• Title/Summary/Keyword: records information

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Analysis of Reform Model to Records Management System in Public Institution -from Reform to Records Management System in 2006- (행정기관의 기록관리시스템 개선모델 분석 -2006년 기록관리시스템 혁신을 중심으로-)

  • Kwag, Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.14
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    • pp.153-190
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    • 2006
  • Externally, business environment in public institution has being changed as government business reference model(BRM) appeared and business management systems for transparency of a policy decision process are introduced. After Records Automation System started its operation, dissatisfaction grows because of inadequacy in system function and the problems about authenticity of electronic records. With these backgrounds, National Archives and Records Service had carried out 'Information Strategy Planning for Reform to Records Management System' for 5 months from September, 2005. As result, this project reengineers current records management processes and presents the world-class system model. After Records and Archives Management Act was made, the records management in public institution has propelled the concept that paper records are handled by means of the electric data management. In this reformed model, however, we concentrates on the electric records, which have gradually replaced the paper records and investigate on the management methodology considering attributes of electric records. According to this new paradigm, the electric records management raises a new issue in the records management territory. As the major contents of the models connecting with electric records management were analyzed and their significance and bounds were closely reviewed, the aim of this paper is the understanding of the future bearings of the management system. Before the analysis of the reformed models, issues in new business environments and their records management were reviewed. The government's BRM and Business management system prepared the general basis that can manage government's whole results on the online and classify them according to its function. In this points, the model is innovative. However considering the records management, problems such as division into Records Classification, definitions and capturing methods of records management objects, limitations of Records Automation System and so on was identified. For solving these problems, the reformed models that has a records classification system based on the business classification, extended electronic records filing system, added functions for strengthening electric records management and so on was proposed. As regards dramatically improving the role of records center in public institution, searching for the basic management methodology of the records management object from various agency and introducing the detail design to keep documents' authenticity, this model forms the basis of the electric records management system. In spite of these innovations, however, the proposed system for real electric records management era is still in its beginning. In near feature, when the studies is concentrated upon the progress of qualified classifications, records capturing plans for foreign records structures such like administration information system, the further study of the previous preservation technology, the developed prospective of electric records management system will be very bright.

A Study on the Level of Medical Record Documentation and Agreement in the Information on the Patient's Past History (과거력 의무기록 정보의 기재정도 및 일치도 분석)

  • Seo, Jung-Sook;Yu, Seung-Hum;Oh, Hyohn-Joo;Kim, Yong-Oock
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.42-64
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the quality in medical records by analyzing its completeness through setting up the level of record on the patient's past history and through examining the actual medial records. Targeting the information on the patient's past history in interns' records, residents' records and nurses' records toward 403 inpatients who were admitted first in 2004 at an university hospital due to stomach cancer. We analyzed whether the charts were recorded or not, recording level, the satisfaction with the expectant level of the records in the hospital targeted for a research and the level of agreement. The results were as follows; first, as for the rate of recording those each items, they were high in the chief complaint & present illness and the past illness history. Depending on the group of recorders, the recording rate showed big difference by items. Second, as a result of measuring the level after dividing the recording level of items for the patient's past history from Level 1 to Level 4 by each item, the admission history, the past illness history, and the family history were about Level 3, and the smoking history, the medication history, the chief complaint & present illness, the drinking history and allergy were about Level 2. In the admission department, it was excellent in the interns' records for the medical department. Third, as a result of its satisfactory level by comparing the expect level of a record and the actual record by item in information on the patient's past history, which was expected by the medical-record committee members of the hospital targeted for a study. And forth, we analyzed the level of agreement with Kappa score in the level of 'Yes' or 'None' related to the corresponding matter in Level 1, in terms of information on the past history in the intern's record, the resident's record, and the nurse's record. The level of agreement in the resident's record & the nurse's record, and in the intern's record & the resident's record was from "excellent" to "a little good". There were differences in the level of completeness and in reliability for the information on the past history by the recorder group or by the admission department. The encounter process that was performed by the admission department or the recorder group, indicated the result that was directly reflected on the quality of medical records, thus it was required further study about the medical record documentation process and quality of care. The items that showed the high recording rate quantitatively were rather low, consequently we'd should develop the tool for the qualitative inspection and evaluate the medical records further. And the items were needed to be detailed in the record level were rather low, and hence there needed to be a documentation guideline and education by the clinical departments.

