Studies on Dry Matter Production and Variation of Agronomic Characteristics of Determinate and Indeterminate Types of Soybean Cultivars (Glycine max L.) Under Different Growing Condition

유ㆍ무한형대두품종의 재배조건에 따른 건물생산 및 형질변이에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1974.12.01


To provide useful information for developing new high yielding soybean varieties and for improving cultural practices, an investigation was made on variation of dry matter production and on relationship among several agronomic characters of soybean plants grown under different planting times and densities as well as under different fertilizer levels, using Kwang-kyo, Dong puk-tae, and Suke # 51 as determinate types and Shelby, SRF-300 and Harosoy as indeterminate types at the Crop Experiment Station during the period of 1972 and 1973. The results obtained were summarized as follow: 1. The dry weight, CGR and LAI at the initial flowering stage were high in the high plant population irrespective of varieties, planting times, and fertilizer levels. However, those characters of the indeterminate type were lower than those of the determinate types. The same characters of the indererminate type at the terminal leaf stage were either same or higher than those of the determinate types. 2. The dry weight of the determinate type at the initial flowering stage was similar to the indeterminate, type, when planting times were May 21 or June 15. The dry weights of both types of varieties were low when planted on July 10. When fertilizer levels were increased, the CGR, dry weight and LAI at the initial flowering stages were also increased. 3. Even though significant differences of LAI were obtained among the varieties within the same plant type, the indeterminate type was in general lower than that of the determinate type regardless of planting time and densities, or fertilizer levels, while the yield of the indeterminate type was comparable to the yield of the determinate type. 4. The high degree of leaf- and petiole-fall at the greenbean stage was highly associated with early planting and high levels of fertilizers. However, less amount of leaf- or petiole-fall was found when planted on July 10 or under low plant population. 5. The percent of stem weight was high under higher plant population, while the percent of leaf weight was high under lower plant population. When planting time was late, the percent of stem and petiole weight were reduced, while the leaf weight was increased. 6. The percent of pod weight of the determinate type at the terminal leaf stage was about 2% when planted on May 21, about 8% when planted on June 15, and about 9% when planted on July 10. The percent of pod weight of the indeterminate type at the terminal leaf stage were about 6 % when planted on May 21, 14% when planted on June 15 and 21% when planted on July 10. 7. Kwang kyo showed less degree of leaf-fall even when lodged due to high levels of fertilizer applied, while SRF-300 showed great damage due to lodging. 8. High yields were obtained when planted on May 21, but there were little yield differences between yields from May 21 and June 15 plantings. The reduction of yield due to late planting of July 10 was less apparent in the determinate type of varieties, while it was high in the indeterminate type. 9. The optimum plant population per are for high yield was 1, 250 to 2, 500 plants when planted on May 21, 2, 500 plants when planted on June 15, and 3, 333 plants when planted on July 10. 10. High correlation coefficients were obtained between dry matter weight and LAI at the terminal leaf stages, and between the dry matter weight and yield at the greenbean stages. The optimum dry weight for high yield in the determinate type was expected to be 25 kg. per are at the initial flowering stage and 50 kg. per are at the terminal leaf stage. In the indeterminate type the LAI and dry weight at the greenbean stage were 4 to 5 and 80 kg. per are, respectively. 11. Under the high plant population plant height was increased, while the stem diameter and the number of nodes and branches were reduced. Consequently, the percent of mainstem to main stem plus branches were increased, and the length of internode was also elongated. The ratios of stem weight, number of nodes and pods, and yield of main stem were increased when high plant population was associated with the early planting. The percent of main stem to branches for the indeterminate type was higher than that of the determinate type. 12. Under the high plant densities and late planting, the percent of the pod number and yields of main stem were increased, indicating that varieties with no or less branches were better adaptable under such conditions. 13. High degree of simple correlation coefficients was obtained between the LAI at the initial flowering stage and terminal leaf stage, and the total node number, dry matter and dry stem weight of both determinate and indeterminate types. Even though no significant correlation was found between the LAI at the initial flowering stage of the determinate type and the stem length and pod number per are, highly significant correlation coefficients were obtained between such characters in the indeterminate type of varieties. 14. The dry matter was positively correlated with the LAI, CGR, stem length, and pod number, node number and dry stem weight per are, while no significant correlation was found between the dry matter and stem diameter. 15. The correlation coefficients between lodging index and the LAI, dry weight, stem length and dry stem weight were highly significant. Negative correlation was obtained for the indeterminate type between the stem diameter and lodging index. The correlation coefficient between the stem diameter and lodging index was non-significant for the determinate type, while positive correlation was obtained between the yield and lodging index in the determinate type. The lodging index was also positively correlated with average length of internode of main stem. 16. The 100 seed weight appeared to be lowered under the high plant population and no fertilizer condition, and when planted late. Apparent differences of 100 seed weight were found between main stem and branches, being higher for the main stem than for the branches. 17. No variation of protein content was found due to different cultural practices. However, the oil content was apparently reduced when planted late.

