• Title/Summary/Keyword: rainfall index

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Effect of thinning ratio on the forest environment and fruiting of ectomycorrhizal mushrooms in a Pinus densiflora stand (소나무림에서 간벌률이 산림 내 환경과 외생균근성 버섯 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Yong-Woo Park;Jin-Gun Kim;Hwayong Lee
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2023
  • To investigate the effect of thinning intensity on environmental factors and ectomycorrhizal mushroom fruiting in forest ecosystems, we studied canopy closure, throughfall, soil temperature, soil moisture, light response of understory vegetation, and ectomycorrhizal mushroom fruiting in a 10-year-old pine forest after 34%, 45%, and 60% thinning. Canopy closure was significantly higher in the 34% treatment and control plots, ranging from 80-85% in April. However, in November, all thinning treatment plots showed a decrease of approximately 5-10% compared with the control plot. The 60% treatment plot had over 200 mm of additional throughfall compared with the control plot, and monthly throughfall was significantly higher by more than 100 mm in October. The soil temperature in each treatment plot increased significantly by up to 1℃ or more compared with the control plot as the thinning rate increased. The soil moisture increased by more than 5% in the thinning treatment plots during rainfall, particularly in the 34% treatment plot, where the rate of moisture decrease was slower. The photosynthetic rate of major tree species (excluding Pinus densiflora)was highest in Quercus mongolica, with a rate of 7 µmolCO2·m-2·s-1. At a lightintensity of 800 μmol·m-2·s-1, Q. mongolica showed the highest photosynthetic level of 6 ± 0.3 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1 in the 45% treatment. The photosynthetic rate of Fraxinus sieboldiana and Styrax japonicus increased as the thinning intensity increased. The Shannon-Wiener index of mycorrhizal mushrooms did not significantly differ among treatments, but the fresh weight of mushrooms was approximately 360-840 g higher in the 34% and 45% treatments than in the control. Additionally, the fresh weight of fungi in the 60% treatment was 860 g less than that in the control. There were more individuals of Amanita citrina in the control than in the thinning treatment, while Suillus bovinus numbers increased by more than 10 times in the 34% thinning treatment compared with the control.

Validation of ECOSTRESS Based Land Surface Temperature and Evapotranspiration (PT-JPL) Data Across Korea (국내에서 ECOSTRESS 지표면 온도 및 증발산(PT-JPL) 자료의 검증)

  • Park, Ki Jin;Kim, Ki Young;Kim, Chan Young;Park, Jong Min
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.637-648
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    • 2024
  • The frequency of extreme weather events such as heavy and extreme rainfall has been increasing due to global climate change. Accordingly, it is essential to quantify hydrometeorological variables for efficient water resource management. Among the various hydro-meteorological variables, Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Evapotranspiration (ET) play key roles in understanding the interaction between the surface and the atmosphere. In Korea, LST and ET are mainly observed through ground-based stations, which also have limitation in obtaining data from ungauged watersheds, and thus, it hinders to estimate spatial behavior of LST and ET. Alternatively, remote sensing-based methods have been used to overcome the limitation of ground-based stations. In this study, we evaluated the applicability of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) LST and ET data estimated across Korea (from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022). For validation, we utilized NASA's MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data and eddy covariance flux tower observations managed by agencies under the Ministry of Environment of South Korea. Overall, results indicated that ECOSTRESS-based LSTs showed similar temporal trends (R: 0.47~0.73) to MODIS and ground-based observations. The index of agreement also showed a good agreement of ECOSTRESS-based LST with reference datasets (ranging from 0.82 to 0.91), although it also revealed distinctive uncertainties depending on the season. The ECOSTRESS-based ET demonstrated the capability to capture the temporal trends observed in MODIS and ground-based ET data, but higher Mean Absolute Error and Root Mean Square Error were also exhibited. This is likely due to the low acquisition rate of the ECOSTRESS data and environmental factors such as cooling effect of evapotranspiration, overestimation during the morning. This study suggests conducting additional validation of ECOSTRESS-based LST and ET, particularly in topographical and hydrological aspects. Such validation efforts could enhance the practical application of ECOSTRESS for estimating basin-scale LST and ET in Korea.

