• 제목/요약/키워드: radiography setting

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Assessment of infection control in oral radiology during the COVID-19 outbreak: An international collaborative study

  • Rafaela C Santos;Larissa S Araujo;Rafael B Junqueira;Eliana D Costa;Fernanda M Pigatti;Kivanc Kamburoglu;Pedro HB Carvalho;Manuela LB Oliveira;Sibele N Aquino;Francielle S Verner
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.365-373
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: In the context of COVID-19, studies evaluating the adherence of dentists and dental students to infection control are relevant due to their high occupational exposure and risk, as well as their responsibility for disseminating information and good practices. This study evaluated the adherence of dentists and dental students to infection control in the oral radiology field in the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic on different continents. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional observational study involved individuals who performed intraoral radiographic examinations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Questionnaire on Infection Control in Oral Radiology was administered virtually using a Google Form. Participants from different continents(the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Oceania) were recruited. Data were subjected to descriptive analysis and simple and multiple binary regression (5%). Results: There were 582 valid answers, and 68.73% of the participants were from the Americas, 18.90% from Europe, and 12.37% from Asia. The median score for infection control protocols was 94 points for dental students and 104 points for dentists, and participants below the median were considered to have low adherence to infection control in oral radiology. Low access to infection control was found for 53.0% of dentists in the Americas, 34.0% from Europe, and 26.9% from Asia. Conclusion: The adherence to infection control protocols in oral radiology was low even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results may help improve the awareness of students and professionals, since oral radiology routines have the potential for transmitting COVID-19.

The Study for Optimal Exposure Condition of Chest Examination of Digital Radiography System (디지털 방사선 촬영장치의 흉부촬영 최적 조사조건에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ji-Koon;Jung, Bong-Jae;Park, Hyong-Hu;Noh, Si-Cheol;Kang, Sang-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2016
  • Despite of increasing the use of the digital imaging device in the radiology area, the setting on the optimal irradiation conditions are insufficient. In this study, the exposure dose and image quality by exposure condition of digital radiography device were compared. The exposure doses were obtained by adjusting the exposure condition as 5 steps respectively based on the exposure conditions that are currently used of CR and DR radiography devices. The acquired image has been assessed by 20 medical image professors using the assessment method of the Japanese Society for Tuberculosis Prevent. As a result, in the case of the CR system, the better image quality was obtained in the condition of 120 kVp and 1.5 mAs~2.4 mAs (quality score 91~95.5 points) than standard exposure condition(110 kVp, 3.2 mAs, 86 points). And exposure dose was evaluated as low with $61.3{\sim}98.4{\mu}Gy$ than standard condition($105.11{\mu}Gy$). In DR system, however, the image quality score was higher as 97~98.6 points in the lower tube voltage range (112 kVp, 2.4~3.2 mAs) condition than the standard exposure condition (125 kVp, 3.2 mAs, 91 points). In addition, the exposure dose was $61.5-77.2{\mu}Gy$ lower than standard condition($93{\mu}Gy$). In addition, the exposure dose was low as $61.5-77.2{\mu}Gy$ than standard condition($93{\mu}Gy$). With the results of this study, we confirmed that it is possible to reduce the patient exposure dose with the same image quality by adjusting the optimal exposure condition of digital device.

The Effect of Grid Focus Distance on Patient Dose, Exposure Index, and Image Quality in Digital Abdominal Radiography (격자의 초점거리가 디지털 복부 방사선검사의 환자선량 및 노출지수 그리고 영상 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Young-Cheol Joo;Sin-Young Yu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.523-529
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of differences in grid focal distance used in general radiography on the exposure index and image quality, and to provide useful information for the application of grids in clinical radiography. With AEC applied and SID set to 110 cm, 30 images were obtained for each focus distance of the grid at 110 cm, 140 cm, and 180 cm under the same exposure conditions. The dose was measured using the DAP and ESD, while image quality was evaluated using the SNR and CNR. The exposure index (EI) was determined based on the values shown in the image. EI was derived from the values indicated in the images. The mean DAP values at focus distances of 180, 140, and 110 cm were 10.944±0.613, 10.687±0.516, and 9.74±0.588 cGy·cm2, respectively. The ESD values were 1041.75±57.92, 1019.99±49.61, and 930.86±55.77 μGy, while the EI values were 205.97±11.77, 210.59±10.37, and 193.8±11.86. The SNR values were 28.48±0.62, 28.41±0.64, and 27.13±0.72 dB, and the CNR values were 0.09859±0.004276, 0.09864±0.004378, and 0.09026±0.004783 dB. The differences in the mean values were statistically significant (p < 0.01). The values were significantly higher at focal distances of 140 cm and 180 cm compared to 110 cm, but there was no significant difference between the focal distances of 140 cm and 180 cm. The correlation analysis results revealed significant negative correlations between FD and DAP (r = -0.642, p < 0.01), ESD (r = -0.629, p < 0.01), EI (r = -0.376, p < 0.01), SNR (r = -0.615, p < 0.01), and CNR (r = -0.575, p < 0.01) for all variables. The results of this study showed a moderate negative correlation between the focus distance of the grid and the SNR, CNR, DAP, and ESD, and a weak negative correlation with the EI. Therefore, radiological technologists should be aware that even when the same exposure conditions are applied using an AEC system, variations in focus distance of the grid can affect the exposure index, dose, and image quality. Careful consideration is needed when setting the target exposure index.

