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Survey of Caffeine levels in the Favorite Diets of Children (어린이 기호식품 중 카페인 함량에 대한 조사)

  • Lee, E-Na;Kim, Hee-Jin;Im, Ji-Young;Kim, Jeoung-A;Park, Hye-Young;Ryu, Ju-Young;Ko, Kwang-Rack;Kim, Hyung-Sik
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2007
  • Children may respond differently to the caffeine from adults because they have different physiologic makeup and are functionally immature in terms of hepatic and renal function; this leads to the slower clearance of caffeine in early life. Therefore, children are often assumed to be more susceptible to caffeine effects. Alarge number of food supplements may interfere with these processes, and therefore caffeine exposure may have more serious consequences for children than for adults, irrespective of sensitivity. However, there has never been a national dietary survey on caffeine intakes in children. The purpose of our study was to identify caffeine intakes and beverage sources of caffeine in a representative sample of children in Busan, Korea. Caffeine intakes were based only on beverages included in the Continuing Surveys of Food Intakes by individuals. The caffeine content of the beverages ranged from 2.8 to 65.2mg/100ml for cola, soft drinks, and teas. Caffeine was not completely absent from caffeine-free colas, juice, and milk. In this study, cola-type beverages were an important dietary source of caffeine in the children. Daily caffeine intake for children was estimated to range from 12.5 to 250 mg/day. In general, the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of caffeine should cover the entire population including children. Therefore, special considerations should be needed regarding the consumption of soft drinks containing caffeine to children below the 12 years of age.

On the Biological Functions of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (말의 융모성 성선자극 호르몬의 생화학적 기능)

  • 민관식;윤종택
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 2002
  • In horse, a single gene encodes both eCG and eLH $\beta$ subunits. The difference between eCG and eLH lies in the structure of their glycoresidues, which are both sialylated and sulfated in LH and sialylated in CG eCG consists of highly glycosyiated $\alpha$- and $\beta$-subunits and is an unique member of the gonadotropin family because it elicits response characteristics of both FSH and LH in other species than the horse. This dual activity of eCG in heterologous species is of fundamental interest to the study of gonadotropin structure-function relationships and the understanding of the molecular bases of the specific interactions of these hormones with their receptors. Thus, eCG is a dintinct molecule from the view points of its biological function and glycoresidue structures. The oligosaccharide at Asn 56 of the $\alpha$-subunit plays an indispensable role, whereas the carboxyl-terminal extension of the eCG $\beta$-subunit with its associated O-linked oligosaccharides is not improtant for, the in vitro LH-like activity of eCG. In contrast, both N- and O-linked oligosaccharides play important roles for FSH-like activity and increase FSH-like activity by removal of N- and O-linked oligosaccharides. Therefore, the dual LH- and FSH-like activities of eCG can be clearly separated by removal of either the N-linked oligosaccharide on the $\alpha$-subunit or CTP-associated O-linked oligosaccharides from its $\beta$-subunit. The glycoresidues seem to play crucial roles fer biological activities. The tethered-eCG was effciently secreted and showed similar LH-like activity to the dimeric eCG $\alpha$/ $\beta$ and native eCG. FSH-like activity of the tethered-eCG was also shown similarly in comparison with the native and wild type eCG $\alpha$/ $\beta$. Our data for the first time suggest that the tethered-eCG can be expressed efficiently and the produced product by the CHO-Kl cells is fully LH- and FSH-like activities in rat in vitro bioassay system. Our results also suggest that this molecular can imply particular models ot FSH-like activity not LH-like activity in the eCG. Taken together, these data indicate that the constructs of tethered molecule will be useful in the study of mutants that affect subunit association and/or secretion.

Viabilities of Biopsied Mouse Embryos after Ultrarapid Refreezing and Thawing (미세조작된 생쥐수정란의 초급속 재동결융해 후 생존성)

  • 신상태;임준호;강만종;한용만;이경광
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 1996
  • To examine the developmental capacity of manipulated embryos after ultrarapid refreezing and thawing, mouse embryos were biopsied at 4-cell stage, frozen twice at 4-cell and morula stages, respectively, and then transferred to rec-ipients. Single blastomeres were biopsied from 4-cell embryos by a modified aspiration method. Biopsied 4-cell embryos were equilibrated into freezing medium at room temperature for 2.5 min, loaded into 40 $\mu$I of freezing medium in 0.25 ml plastic straw and then directly immersed into liqiud nitrogen. Freezing medium for 4-cell embryos consisted of 4.0 M ethylene glycol and O.25 M sucrose in dPBS supplemented with 6 mg/lm BSA. Morulae were frozen into freezing medium containing 5.0 M glycerol instead of ethylene glycol. Thawing was conducted by agitating each straw in 3TC water for 20 sec. The c content of each straw was expelled into 0.5 ml of dilution medium, which consisted of 0.25 M sucrose and 3 mg/ml BSA in dPBS. The thawed embryos were rehydrated in dilution medium for 10 min, washed 3 times with dPBS and then cultured in M16 medium at 37$^{\circ}C$, 5% CO$_2$ in air. Blastocysts that developed from frozen or refrozne biopsied embryos were transferred to recipients on Day 3 of pseudopregnancy, respectively. In vitro and in vivo developmental rates of the biopsied and intact 4~cell embryos after freezing and thawing were 78 (10l/130) and 25% (10/40), and 91 (114/125) and 30% (12/40), respectively. Although the rates of in vitro development of biopsied and intact embryos to blastocyst stage were significantly different after freezing and thawing (P

