• 제목/요약/키워드: protection of the rights

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미국의 보건의료데이터 보호 및 활용을 위한 주요 법적 쟁점 -미국 HIPAA/HITECH, 21세기 치료법, 공통규칙, 민간 가이드라인을 중심으로- (Legal Issues in Protecting and Utilitizing Medical Data in United States - Focused on HIPAA/HITECH, 21st Century Cures Act, Common Law, Guidance -)

  • 김재선
    • 의료법학
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.117-157
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구에서는 미국의 보건의료데이터 관련 주요 법령으로 HIPAA/HITECH, 21세기 치료법, 공통규칙, 주법 등을 검토, 데이터의 보호 및 활용 관점에서 관련 법령의 발전과정, 구체적 쟁점에 관한 입법방침을 검토하였으며, 다음과 같은 시사점을 도출하였다. 첫째, 미국의 경우 개인의료정보에 관한 단일법제를 통하여 보호와 활용 기준을 비교적 명확하게 규율하고 있다. 미국의 경우 1996년 의료정보보호에 관한 기본법으로 HIPAA를 도입, 의료정보를 개인식별정보, 비식별정보, 한정데이터세트로 구분하여 PHI의 경우 목적에 따른 활용범위를 규정하였으며, 의료정보의 비식별조치 방식 규정, 한정데이터세트의 삭제정보 대상, 데이터 재식별 금지합의서 등에 관하여 규정하였다. 한편, 연구목적 의약품 및 의료기기 혁신 촉진을 위하여 제정된 21세기 치료법에서는 정보의 공유와 정보접근성 강화를 위하여 데이터 공유를 위한 상호호환성, 데이터 차단 금지, 정보주체의 접근성 강화를 규정하였으며, 공통규칙에서는 포괄적 동의제도를 도입, 절차를 명확하게 규정하고 있다. 우리나라의 경우 개인정보보호법을 기초로 하되, 보건의료데이터를 규율하는 일관된 법제를 제정한다면 규제체계와 내용을 보다 명확히 하여 정보소유자와 이용자에게 정보이용에 대한 신뢰를 높일 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 둘째, 미국의 경우 의료정보의 활용 측면에서 규제체계를 비교적 간소화하고 명확하게 규정하고 있다는 점에서 의미가 있는 것으로 생각된다. 구체적으로 식별가능 의료정보의 익명조치 방안으로 전문가 합의 방식과 세이프 하버 방식을 규정하고, 구체적인 방법을 규정하고 있다. 특히 세이프하버 방식의 경우 18가지 식별자를 제거하면 비식별조치가 된 것으로 판단하고 있어 비식별조치 방식과 절차를 명확하게 규정하고 있다는 점, 전문가 합의 방식도 전문가 판단기준, 절차 등을 규정하고 있어 판단절차에 대한 신뢰를 높이고 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 보건의료데이터의 경우 치료목적, 연구목적 등으로 활용될 경우 그 가치가 증가될 것으로 생각되므로 보다 간소하고 명확한 기준을 제안함으로써 정보보호와 활용의 목적을 달성할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 셋째, 미국의 경우 정보주체의 권리보호 방안을 구체화하되, 설명의무를 상세히 규정하되 식별정보에 대한 소비자의 정보권한(옵트아웃 절차)를 명시하고 있다. 구체적으로 HHS 규칙과 FDA 규정에서 인간대상 연구에 대하여는 포괄적 동의제도를 인정하되 공통규칙을 통하여 동의절차, 방법, 요건을 규정하고 있다. 특히 정보주체에 대한 고지의무, 옵트아웃 제도, 삭제요구권 등에 관하여 규정하고 있으며, 동의절차에서 동의 대상자가 쉽고 명확하게(8th grade reading level 기준) 이해할 수 있도록 하며, 최신성·편의성을 유지하도록 하고 있다. 특히 최근 미국 주법(뉴욕, 캘리포니아 주 등)은 데이터 보호 및 활용에 관한 법령을 제정하면서 정보접근권, 삭제요구권, 옵트아웃 제도, 정보처리 동의의 투명성 강화조치 마련 등을 규정하여 데이터 활용에 있어서 정보주체의 권리를 보장하고 있다. 정보주체의 권리 보호는 정보의 가치보존과 활용 측면에서 가장 중요한 전제요건이 될 것이므로 우리나라의 입법에서도 참조할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 넷째, 미국의 경우 보건의료데이터 법제 전반에서 신뢰기반 제도를 활용하고 있다는 점은 중요한 의미가 있을 것으로 생각된다. 예컨대 HIPAA에서는 Limited Data Set의 경우 연구자의 재식별금지 합의서를 전제로 정보를 활용할 수 있도록 규정하고 있으며, 익명조치를 전문가 합의, 세이프하버 방식 등으로 간소화하여 연구목적 정보이용을 활성화하는 방안, 동의제도를 간소화하는 방안도 정보주체와 정보이용자간 신뢰에 기반한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 의료정보는 정보주체, 생성·보관·활용자가 모두 신뢰에 기반하여 협력할 때 그 가치가 나타날 수 있을 것으로 생각되므로 정보주체의 권리보장을 전제로 하되, 정보이용자가 당해 정보를 보다 가치 있게 이용(meaningful use)하도록 하는 신뢰에 기반한 법제도 마련이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