The Character of Distribution of Solar Radiation in Mongolia based on Meteorological Satellite Data (위성자료를 이용한 몽골의 일사량 분포 특성)

  • Jee, Joon-Bum;Jeon, Sang-Hee;Choi, Young-Jean;Lee, Seung-Woo;Park, Young-San;Lee, Kyu-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2012
  • Mongolia's solar-meteorological resources map has been developed using satellite data and reanalysis data. Solar radiation was calculated using solar radiation model, in which the input data were satellite data from SRTM, TERA, AQUA, AURA and MTSAT-1R satellites and the reanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR. The calculated results are validated by the DSWRF (Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux) from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. Mongolia is composed of mountainous region in the western area and desert or semi-arid region in middle and southern parts of the country. South-central area comprises inside the continent with a clear day and less rainfall, and irradiation is higher than other regions on the same latitude. The western mountain region is reached a lot of solar energy due to high elevation but the area is covered with snow (high albedo) throughout the year. The snow cover is a cause of false detection from the cloud detection algorithm of satellite data. Eventually clearness index and solar radiation are underestimated. And southern region has high total precipitable water and aerosol optical depth, but high solar radiation reaches the surface as it is located on the relatively lower latitude. When calculated solar radiation is validated by DSWRF from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, monthly mean solar radiation is 547.59 MJ which is approximately 2.89 MJ higher than DSWRF. The correlation coefficient between calculation and reanalysis data is 0.99 and the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) is 6.17 MJ. It turned out to be highest correlation (r=0.94) in October, and lowest correlation (r=0.62) in March considering the error of cloud detection with melting and yellow sand.

Vulnerability Assessment of Cultivation Facility by Abnormal Weather of Climate Change (이상기후에 의한 재배시설의 취약성 평가)

  • Yoon, Seong-Tak;Lee, Yong-Ho;Hong, Sun-Hee;Kim, Myung-Hyun;Kang, Kee-Kyung;Na, Young-Eun;Oh, Young-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.264-272
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    • 2013
  • Climate changes have caused not only changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events, but also temperature and precipitation. The damages on agricultural production system will be increased by heavy rainfall and snow. In this study we assessed vulnerability of crop cultivation facility and animal husbandry facility by heavy rain in 232 agricultural districts. The climate data of 2000 years were used for vulnerability analysis on present status and the data derived from A1B scenario were used for the assessment in the years of 2020, 2050 and 2100, respectively. Vulnerability of local districts was evaluated by three indices such as climate exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity, and each index was determined from selected alternative variables. Collected data were normalized and then multiplied by weight value that was elicited in delphi investigation. Jeonla-do and Gangwon-do showed higher climate exposures than the other provinces. The higher sensitivity to abnormal weather was observed from the regions that have large-scale cultivation facility complex compared to the other regions and vulnerability to abnormal weather also was higher at these provinces. In the projected estimation based on the SRES A1B, the vulnerability of controlled agricultural facility in Korea totally increased, especially was dramatic between 2000's and 2020 year.

Analysis of extreme cases of climate change impact on watershed hydrology and flow duration in Geum river basin using SWAT and STARDEX (SWAT과 STARDEX를 이용한 극한 기후변화 사상에 따른 금강유역의 수문 및 유황분석)