Image Analysis of Angle Changes in the Forearm during Elbow Joint Lateral General Radiography: Evaluation of Humerus Epicondyle and Elbow Joint (팔꿉관절 측방향 일반촬영에서 아래팔뼈 각도 변화에 따른 영상 분석 : 위팔뼈 위관절융기와 팔꿉관절 평가)

  • Hyo-Soo Shin;Hye-Won Jang;Jong-Bae Park;Ki Baek Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.607-614
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    • 2023
  • Clear overlapping of the bilateral epicondyle and proper separation of the elbow joint are crucial for obtaining accurate lateral general radiographs of the elbow. However, due to the complex anatomical structure of the elbow, achieving optimal positioning is challenging, leading to the need for repeated x-ray examinations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the angle of the forearm in patients where accurate lateral images of the elbow joint can't be obtained after vertical incidence using a styrofoam device during elbow joint lateral x-ray imaging. Twenty patients were enrolled in our study following the established protocol. First, a vertical x-ray at an angle of 0° between the forearm and the table was taken (control group). Here, if the lateral image of the elbow joint was deemed inadequate, the forearm angle was adjusted using custom-made styrofoam supports with 5° and 10° inclinations (experimental groups). For the evaluation method, two assessors utilized a 5-point Likert scale to assess the images. The reliability of the assessments was analyzed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. As a result, patients with inadequate overlap of the bilateral epicondyle and separation of the elbow joint in the initial examination (control group) were able to obtain the best images when setting a 10° angle between the forearm and the table. The subjective evaluation was 1.6 ± 0.8 points at 0°, 2.7 ± 0.8 points at 5°, and 4.4 ± 1.3 points at 10°, respectively. The reliability analysis for the angles of 0°, 5°, and 10° yielded Cronbach's alpha values of 0.867, 0.697, and 0.922, respectively. In conclusion, when it is not possible to obtain accurate images using the conventional position and X-ray beam direction, it is considered that by initially acquiring images with an angle of 10° between the forearm and the table, and gradually decreasing the angle while obtaining images, it would be possible to achieve the optimal image while reducing the number of repeat examinations.

A study on the postoperative stability of occlusal plane in Class III orthognathic surgery patients (제 III급 부정교합자의 양악수술후 교합평면의 안정성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jeong;Sohn, Byung-Wha
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.30 no.5 s.82
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    • pp.643-655
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    • 2000
  • In Patients with severe skeletal discrepancy, surgical orthodontic treatment must be accompanied, and recently two jaw surgery has become a common procedure, resulting in improved esthetics and function. Choosing the position of the occlusal plane in this two jaw surgery is an important factor in postoperative stability Therefore this must be taken into consideration during the diagnosis and treatment plan. In this study, among patients with skeletal Class III occlusion, 25 patients(8 male, 17 female, average age $23.2{\pm}3.17$) who have undergone two jaw surgery, setting the ideal occlusal plane according to Delaire's architectural and structural cranial analysis. In comparing preoperative($T_1$). postoperative($T_2$, average of 15.4 days), and long-term postoperative($T_3$, average of 32.6 months) lateral cephalometric radiography, the following conclusions have been made. 1. There were no significant changes of the occlusal plane angle after the two jaw surgery, and there were no significant differences between the surgical technique(SSRO and IVRO). 2. The postoperative changes of the occlusal Plane had no relationship with the amount of jaw movement, amount of posterior impaction, nor the time relapse after surgery. 3. After two jaw surgery, in the SSRO group there was significant forward movement of the mandible, and in the IVRO group the lower incisors extruded as the mandible moved backward and downward which makes the genial angle and the mandibular plane angle significantly increased