공인의 미디어 소송 특징과 국내 판결 경향에 관한 연구: 1989년 이후 정치인 및 고위 공직자 명예훼손 판례를 중심으로 (Study on the Characteristic of Media Lawsuits by Public Figures and the Tendency of the Court Decisions in Korea: Focusing on the Decision about Defamation of Politicians and Senior Government Officials Since 1989)

  • 윤성옥
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제40권
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    • pp.150-191
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    • 2007
  • 참여정부 들어 공인에 의한 언론사 상대 명예훼손 소송의 문제는 심각한 사회 현상으로 대두되었다. 여기에는 정부와 언론 간 첨예한 갈등관계 역시 주요한 요인으로 작용했다고 본다. 이에 공인의 명예훼손 소송 해결에 대한 논의는 진보-보수, 여-야 간 대립처럼 정치적 쟁점화함으로써 현상에 대한 정확한 판단과 해결책을 제시하는 데 한계를 보였다. 본 논문에서는 정치인과 함께 정부나 대통령 등 고위 공직자에 의한 명예훼손 소송 특징과 문제점을 파악하고 법원에서 이들의 권리보호와 제한에 대해 법리 적용을 어떻게 하는지 분석하고자 했다. 연구 결과 정치인과 고위 공직자의 명예훼손 소송은 구제수단(손해배상), 청구액 및 법원 인용액, 승소율 등에서 특기할 만한 사항을 발견했고 법원 판결 경향에서는 사인과 동일한 기준 적용으로 진실 책임의 입증을 언론에 엄격히 지우고 있다는 점, 하급심 판결을 중심으로 공인 법리에 대한 오해, 고의(악의)/과실/비방 목적과 입증책임의 일관되지 않은 적용 등 혼란을 겪고 있다는 점을 발견할 수 있었다. 따라서 Anti-SLAPP 법안 제정까지는 아니더라도 법원이 좀 더 적극적으로 공인의 권리제한 법리를 수용하여 반론권이나 손해배상의 구제수단은 제한하고, 허위인 경우만 권리를 보호하는 현행법의 '사자(死者)'의 명예훼손 보호법리를 준용할 필요가 있다고 제안했다. 또한 공인에 대한 법리 적용의 혼란을 해소하기 위해 이미 헌법재판소가 제시한 '인물'과 '내용' 기준을 적극적으로 적용하고, '고의(악의)' '과실' '비방 목적'을 구분 판단해 입증책임을 달리 적용해야 한다고 주장했다.

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미술의 공공성과 키스 해링(Keith Haring)의 사회적 개입에 관한 연구 (A Study on Art's Public Features and Social Intervention by Keith Haring)