  • Kim, Yong Won;Lee, Ji Wan;Kim, Seong Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.10
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    • pp.905-916
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the climate change impact on watershed hydrology and flow duration in Geum River basin ($9,645.5km^2$) especially by extreme scenarios. The rainfall related extreme index, STARDEX (STAtistical and Regional dynamical Downscaling of EXtremes) was adopted to select the future extreme scenario from the 10 GCMs with RCP 8.5 scenarios by four projection periods (Historical: 1975~2005, 2020s: 2011~2040, 2050s: 2041~2070, 2080s: 2071~2100). As a result, the 5 scenarios of wet (CESM1-BGC and HadGEM2-ES), normal (MPI-ESM-MR), and dry (INM-CM4 and FGOALS-s2) were selected and applied to SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) hydrological model. The wet scenarios showed big differences comparing with the normal scenario in 2080s period. The 2080s evapotranspiration (ET) of wet scenarios varied from -3.2 to +3.1 mm, the 2080s total runoff (TR) varied from +5.5 to +128.4 mm. The dry scenarios showed big differences comparing with the normal scenario in 2020s period. The 2020s ET for dry scenarios varied from -16.8 to -13.3 mm and the TR varied from -264.0 to -132.3 mm respectively. For the flow duration change, the CFR (coefficient of flow regime, Q10/Q355) was altered from +4.2 to +10.5 for 2080s wet scenarios and from +1.7 to +2.6 for 2020s dry scenarios. As a result of the flow duration analysis according to the change of the hydrological factors of the Geum River basin applying the extreme climate change scenario, INM-CM4 showed suitable scenario to show extreme dry condition and FGOALS-s2 showed suitable scenario for the analysis of the drought condition with large flow duration variability. HadGEM2-ES was evaluated as a scenario that can be used for maximum flow analysis because the flow duration variability was small and CESM1-BGC was evaluated as a scenario that can be applied to the case of extreme flood analysis with large flow duration variability.

Selection and Quality Evaluation of Sprout Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] Variety for Environment-Friendly Cultivation in Southern Paddy Field (남부지역 친환경 논 재배를 위한 나물콩 품종 선발 및 품질 평가)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Lee, Kwang-Won;Cho, Sang-Kyun;Oh, Young-Jin;Shin, Sang-Ouk;Paik, Chae-Hoon;Kim, Kyong-Ho;Kim, Tae-Soo;Kim, Ki-Jong
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.357-372
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    • 2011
  • We carried out the experiment to select the suitable sprout soybean varieties for environment-friendly cultivation in paddy field of southern part area, compares of excess moisture injury degree and yield ability among 29 sprout soybean varieties. Plant growth of sprout soybean was generally low in beginning and recovered after flowering due to rainfall. In paddy field cultivation, number of pod per individual and number of seed per individual were less in difference than upland cultivation, and maturing date was delayed 5-14 days than upland cultivation in most species. When environment-friendly cultivation, pest injury was not caused major problem for the growth during the vegetative period of soybean due to ground spider as natural enemy to insect pest. However, damage of stink bugs showed severe during grain filling period, and Dawonkong, Anpyeongkong, Dachaekong and Wonhwangkong showed susceptible to sting bug. SMV infection was weak and showed some necrosis symptoms in Sokangkong, but black root rot was not infected at all. Bacterial pustule began to be infected slowly from pod enlargement stage in most species, displayed severe symptoms in Dawonkong, Pungsannamulkong, Seonamkong and Sobaeknamulkong. The symptoms of pod anthracnose, pod blight and purple spot were greatly appeared after flowering. Disease resistance varieties was Paldokong, Kwangankong, Doremikong, Somyeongkong, Pungsannamulkong, Iksa-namulkong, Seonamkong, Sojinkong, Pureunkong, Bosugkong, Namhaekong and Sorokkong. Lodging index showed 3 in Saebyeolkong, and other species displayed slight lodging in 0-3 degree. 100-seed weight is 9.8-17.2g extent and increased 0.1-3.7g than upland cultivation in most species, but decreased in some species. Government purchase standard, species correspond to small-seed-size namulkong (Sizing screen diameter 4.0-5.6 mm) was Dawonkong, Dachaekong, Bosugkong, Seonamkong, Sokangkong, Hannamkong, Somyeongkong and Wonhwangkong. Species which seed yield was higher than Pungsannamulkong (266kg/10a) were Sorokkong, Hannamkong, Bosugkong and Sowonkong. Considering sprout soybean species, disease endurance, insect resistance, lodging resistance, 100-seed weight, yield ability and excess moisture tolerances synthetically, Seonamkong, Hannamkong, Doremikong, Bosugkong, Pungwonkong, Kwangankong, Sowonkong, Dagikong, Paldokong, Eunhakong and Pungsannamulkong were promising for environment-friendly cultivation in paddy field.