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A Study on the Records Management for Evidence-Based Accountability of Corporations : Focusing on Sustainability Reports (기업의 증거기반 설명책임을 위한 기록관리 방안 '지속가능성보고서'를 중심으로)

  • Jung, Mi Ri;Yim, Jin-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.48
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    • pp.45-92
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    • 2016
  • Corporations report their economical, environmental, social influences and achievements through sustainability reports. Apart from the financial reports, which are subject to legal restrictions, sustainability reports inform non financial achievements of a corporation, thus the reliability of the information is solely dependent on the corporation itself. The current sustainability reports are of types that cannot include proof or source of the index data, thus they are tended to be regarded as means of publicity. The reliability of the reports is often questioned. This research applied the concept of Evidence-Based Accountability, which will allow the confirmation of accountability through records including contents and context of the tasks. Evidence-Based Accountability means producing and accumulating witness records of actions, then managing the records as usable information and use them as accountability information. Index data from sustainability reports of domestic corporations and web based reports of Vodafone was reviewed. Measures to link task records as proof of index data was studied. To make this possible, record production and acquisition system was redesigned in order to secure required records as evidence. Linked build-up of SR system and RMS was proposed. The proposed system will allow collection and management of records as SR accountability information, and provide the data when necessary. Also, corporate infrastructure was proposed. This infrastructure will build a professional records management system in stages, through organizational system and regulations. Cooperation of staff in this infrastructure will support reliable corporate accountability.

The Use of Generative AI Technologies in Electronic Records Management and Archival Information Service (전자기록관리 업무 및 기록정보서비스에서의 생성형 AI 기술 활용)

  • Yoona Kang;Hyo-Jung Oh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.179-200
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    • 2023
  • Records management institutions in Korea generally face a situation where they lack the workforce to manage the vast amount of electronic records. If electronic records management tasks and archival information services can be automated and intelligentized, the workload can be reduced and the service satisfaction of users can be improved. Therefore, this study proposes to utilize "generative AI" technology in records management practice. To achieve this, the study first examined previous research that aimed to intelligently automate various tasks in the field of records management. The fundamental concepts of generative AI were subsequently outlined, and domestic cases of generative AI applications were investigated. Next, the scope of applying generative AI to the field of records management was defined, and specific utilization strategies were proposed based on this. Regarding the strategies, the effectiveness was verified by presenting results from applying commercial generative AI services or citing examples from other fields. Lastly, the benefits and implications of using generative AI technology in the field of records management, as well as limitations that must be addressed in advance, were presented. This study holds significance in that it identified tasks within the field of records management where generative AI technology can be integrated and proposed effective utilization strategies tailored to those tasks.

블록체인 기록관리 국제표준화 - 현황과 의의

  • Kim, Sungjae
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2021
  • 본 논문에서는 블록체인과 기록관리의 상호적용을 위해 ISO/TC 46/SC 11 문서·기록관리 위원회와 ISO/TC 307 블록체인 및 분산원장기술 위원회가 공동으로 진행 중인 국제표준화 프로젝트인 ISO/WD TR 24332 "Blockchain and DLT in relation to authoritative records, records systems, and records management"에 대해서 소개한다.

A Study on Comparison of Intellectual Structure in Records Management and Archives Using Author Cocitation Analysis (저자 동시인용분석에 의한 국내외 기록관리학 분야의 지적구조 비교에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Hee-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.207-224
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated the intellectual structure of records management and archives field in Korea and America using author cocitation analysis. Major journals in the field from 2000 to 2004 are used to select frequent cited authors. Cocited authors are analyzed in details by means of multi-variate statistical techniques such as multidimensional scaling. To the analysis of this intellectual structure, main research topics in Korea were laws and policies related to records management and archives whereas information technology based electronic records management in America.

A Study on the Business Archival System in Korea (한국의 민간기업 기록보존시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 김상호
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.205-228
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to review the business records management and archival system in Korea. Each private enterprise has several reasons to maintain its own records, archives and historical materials. Those are to meet the legal requirements and the social needs. They are for supporting the business activities and protecting the benefits of corporate. It's needed to establish an integrated knowledge, information, records, and communication center, employing the archivists and records managers who have an ethical sense of duty and the knowledge about business records to improve the current system at own storage facilities.