  • 김지영
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제8호
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    • pp.59-87
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    • 2009
  • This thesis started from the attempt to make it clear that 80's American artist Keith Haring(1958-1990) had conducted social intervention of criticism, resistance, and participation through his works, and so pursued public value. Haring of graffiti fame left popular and familiar cartoon style pictures on the street wall, the billboards, the posters and so on. Popular and playful works was explained as his unique characteristics, but Haring's creative way at the field has more value than just being grasped as artist's personal characteristics. Haring's work pieces became everyday art by joining with people's life, and are working as a social speaking place. So I think that these Haring's art works possess characteristics of 'the public sphere'. 'The Public Sphere' means that is independent and free from the government or partisan economic forces, so that is not connected with the interested relations, and that is the sphere of rational argumentation without 'disguise' or 'fabrication', and that is the sphere where general public can participate in and is inspected by them. The public sphere between the sphere of public authority such a nation and a market and the private sphere of free individual, it is mutually connected with them and works as the space forming public opinion. Private individuals communicate with this public sphere and perform a role of direct and indirect check, balance, and social criticism way off from power. Openness that should include the voice of not only leading power but also the socially weak such as citizens, women, homosexuals, minority races, and so on, and alienated class, is an index of the public characteristics. The public sphere is not working just with speech and mass media. Many artists as well as Haring open their mouth and act through an art at the center of society, and create another public sphere by an art. I understood that the real participatory and practical characteristics on the Haring's work is a phenomenon and current of a part of the art world including Haring. Such current started from 1960s is the in-depth effort to be connected with the life more closely, to communicate with people, and to improve problems of life. And it has pursued public value on the different way from the nation or public power. Artists have intervened in the society with strategic and positive ways in order to raise pushed-out value and sinked rights as the public agenda, and labored to accept the value of variety and difference at the society. The aspect of such social intervention is the notable features, findable on the Haring's works and process. Haring's works include art historical meanings and are expressed with familiar and plastic language, so they were able to communicate with various classes. And he secured various customers at the field and the street. This communicative and public approach factor raised the possibility much for his works to work as the public sphere. Haring presented critical and resistant speech toward society with his works based on this factor. He asserted his position and justice of gender identity as a sexual minority. And his such work continued to movement for alienated class and social week over his own rights. His speech and message on the wall painting, poster, T-shirts, billboard of the subway, and so on worked as a spectacle and pressed concern with social issues and consciousness shift. And he's been trying to protect and care people who is injured by HIV and drug and to realize social justice through social week protection. Haring's works planned to meet many people as much as possible performed its role of intervening in society through criticism, resistance, speech, and participation, and controlling and checking social issues. These things considered, Haring's works show his consciousness about public attributes of art, and obviously include public value seeking. And also we can find the meaning of such his work as that an art is working as the public sphere and shows the possibility to discuss and practice public issues.

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해적행위의 범죄구성요건에 대한 비판적 고찰과 입법 방향 (A Critical Review and Legislative Direction for Criminal Constitution of Piracy)

  • 백상진
    • 법제연구
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    • 제55호
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    • pp.167-191
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    • 2018
  • 국제적 협력에도 불구하고 전 세계 주요해역에서는 여전히 해적행위가 근절되고 있지 않다. 수 출입에 절대적으로 의존하고 있는 우리나라의 입장에서는 안전한 해상교통로 확보는 우리의 생명줄이므로 해상 안전 및 보안에 대하여 사활을 걸어야 할 상황이다. 그렇지만 해적행위의 처벌에 관한 형법은 여전히 미비한 측면이 있어 입법적 고려가 필요하다. 해적을 인류 공동의 적으로 간주하고 있으므로 모든 국가는 자국의 피해여부와 관계없이 해적을 처벌할 수 있다. 국제사회는 이러한 보편적 관할권을 통하여 해상무역과 군사활동의 필수적인 공간인 공해(公害)상에서 해상교통로 안전을 확보하기 위하여 수백 년 전부터 국제적 공조에 박차를 가하고 있으며, 특히 아덴만 해역에서는 소말리아 해적을 단속하기 위하여 선진 각국에서 함대를 파견하여 합동작전으로 해상안보위협에 대처하고 있다. 국제관습법과 UN해양법협약에 따라 해적행위에 대하여 보편적 관할권이 허용되더라도 이를 위한 국내법적 제도가 미완비되어 있거나 국제법규와 상이한 내용으로 규정되어 있을 경우 해적행위에 대하여 효과적으로 대처하기 힘들다. 즉 죄형법정주의에 따라 국제규범에 상응하는 보편적 관할권과 해적죄의 구성요건이 형법에 규정될 필요가 있다. 이러한 작업의 선행 없이 무리하게 우리 형법을 확대 적용하여 해적을 처벌할 경우 세계인권규약이나 기타 국제규범을 위반하여 외교적 분쟁을 초래할 수 있다. 우리나라의 경우 해적을 범죄로 명시적으로 규정하여 처벌하는 규정이 없으며, 다만 형법 및 선박위해처벌법 등에서 해적행위와 유사한 행위를 처벌하고 있다. 그렇지만 국제적으로 통용되고 있는 해적행위를 충분히 포섭하고 있지 않아 실효성 있는 해적처벌에 한계가 있다. 이 논문에서는 해적죄의 구성요건에 대한 여러 제안을 비판적으로 고찰한 후 그 입법방향을 제시하고 있다.


