• Title/Summary/Keyword: pushover analysis

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Seismic design of irregular space steel frames using advanced methods of analysis

  • Vasilopoulos, A.A.;Bazeos, N.;Beskos, D.E.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.53-83
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    • 2008
  • A rational and efficient seismic design methodology for irregular space steel frames using advanced methods of analysis in the framework of Eurocodes 8 and 3 is presented. This design methodology employs an advanced static or dynamic finite element method of analysis that takes into account geometrical and material non-linearities and member and frame imperfections. The inelastic static analysis (pushover) is employed with multimodal load along the height of the building combining the first few modes. The inelastic dynamic method in the time domain is employed with accelerograms taken from real earthquakes scaled so as to be compatible with the elastic design spectrum of Eurocode 8. The design procedure starts with assumed member sections, continues with the checking of the damage and ultimate limit states requirements, the serviceability requirements and ends with the adjustment of member sizes. Thus it can sufficiently capture the limit states of displacements, rotations, strength, stability and damage of the structure and its individual members so that separate member capacity checks through the interaction equations of Eurocode 3 or the usage of the conservative and crude q-factor suggested in Eurocode 8 are not required. Two numerical examples dealing with the seismic design of irregular space steel moment resisting frames are presented to illustrate the proposed method and demonstrate its advantages. The first considers a seven storey geometrically regular frame with in-plan eccentricities, while the second a six storey frame with a setback.

Effect of masonry infill walls with openings on nonlinear response of reinforced concrete frames

  • Ozturkoglu, Onur;Ucar, Taner;Yesilce, Yusuf
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.333-347
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    • 2017
  • Masonry infill walls are unavoidable parts of any building to create a separation between internal space and external environment. In general, there are some prevalent openings in the infill wall due to functional needs, architectural considerations or aesthetic concerns. In current design practice, the strength and stiffness contribution of infill walls is not considered. However, the presence of infill walls may decisively influence the seismic response of structures subjected to earthquake loads and cause a different behavior from that predicted for a bare frame. Furthermore, partial openings in the masonry infill wall are significant parameter affecting the seismic behavior of infilled frames thereby decreasing the lateral stiffness and strength. The possible effects of openings in the infill wall on seismic behavior of RC frames is analytically studied by means of pushover analysis of several bare, partially and fully infilled frames having different bay and story numbers. The stiffness loss due to partial opening is introduced by the stiffness reduction factors which are developed from finite element analysis of frames considering frame-infill interaction. Pushover curves of frames are plotted and the maximum base shear forces, the yield displacement, the yield base shear force coefficient, the displacement demand, interstory drift ratios and the distribution of story shear forces are determined. The comparison of parameters both in terms of seismic demand and capacity indicates that partial openings decisively influences the nonlinear behavior of RC frames and cause a different behavior from that predicted for a bare frame or fully infilled frame.

A Study on the Response Modification Factor for a 5-Story Reinforced Concrete IMRF (5층 철근콘크리트 중간모멘트골조의 반응수정계수에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Suk-Bong;Lim, Byeong-Jin
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2012
  • In this study, the response modification factor for a RC IMRF is evaluated via pushover analysis, where 5-story structures were designed in accordance with KBC2009. The bending moment-curvature relationship for beams and columns was identified with a fiber model, and the bending moment-rotation relationship for beam-column joints was calculated using a simple and unified joint shear behavior model and the moment equilibrium relationship for the joint. The results of the pushover analysis showed that the strength of the structure was overestimated with negligence of the inelastic shear behavior of the beam-column joint, and that the average response modification factor for category C was 7.78 and the factor for category D was 3.64.