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A Study on Development of Collecting Historical Manuscripts Management System in the National Institute of Korean History (수집사료 관리시스템 개발에 관한 연구: 국사편찬위원회를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, So-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.371-387
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    • 2009
  • National Institute of Korean History(NIKH) is the major collecting organization of manuscripts, records for historical research and develops a Collecting Manuscripts Management System. Manuscripts description conforms to records management system, such as provenance information and hierarchical catalog records and business process observes library management system because it is not the public records. Goal system is integrated system containing both. This study proposes development of Collecting Historical Manuscripts Management System in the NIKH and the aspects to achieve successful system operation.

A Study on the Expansion of the Function of the Archives to the Agency Archives (기관 아카이브로의 기록관 기능 확대 방안 연구)

  • Ju, Hyun-Mi;Kim, Ik-Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.129-154
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    • 2018
  • It is time to prepare for the imminent development from the field of records management through decentralization to the records management of the new age in accordance with the flow of decentralization. To overcome a centralized record management system, more archives should be established to realize autonomous and decentralized records management. In accordance with the shift to a full-scale electronic record management environment, the appropriateness and effectiveness of the three-phase system of processing-archival-permanent record management based on physical transfer should be reviewed in terms of transfer cost and work efficiency. The archives should function as institutional archives to carry out the continuous volume record management and the autonomous record management at the institution level. This study examined the possibilities and implications of the archives to expand their functions as archives of institutions for the decentralization of record management and information governance orientation. In addition, the study diversified the types of records management institutions as a way to accomplish this and determined a way to design the functions of archives that integrate the current-end-end-end records management. At each level, institutions should set up archives based on their circumstances and aim at information governance at the level of each archive. Moreover, each archive level should establish a horizontal network to govern record information management.

The study on the policy of systematical management of the records collected from abroad (해외소재 한국학관련 역사기록의 정보화 방안 연구)

  • Chung, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Sung-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.1
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    • pp.137-188
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    • 2000
  • Korea was highly successful in maintaining a strong tradition of record preservation. However, Japanese imperialism and the Korean war over this century has seen a huge quantity of these once plentiful records either destroyed or relocated overseas. Many of Korea records remain in the custody of foreign archival institutions. Additionally, many records of foreign states concerned with korean affairs, for example, records of the Department of state, in the U.S.A., are of great relevance to Korean modern history. These records which exist in foreign countries are a necessary and invaluable resource in the advancement of Korea studies. After the 1980s, as research interest in Korean modern history increased gradually, much historical material related to Korea was extensively introduced, removed, collected from the U.S.A., Japan, Russia and China etc. by the efforts of pioneering scholars and institutions. Several attempts at collating and publishing this material have been made. Despite this encouraging result, individual scholars and institutions's efforts face problems in relation to removal of records. Firstly, it is repeated nonproductively to remove and collect the same records, for we didn't establish a comprehensive information system, through which the condition of foreign record removal and management is able to be administrated. Secondly, there is no system for arrangement, preservation, use of removed records. For example, finding aids, such as inventory, register, description, isn't prepared for user. A user may usually not understand an accurate context of their creation, preservation removal. Thirdly, almost institution has arranged the removed records among other materials and books. Each institution has a different classification criteria, too. These conditions seem to make a difficulty in national management. This study investigated how the materials for Korea history which has been removed from foreign countries should be managed for effective preservation and use. For these purpose, we investigated the present conditions of removal and management of these materials. Also, we investigated examples of the foreign state, U.S.A. and Japan to have a idea for removal and management policy. Then, This study propose a establishment of information network system as management policy. To administrate removing and managing records effectively, an idea that records belong to the public should be accepted commonly. The policy for management of the record is followings. Firstly, unification of classification is necessary. The records which were removed from foreign countries had better to be classified according to their origins of states and institutions. Secondly, Finding aids should be prepared for user. There are many accession aids such as catalog, register, inventory for user in archives. This will be a efficient method for management. When a record is removed, a card for description of contents must be composed. Thirdly, a digital input and network system establishment is necessary. It will help to manage a condition of removed records. A digital input and management system establishment is not just a project of digitalizing records. At present, various finding aids need to be introduced to make a database for records and archives. An search using only 'search engine' may make a difficulty in finding materials because such method is apt to have too much or little result. So, classification, arrangement, description, response-service should be integrated in these system. The recent technical advancement give a opportunity to realize this idea. Above all, these procedure should be archival process.