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The Role of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase-1 in Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury (기계환기로 인한 급성 폐손상에서 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1의 역할)

  • Kim, Je-Hyeong;Yoon, Dae Wui;Hur, Gyu Young;Jung, Ki Hwan;Lee, Sung Yong;Lee, Sang Yeub;Shin, Chol;Shim, Jae Jeong;In, Kwang Ho;Yoo, Se Hwa;Kang, Kyung Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.451-463
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    • 2006
  • Background : Reactive oxygen species (ROS) take center stage as executers in ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). The protein with DNA-damage scanning activity, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP1), signals DNA rupture and participates in base-excision repair. Paradoxically,overactivation of PARP1 in response to massive genotoxic injury such as ROS can induce cell death through β -nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) depletion, resulting in inflammation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of PARP1 and the effect of its inhibitor in VILI. Methods : Forty-eight male C57BL/6 mice were divided into sham, lung protective ventilation(LPV), VILI, and PARP1 inhibitor (PJ34)+VILI (PJ34+VILI) groups. Mechanical ventilator setting for the LPV group was PIP15cmH2O + PEEP3cmH2O + RR 90/min + 2 hours. The VILI and PJ34+VILI groups were ventilated on a setting of PIP40cmH2O + PEEP0cmH2O + RR 90/min + 2 hours. As a PARP1 inhibitor for the PJ34+VILI group, 20 mg/Kg of PJ34 was treated intraperitoneally 2 hours before mechanical ventilation. Wet-to-dry weight ratio and acute lung injury (ALI) score were measured to determine the degree of VILI. PARP1 activity was evaluated by using an immunohistochemical method utilizing biotinylated NAD. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and the concentration of inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α, interleukin (IL)1β, and IL-6 were measured in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Results : In the PJ34+VILI group, PJ34 pretreatment significantly reduced the degree of lung injury, compared with the VILI group (p<0.05). The number of cells expressing PARP1 activity was significantly increased in the VILI group, but significantly decreased in the PJ34+VILI group (p=0.001). In BALF, MPO activity, TNFα, IL1β, and IL-6 were also significantly lower in the PJ34+VILI group (all, p<0.05). Conclusion : PARP1 overactivation plays a major role in the mechanism of VILI. PARP1 inhibitor prevents VILI, and decreases MPO activity and inflammatory cytokines.

Effect of Seed Mixture on Forage Yields and Botanical Composition at an Altitude of 400 m in Jeju island (표고 400m 제주 중산간 지역에서 혼합조합별 초지 생산성 및 식생구성)

  • Chae, Hyun Seok;Kim, Nam Young;Woo, Jae Hoon;Shin, Moon Cheol;Son, Jun Kyu;Seong, Pil Nam;Lee, Wang Shik;Kim, Si Hyun;Hwang, Kyung Jun;Kim, Young Jin;Park, Nam Gun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study was to determine the growth characteristics of cool (C1) and warm season grasses (C2) in pastures mixed with C1 and C2 at an altitude of 400 m in Jeju island to establishing pasture suitable for grazing horses and to evaluate the effect of pastures mixed with tall and short type grasses on the intake characteristics of horses. C1 used in this study was Kentucky bluegrass, redtop (short type grass) and tall type grasses were orchardgrass and tall fescue, respectively. Treatments of this study were consisted of four groups and the short type grass used in pastures mixed with C1 and C2 was mainly bermudagrass. Four treatment groups were follow as; Treatment 1 (bermudagrass + Kentucky bluegrass + redtop) 2) Treatment 2 (bermudagrass + tall fescue + orchardgrass) 3) Treatment 3 (Kentucky bluegrass + redtop) 4) Treatment 4 (tall fescue + orchardgrass). Bermudagrass was a little winter killing and inhibition of plant growth at an altitude of 400 m. Plant heights in pastures mixed with C1 and C2 were grown better than that in pastures mixed with C1. Especially, plant height in Treatment 4 was higher than other treatments. Dry matter yield was in the following order: Treatment 4> Treatment 3> Treatment 2> Treatment 1. Dry matter yield in pastures mixed with C1 increased as compared with pastures mixed with C1 and C2. Dry matter yield in Treatment 3 was higher than other treatments. In the first investigation regarding vegetation distribution, bermudagrass ratios among grasses in Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 were 11.7 and 13.3%, respectively. The growth of bermudagrass in winter was low due to the cold damage. However the growth of Kentucky bluegrass, redtop, tall fescue and orchardgrass was good. In the second investigation, bermudagrass ratios among grasses in Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 were 5.0 and 11.7%, respectively. Growth of forage in the second investigation was poor as compared to the first investigation. nutritive values(crude protein content, neutral detergent fiber content, acid detergent fiber content, digestibility) were good in pastures mixed with C1 Especially, nutritive values in pastures mixed with tall was higher than those of pastures mixed short grasses. P content among minerals in Treatment 1 was higher than other groups. However, the content of Ca, Mg and Mn were lower. The contents of Ca, K, Mg, Na, Cu, Zn and Fe in Treatment 2 were higher. However, the contents of K, Mg, Na, Cu, Zn and Fe in Treatment 3 were lower. Therefore, we suggest that cool season grasses with short grasses were sowed to establishing pasture suitable for grazing horses at an altitude of 400 m in Jeju island.