Effects of Tillage Practice and Planting Date on Maize-onion Growth and Yield in Southern Regions Paddy Field (경운방법 및 파종시기가 남부지역 논 재배 옥수수와 후작 양파의 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Wonsang;Kim, Gamgon;Jeong, Yonghyun;Choi, Nayoung;Na, Chae-In
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.392-402
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    • 2021
  • The present study investigated the effects of tillage practices (deep cultivation [DC] and conventional tillage [CT]) and extended planting dates (mid-June to July) for maize-onion rotation in paddy fields. The silage corn (Zea mays L.) cultivar 'Kwangpyeongok' and the waxy corn cultivar 'Ilmichal' were planted on June 14, July 3, and July 15 in 2019. In both maize, the plant height of June 14 planted was up to 100 cm greater than that of July 15 planted on August 16 and up to 40 cm on August 30. At 30 Days after planting, the leaf area index (LAI) of silage corn planted on July 3 and 15 greater than that of corn planted on June 14 due to high temperature in the early season; however, there were no differences in the LAI of waxy corn according to the planting date. Despite favorable temperature, plants sown on July 3 and 15 experienced high moisture stress during the seedling stage due to consistent rainfall, and waxy corn was highly sensitive to high moisture stress. The total yield of silage corn was 1,232 (845 in TDN), 860 (598 in TDN), and 765 (508 in TDN) DW kg·10a-1 for plants sown on June 14, July 3, and July 15, respectively. The fresh marketable ear yield of waxy corn was 872, 814, and 525 FW kg·10a-1 for plants sown on June 14, July 3, and July 15, respectively. After the completion of maize cultivation, onion seedlings (Allium cepa L.) were transplanted on November 12, 2019, and harvested on May 27, 2020. Neither summer tillage nor maize planting date affected onion growth or yield. The marketable onion yield was 8,305 and 7,848 kg·10a-1 with DC and CT, respectively. In conclusion, DC did not improve maize growth or yield under paddy conditions. Mid-June to early July is a practical window for maize planting for growers in this region.

Seasonal color change of the oxyhydrous precipitates in the Taebaek coal mine drainage, south Korea, and implications for mineralogical and geochemical controls