본 시험은 유ㆍ무한형대두품종에 대한다수성품종의 유종 및 재배기술개선의 기초자료로서 건물생산 및 제 형질간의 상호관계를 밝힐 목적으로 파종기, 재식밀도 및 시비수준이 다른 조건에서 광교, 동북태 및 수계5001를 유한형품종으로 그리고 Shelby, SRF-300 및 Harosoy를 무한형품종으로 하여 1972년부터 2개년에 걸쳐 작물시험장(수원)에서 실시하였는데 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 개화기에 있어서의 건물중, CGR 및 LAI는 품종, 파종기, 시비수준을 막론하고 밀식할수록 증가하였고 개화기가 빠른 무한형품종들은 유한형품종보다 현저히 떨어졌으나 정엽전개기에는 오히려 유한형보다 무한형이 더 높거나 거의 같은 수준을 나타냈다. 2. 파종기별로 본 개화기의 건물중은 유ㆍ무한형 모두 5월 21일구와 6월 15일구가 거의 비슷하나 7월 10일구의 건물중은 낮았으며 시비수준이 높을수록 개화기에는 CGR을 비롯하여 건물중과 LAI도 높았다. 3. 엽면적지수(LAI)는 동일군내에서 품종간차이도 상당히 컸으나 무한형품종은 파종기, 재식밀도 및 시비수준을 막론하고 유한형품종보다 떨어지는데도 종실수량은 별로 떨어지지 않았다. 4. 조식 및 증비의 경우에는 밀식을 하면 정엽전개기 이후에 엽과 엽병부분의 낙하가 많으나 소식인 경우 또는 만파(7월 10일)에서는 엽과 엽병의 낙하가 적은 경향이 뚜렷하였다. 5. 식물체부분별로 보면 경중비율은 밀식할수록 높아지고 반면 엽중비율은 소식할수록 높아졌으며 만파할수록 경중과 엽병비율은 떨어지고 엽중비율은 높아지는 경향이었다. 6. 정엽전개기에 있어서 유한형품종은 맥중비율이 5월 21일구에서 25내외, 6월 15일구에서 8%내외, 7월 10일구에서는 9%내외이어서 매우 적은 반면 무한형품종은 5월 21일구에서 6%내외, 6월 15일구에서 14%내외, 그리고 7월 10일구에서는 21%내외로 매우 컸다. 7. 광교는 다비조건에서 도복된 후에도 황화낙엽이 적고 생육이 회복되나 SRF-300은 생육이 회복되지 않았다. 8. 종실수량은 5월 21일구가 가장 높았으나 6월 15일구와 별로 차이가 없고 7월 10일구는 감소가 컸는데 유한형품종들은 만파에 의한 감소정도가 비교적 적고 무한형품종은 그 정도가 컸었다. 9. 재식밀도의 적정수준은 수량면으로 보았을 때 5월 21일구에서는 a당 1,250∼2500개체, 6월 15일구에서는 2,500개체, 그리고 7월 10일구에서는 3,333개체수준이었다. 10. 전품종에 있어서 정엽전개기의 건물중과 LAI 그리고 맥비만기의 건물중은 수량과 높은 상관을 나타냈고 유한형품종에 있어서 최고의 수량을 기대할 수 있는 건물중의 적정선은 개화기때에 a당 25kg, 정엽전개기때에 50kg내외였으며 무한형품종에 있어서는 맥비만기의 LAI는 4∼5, 그리고 맥비만기의 건물중은 a당 80kg내외이었다. 11. 밀식을 하면 경장은 커지고 경태와 분지 및 절수는 적어져서 주경비율이 높아지고 절간장이 길어졌다. 경중, 절수, 맥수 및 종실수량의 주경비율은 밀식할수록 그리고 만파한 것이 높았으며 무한형이 유한형보다 높았다. 12. 밀식 또는 만파의 경우에는 맥수나 종실수량의 주경비율이 높아서 주경의존도가 높은 품종이 유리한 것으로 보였다. 13. 개화기와 정엽전개기의 LAI는 유ㆍ무한형 모두 단위면적당 총절수, 건물중 및 건경중과 높은 상관을 보였고 개화기의 LAI는 유한형의 경장 및 a당 맥수와의 상관에는 유의차가 없었으나 무한형의 경장 및 a당맥수와는 고도의 유의상관을 보였다. 14. 건물중은 LAI외에 CGR, 경장 그리고 a당 절수, 맥수 및 건경중과 높은 상관을 보였으나 경태와는 유의적인 상관이 없었다. 15. 도복지수는 LAI, 건물중, 경장 및 건경중과 높은 유의상관이 있었고 경태와는 무한형품조에 있어서 고도의 부의 상관을 보였으나 유한형품종에서는 유의상관이 없었으며 유한형품종에서는 수량과 고도의 정의 상관을 보였다. 또한 도복지수는 주경의 평균절간장과 고도의 정의 상관이 있었다. 16. 100립중은 밀식 및 만파 그리고 무비조건에서 떨어지는 경향이었고 주경보다 분지의 100립중이 낮았다. 17. 단백질함량은 어떤 재배조건에서도 변화가 거의 없으나 지방함량은 만파할 때 감소하는 경향이 뚜렷하였다.