Potassium Physiology of Upland Crops (밭 작물(作物)의 가리(加里) 생리(生理))

  • Park, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.103-134
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    • 1977
  • The physiological and biochemical role of potassium for upland crops according to recent research reports and the nutritional status of potassium in Korea were reviewed. Since physical and chemical characteristics of potassium ion are different from those of sodium, potassium can not completely be replaced by sodium and replacement must be limited to minimum possible functional area. Specific roles of potassium seem to keep fine structure of biological membranes such as thylacoid membrane of chloroplast in the most efficient form and to be allosteric effector and conformation controller of various enzymes principally in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Potassium is essential to improve the efficiency of phoro- and oxidative- phosphorylation and involve deeply in all energy required metabolisms especially synthesis of organic matter and their translocation. Potassium has many important, physiological functions such as maintenance of osmotic pressure and optimum hydration of cell colloids, consequently uptake and translocation of water resulting in higher water use efficiency and of better subcellular environment for various physiological and biochemical activities. Potassium affects uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients and quality of products. potassium itself in products may become a quality criteria due to potassium essentiality for human beings. Potassium uptake is greatly decreased by low temperature and controlled by unknown feed back mechanism of potassium in plants. Thus the luxury absorption should be reconsidered. Total potassium content of upland soil in Korea is about 3% but the exchangeable one is about 0.3 me/100g soil. All upland crops require much potassium probably due to freezing and cold weather and also due to wet damage and drought caused by uneven rainfall pattern. In barley, potassium should be high at just before freezing and just after thawing and move into grain from heading for higher yield. Use efficiency of potassium was 27% for barley and 58% in old uplands, 46% in newly opened hilly lands for soybean. Soybean plant showed potassium deficiency symptom in various fields especially in newly opened hilly lands. Potassium criteria for normal growth appear 2% K2O and 1.0 K/(Ca+Mg) (content ratio) at flower bud initiation stage for soybean. Potassium requirement in plant was high in carrot, egg plant, chinese cabbage, red pepper, raddish and tomato. Potassium content in leaves was significantly correlated with yield in chinese cabbage. Sweet potato. greatly absorbed potassium subsequently affected potassium nutrition of the following crop. In the case of potassium deficiency, root showed the greatest difference in potassium content from that of normal indicating that deficiency damages root first. Potatoes and corn showed much higher potassium content in comparison with calcium and magnesium. Forage crops from ranges showed relatively high potassium content which was significantly and positively correlated with nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium content. Percentage of orchards (apple, pear, peach, grape, and orange) insufficient in potassium ranged from 16 to 25. The leaves and soils from the good apple and pear orchards showed higher potassium content than those from the poor ones. Critical ratio of K2O/(CaO+MgO) in mulberry leaves to escape from winter death of branch tip was 0.95. In the multiple croping system, exchangeable potassium in soils after one crop was affected by the previous crops and potassium uptake seemed to be related with soil organic matter providing soil moisture and aeration. Thus, the long term and quantitative investigation of various forms of potassium including total one are needed in relation to soil, weather and croping system. Potassium uptake and efficiency may be increased by topdressing, deep placement, slow-releasing or granular fertilizer application with the consideration of rainfall pattern. In all researches for nutritional explanation including potassium of crop yield reasonable and practicable nutritional indices will most easily be obtained through multifactor analysis.