Evaluation of seismic response of soft-storey infilled frames

  • Santhi, M. Helen;Knight, G.M. Samuel;Muthumani, K.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.2 no.6
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    • pp.423-437
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    • 2005
  • In this study two single-bay, three-storey space frames, one with brick masonry infill in the second and third floors representing a soft-storey frame and the other without infill were designed and their 1:3 scale models were constructed according to non-seismic detailing and the similitude law. The models were excited with an intensity of earthquake motion as specified in the form of response spectrum in Indian seismic code IS 1893-2002 using a shake table. The seismic responses of the soft-storey frame such as fundamental frequency, mode shape, base shear and stiffness were compared with that of the bare frame. It was observed that the presence of open ground floor in the soft-storey infilled frame reduced the natural frequency by 30%. The shear demand in the soft-storey frame was found to be more than two and a half times greater than that in the bare frame. From the mode shape it was found that, the bare frame vibrated in the flexure mode whereas the soft-storey frame vibrated in the shear mode. The frames were tested to failure and the damaged soft-storey frame was retrofitted with concrete jacketing and, subjected to same earthquake motions as the original frames. Pushover analysis was carried out using the software package SAP 2000 to validate the test results. The performance point was obtained for all the frames under study, therefore the frames were found to be adequate for gravity loads and moderate earthquakes. It was concluded that the global nonlinear seismic response of reinforced concrete frames with masonry infill can be adequately simulated using static nonlinear pushover analysis.

Inelastic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure with Shear Strength of Masonry Wall (조적벽의 전단강도를 고려한 철근콘크리트골조의 비탄성 거동)

  • Yoon, Tae-Ho;Kang, Kyung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.4216-4222
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    • 2011
  • In this study the inelastic behavior of the existing school buildings with infilled masonry walls is analysed by pushover method. The shear stiffness and strength of masonry wall is calculated from the prior experimets and verified by inelastic analysis. The height of infilled masonry wall affects the structural behavior. The higher the masonry wall height, the higher the initial shear stiffness and strength of masonry wall. As the cracks are developed, the strength of masonry wall is much decreased. The proposed inelastic analysis method shows similar results with the experiments and can be used as inelastic analysis model of reinforced concrete buildings with infilled masonry walls.

Equivalent frame model and shell element for modeling of in-plane behavior of Unreinforced Brick Masonry buildings

  • Kheirollahi, Mohammad
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.213-229
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    • 2013
  • Although performance based assessment procedures are mainly developed for reinforced concrete and steel buildings, URM (Unreinforced Masonry) buildings occupy significant portion of buildings in earthquake prone areas of the world as well as in IRAN. Variability of material properties, non-engineered nature of the construction and difficulties in structural analysis of masonry walls make analysis of URM buildings challenging. Despite sophisticated finite element models satisfy the modeling requirements, extensive experimental data for definition of material behavior and high computational resources are needed. Recently, nonlinear equivalent frame models which are developed assigning lumped plastic hinges to isotropic and homogenous equivalent frame elements are used for nonlinear modeling of URM buildings. The equivalent frame models are not novel for the analysis of masonry structures, but the actual potentialities have not yet been completely studied, particularly for non-linear applications. In the present paper an effective tool for the non-linear static analysis of 2D masonry walls is presented. The work presented in this study is about performance assessment of unreinforced brick masonry buildings through nonlinear equivalent frame modeling technique. Reliability of the proposed models is tested with a reversed cyclic experiment conducted on a full scale, two-story URM building at the University of Pavia. The pushover curves were found to provide good agreement with the experimental backbone curves. Furthermore, the results of analysis show that EFM (Equivalent Frame Model) with Dolce RO (rigid offset zone) and shell element have good agreement with finite element software and experimental results.

Comparison of Nonlinear Analysis Programs for Small-size Reinforced Concrete Buildings II (소규모 철근콘크리트 건축물을 위한 비선형해석 프로그램 비교 II)

  • Yoo, Changhwan;Kim, Taewan;Park, Hong-Gun
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2015
  • For small-size reinforce-concrete buildings, Midas Gen, OpenSees, and Perform-3D, which are structural analysis programs that are most popularly used at present, were applied for nonlinear static pushover analysis, and then difference between those programs was analyzed. Example buildings were limited to 2-story frames with irregular shaped walls. Analysis result showed that there were more differences than for frames only and frames with rectangular walls, but it was not so significant. Nevertheless, the capacity curve were different in some buildings, which is attributed to shape and location of walls, and feature of the analysis program. Especially, selection of automatic or manual input in Midas Gen, or nonlinear wall elements in Perform3D can affect the capacity curve and performance of the buildings. Therefore, the program users should understand the feature of the program well, and then conduct performance assessment. The result of this study is limited to low-story buildings so that it should be noted that it is possible to get different results for mid- to high-rise buildings.