  • Varenia, Nataliia;Avdoshyn, Ihor;Strelbytska, Lilia;Strelbytskyy, Mykola;Palchyk, Maksym
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2021
  • The information space, the main components of which are information resources, means of information interaction, and information infrastructure, is a sphere of modern social life in which information communications play a leading role. The objective process is the gradual but stable entry of the national information space into the European and world information sphere, in the context of which there is a legitimate question of its protection as one of the components of the national security of Ukraine. However, the implementation of this issue in practice immediately faces the need to respect the rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by international regulations and the Constitution of Ukraine, especially in the field of cybersecurity. The peculiarity of the modern economy is related to its informational nature, which affects the sharp increase in cyber incidents in the field of information security, which is widespread and threatening and affects a wide range of private, corporate, and public interests. The problem of forming an effective information security system is exacerbated by the spread of cybercrime as a leading threat to information security both in Ukraine and around the world. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of cybersecurity and on this basis to identify new areas of the fight against cybercrime in Ukraine. Methods: the study is based on an extensive regulatory framework, which primarily consists of regulatory acts of Ukraine. The main methods were inductions and deductions, generalizations, statistical, comparative, and system-structural analysis, grouping, descriptive statistics, interstate comparisons, and graphical methods. Results. It is noted that a very important component of Ukraine's national security is the concept of "information terrorism", which includes cyberterrorism and media terrorism that will require its introduction into the law. An assessment of the state of cybersecurity in Ukraine is given. Based on the trend analysis, further growth of cybercrimes was predicted, and ABC analysis showed the existence of problems in the field of security of payment systems. Insufficient accounting of cybercrime and the absence in the current legislation of all relevant components of cybersecurity does not allow the definition of a holistic system of counteraction. Therefore, the proposed new legal norms in the field of information security take into account modern research in the field of promising areas of information technology development and the latest algorithms for creating media content.

The Main Methodological Positions of Educational Institutions in the System of Educational Work of the Modern Information Space

  • Shumiatska, Oleksandra;Palamar, Nataliia;Bilyk, Ruslana;Yakymenko, Svitlana;Yakovenko, Serhii;Tsybulko, Liudmyla;Bida, Olena
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권11호
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    • pp.272-278
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    • 2022
  • The article proves the idea that the protection and development of Ukraine as an independent, sovereign state requires the education of a patriot citizen who is able to live and work in a democracy, ensure the unity of Ukraine, feel constant responsibility for himself, his people, the country, and strive to make a real contribution to reform processes, especially in unstable, wartime. The main goal of educational institutions in the system of educational work of the modern information space is revealed. The tasks of patriotic education of the individual are presented. The content of patriotic education at the wartime stage and the main characteristics of the content of patriotism are substantiated. The main methodological positions that are taken into account in the construction of the structure and dynamics of the formation of civil responsibility of the individual are highlighted. The structure of civic responsibility as an integral system of the modern information space is drawn, which includes three subsystems that characterize the natural, social and systemic qualities of citizenship, interconnected hierarchically and synergistically. The components of the structural part of the model of civil culture of the individual in the modern information space are analyzed.Modern modernization of the education system in the modern information space, which has led to the emergence of a new type of Educational Institutions, requires the search for new pedagogical technologies that can ensure the formation of a patriotic citizen with an active civic position, which involves not only mastering students' knowledge about the rights and obligations of citizens, convincing them of the expediency of democratic transformations of society, the formation of high moral and strong-willed, patriotic qualities and feelings, but also identifying motivated civic actions, actions that are necessary during martial law in Ukraine.

전쟁의 기억: 전재에서 자연재해로 - 6.25전쟁기 회화 작품에 나타난 피난 이미지 (The Memory of War : from War Damages to Natural Disaster -The Evacuation Image Portrayed in Korean War Painting)

