• Title/Summary/Keyword: pushover analysis

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Performance based seismic design for the seismic evaluation of cable-stayed bridges (성능기반 내진설계법을 이용한 사장교의 지진해석)

  • Kwak, Hyo-Gyoung;Shin, Dong-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.461-462
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    • 2009
  • Since the modal pushover analysis (MPA) is introduced by A.K.Chopra in 2002, it has been the leading procedure for the seismic evalution of structures. However it has scarcely used on bridge structures dueing to its inherent limitation. In this paper, MPA is applied on cable-stayed bridges to check its applicability on such structures.

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An approach of seismic design for sheet pile retaining wall based on capacity spectrum method

  • Qu, Honglue;Li, Ruifeng;Hu, Huanguo;Jia, Hongyu;Zhang, Jianjing
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.309-323
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    • 2016
  • As the forefront of structural design method, capacity spectrum method can be applied conveniently, and through this method, deformation demand of structure can be considered. However, there is no research for the seismic application in the structure of sheet pile retaining wall to report. Therefore, focusing on laterally loaded stabilizing sheet pile wall, which belongs to flexible cantilever retaining structure and meets the applying requirement of capacity spectrum method from seismic design of building structure, this paper studied an approach of seismic design of sheet pile wall based on capacity spectrum method. In the procedure, the interaction between soil and structure was simplified, and through Pushover analysis, seismic fortification standard was well associated with performance of retaining structure. In addition, by comparing the result of nonlinear time history analysis, it suggests that this approach is applicable.

Fragility curves for woodframe structures subjected to lateral wind loads

  • Lee, Kyung Ho;Rosowsky, David V.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.217-230
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes a procedure to develop fragility curves for woodframe structures subjected to lateral wind loads. The fragilities are cast in terms of horizontal displacement criteria (maximum drift at the top of the shearwalls). The procedure is illustrated through the development of fragility curves for one and two-story residential woodframe buildings in high wind regions. The structures were analyzed using a monotonic pushover analysis to develop the relationship between displacement and base shear. The base shear values were then transformed to equivalent nominal wind speeds using information on the geometry of the baseline buildings and the wind load equations (and associated parameters) in ASCE 7-02. Displacement vs. equivalent nominal wind speed curves were used to determine the critical wind direction, and Monte Carlo simulation was used along with wind load parameter statistics provided by Ellingwood and Tekie (1999) to construct displacement vs. wind speed curves. Wind speeds corresponding to a presumed limit displacement were used to construct fragility curves. Since the fragilities were fit well using a lognormal CDF and had similar logarithmic standard deviations (ξ), a quick analysis to develop approximate fragilities is possible, and this also is illustrated. Finally, a compound fragility curve, defined as a weighted combination of individual fragilities, is developed.

Adopting flexibility of the end-plate connections in steel moment frames

  • Ghassemieh, M.;Baei, M.;Kari, A.;Goudarzi, A.;Laefer, D.F.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1215-1237
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    • 2015
  • The majority of connections in moment resisting frames are considered as being fully-rigid. Consequently, the real behavior of the connection, which has some level of flexibility, is ignored. This may result in inaccurate predictions of structural response. This study investigates the influence of flexibility of the extended end-plate connections in the steel moment frames. This is done at two levels. First, the actual micro-behavior of extended end-plate moment connections is explored with respect to joint flexibility. Then, the macro-behavior of frames with end-plate moment connections is investigated using modal, nonlinear static pushover and incremental dynamic analyses. In all models, the P-Delta effects along with material and geometrical nonlinearities were included in the analyses. Results revealed considerable differences between the behavior of the structural frame with connections modeled as fully-rigid versus those when flexibility was incorporated, specifically difference occurred in the natural periods, strength, and maximum inter-story drift angle.

The Efficiency of Steel Brace Strengthening of School Buildings according to the Failure Mode of Columns (기둥 파괴모드에 따른 학교 건물 철골 가새 보강의 효율성)

  • Lee, Hee Seop;Kim, Taewan
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2023
  • Steel brace strengthening is the most popular seismic rehabilitation method for school buildings. This is because the design can be conducted by using relatively easy nonlinear pushover analysis and standard modeling in codes. An issue with steel brace strengthening is that the reinforced building should behave elastically to satisfy performance objectives. For this, the size of steel braces should be highly increased, which results in excessive strengthening cost by force concentration on existing members and foundations due to the considerable stiffness and strength of the steel braces. The main reason may be the brittle failure mode of columns, so this study investigated the relationship between the efficiency of steel brace strengthening and column failure modes. The result showed that the efficiency is highly dependent on the shear capacity ratio of columns and structural analysis methods. School buildings reinforced by steel braces do not need to behave elastically when the shear capacity ratio is low, and pushover analysis is used, which means reducing steel material is possible.

Evaluation of lateral stiffness of steel structures having different types of lateral load-resisting systems

  • Kabir Sadeghi;Krekar Kadir Nabi;Fatemeh Nouban
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, the evaluation of the elastic lateral stiffness factor (ELSF) of steel frames for different lateral load-resisting systems (LLRSs) is presented. First, 720 steel structural frame models have been analyzed and designed using the equivalent lateral force method. Then by using pushover analysis method, all models have been analyzed, compared and evaluated. Finally, the effects of a number of influenced parameters such as different types of LLRSs, span length, number of stories, number of spans as well as story height of the buildings on the lateral stiffness are assessed and by applying regression analysis some useful equations were submitted. Based on the results obtained for steel frames having different LLRSs, compared to ordinary moment-resisting frames (OMRFs) as a base (having ELSF of 1), the normalized average ELSFs of K-eccentrically braced-frames (K-EBFs), V-, Z-, inverted V-, X-braced-frames, shear walls with thickness of 25 cm (SW25) and shear walls with thickness of 30 cm (SW30) are about 2.2, 6, 7, 9, 11, 95, 155, respectively. Among the braced-frames, X-braced-frames have the maximum ELSF, about 10 times more than OMRF, while OMRFs provide the minimum ELSFs among all LLRSs, and the frames supported by shear walls have ELSFs about 100 to 150 times more than OMRFs.

