• 제목/요약/키워드: racial other

검색결과 95건 처리시간 0.021초

Jean Rhys's Racial Disorientation: "The Imperial Road" and the Question of Racial Identification in the 1970s

  • Lee, Jung-Hwa
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.441-458
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    • 2009
  • The Imperial Road is Jean Rhys s unfinished manuscript, rejected by publishers for its openly racist tone. Although it describes Rhys s actual visit to Dominica in 1936, it is not a transparent recollection of the travel but a recreation informed by racial dynamics of the 1970s when she wrote the text. This paper examines the manuscript as a troubled (and troubling) response to what Rhys perceived as racial rejection from Dominica at the wake of political independence. Rhys s representation of white Creole womanhood significantly depends on an interwoven configuration of racial dynamics and sexual politics, where an oppressive white European man facilitates a white Creole woman s cross-racial identification with Afro-Caribbeans. However, the political and literary landscape of the West Indies in the 1970s made such cross-racial identification untenable. As a result, The Imperial Road is full of disturbing racial hatred, prejudice, and resentment. And yet, it also reflects Rhys s honest and serious concern over a white Creole s racial identity in postcolonial Dominica, raising a difficult question: How would a postcolonial age change a white Creole identity that belongs neither to the colonized nor to the colonizer (or both)? In The Imperial Road, unable to identify with Afro-Caribbeans, the white Creole is disoriented in time and space, lost at home, stuck between the past and the present, not knowing how to participate in a postcolonial homeland. Through the narrator s racial disorientation, The Imperial Road exposes the white Creole s fundamental dependence on other Creoles.

브라질의 인종과 정치: 발생, 전개, 특징 (Race and Politics in Brazil: Occurrence, Development, Characteristics)

  • 김달관
    • 이베로아메리카
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.1-55
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    • 2019
  • 브라질에서는 인종에 대한 명확한 개념의 규정이 존재하지 않으면서도 인종차별주의가 존재한다. 즉 명확한 인종의 개념이 없이 인종주의는 존재하기 때문에, 브라질에서 인종문제는 복잡하다고 하겠다. 인종주의는 단순한 사회적 문제가 아니다. 그것은 무엇보다도 경제적 분리, 배제, 주변화 등으로 나타나는 정치적 문제이다. 유럽 식민주의 확대 과정에서부터 인종주의는 브라질의 사회적, 물질적, 심리적, 정치적 지배의 가장 뿌리 깊고 효율적인 통치방식이었다. 이런 관점에서 본 연구는 인종의 정치로서 브라질의 인종주의에 대해 연구하려 한다. 결론적으로 브라질에는 인종에 따른 인종 차별과 인종불평등이 존재한다는 것이다. 이에 따라, 브라질에는 인종에 따른 인종차별과 인종불평등이 존재한다는 것을 연구하기 위해, 제2장은 브라질에서 인종정치의 기원을 살펴본다. 제3장에서는 브라질 사회와 인종에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. 제4장은 브라질의 흑인운동으로서 인종주의에 대한 흑인의 저항을 살펴본다. 제5장의 전반부는 '브라질의 인종불평등'을 살펴보고, 후반부는 '브라질의 인종차별'에 대해 살펴보려 한다. 제6장은 결론부분으로서 브라질의 인종정치의 도전과 한계는 무엇인지 논의하려 한다.

인종적 타자의 매혹 -로런스의 『께짤코아틀』에 그려진 인종과 성 (The Lure of the Racial Other: Race and Sexuality in D. H. Lawrence's Quetzalcoatl)

  • 김성호
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권4호
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    • pp.693-718
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    • 2009
  • Kate Burns, a disillusioned Irish woman in Quetzalcoatl, has alternating feelings of fear, repulsion, oppression, compassion, and fascination vis-à-vis Mexican people. Together, these feelings are constitutive of a psychic process in which an imaginary appropriation of the other takes place. In this process white subjectivity represents or reconstructs the dark race precisely as its other. At the same time, Kate's feelings register her anxious recognition of the resistant, unappropriated being of the dark people: their true 'otherness,' or what Žižek calls "the excess of existence over representation." The otherness, frequently racial and sexual, evokes mixed feelings in the white subject. Kate's at once amorous and aggressive response to Ramón's body provides a case in point. Kate's emotional undulation is considerably mitigated in The Plumed Serpent, the revised version of the novel in which the theme of 'blood-mixing' is pushed to the ultimate point. Yet the interracial marriage resolves neither the racial nor the ontologico-sexual issues raised in the first version. Kate is still attracted to Ramón in his sagacious sensuality but goes on to get married to Cipriano, a pure Indian, only to find his mechanical masculinity ever unpalatable. This shows, not just Lawrence's wilful commitment to the 'blood-mixing' theme, but perhaps his lingering taboo against miscegenation as well. Changes in the plot entail those in the narrative voice. In Quetzalcoatl, Owen, a spectatorial and gossipy character, frequently competes for narration with the fully participant third-person narrator. In The Plumed Serpent, the third-person narrator becomes predominant, now attempting with greater confidence to present the reality of the racial other immediately to European readership. While such immediacy is illusional, narrative insistence on it implies a struggle to displace racial stereotypes and offer an experiential understanding of the other.