  • 조은정
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제13호
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    • pp.7-33
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    • 2012
  • The memory of the Korean War is about the time period when people lived toughly during evacuation, due to being exposed to the natural climate such as intense cold or heat without any protection, leaving their comfortable home and living in temporary built shelters which were barely enough to avoid the wind. 'Death is concealed and only the figures of evacuation for survival were expressed, just as how the government ordered. Since the experience of the battlefield is personal and fragmentary, that is broken into pieces, it does not have compatibility. As war is a distorted experience that cannot be placed in a big picture, it is not possible to take a view of the war's big picture. Having this individualized experience as a common collective memory is an issue and it is the will that people tries to pursue. The reason why the evacuees from north to south, and as well as from the south to further south were all able to be adopted as the theme of artworks due to the military action that emptied the occupied territories of the North Korean Army under the forced removal command. In such situations, the natural state of the 'snow' was like a symbol of the 1.4 Recession. The group of people who were thrown into the intense cold displaced the war damage of loosing their base livelihood, and symbolized the obedient citizens who faithfully follow their government's command. The figure of advocating anti-communism is projected as a figure of a refugee during cold winter-time and it contains ones past which he or she obeyed its own country's commands. Evacuation, especially the evacuation during the winter is a visual device that can confirm these kinds of country's command. The consequences were same for the artists as well. Therefore, the situation being communal could be found due to the individual experiences during war are ideological. The image of the refuge shown in the picture played the role of strengthening the consciousness of defecting to South Korea into the meaning of the 'Finding Freedom.' I would like to express that the reason of them leave their home during the harsh winter is in order to avoid the oppression of the Communist Party. The evacuation that people went through was not to 'Finding Freedom', but 'To Survive'. Later, this evacuation has been imprinted as a behavior of choosing free Republic of Korea, which was an ideological issue. Anti-communism was the rule of survival in South Korea society, and people have the tendency to remember what they want to remember. As it is not the people who possesses an incident, but the memory that possesses ones, people cover their memory with disguised plots in order to forget the violence and to live a different prologue. They share the incident of violence as a hurtful memory. The tragedy of the Korean War was the result of Ideology and being in between the powerful nations' rights, but the violence during the war has been depicted as a natural disaster, which was the evacuation in heavy snow.

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원자력시설 안전관리 법제의 문제점과 개선방안 연구 -수산물의 안전관리를 중심으로- (A Study on the Problems and Improvement of the Safety Management Law of Nuclear Facilities -Focused on Safety Management of Aquatic Products-)

  • 이우도
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제50권2호
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2019
  • The main purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the problems of the law systems of the safety and maintenance of nuclear facilities and to propose the improvements with respect to the related problems especialy focused on safety management of aquatic products. Therefore, the results of the paper would be helpful to build an effective management law system of safety and maintenance of nuclear facilities and fisheries products. The research methods are longitudinal and horizontal studies. This study compares domestic policies with foreign policies of nuclear plants and aquatic products. Using the above methods, examining the current system of nuclear-related laws and regulations, we have found that there exist 13 Acts including "Nuclear Safety Act", etc. Safety laws related on nuclear facilities have seven Acts including "Nuclear Safety Act", "the Act on Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency", "Radioactive waste control Act", "Act on Protective Action Guidelines against Radiation in the Natural Environment", "Special Act on Assistance to the locations of facilities for disposal low and intermediate level radioactive waste", "Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Act". "Act on Establishment and Operation of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission". The seven laws are composed of 119 legislations. They have 112 lower statute of eight Presidential Decrees, six Primeministrial Decrees and Ministrial Decrees, 92 administrative rules (orders), 6 legislations of local self-government aself-governing body. The concluded proposals of this paper are as follows. Firstly, we propose that the relationship between the special law and general law should be re-established. Secondly, the terms with respect to law system of safety and maintenance of nuclear plants should be redefined and specified. Thirdly, it is advisable to re-examine and re-establish the Law System for Safety and Maintenance of Nuclear Facilities. and environmental rights like the French Nuclear Safety Legislation. Lastly, inadequate legislation on the aquatic pollution damage should be re-established. It is necessary to ensure sufficient transparency as well as environmental considerations in the policy decisions of the Korean government and legislation of the National Assembly. It is necessary to further study the possibilities of accepting the implications of the French legal system as a legal system in Korea. In conclusion, the safety management of nuclear facilities is not only focused on the secondary industry and the tertiary industry centering on power generation and supply, but also on the primary industry, which is the food of the people. It is necessary to prevent damage to be foreseen. Therefore, it is judged that there should be no harm to the people caused by contaminated marine products even if the "Food Safety Law for Prevention of Radiation Pollution Damage" is enacted.