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Evaluation on Organ Dose and Image Quality by Changing kVp and Ion Chamber Combination while Taking Digital Chest Lateral Decubitus PA Projection (디지털 흉부 측와위 후전방향 검사 시 Ion chamber조합 설정과 관전압 변화에 따른 장기선량 및 화질 평가)

  • Lee, Jin-Soo;Park, Hyong-Hu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.316-323
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we analyzed radiation dose and MTF with setting of Ion chamber and changing kVp so that we are able to suggest acquiring optimized diagnostic images and minimizing patient dose. we assumed right lateral decubitus position among chest decubitus projection and set 7 combination of Ion chamber. By changing kVp(100, 110, 120, 130kVp), we exposed x-ray five times respectively and calculated average value after measuring entrance dose. we input the entrance dose value to PCXMC Monte carlo simulation tool and calculated organ dose and effective dose. Then we did physical image evaluation with MTF for the purpose to compare image quality. As a result, the high kVp, entrance dose is reduced. As change of ion chamber, when selecting second ion chamber, both organ dose and effective dose were the lowest. In contrast, selecting first ion chamber was the highest. MTF is superior to set second Ion chamber and using 120 kVp. Consequently, when taking chest right lateral decubitus using Digital radiography, the optimized combination which have both reducing dose efficiently without declining image quality and aquring good qualified image is set 120 kVp and selecting second Ion chamber.

Effects of Field Configuration Shielding Area and Changing of Density and Sensitivity on Tube Current and Image Quality in Automatic Exposure Control System (자동노출제어장치의 채광창 차폐정도와 농도, 감도의 변화가 관전류량과 영상품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Min-Gyu;Seoung, Youl-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.635-642
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to analysis the effects of shielding area of field configuration with changing of sensitivity and density on tube current (milliampere-seconds, mAs) and image quality in automatic exposure control (AEC) system. The equipment used a digital radiography device (Digital Diagnost, Philips, Netherlands), which has a integral type with an X-ray tube and an indirect digital detector. The AEC system conditions were consisted of 9 setting environments, that mode changing of the sensitivity (S200, S400, S800) and the density (+2.5, 0, -2.5). The tube current evaluated automatically exposed mAs under 81 combination conditions crossed by AEC conditions in fixed at 40 kVp. The image quality evaluated the radiographic images that selected valid images by visual assessment the radiographic images of the self-produced conical pyramid phantom and then measured their signal to noise ratio (SNR). As a result, the maximum tube current was 60.0 mAs that automatically exposed conditions were the 100% of shielding area and the sensitivity of S200 and the density of +2.5. The minimum tube current was 0.9 mAs with non-shielding area and the sensitivity of S800 and the density of -2.5. When the shielded area 0% with the sensitivity of S200 and the density of +2.5, the maximum SNR was the highest as 25.2. But when the shielded area 25% with the sensitivity of S800 and the density of -2.5, the minimum SNR was the lowest as 4.7.

Reference line-pair values of panoramic radiographs using an arch-form phantom stand to assess clinical image quality

  • Choi, Da-Hye;Choi, Bo-Ram;Choi, Jin-Woo;Huh, Kyung-Hoe;Yi, Won-Jin;Heo, Min-Suk;Choi, Soon-Chul;Lee, Sam-Sun
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was performed to suggest reference line-pair values of panoramic images with clinically desirable qualities using an arch-form phantom stand. Materials and Methods: The line-pair test phantom was chosen. A real skull model was selected for setting the arch-form model of the phantom stand. The phantom stand had slits in four regions (incisor, premolar, molar, TMJ). Four raw images of the test phantom in each region and one raw image of the real skull were converted into 50 test phantom images and 50 skull phantom images with various line-pair values. 50 post-processed real skull phantom images were divided into 4 groups and were randomly submitted to 14 evaluators. Image quality was graded on a 4 point scale (1. good, 2. normal, 3. poor but interpretable, and 4. not interpretable). The reference line pair was determined as the first line-pair value scored less than 2 points. Result: The mean scores tended to decrease as the line-pair values increased. The reference line-pair values were 3.19 LP/mm in the incisor, 2.32 LP/mm in the premolar and TMJ, and 1.88 LP/mm in the molar region. Conclusion: Image quality evaluation methods and criteria should be able to assess various regions considering the characteristics of panoramic systems. This study suggested overall and regional reference line-pair values and established a set of standard values for them.