Fragility analysis of R/C frame buildings based on different types of hysteretic model

  • Borekci, Muzaffer;Kircil, Murat S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.795-812
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    • 2011
  • Estimation of damage probability of buildings under a future earthquake is an essential issue to ensure the seismic reliability. Fragility curves are useful tools for showing the probability of structural damage due to earthquakes as a function of ground motion indices. The purpose of this study is to compare the damage probability of R/C buildings with low and high level of strength and ductility through fragility analysis. Two different types of sample buildings have been considered which represent the building types mentioned above. The first one was designed according to TEC-2007 and the latter was designed according to TEC-1975. The pushover curves of sample buildings were obtained via pushover analyses. Using 60 ground motion records, nonlinear time-history analyses of equivalent single degree of freedom systems were performed using bilinear hysteretic model and peak-oriented hysteretic model with stiffness - strength deterioration for each scaled elastic spectral displacement. The damage measure is maximum inter-story drift ratio and each performance level considered in this study has an assumed limit value of damage measure. Discrete damage probabilities were calculated using statistical methods for each considered performance level and elastic spectral displacement. Consequently, continuous fragility curves have been constructed based on the lognormal distribution assumption. Furthermore, the effect of hysteresis model parameters on the damage probability is investigated.

Seismic assessment of R/C residential buildings with infill walls in Turkey

  • Korkmaz, Kasim Armagan;Kayhan, Ali Haydar;Ucar, Taner
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.681-695
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    • 2013
  • In 1999 Marmara and 2011 Van earthquakes in Turkey, majority of the existing buildings either sustained severe damage or collapsed. These buildings include masonry infill walls in both the interior and exterior R/C frames. The material of the masonry infill is the main variant, ranging from natural stones to bricks and blocks. It is demanding to design these buildings for satisfactory structural behavior. In general, masonry infill walls are considered by its weights not by interaction between walls and frames. In this study, R/C buildings with infill walls are considered in terms of structural behavior. Therefore, 5 and 8-story R/C buildings are regarded as the representative models in the analyses. The R/C representative buildings, both with and without infill walls were analyzed to determine the effects of structural behavior change. The differences in earthquake behavior of these representative buildings were investigated to determine the effects of infill walls leading structural capacity. First, pushover curves of the representative buildings were sketched. Aftermath, time history analyses were carried out to define the displacement demands. Finally, fragility analyses were performed. Throughout the fragility analyses, probabilistic seismic assessment for R/C building structures both with and without infill walls were provided. In this study, besides the deterministic assessment methodology, a probabilistic approach was followed to define structural effect of infill walls under seismic loads.

Seismic demand estimation of RC frame buildings based on simplified and nonlinear dynamic analyses

  • Borzi, B.;Vona, M.;Masi, A.;Pinho, R.;Pola, D.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.157-179
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    • 2013
  • Vulnerability studies on the existing building stock require that a large number of buildings is analyzed to obtain statistically significant evaluations of the seismic performance. Therefore, analytical evaluation methods need to be based on simplified methodologies of analysis which can afford the treatment of a large building population with a reasonable computational effort. Simplified Pushover-Based Earthquake Loss Assessment approach (SP-BELA), where a simplified methodology to identify the structural capacity of the building through the definition of a pushover curve is adopted, was developed on these bases. Main objective of the research work presented in this paper is to validate the simplified methodology implemented in SP-BELA against the results of more sophisticated nonlinear dynamic analyses (NLDAs). The comparison is performed for RC buildings designed only to vertical loads, representative of the "as built" in Italy and in Mediterranean countries with a building stock very similar to the Italian one. In NLDAs the non linear and degrading behaviour, typical of the structures under consideration when subjected to high seismic loads, is evaluated using models able to capture, with adequate accuracy, the non linear behaviour of RC structural elements taking into account stiffness degradation, strength deterioration, and pinching effect. Results show when simplified analyses are in good agreement with NLDAs. As a consequence, unsatisfactory results from simplified analysis are pointed out to address their current applicability limits.

Evaluation of ductility and response modification factor in moment-resisting steel frames with CFT columns

  • Hashemi, Seyed Sh.;Sadeghi, Kabir;Vaghefi, Mohammad;Shayan, Kaveh
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.643-652
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    • 2017
  • One of the methods to strengthen the structures against the seismic lateral loading is the employment of the composite columns. A concrete-filled tube (CFT) has the cumulative advantages of steel and concrete. Concrete-filled steel tube columns have been widely used in the moment-resisting frame (MRF) structures, located in both non-seismic zones and high-risk seismic zones. In this paper, the results of studies on two important seismic parameters of ductility and the response modification factor (RMF) of the MRFs with CFT columns are submitted. While the studies are carried out, the effects of span length-story height ratio, the strength of materials and seismic behavior of MRFs are considered. In this regard, the ductility, RMF and the strength of 36 models of the steel MRFs with CFTs are analyzed. The fiber plastic hinges numerical simulation and pushover analysis method are used in the calculations. Based on the obtained results, the RMFs suitable for the 5-, 10- and 15- story frames are proposed.