한국인과 한국에 거주하는 외국인간의 타인종 얼굴에 대한 ERP 요소의 흥분성 조절 비교 (Up-regulation of an ERP component toward racial-outgroup faces in Koreans but not in non-Korean visitors)

  • 김혁;이강희;김현택;최준식
    • 인지과학
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2022
  • 다른 인종의 얼굴 인식에 대한 연구는 지각, 정서, 사회문화적인 과정 등 다양한 수준에서 연구되어 왔다. 특히, "다른 인종 효과(other race effect, ORE)"와 관련된 많은 수의 연구들에서, 신원이나 정서와 같은 얼굴에 대한 미묘한 정보가 처리되는 과정에서 '다른 인종'이라는 인종적인 요소가 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 인종적인 요소가 아닌, 다른 인종의 얼굴에 대한 인지적인 조절로 ORE를 설명하려는 연구는 거의 없다. 본 연구는 다른 인종의 얼굴을 처리함에 있어서 생소하기(낯설기) 때문에 나타날 수 있는 인지적인 작용 여부를 사건관련전위(event-related potential, ERP)를 이용하여 연구하였다. 22명의 한국인과 9명의 백인에게 한국인과 백인의 정서가 표현된 얼굴사진을 보여주면서 성별 분류과제를 수행하였다. 한국인의 경우 백인의 얼굴 사진에 대하여 한국인의 얼굴 사진보다 더 증가된 P3 전위 값을 보였고, 이러한 결과는 한국인들이 자극 인식 초기 과정에서 다른 인종의 얼굴 사진에 대하여 더욱 주의를 기울인 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 흥미롭게도, 백인들은 한국인의 얼굴 사진을 보았을 때 증가된 P3 전위 값을 보이지 않았는데, 아마도 실험에 참여한 백인들의 경우 한국에서 생활을 하면서 많은 사회적인 상호작용을 통하여 한국인 얼굴에 대하여 탈민감화 되어 한국인의 얼굴이 더 이상 생소하지 않기 때문인 것으로 생각된다. 이러한 결과는 다른 인종의 얼굴은 자동적으로 주의를 끌어당기는 높은 각성수준을 갖는 현저한 자극이지만, 반복적인 노출만으로도 탈민감화 되어 타인종의 얼굴에 대한 각성수준이 낮아질 수 있다는 것을 의미한다.

Multiculturalism, Ghetto and Racial Conflicts in Pop Culture

  • Ki, Hyunjoo
    • 영미문화
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2014
  • Multicultural theories fully fledged around the 1980s and the early 1990s. Emerging in the 1960s thanks to the Civil Rights movement, multiculturalism has become the grand American national narratives, whose tenets recognize and respect people with diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. This period, however, witnessed the eruption of violent and destructive rebellions or uprisings involving racial minorities. Racial conflicts and tensions exploded at the moment when multiculturalism was widely practiced in areas including education and public policy revealing that complicated problems are embedded in the urban ghettos. American popular culture, specifically addresses antagonisms among different races or ethnicities in Bed-Stuy in New York. Although the film is mainly concerned with the collision among races, it lets ambivalent and cacophonous values and ideologies be present in the black community. On the other hand, Ice Cube's "Black Korea" empowers the black community when it deals with the turbulent relationship between black residents and Korean American merchants. Simultaneously, it denigrates Korean Americans as gasta raps often target the institution like government or police. In short, while attempts to search the ideas of coexistence and juxtaposition through polyphonic features embodied in the film "Black Korea" seems to depend on the dualistic system when it deals with the black-Korean conflicts and as a result it just reveals the chasm between two communities.

패싱, 경계와 차이의 서사 -제임스 W. 존슨과 넬라 라선 (Boundaries and Differences in the Narrative of Passing: James W. Johnson and Nella Larsen)

  • 강희
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제53권2호
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    • pp.307-333
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    • 2007
  • When W. E. B. Du Bois says that "the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line," such a statement clearly recognizes the significance of the issue of racial identity, a cultural phenomenon called 'passing.' Both Johnson in The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man and Larsen in Passing confront this issue. Both novels, using the metaphor of passing, not only trace the racial anxiety and race politics of the time but also expose the unstable landscape of the established social and cultural boundaries of racial identity. Mapping out multiple meanings and various dimensions of passing, this paper argues how Johnson's and Larsen's narratives display the ambivalence of color line while they at the same time complicate, problematize, and destabilize the mainstream racial boundaries and differences. It furthers to delineate how the two writers, with difference, deal with the problem of passing, the significance of racial identity, and black middle class values along with its intraracial differences. Rather than draw a clear definition of and a definitive closure on passing narrative, this paper focuses on its complexities and undecidability, challenging every dimension of its established significations. It also explores the complex dynamic between passing act and individual identity, for passing here is not just a racially signified term but extends its significance to the other factors of identity, such as class and even sexuality. Johnson and Larsen open up a site for a newly emergent, modern racial identity for black middle class in the twentieth century American urban spaces. Both writers, illuminating the subversive and slippery nature of language in their passing narrative, clearly herald new, different forms of Afro-American writings and themes for the different century they face.

