spirituality decreased slightly. The only results that were statistically significant at the 0.05 level were improvement. in digestion and decrease in pain. No statistically significant changes were found in ability related to ADL, the total ADL Score at discharge was $19.78{\pm}8.234, and after 3 months $19.01{\pm}8.12$. Considering that a majority of the patients were over 60 years of age and that many had brain or spinal cord injuries, the fact that their ADL ability did nor deteriorate after discharge can be interpreted as related to a positive impact by the home health care nurses. Similarly there was a slight be not statistically significant decrease in the quality of life scores between the two lest times(l47.83 at discharge and 113.02 at the three month period). Again, when the chronic nature of thee problems facing these patients is considered this maintenance of quality of life can be interpreted as a positive impact by the home health care nurses. 3. One of the home care nursing activities was diagnosis. For this activity it was found that for nine functional health categories(sexuality and spirituality excepted) there were 20 nursing diagnoses. The most frequent were noncompliance, alteration in skin integrity both actual and potential, and impaired physical mobility in that order. 4. Delivery of home health care by the home health nurses included the following nursing activities; assessment, patient education, demonstration of care activities, counselling, direct care to the patient and referrals. Direct care included changing dressings, bladder irrigations, changing Foley catheters, measurement of residual urine, perineal care, position change, back care, oral hygiene, exercise and massage of motion exercises, cleansing enemas, tracheostomy suctioning and tracheostomy care, care of dentures, applications of heat and other similar nursing activities. In conclusion almost 50% of (he sample indicated a need for continued nursing care at the time of discharge and for the patients in the sample who received home care there was a slight decrease in nursing needs but while the patients had chronic and debilitation problems there was ill decrease in ADL abilities or in quality of life. Further study needs Lo be done La increase the reliability and validity of the tool that was used to measure home health care needs. It is also recommended that study by done using a randomized sampling with a control group to compare patients who receive home care with those who do not.

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The Current Status and Changing Pattern for 5 Years of Psychiatric Consultation in a General Hospital (일 종합병원에서의 자문 현황과 5년 추이에 대한 고찰)

  • Seol, Jang-Woo;Lee, Sang-Chul;Kim, Hyun-Chul;Hong, Sang-Eui;Lee, Tae-Byoung;Lee, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Do-Hoon;Son, Bong-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This study was conducted to look over the current status of psychiatric consultation in a general hospital. Methods : We analyzed 664 medical records : 317 in 2002 and 347 in 1997, and compared the records of 1997 and 2002. Results 1) The average age of the patients increased from 45.9 years(1997) to 53.2 years of age (2002). Dividing the referred patients into 3 age-brackets as below 40, between 40 and 60, and above 60, the number of patients in the age group above 60 was significantly increased, more prominently in women. 2) Overall consultation rate was 2.29% in 2002 and 2.2% in 1997 .44.2% and 57.1% of the whole referrals were from the department of internal medicine in each year, and the department of rehabilitation medicine was leading in consultation rate in both years. 3) 'Mood disorders' and 'Substance related disorders' were the most frequent diagnoses in 2002 and 1997 respectively. 4) Use of psychotropic drugs was the most frequent recommendations of psychiatric consultation, in both years, and the most frequently prescribed drugs were anti-anxiety drugs in both years. The use of SSRI and atypical anti-psychotics were increased, while the use of typical anti-psychotics was decreased significantly in 2002. Conclusion : In 2002, compared with 1997, the average age of the patients was increased, and the consultation of the patients with the diagnosis of 'mood disorders' and 'cognitive disorders' was done more frequently than in 1997. The recommendation to use psychotropic drugs was well accepted, but the concern to diagnostic procedure was relatively low.

