• Title/Summary/Keyword: quality of mathematics education

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Developing a survey items for elementary school students on the quality of mathematics education (초등학생용 수학교육의 질 인식 설문 도구 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Rina
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.349-363
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    • 2024
  • The government and schools may take a responsibility to improve the quality of mathematics education. The quality of mathematics education might be evaluated by education experts and administrators. At the same tiem, it is also important to listen to the opinions of students who actually participate in mathematics learning. In this study, as a preliminary task to investigate the quality of mathematics education perceived by elementary school students, a survey items for the quality of mathematics education for elementary school students (grades 3 to 6) was developed. I synthesized domestic and international discussions to develop three aspects of the quality of mathematics education: mathematics classroom, mathematics teacher, and mathematics environment. A total of 27 items were confirmed by statistically analyzing the results of a validity verification with 20 experts and a reliability verification through three pilot tests targeting elementary school students in grades 3 to 6. The survey items developed in this study may provide implications not only for understanding the quality of mathematics education perceived by elementary school students in the future, but also for diversifying discussions related to the quality of mathematics education. Furthermore, it is expected to provide basic data for practically improving the quality of mathematics education.

An evaluation on the quality of mathematics instruction for 8th grade based on the instructional quality profile (교수 질 프로필(IQP)에 기반한 중학교 2학년 수학과 교수의 질 분석)

  • Lee, Bongju;Han, Inki;Suh, Boeuk
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.103-125
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted as a part of the project to evaluate the quality of mathematics instruction in the national curriculum system. The purpose of this study is to measure the consistency between teaching goals of mathematics curriculum, contents presentation of textbooks, and testing including adequacy of each element in mathematics instruction for 8th grade. To do this, we used MIQP (instructional quality profile for Mathematics) developed basing on the instructional quality profile (IQP) in the previous research of the project. First, the quality of textbooks' content presentation for 8th grade was found that the desirable levels in number and operation area and geometric area was relatively less compared to other areas, but it was generally good. Second, it was found that the quality of mathematics testing for 8th grade was good in terms of consistency with the curriculum's teaching goals, consistency with the content presentation of textbooks, and adequacy of testing. However, regional differences in the quality of testing showed that there were some deficiencies in regions outside the metropolitan.

The Quality and Efficiency of Time in Learning of Mathematics (수학학습에서 시간의 질과 효율성)

  • Kim, Sang-Lyong
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.161-176
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    • 2007
  • It is useless to say that time is precious and important. So it does when we emphasize the importance of studying the quality and efficiency of time in learning, especially in the learning of Mathematics. In this respect, this study aims to examine the overall structure of time application in the learning of Mathematics, understanding the state and problems of Mathematics education in respect of time application, and finally seeking to find the solutions for the problems. As a first step, the items below were examined for the solutions: First, the eight viewpoints of time in Mathematics education was examined and the meaning of each viewpoint was analysed. Second, the variables resulting from teachers was examined. The preconditions for mathematics education, the attitude towards Mathematics classes, viewpoints of mathematics, the forms of self-expression, the way of utterance can be considered as the variables mentioned above. Third, the variables resulting from students was examined. Learning attitude, specific activity(both meaningful and meaningless), practical uses of teaching tools, game activities, the ways of communication and problem solving can be examined as well. In conclusion, it needs to be stressed that Mathematics class should be the meaningful time for learners, parents, and teachers. The class should guarantee the satisfaction of the learners. In other words, even if physical time is applied the same to everyone, it may differ in degree of quality and value of time application according to the way one spends the time.

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Elementary School Students' Perception of Mathematics Classroom Quality (수학 수업의 질에 대한 초등학교 학생들의 인식)

  • Park, Sungsun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of teacher's mathematical belief and student's mathematical performance, sex on the perception of mathematics classroom quality. And this study also detailed the relation between self-directed learning attitude and perception of mathematics classroom quality. For this purpose, this study used 'Students Perception of Mathematics Classroom Quality(SPOCQ)' as an instrument. This instrument focuses on appeal, challenge, choice, meaningfulness, self-efficacy. The 430 5th and 6th grade elementary school students were included in sample. The results obtained in this research are as follows; First, there was a significant difference in the perception of mathematics classroom quality between positive mathematical belief teacher's group and negative mathematical belief teacher's group. So, teacher's mathematical belief influence on the students' perception of mathematics classroom quality. Second, there was a significant difference according to the student's mathematical performance and sex. The students of high mathematical performance usually had positive perception of mathematics classroom quality and the male students also had higher mean than female students. Third, there was positive correlation between self-directed learning attitude and perception of mathematics classroom quality.

A Case Study on Characteristics of the Mathematics Gifted Children (수학영재의 특성에 관한 사례연구)