Diet-Related Health Disparities in African Americans

  • Satia Jessie A.
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2006
  • Disparities in health and disease between various population subgroups, such as racial and ethnic groups, are a major focus of public health research but also pose considerable challenges. Diet is a key contributor to disparities in many chronic diseases and conditions. Therefore, in order to understand and address racial and ethnic health disparities, it is important to characterize the dietary patterns of the populations of interest. African Americans are at higher risk for many diet-related chronic disease conditions, such as obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and many cancers relative to other racial/ethnic groups in the United States. In this report, I describe the diet-related chronic disease profiles of African Americans, characterize their dietary patterns and food preferences, identify demographic, psychosocial, environmental, and cultural factors that may affect their dietary choices, and propose strategies for improving the dietary and health profiles of African Americans.

두부X-선 규격사진의 계측에 의한 한국인 성인 정상교합자의 악안면두개골격의 분석 (A Cephalometric Analysis of Korean Adult Normal Occlusion)

  • 이기수;정규림
    • 대한치과교정학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.199-213
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    • 1987
  • Upon analyzing the literature, it becomes apparent that norms for orthodontic diagnosis were from normal occlusion with pleasing face, and that the form and size of craniofacial skeleton were different between racial or ethnic groups. Therefore, this study was intended to establish Korean adult norms be useful for diagnosing the cases and to compare those to other ethnic or racial groups. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken of ninety-one Korean adults with normal occlusion showing pleasing face consisted in forty-three males and forty-eight females. The subjects ranged in age from seventeen to twenty-six years. The tracings involved measurements that were analyzed with a digitizer. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows, 1. Norms of Korean adult males, females, and combined sexes were established. 2 It was found that in the form and shape of craniofacial skeleton, there were no significant differences between males and females, but in the size males were larger than females 3. There were a great variation between ethnic or racial groups in the measurements of craniofacial skeleton 4 The size of Korean cranial base was smaller than the American Caucasian. 5 The maxilla and mandible of Korean were less protruded than those of the other ethnic groups 6 The dental pattern of Korean were more proclined than that of the American Caucasian and less protruded than that of the American Negro and the North Indian.

  • PDF

흑인 여성 패션모델의 이미지 분석 (Image Analysis of Black Female Fashion Models)

  • 류수현;김민자
    • 복식
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    • 제59권2호
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2009
  • This study examines black images as 'the other' in history and aims to analyze images of black female fashion models which have been changed in modern society, particularly in $21^{st}$ century post-modern world. Black images, established historically as illustrated on the paintings in $19^{th}$ century, were disseminated in $20^{th}$ century throughout the world especially by way of TV and movies as several typical images such as 'Coon' the clown as the object of entertainment, 'Buck' wild and resistant black rascal, and 'Mammy' obedient and fat black woman servant. The result of image analysis of black female fashion models, can be summarized as following five images. The first is the image of 'powerful'. Black female models frequently represent healthy image which reflects black people's excellence in sports and also the traditional Image of black skin color as strength. The second is the image of 'sexy'. They are adored as having perfect ideal body shape. They show off their sex appeal with their body. The third image is 'multicultural'. Black models represent cultures besides the western. The fourth is the image of 'fantastic'. In contrast to the real, resonable things, black female models represent wild, fancy, ghost things. The fifth is the image of 'racial discrimination' By arranging them in contrast to whites, a metaphoric image of racial discrimination can be displayed. The result shows that tome of racial images still remain on the other way.

아프리카계 미국 작가 - 강요된 이민자 의식/ 파편적 토박이 의식 (Afro-American Writer: Forced Immigrant/Fragmentary Native Consciousness)

  • 장정훈
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제54권1호
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    • pp.77-105
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    • 2008
  • Even though Paule Marshall and Ishmael Reed have differences of gender, generation, and literary techniques, they share common points in dealing with cultural conflicts and racial discrimination in the United States as Afro-American Writers. As black minority writers, Marshall and Reed write out of a perspective of forced immigrant/fragmentary native consciousness. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the protagonist's reaction to racial prejudice, different cultures and their attempts to reconcile and to coexist with other races and their culture in these writers' representative works. Marshall's uniqueness as a contemporary black female artist stems from her ability to write from the three levels, that is, African American and Caribbean black. So, Marshall's Brown Girl, Brownstones represents an attempt to identify, analyze, and resolve the conflict between cultural loss/displacement and cultural domination/hegemony. Reed's Japanes by Spring offers a blistering attack upon the various cultural and racial factions of the academy and the bankrupt value systems in America. Reed's depiction of Jack London College's existing racial problems-later compounded by the cultural dilemmas that accompany the Japanese occupation of the institution-reveals his interest in highlighting the ways in which any monoculturalist ideology ultimately results in racist and culturally exclusive policies. Marshall's and Reed's novels provide opportunities for reader to explore various manifestations of intercultual and interethnic dynamics. They present the possibility of reconciliation and coexistence between different race and ethnic cultures through asserting a cultural hybridity and multiculturalism.