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Estimation of the Moisture Maximizing Rate based on the Moisture Inflow Direction : A Case Study of Typhoon Rusa in Gangneung Region (수분유입방향을 고려한 강릉지역 태풍 루사의 수분최대화비 산정)

  • Kim, Moon-Hyun;Jung, Il-Won;Im, Eun-Soon;Kwon, Won-Tae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.697-707
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we estimated the PMP(Probable Maximum Precipitation) and its transition in case of the typhoon Rusa which happened the biggest damage of all typhoons in the Korea. Specially, we analysed the moisture maximizing rate under the consideration of meteorological condition based on the orographic property when it hits in Gangneung region. The PMP is calculated by the rate of the maximum persisting 12 hours 1000 hPa dew points and representative persisting 12 hours 1000 hPa dew point. The former is influenced by the moisture inflow regions. These regions are determined by the surface wind direction, 850 hPa moisture flux and streamline, which are the critically different aspects compared to that of previous study. The latter is calculated using statistics program (FARD2002) provided by NIDP(National Institute for Disaster Prevention). In this program, the dew point is calculated by reappearance period 50-year frequency analysis from 5% of the level of significant when probability distribution type is applied extreme type I (Gumbel distribution) and parameter estimation method is used the Moment method. So this study indicated for small basin$(3.76km^2)$ the difference the PMP through new method and through existing result of established storm transposition and DAD(Depth-Area-Duration). Consequently, the moisture maximizing rate is calculated in the moisture inflow regions determined by meteorological fields is higher $0.20{\sim}0.40$ range than that of previous study. And the precipitation is increased $16{\sim}31%$ when this rate is applied for calculation.

Records Management and Archives in Korea : Its Development and Prospects (한국 기록관리행정의 변천과 전망)

  • Nam, Hyo-Chai
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2001
  • After almost one century of discontinuity in the archival tradition of Chosun dynasty, Korea entered the new age of records and archival management by legislating and executing the basic laws (The Records and Archives Management of Public Agencies Ad of 1999). Annals of Chosun dynasty recorded major historical facts of the five hundred years of national affairs. The Annals are major accomplishment in human history and rare in the world. It was possible because the Annals were composed of collected, selected and complied records of primary sources written and compiled by generations of historians, As important public records are needed to be preserved in original forms in modern archives, we had to develop and establish a modern archival system to appraise and select important national records for archival preservation. However, the colonialization of Korea deprived us of the opportunity to do the task, and our fine archival tradition was not succeeded. A centralized archival system began to develop since the establishment of GARS under the Ministry of Government Administration in 1969. GARS built a modem repository in Pusan in 1984 succeeding to the tradition of History Archives of Chosun dynasty. In 1998, GARS moved its headquarter to Taejon Government Complex and acquired state-of-the-art audio visual archives preservation facilities. From 1996, GARS introduced an automated archival management system to remedy the manual registration and management system complementing the preservation microfilming. Digitization of the holdings was the key project to provided the digital images of archives to users. To do this, the GARS purchased new computer/server systems and developed application softwares. Parallel to this direction, GARS drastically renovated its manpower composition toward a high level of professionalization by recruiting more archivists with historical and library science backgrounds. Conservators and computer system operators were also recruited. The new archival laws has been in effect from January 1, 2000. The new laws made following new changes in the field of records and archival administration in Korea. First, the laws regulate the records and archives of all public agencies including the Legislature, the Judiciary, the Administration, the constitutional institutions, Army, Navy, Air Force, and National Intelligence Service. A nation-wide unified records and archives management system became available. Second, public archives and records centers are to be established according to the level of the agency; a central archives at national level, special archives for the National Assembly and the Judiciary, local government archives for metropolitan cities and provinces, records center or special records center for administrative agencies. A records manager will be responsible for the records management of each administrative divisions. Third, the records in the public agencies are registered in the computer system as they are produced. Therefore, the records are traceable and will be searched or retrieved easily through internet or computer network. Fourth, qualified records managers and archivists who are professionally trained in the field of records management and archival science will be assigned mandatorily to guarantee the professional management of records and archives. Fifth, the illegal treatment of public records and archives constitutes a punishable crime. In the future, the public records find archival management will develop along with Korean government's 'Electronic Government Project.' Following changes are in prospect. First, public agencies will digitize paper records, audio-visual records, and publications as well as electronic documents, thus promoting administrative efficiency and productivity. Second, the National Assembly already established its Special Archives. The judiciary and the National Intelligence Service will follow it. More archives will be established at city and provincial levels. Third, the more our society develop into a knowledge-based information society, the more the records management function will become one of the important national government functions. As more universities, academic associations, and civil societies participate in promoting archival awareness and in establishing archival science, and more people realize the importance of the records and archives management up to the level of national public campaign, the records and archival management in Korea will develop significantly distinguishable from present practice.