A Study on the Sufficiency of Anticipated Effect of Order Communication System Introduced to Medium-Sized Hospitals (Focused on the case of S Hospital) (중소병원의 처방전달시스템 도입효과분석에 관한 연구 (S병원의 사례를 중심으로))

  • Hong, Suk-Won;Jung, Key-Sun;Choi, Sung-Woo
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.172-192
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether the effect of introduction of OCS(Order Communication System) to the hospital is satisfied or not comparing the anticipated effect with the actual effect. For this purpose, a domestic hospital which has introduced and has been operating OCS for several years was chosen. Based on the internal data of S Hospital prepared before introducing OCS, researcher has analyzed the basic direction, design standard and status of operation after the introduction of OCS, etc. After analyzing the status of operations of several departments using OCS and interviewing with the chiefs of pertinent departments, a survey form was designed. Actual survey and interviews were conducted by the researcher for weeks to know whether doctors, nurses, medical technicians and clerks of the patient management dept. were satisfied with OCS and to find if they have any recommendations to improve OCS. Based on the analysis of survey, the effect of OCS was evaluated whether it has satisfied the anticipated effectiveness. For the question if they feel convenient in using OCS, doctors, nursing staffs in charge of ward and the staffs of billing dept. has answered that they were all satisfied(100%). The answers for the same question were relatively high in the case of nurses in charge of outpatient and staffs of radiography. Of course, there have been some nurses and staffs who complained for the inconvenience. However, overall satisfaction was high on the average. Some common problems occurred after the introduction of OCS were frequent errors due to instability of OCS system, paralysis of function of hardware on data back-up system and redundant investment due to erroneous choice of DB program in setting DB. It was also pointed out that lack of computer education and low participation of medical staffs has resulted in failure of developing effective software. As a result, it has lowered the efficiency of OCS. For example, some works have to be done by hands even after OCS. Based on the result of this research, recommendations to maximize the effect of OCS were presented as follows. First, strong leadership of CEO and active cooperation of doctors are mandatory. Second, all the process of hospital work should be analyzed and be redesigned in more efficient ways. Third, OCS should be designed to be user-based system which can be used efficiently by all staffs of the hospital. Forth, prior to the operation of OCS, proper tests of the program and trainings of the pertinent staff are required. Fifth, prior to the selection of hardware, BMT(Bench Marking Test) should be conducted. Sixth, before introducing OCS, staffs in charge of OCS should visit many hospitals operating the OCS system and take their cases into account.

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A Study on the Reasonable Personnel Management of Radiology Department -Centering around the General Hospitals in Seoul- (진단방사선과(診斷放射線科)의 적정인력(適正人力) 관리(管理)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -서울시내 종합병원(綜合病院) 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Chung, Soon-Kuy
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.27-64
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    • 1988
  • Most hospital administrators in our country have doubted whether or not the size of their hospital personnel staffs, and the personnel management styles implemented are efficient or not. Actually, increased personnel expenditures due to sophisticated specialization of medical practices has become the biggest hospital expense. Therefore, it is said that hospitals can be run move efficiently by implementing reasonable management strategies for hospital personnel management. In this paper, the departments of diagnostic radiography in 16 general hospitals in Seoul, which were classified into 4 groups by the scale of hospital beds, were used as sample cases. Then, the data for the number of X-ray examination by diagnostic item was collected from sample hospitals. The unit hour spent on X-ray examinations in each diagnostic service was quoted from "A Study on setting-up of the relative value units of medical services and on the structure of current fee schedules" written by Mr. Ik Je Seong. The data analysis results are as follows; First, the number of hours per day spent on X-ray examinations in 13 hospitals out of 16 hospitals, was shorter than the general daily working hours (8 hours). Second, in the morning there was not enough time to work for X-ray examinations required, with the available manpower. In the afternoon, however, the situation was diametrically opposed to that in the morning. Third, in light of above results, though most hospitals employ sufficient personnel for the quantity of the actural work, they were always short-handed where their works were performed Fourth, this study tells us that there is a maldistribution of the work in the schedule : too much work for the available personnel in the morning. The following recommendations are resulted from the data analysis described above. First, it is recommended that all out-patients coming again, except specific patients(G. B. or I.V.P. etc) who have to have their X-ray examinations on an empty stomach in the morning among out-patients, be required to visit the hospital in the afternoon. Second, it is recommended that all new out-patients be required to make a reservation in order to equalize the number of patients throughout the day. Third, it is recommended that all in-patients, except specified patients, be arranged to have their X-ray examinations in the afternoon. Fourth, it is recommended that part time workers be employed during peak hours. This recommendation, if applied in a wider scale, would allow hospitals to overcome the problem of the maldistribution of work and personnel, and then more efficient hospital management through the appropirate personnel management procedures could be expected.

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