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Study on the Developmental Standard of Short Sensory Profile: Application to Korean Children Aged Seven to Nine Years Old (7~9세 아동의 단축감각력 발달적 기준에 관한 일연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Sun;Ji, Seok-Yeon;Keum, Hyo-Jin;Kim, Sung-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2009
  • Background : Theory of Sensory Integration (SI) was initially developed with an effort to understand children's behavior by Jean Ayres and has been evolved with extensive research by occupational therapist practitioners and researchers since in the latter of the 20 century. With extension of recognition to SI, various professions begin to refer their clients who are children with sensory integration dysfunction. Upon those referrals, occupational therapists normally use Short Sensory Profile (SSP) to screen and decide whether SI therapeutic intervention is needed or not. Objective : Purpose of this study is (1) to examine any difference between different age groups and genders for children who are seven to nine years old; (2) to compare the score results of those Korean children with the original Standard which is established for American children: and (3) to compare tendency of response for each item between children with- and without SI dysfunction. This study was intended to validate test items of the SSP and determine whether the original standard of SSP is applicable for Korean children. Method : 155 students (81 for male, 74 for female) underwent SI evaluation using the Korean-translated SSP. 52 student (22 for male, 30 for female) were 7 years old, 54 students (32 for male, 22 for female) were 8 years old, 49 students (27for male, 22 for female) were 9 years old. Results : There is no significant difference of SSP score by neither age nor gender. In comparison the average score and sensory integrative disorder with the American Standard, there is significant difference on score of sub-item and total score. For six items, there is no significant difference on the tendency of response between children with- and without SI dysfunction. Conclusions : It is concluded that the original standard is suitable for Korean children aged seven to nine. The six test items that children without SI dysfunction shown similar tendency to respond are questionable to be appropriate as screening test item. It is suggested to proceed to do further item analysis study and extend the study to broad age groups, so develop the most appropriate Standard of SSP for Korean children.

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Statistical Analysis of Patients Referred to Pediatric Cardiology Clinic for Diagnosis of Heart Disease (심장질환의 진단을 위해 의뢰된 환아들에 대한 자료 분석)

  • Choi, Kwang-Hae;Lee, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2000
  • Background: Echocardiography is rapidly establishing itself as the primary diagnostic technique for investigation of children with heart diseases, and referrals are increasing to the pediatric cardiology clinic for investigation. However, because there is a lack of analyzed data on the patients referred to the pediatric cardiology clinics, we have proceeded to compare and analyze their characteristics to provide basic data base. Methods: From Oct. 1, 1998 to Jul. 10, 1999, total 443 cases referred to the pediatric cardiology clinic of Yeungnam University Hospital were studied retrospectively by medical records, chest X-ray, EKG and echocardiography, etc. Results: The results were as follows. 1. The proportion of male was 61.0%(261 cases) and that of female was 39.0%(67 cases). The ratio of male to female was 1.6:1. The proportion infants less than 1 year-old was 62.6% (26R cases) of all patients. 2. Cardiac murmur was present in 248 cases(57.9%), which was the most common case of referral ed to the pediatric cardiology clinic. The impression at referral was more congenital heart disease(70.6%) than acquired heart disease(17.8%) and arrhythmia01.6%). 3. The final diagnosis was as follows : congenital heart disease was present in 212 cases(49.5%), acquired heart disease, 59 cases(13.9%); arrhythmia. 13 cases(3.0%); normal heart. 144 cases(33.6%). Conclusion: Among the patients referred to pediatric cardiology clinic, 33.6%(144 cases) had normal hearts and why these patients were referred may be possibly due to more dependence on echocardiography than on auscultation instruction. Therefore, clinical and auscultatory skill should be emphasized to minimize dependence on expensive echocardiography for evaluation of pediatric heart disease.