  • Kim, J. J.;C. O. Choo;Kim, S. J.;K. Tazaki
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.38-39
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    • 2001
  • The seasonal changes in pH, Fe, Al and SO$_4$$\^$2-/ contents of acid drainage released from coal mine dumps play a major role in precipitation of metal hydroxides in the Taebaek coal field area, southeastern Korea. Precipitates in the creeks underwent a cycle of the color change showing white, reddish brown and brownish yellow, which depends on geochemical factors of the creek waters. White precipitates consist of Al-sulfate (basaluminite and hydrobasaluminite) and reddish brown ones are composed of ferrihydrite and brownish yellow ones are of schwertmannite. Goethite coprecipitates with ferrihydrite and schwertmannite. Ferrihydrite formed at higher values than pH 5.3 and schwertmannite precipitated below pH 4.3, and goethite formed at the intermediate pH range between the two minerals. With the pH being increased from acid to intermediate regions, Fe is present both as schwertmannite and goethite. From the present observation, the most favorable pH that basauluminte can precipitate is in the range of pH 4.45-5.95. SEM examination of precipitates at stream bottom shows that they basically consist of agglomerates of spheroid and rod-shape bacteria. Bacteria species are remarkably different among bottom precipitates and, to a less extent, there are slightly different chemical compositions even within the same bacteria. The speciation and calculation of the mineral saturation index were made using MINTEQA2. In waters associated with yellowish brown precipitates mainly composed of schwertmannite, So$_4$ species is mostly free So$_4$$\^$2-/ ion with less AlSo$_4$$\^$+/, CaSo$\sub$(aq)/, and MgSo$\sub$4(aq)/. Ferrous iron is present mostly as free Fe$\^$2+/, and FeSo$\sub$4(aq)/ and ferric iron exists predominantly as Fe(OH)$_2$$\^$+/, with less FeSo$\sub$4(aq)/, Fe(OH)$_2$$\^$-/, FeSo$_4$$\^$-/ and Fe$\^$3+/, respectively Al exists as free Al$\^$3+/, AlOH$_2$$\^$-/, (AlSo$_4$)$\^$+/, and Al(So$_4$)$\^$2-/. Fe is generally saturated with respect to hematite, magnetite, and goethite, with nearly saturation with lepidocrocite. Aluminum and sulfate are supersaturated with respect to predominant alunite and less jubanite, and they approach a saturation state with respect to diaspore, gibbsite, boehmite and gypsum. In the case of waters associated with whitish precipitates mainly composed of basaluminite, Al is present as predominant Al$\^$3+/ and Al(SO$_4$)$\^$+/, with less Al(OH)$\^$2+/, Al(OH)$_2$$\^$+/ and Al(SO$_4$)$\^$2-/. According to calculation for the mineral saturation, aluminum and sulfate are greatly supersaturated with respect to basaluminite and alunite. Diaspore is flirty well supersaturated while jubanite, gibbsite, and boehmite are already supersaturated, and gypsum approaches its saturation state. The observation that the only mineral phase we can easily detect in the whitish precipitate is basaluminite suggests that growth rate of alunite is much slower than that of basaluminite. Neutralization of acid mine drainage due to the dilution caused by the dilution effect due to mixing of unpolluted waters prevails over the buffering effect by the dissolution of carbonate or aluminosilicates. The main factors to affect color change are variations in aqueous geochemistry, which are controlled by dilution effect due to rainfall, water mixng from adjacent creeks, and the extent to which water-rock interaction takes place with seasons. pH, Fe, Al and SO$_4$ contents of the creek water are the most important factors leading to color changes in the precipitates. A geochemical cycle showing color variations in the precipitates provides the potential control on acid mine drainage and can be applied as a reclamation tool in a temperate region with four seasons.

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Effects of the Development of Cracks into Deeper Zone on Productivity and Dryness of the Clayey Paddy Field (점토질 논 토양의 심층화가 토지생산성 및 유면건조에 미치는 영향)