Comparison of Nonlinear Analysis Programs for Small-size Reinforced Concrete Buildings I (소규모 철근콘크리트 건축물을 위한 비선형해석 프로그램 비교 I)

  • Yoo, Changhwan;Kim, Taewan
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2015
  • For small-size reinforce-concrete buildings, Midas Gen, OpenSees, and Perform-3D, which are structural analysis programs that are most popularly used at present, were applied for nonlinear static pushover analysis, and then difference between those programs was analyzed. Example buildings were limited to 2-story frames only and frames with one or more rectangular walls. Analysis results showed that there was not much difference for frames only based on capacity curves. There were some differences for frames with rectangular walls, but it was not so significant. The global behaviors represented by the capacity curve were not so different, but the feature of each analysis program appeared when the results were analyzed in more detail. Therefore, the program users should understand the feature of the program well, and then conduct performance assessment. The result of this study is limited to low-story frames only and frames with rectangular walls so that it should be noted that it is possible to get different results for frames with non-rectangular walls or mid- to high-rise buildings.

The Seismic Response Evaluation of Shear Buildings by Various Approximate Nonlinear Methods (비선형 약산법들에 의한 전단형 건물의 지진응답평가)

  • Kim, Jae-Ung;Kang, Pyeong-Doo;Jun, Dae-Han
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.5 s.45
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2005
  • In performance-based design methods, it is clear that the evaluation of the nonlinear response is required. Analysis methods available to the design engineer today are nonlinear time history analyses, or monotonic static nonlinear analyses, or equivalent static analyses with simulated inelastic influences. The nonlinear time analysis is the most accurate method in computing the nonlinear response of structures, but it is time-consuming and necessitate more efforts. Some codes proposed the capacity spectrum method based on the nonlinear static analysis to determine earthquake-induced demand. The nonlinear direct spectrum method is proposed and studied to evaluate nonlinear response of structures, without iterative computations, given by the structural linear vibration period and yield strength from pushover analysis. The purpose of this paper is to compare the accuracy and the reliability of approximate nonlinear methods with respect to shear buildings and various earthquakes. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1) Linear capacity spectrum method may fail to find a convergent answer or make a divergence. Even if a convergent answer is found, it has a large error in some cases and the error varies greatly depending on earthquakes. 2) Although nonlinear capacity spectrum method need much less calculation than capacity spectrum method and find an answer in any case, it may be difficult to obtain an accurate answer and generally large error occurs. 3) The nonlinear direct spectrum method is thought to have good applicability because it produce relatively correct answer than other methods directly from pushover curves and nonlinear response spectrums without additional and iterative calculations.

Correlation of Experimental and Analytical Inelastic Responses of A 1:12 Scale 10-Story Reinforced Concrete Frame-Wall Structure (1:12축소 10층 철근콘크리트 골조-벽식 구조의 비선형 거동에 대한 실험과 해석의 상관성)

  • 이한선;김상호
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2000
  • Reinforced concrete structural walls are widely known to provide an efficient lateral load resistance and drift control. However, many reported researches on them are mostly limited to the RC structural walls reinforced according to seismic details. When the pushover analysis technique is used for the prediction of inelastic behavior of frame-wall structures for the seismic evaluation of existing buildings having non-seismic details, the reliability of this analysis method should be checked by the test results. The objective of this study is to verify the correlation between the experimental and analytical responses of a high-rise reinforced concrete frame-wall structure having non-seismic details by using DRAIN-2DX program[11] and the test results performed previously[1]. It is concluded that the behavior of the frame-wall model is mainly affected by the fixed-end rotation(uplift at base) and bending deformation of the wall and that the analysis with the LINKS model[10] in DRAIN-2DX describes them with good reliability.