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Effect of Multidisciplinary Emergency Consultation System for Drug Intoxicated Patients (응급실을 내원한 약물중독 환자에 대한 다학제 응급협진체계의 효과 검증)

  • Kang, Jino;Kim, Hye Ri;Min, Kyungjoon;Kim, Na Ryoung;Heo, Yoon Kyung;Kim, Sun Mi
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.130-137
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : When a patient who attempts suicide visits the emergency room, it is important that the departments of emergency medicine, internal medicine, and psychiatry communicate with each other and prioritize treatment. This study was conducted to verify the effectiveness of the multidisciplinary emergency consultation system (ECS) for drug intoxicated patients. Methods : We retrospectively analyzed the data from medical records prior to the ECS, from July 2017 to May 2018, and after the ECS, from July 2018 to May 2019, to verify the effectiveness of the system. Results : After the ECS, admission to open wards was significantly higher than to the intensive care units (χ2=8.567, p=0.014). In addition, the proportion of consultations to the department of psychiatry among patients admitted to other departments tended to increase (χ2=4.202, p=0.053), and the time required for consultation response decreased (Z=-2.031, p=0.042). As a result of the consultation, the proportion of the patients who had been transferred to the department of psychiatry was increased (χ2=4.692, p=0.043), and the time spent to transfer tended to decrease (Z=-1.941, p=0.052). Conclusions : After implementing the ECS for drug intoxicated patients, unnecessary intensive care unit admissions, consultation response time, and the time spent to transfer were reduced, and the rate of consultation referrals and transfer rates increased. This means that the multidisciplinary consultation system rapidly provided essential medical services to patients at lower medical costs.


  • Kim, Hyo-Jung;Hyun, Hong-Keun;Kim, Young-Jae;Kim, Jung-Wook;Jang, Ki-Taeg;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Hahn, Se-Hyun;Kim, Chong-Chul
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2011
  • The number of patients requesting services of pediatric dental clinics has been steadily increasing in South Korea. The pediatric dental clinics are comprised of hospital-based clinics and local clinics. The purpose of this study was to analyze new-patient distribution and to survey the motives for visiting the department of pediatric dentistry at Seoul National University Dental Hospital(SNUDH), utilizing questionnaires for parents from May to July 2010. The results are as follows: 1. Age distribution showed that 0-3 year-olds formed the largest group of 29.3%. The average age of patients was 6.2 years old. 2. In the surveys for the parents, the major reason for visiting SNUDH was the referral from other clinics(30.6%). 3. The 75% of patients previously visited other clinics before visiting SNUDH. 1) The greater number of patients(52%) visited general practitioner's clinic than pediatric specialists(48%). 2) More than 90% of the patients visited SNUDH after visiting other clinics for reassuring diagnosis and referrals. 3) The crucial deterring factor of being treated at SNUDH was difficult accessibility.

How to Implement Quality Pediatric Palliative Care Services in South Korea: Lessons from Other Countries (한국 소아청소년 완화의료의 발전 방안 제언: 국외 제공체계의 시사점을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Cho Hee;Kim, Min Sun;Shin, Hee Young;Song, In Gyu;Moon, Yi Ji
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Pediatric palliative care (PPC) is emphasized as standard care for children with life-limiting conditions to improve the quality of life. In Korea, a government-funded pilot program was launched only in July 2018. Given that, this study examined various PPC delivery models in other countries to refine the PPC model in Korea. Methods: Target countries were selected based on the level of PPC provided there: the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, and Singapore. Relevant literature, websites, and consultations from specialists were analyzed by the integrative review method. Literature search was conducted in PubMed, Google, and Google Scholar, focusing publications since 1990, and on-site visits were conducted to ensure reliability. Analysis was performed on each country's process to develop its PPC scheme, policy, funding model, target population, delivery system, and quality assurance. Results: In the United Kingdom, community-based free-standing facilities work closely with primary care and exchange advice and referrals with specialized PPC consult teams of children's hospitals. In the United States, hospital-based specialized PPC consult teams set up networks with hospice agencies and home healthcare agencies and provide PPC by designating care coordinators. In Japan, palliative care is provided through several services such as palliative care for cancer patients, home care for technology-dependent patients, other support services for children with disabilities and/or chronic conditions. In Singapore, a home-based PPC association plays a pivotal role in providing PPC by taking advantage of geographic accessibility and cooperating with tertiary hospitals. Conclusion: It is warranted to identify unmet needs and establish an appropriate PPD model to provide need-based individualized care and optimize PPC in South Korea.