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Multiplication of Infectious Flacherie and Densonucleosis Viruses in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori (가잠의 전염성 연화병 및 농핵병 바이러스 증식에 관한 연구)

  • 김근영;강석권
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 1984
  • Flacherie, as one of the most prevalent silkworm diseases, causes severe economic damage to sericultural industry and its pathogens have been proved to be flacherie virus (FV) and densonucleosis virus (DNV). Multiplications of the viruses in the larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, were studied by the sucrose density gradient centrifugation and electron microscopy. The quantitative and qualitative changes of nucleic acids and proteins were investigated from the midgut and hemolymph in the silkworm larvae infected separately with FV and DNV. The histopathological changes of epithelial cells of infected midgut also were examined by an electron microscope. 1. Purified fractions of FV or DNV in a sucrose density gradient centrifugation yielded one homogenous and sharp peak without a shoulder, suggesting no heterogenous materials in the preparation. Electron microscopy also revealed that FV and DNV were spherical particles, 27nm and 21nm in diameter, respectively. 2. Silkworm larvae showed a decrease in body weight on the 6th day and in midgut weight on the 3rd day after inoculation with FV or DNV. 3. DNA content was higher in the midgut when infected with FV or DNV, but the hemolymph of the infected larvae showed no difference during first 6 days after inoculation, after which DNA concentration declined rapidly. 4. RNA synthesis of silkworm larvae infected separately with FV and DNV was stimulated in the midgut, but RNA content was reduced in the hemolymph at the early stage of virus multiplication. At the late stage of virus multiplication, however, it was extremely reduced in both midgut and hemolymph. 5. The concentration of protein in the midgut and hemolymph of silkworm larvae infected separately with FV and DNV showed no difference from that of the healthy larvae at the early stage of virus multiplication, but it was significantly reduced at the late stage of virus multiplication. 6. There was no difference in the electrophoretic patterns of RNAs extracted from the midgut of healthy or virus-infected larvae. 7. The electrophoresis of proteins extracted from the midgut infected with FV or DNV, when carried out on the 1st and 5th day after virus inoculation, showed no difference from that of the healthy larvae. But, there was an additional band with medium motility in the proteins on the 8th day after virus inoculation, while a band with low mobility shown in the proteins of healthy larvae disappeared in the infected larvae. However, a band with high mobility in the healthy larvae was separated into two fractions in the infected larvae. 8. The electrophoretic pattern of hemolymph proteins of the silkworm larvae infected separately with FV and DNV was similar to that of the healthy larvae, but the concentration of hemolymph proteins in the infected larvae was lower than that of the healthy larvae at the late stage. 9. Two types of inclusion bodies were shown by the double staining of pyronin-methyl green in the columnar cell of the midgut on the 8th day after FV inoculation. 10. Electron microscopy of the infected midgut revealed that the 'cytoplasmic wall' of the goblet cell thickened on the 5th day after FV inoculation and several types of the cytopathogenic structures, such as virus.specific vesicles, virus particles, linear structures, tubular structures, and high electron-dense matrices were observed in the cytoplasm of the goblet cell. The virus particles were also observed in the microvilli and the structures similar to spherical virus particles were observed around the virus-specific vesicles, suggesting the virus assembly in the cytoplasm. 11. Fluorescence micrograph of the infected midgut stained with acridine orange showed that the nucleus, the site of DNV multiplication in the columnar cell, enlarged on the 5th day after virus inoculation. 12. Electron microscopic examination of DNV infected midgut revealed that the nucleolus of the columnar cell was broken into granules and those granules dispersed into apical region of the nucleus on the 5th day after virus inoculation. On the 8th day after inoculation, it was also observed that the nucleus of the columnar cell was full with the high electron-dense virogenic stroma which were similar to virus particles. These facts suggest that the virogenic stroma were the sites of virus assembly in the process of DNV multiplication.

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Studies on Dry Matter Production and Variation of Agronomic Characteristics of Determinate and Indeterminate Types of Soybean Cultivars (Glycine max L.) Under Different Growing Condition (유ㆍ무한형대두품종의 재배조건에 따른 건물생산 및 형질변이에 관한 연구)