금융회사의 고객정보보호에 대한 내부직원의 태도 연구 (The Behavioral Attitude of Financial Firms' Employees on the Customer Information Security in Korea)

  • 정우진;신유형;이상용
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.53-77
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    • 2012
  • Financial firms, especially large scaled firms such as KB bank, NH bank, Samsung Card, Hana SK Card, Hyundai Capital, Shinhan Card, etc. should be securely dealing with the personal financial information. Indeed, people have tended to believe that those big financial companies are relatively safer in terms of information security than typical small and medium sized firms in other industries. However, the recent incidents of personal information privacy invasion showed that this may not be true. Financial firms have increased the investment of information protection and security, and they are trying to prevent the information privacy invasion accidents by doing all the necessary efforts. This paper studies how effectively a financial firm will be able to avoid personal financial information privacy invasion that may be deliberately caused by internal staffs. Although there are several literatures relating to information security, to our knowledge, this is the first study to focus on the behavior of internal staffs. The big financial firms are doing variety of information security activities to protect personal information. This study is to confirm what types of such activities actually work well. The primary research model of this paper is based on Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) that describes the rational choice of human behavior. Also, a variety of activities to protect the personal information of financial firms, especially credit card companies with the most customer information, were modeled by the four-step process Security Action Cycle (SAC) that Straub and Welke (1998) claimed. Through this proposed conceptual research model, we study whether information security activities of each step could suppress personal information abuse. Also, by measuring the morality of internal staffs, we checked whether the act of information privacy invasion caused by internal staff is in fact a serious criminal behavior or just a kind of unethical behavior. In addition, we also checked whether there was the cognition difference of the moral level between internal staffs and the customers. Research subjects were customer call center operators in one of the big credit card company. We have used multiple regression analysis. Our results showed that the punishment of the remedy activities, among the firm's information security activities, had the most obvious effects of preventing the information abuse (or privacy invasion) by internal staff. Somewhat effective tools were the prevention activities that limited the physical accessibility of non-authorities to the system of customers' personal information database. Some examples of the prevention activities are to make the procedure of access rights complex and to enhance security instrument. We also found that 'the unnecessary information searches out of work' as the behavior of information abuse occurred frequently by internal staffs. They perceived these behaviors somewhat minor criminal or just unethical action rather than a serious criminal behavior. Also, there existed the big cognition difference of the moral level between internal staffs and the public (customers). Based on the findings of our research, we should expect that this paper help practically to prevent privacy invasion and to protect personal information properly by raising the effectiveness of information security activities of finance firms. Also, we expect that our suggestions can be utilized to effectively improve personnel management and to cope with internal security threats in the overall information security management system.

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Study of the Prior Review System about Medical Advertising on the Existing Laws

  • Kim, Woon-Shin;Joung, Soon-Hyoung
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2016
  • This study tries to seek the is the realistic improvements and legislative measures about current medical advertising which was in the Court on 12 May 2015 by presenting and discussion the understanding, problems and its alternative direction of pre-deliberation on the existing law which is the decision on the constitutionality of health care advertising regulated health care advertising General commercial advertising has the right which have to be protected as the terms of the protection of know and freedom of expression and advertiser's there are sure to be in a value to be protected. Medical advertising is also a person in addition to the absolute value that includes both Due to the particularity of medical advertising in terms of life and the right to health Until now, this has been the target of strong regulations are changing the policy of gradual deregulation in our country, including the country. Medical advertising on the current medical law had been to be checked by pre-deliberation of the executive power. However, due to unconstitutional, in the circumstances which a false hype is flooding and increasing, it has been realized that the fair competition of medical community, life and health rights of the people are threatened by in reverse. In this regard, the abolition of the pre-deliberation system of medical advertising can be welcomed by abolition of the old system which is the legal and institutional censorship. Since its abolition, the alternative policy direction is insufficient also it is not clear. Therefore we need to study this. Therefore, in this paper, we try to find general theoretical background and problem of pre-deliberation system of medical advertising. Also, as trying to find feasibility or ambiguity of regulation and issues about medical advertising on medical law, we argued the provision of special measures of the medical advertising for introduction of integrated medical advertising deliberation committee which can ensure the independence and autonomy, strengthening of the monitoring on the internet advertising, legal resolving through amendments, strengthening of penalties, and establish special measures of medical advertising for the medical privatization and demand for the foreign medical tourist, etc. Empirical study about practical regulatory measures of medical advertising which converged the various opinions of consumer groups, government and academia, and medical community, and we expect hope to see the more realistic alternative provision.