  • 김철기
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.3059-3088
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    • 1973
  • The Object of research was laid on the dry paddy field which had a low level of underground water, rather than on a paddy field with a high level of underground water. In the treatment of the clay paddy field before transplanting we employed 3 kinds of methods; deep plowing, development of cracks by drying the surface of the field under which pipe drain was built. This study was to find which one, among these three methods, is the most effective to let roots extend to deep zone and increase the yield of rice and at the same time, for trafficability of large scale machinery which will be introduced to the harvest, in the light of the earth bearing capacity in relation with underground drainage. In the treatments of plots, 1) the kyong plot was plowed 39 days before transplanting and dried, 2) the kyun plot was plowed again 2days before transplanting after plowing 39 days before transplanting, leveling field surface in the saturation with water and developing the cracks by drying, 3) the kyunam plot was plowed again 2 days before transplanting after setting the drainage pipe and at the same time plowing 39 days before transplanting, leveling field surface in the saturation with water and developing the cracks by drying. Also each plot above had three different levels of soil depth, respectively; that is 15cm, 25cm, 35cm. The kyong plot with 15cm-depth was he control. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The kyunam plot showed a remarkably lager amount of water consumption by better underground drainage than the kyong and the kyun plot, and the kyong plot indicated a greater amount of water consumption than the kyun plot. Therefore the amount of available rainfall was decreased in the order of kyunam>kyong>kyun. The net duty of water decreased in the order of kyunam>kyong>kyun and its showed about 105cm in depth at the kyunam plot, about 70cm in depth at the kyong plot and about 45cm in depth at kyun plot, regardless of soil depth. 2. According to the tendency that the weight of the total root was effected by the maximum depth of the crack, it seemed that the root development was more affected by the depth of the crack than by only the crack itself. The weight of the total roots tended to increase as the depth of the crack got deeper and deeper, and the weight of the total roots was increased in the order of kyun<kyunam<kyong. 3. In the growing of the plant height, the difference did not appear at the beginning of growing(peak period of tillering) of any plot, But for the mid period of growing(ending period of tillering) to the period of young panicle formation, the deeper the depth of plot is, the more the growing goes down. On the contrary at the late period of growing, growth was more vigorous in the plot with deep depth than in the plot with shallow depth. Since the midperiod of growing, in the light of experimental treatment, the kyun plot was not better in growing than the other two plots and no remarkable defference was shown between the kyunam and the kyong plot, but the kyunam plot had the tendency of superiority in growing plant height. 4. As the depth of plot went deeper, the decreasing tendency was shown in the number of tillers through a whole period of growingi. When the above results were observed concering each plot of experimental treatment, the kyun plot was always smaller in the number of tiilers than the kyunam and the kvong plot, and the kyong plot was slightly larger than the kyunam plot in the number of tillers. 5. When each plot of the different experimental treatments was compared with the control plot(15-kyong), yield(weight of grains) was increased by 17% for the 35-kyong plot, by 10% for the 35-kyunam and yields for the other plots were less or nomore than the control plot. On the whole, as the depth of plot went deeper, yields for plots was increased in the order of kyong>kyunam>kyun. 1% of significance between the levels of depths and 5% of significance between the treatments were shown. 6. The depth of consumptive water which was more effective on the weight of grains is that of the last half period. When the depth of consumptive water was increased at the range of less than 2.7cm/day in the 15cm plot, 3.0cm/day in the 25cm plot and 3.3cm/day in the 35cm plot, the weight of grains was increased, and at the same time the weight of grains was increased as the depth of plot went deeper. The deeper plots was of advantage to the productivity at the same depth of consumptive water. 7. The increase in the weight of grains in propertion to the weighte of root showed a tendency to increase depending on the depth of plot at each plot of the same weight of roots. The weight of roots and grains together increasezd in the order of kyun>kyunam>kyong, considering each treatment of experimental plot. The weight of grains was in relation to the minimum water content ratio during the midperiod of surface drainage and the average earth temperature was mainly affected by the minimum water content ratio because it was relatively increased in proportion to the water content ratio(at less than 40%) 8. The weight ratio of straw to grain showed an increasing tendency at the plot of shallow depth and had a relation of an inversely exponental function to the weight of roots. At the same depth of plot except the 15cm plot, the weight ratio of straw to grain was increased in proportion to the depth of consumptive water. The weight of grains was increased as the depth of consumptive water was increased to some extent, but at the same time the weight of ratio of straw to grain was increased. 9. At a certain texture of soils the increase in the amount of the cracks depends on meteorological conditions, especially increase in amounts of pan evaporation. So if it rains during the progressing of field drying the cracks largely decrease. The amount of cracks of clay soil had relation of inversely exponental function to the water content ratio(at more than 25%). The maximum depth of crack kept generally a constant value at less than 30% of water content ratio. 10. The cone index showed the tendency that it was propertional to the amount of cracks within a certain limit but more or less inversely proportional over a certain limit. The water content ratio at the limit may be about 25%. 11. The increase in the cone index with the progressing of time after final surface drainage showed the tendency that it was proportional to the depth of consumptive water at the last half of growing period. Based on the same depth of if the cone index in the kyunam plot was much larger than in the other two plots and that in the kyong plot was much smaller than in the kyun plott, as long as the depth of plot was deeper, especially in the 35-kyong plot. 12. In the light of a situation where water content ratio of soil decreased and the cone index increased after final surface drainage the porogress of the field dryness was much more rapid in the kyunam plot than in the kyong plot and the kyun plot, especially slowest in the kyong plot. In the plot with deeper zone the progress was much slower. The progress requiring the value of the cone index, $2.5kg/cm^2$, that working machinary can move easily on the field changed with the time of final surface drainage and the amount of rainfall, but without nay rain it required, in the kyunam plot, about 44mm in total amount of pan evaporation and more than 50mm in the other two plots. Therefore the drying in the kyunam plot was generally more rapid in the kyunam plot was generally more rapid over 2days than in the kyun plot, and especially may be more rapid over 5days than in the 35-kyong plot.

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