  • Keun-Yong Park
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    • v.17
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    • pp.45-78
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    • 1974
  • To provide useful information for developing new high yielding soybean varieties and for improving cultural practices, an investigation was made on variation of dry matter production and on relationship among several agronomic characters of soybean plants grown under different planting times and densities as well as under different fertilizer levels, using Kwang-kyo, Dong puk-tae, and Suke # 51 as determinate types and Shelby, SRF-300 and Harosoy as indeterminate types at the Crop Experiment Station during the period of 1972 and 1973. The results obtained were summarized as follow: 1. The dry weight, CGR and LAI at the initial flowering stage were high in the high plant population irrespective of varieties, planting times, and fertilizer levels. However, those characters of the indeterminate type were lower than those of the determinate types. The same characters of the indererminate type at the terminal leaf stage were either same or higher than those of the determinate types. 2. The dry weight of the determinate type at the initial flowering stage was similar to the indeterminate, type, when planting times were May 21 or June 15. The dry weights of both types of varieties were low when planted on July 10. When fertilizer levels were increased, the CGR, dry weight and LAI at the initial flowering stages were also increased. 3. Even though significant differences of LAI were obtained among the varieties within the same plant type, the indeterminate type was in general lower than that of the determinate type regardless of planting time and densities, or fertilizer levels, while the yield of the indeterminate type was comparable to the yield of the determinate type. 4. The high degree of leaf- and petiole-fall at the greenbean stage was highly associated with early planting and high levels of fertilizers. However, less amount of leaf- or petiole-fall was found when planted on July 10 or under low plant population. 5. The percent of stem weight was high under higher plant population, while the percent of leaf weight was high under lower plant population. When planting time was late, the percent of stem and petiole weight were reduced, while the leaf weight was increased. 6. The percent of pod weight of the determinate type at the terminal leaf stage was about 2% when planted on May 21, about 8% when planted on June 15, and about 9% when planted on July 10. The percent of pod weight of the indeterminate type at the terminal leaf stage were about 6 % when planted on May 21, 14% when planted on June 15 and 21% when planted on July 10. 7. Kwang kyo showed less degree of leaf-fall even when lodged due to high levels of fertilizer applied, while SRF-300 showed great damage due to lodging. 8. High yields were obtained when planted on May 21, but there were little yield differences between yields from May 21 and June 15 plantings. The reduction of yield due to late planting of July 10 was less apparent in the determinate type of varieties, while it was high in the indeterminate type. 9. The optimum plant population per are for high yield was 1, 250 to 2, 500 plants when planted on May 21, 2, 500 plants when planted on June 15, and 3, 333 plants when planted on July 10. 10. High correlation coefficients were obtained between dry matter weight and LAI at the terminal leaf stages, and between the dry matter weight and yield at the greenbean stages. The optimum dry weight for high yield in the determinate type was expected to be 25 kg. per are at the initial flowering stage and 50 kg. per are at the terminal leaf stage. In the indeterminate type the LAI and dry weight at the greenbean stage were 4 to 5 and 80 kg. per are, respectively. 11. Under the high plant population plant height was increased, while the stem diameter and the number of nodes and branches were reduced. Consequently, the percent of mainstem to main stem plus branches were increased, and the length of internode was also elongated. The ratios of stem weight, number of nodes and pods, and yield of main stem were increased when high plant population was associated with the early planting. The percent of main stem to branches for the indeterminate type was higher than that of the determinate type. 12. Under the high plant densities and late planting, the percent of the pod number and yields of main stem were increased, indicating that varieties with no or less branches were better adaptable under such conditions. 13. High degree of simple correlation coefficients was obtained between the LAI at the initial flowering stage and terminal leaf stage, and the total node number, dry matter and dry stem weight of both determinate and indeterminate types. Even though no significant correlation was found between the LAI at the initial flowering stage of the determinate type and the stem length and pod number per are, highly significant correlation coefficients were obtained between such characters in the indeterminate type of varieties. 14. The dry matter was positively correlated with the LAI, CGR, stem length, and pod number, node number and dry stem weight per are, while no significant correlation was found between the dry matter and stem diameter. 15. The correlation coefficients between lodging index and the LAI, dry weight, stem length and dry stem weight were highly significant. Negative correlation was obtained for the indeterminate type between the stem diameter and lodging index. The correlation coefficient between the stem diameter and lodging index was non-significant for the determinate type, while positive correlation was obtained between the yield and lodging index in the determinate type. The lodging index was also positively correlated with average length of internode of main stem. 16. The 100 seed weight appeared to be lowered under the high plant population and no fertilizer condition, and when planted late. Apparent differences of 100 seed weight were found between main stem and branches, being higher for the main stem than for the branches. 17. No variation of protein content was found due to different cultural practices. However, the oil content was apparently reduced when planted late.

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