  • Kim, Min-Jung;Ryu, Sung-Rim
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.10 no.1 s.19
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2007
  • Related with the mathematics gifted children the situation of different case studies is the research which is limited in mathematics problem solving process of the most mathematics gifted children. The research which it sees hereupon observes from the scope which is wider the quality of the mathematics gifted children, before the hazard mathematics gifted children whom it sees enter into the mathematics gifted children education center unit life and life after studying living and dismissal of a class from the general school, namely for their general life it leads compared to attitude it observes the reporter it does a quality. For a what kind of interest in the mathematics gifted children, the research leads the family or general class, from the gifted children education center it has it considers encouragement, map and to give a help to good mathematics gifted children education activation, it does. It will reach and to respect with afterwards it set a same three research problem. First, before entering into the mathematics gifted children education center, are the mathematics gifted children what kind of quality? Second, Are the mathematics gifted children what kind of quality for general school hour? Third, Are the mathematics gifted children what kind of quality after dismissal of a class after hour? Being selected in the hazard gifted children education center which solves an up research problem, simple characteristic and approach ease characteristic, by the condition of the permission possibility back it selected 2 person gifted children school boxes which are coming and going. And, before entering into these mathematics gifted children education center, studying life from the general school, life after dismissal of a class it will extend at 1 years, various recording it will ask and it collected direct observation and interview it led against their quality it analyzed. It shared the result which it analyzes with emotional quality, studying conduct qualities, general qualities of the mathematics gifted children and qualities of mathematics gifted children parents. Studies level of the mathematics gifted children parents high facility when them are young from, the interest and helping out which it has were considerable, to advance with the direction where in order for always with great disaster them are proper the map it did. In general quality of the mathematics gifted children from young age the ability which finds a language and a possibility concept superiorly the ability which expresses the thought of oneself logically was superior, the competitive spirit was high, it liked it came reading, a leader role, to reveal a deepening school with the fact that it comes and goes. Also it will burn with their studying conduct quality and it will roll and it did deeply and it arranged knot eagerly, accomplishing which is superior from the field which is various it showed, the originality was superior, the subject attachment power was high quite, oneself it studies it has a devotion the possibility of knowing it was. And, the social characteristic of the friends and is good with their emotional quality and it does there is own reflection and an encouragement at any time and also a confidence, but just as good as the stress also it receives the possibility of knowing it was to him.

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A Study on Enhancement of Mathematics Education for Engineering College in Sang-Myung University (상명대학교 공과대학 수학교육 강화방안 연구)

  • Hong, Dae-Ki;Cho, Tae-Kyoung;Park, Byoung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1479-1486
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the number of applicants for the engineering college is gradually decreased all over the nation. Additionally, the concerns of fall of freshman mathematical ability are raised due to the incomplete high school education. Therefore, the local universities endeavor in order to improve the quality of mathematics education, and study the countermeasure against the crisis. As part of these efforts, Sang-Myung University founds the innovation center for engineering education. The center derives several ideas in order to enhance the mathematics education quality. In this paper, the enhancement plans for the mathematics education in Sang-Myung University are proposed. Results in this paper will be helpful for other university to enhance the mathematics education as reference materials.

Analysis of Mathematical Quality of Instruction between Preservice and Inservice Mathematics Teachers (MQI를 이용한 예비교사와 현직교사의 수학수업의 질 분석)

  • Kim, Seong-Kyeong
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.397-416
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the quality of mathematics classes with observations using the instrument, MQI(Mathematical Quality of Instruction). Class recordings and interviews were conducted on 2 pre-service teachers and 4 in-service teachers. This study recorded and analyzed 3 or 4 classes for each mathematics teacher by using revised MQI. There were a total of 8 raters: 2 or 3 raters analyzed each class. MQI has four dimensions: Richness of the Mathematics, Working with Students and Mathematic, Errors and Imprecision, Student Participation in Meaning-Making and Reasoning. In the dimension of 'Richness of Mathematics', all teachers had good scores of 'explanations of teacher' but had lower scores of 'linking and connections', 'multiple procedures or solution methods' and 'developing mathematical generalizations.' In the dimension of 'Working with Students and Mathematics', two in-service teachers who have worked and having more experience had higher scores than others. In the dimension of 'Errors and Imprecision', all teachers had high scores. In the dimension of 'Student Participation in Meaning-Making and Reasoning', two pre-service teachers had contrast and also two in-service teachers who hadn't worked not long had contrast. Implications were deducted from finding to improving quality of mathematics classes.

Study on the quality of instruction of two beginning mathematics teachers: Toward the above criteria (두 초임 수학교사의 수업의 질에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Mimi;Kim, Yeon
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.179-198
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    • 2022
  • Teaching is delicate, complicated, and demanding work, and especially beginning teachers set forth their difficulties in preparing and implementing mathematics instruction. It is important to ensure the quality of beginning mathematics teachers' instruction above a consistent level because such affirmation justifies the national policy on teacher education as well as the individual efforts of preservice teachers in South Korea. The current study collected mathematics lessons of the two beginning teachers who graduated from the same teacher training institute and worked at the same high school. The findings reported what features their lessons have with regard to the learning environment, engaging students in learning, deepening student learning, and using representations of the edTPA in order to identify what can or cannot be expected in their mathematics instruction. The instruction of the one teacher was assessed middle or more than middle scores throughout the rubrics, but the other one had lower scores. Based on these findings, this study suggested the implications for teacher education in ways of improving the quality of instruction of beginning mathematics teachers.

Mathematics Teacher Educators' Collective Noticing on Microteaching

  • Na Young Kwon;Jung Colen;Sheunghyun Yeo;Hoyun Cho;Jinho Kim
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.311-331
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    • 2023
  • This article explores how mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) engaged in collaborative inquiry into the microteaching experiences of preservice teachers (PSTs), ultimately developing a noticing framework through collective MTE inquiry. We delve into the specifics of what MTEs notice focusing on three emerging categories of noticing on PST's microteaching videos-lesson structure, task quality, and teaching practices. Each category, along with MTEs' noticing within these components, is elaborated through vignettes. This approach positions MTEs' noticing as a crucial element in the overarching vision to enhance the teaching practices of PSTs.

Open-Ended Questions and Creativity Education in Mathematics

  • Li, Yuwen;Li, Dongmei
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2009
  • How to promote creativity for all students in mathematics education is always a hot topic for mathematics educators. Based on the theory study and practice in the project "Open-ended Questions in Mathematics" granted by Ministry of Basic Education Curriculum Study Center in China, the paper reported the effect of "Open-ended Questions in Mathematics" on the way to change the development of thinking ability, to inspire students to develop thinking flexibility, to expand their imagination, to stimulate their interest in learning, and to foster students' creativity.

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