• Title/Summary/Keyword: prosthetic replacement

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Clinical Study of Duromedics Bileaflet Valve (Duromedics 판막의 임상적 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyeong;Yu, Hong-Seok
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.667-675
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    • 1990
  • From June, 15th, 1987 to June, 14th, 1989, 105 Duromedics bileaflet cardiac valve prostheses were implanted in 81 patients. Mitral valve replacement was done in 42 patients, 7 underwent aortic valve replacement, 28 underwent double valve replacement, & 4 patients underwent triple valve replacement. Concomitantly used valves were 13 cases; 11 cases were St. Jude Medical valves[M: SJM #29 X4, #27 X5, #25 X 1, T: SJM #33] & two cases were Carpentier Edwards bioprostheses[T: C - E #31X2]. The early mortality rate[within 30 days] was 3.7%[2 patients] & the late mortality rate was 7.4%[3 patients]. Follow-up was done on 72 surviving patients; mean follow-up period was 21.17$\pm$5.36 months. Anticoagulant-related hemorrhage was observed in two patients, possible prosthetic valvular endocarditis was observed in one patient and other specific valve-related complications were none. We concluded, therefore, that good clinical results & a low complication rate could be achieved with Duromedics bileaflet valve in short-term follow-up, & long-term follow-up was also necessary.

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Surgical Treatment of Heart Disease: II. Acquired Heart Disease I: Valve Replacement (심장질환의 외과적 요법에 관한 연구: II.후천성 심장질환, 1. 판막대치 이식수술)

  • Lee, Yung-Kyoon;Seo, Gyeong-Pil
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.315-326
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    • 1977
  • From 1958 to October 1977, 294 cases of acquired heart disease were operated. There were 68 cases of pericardium, 3 trauma, 2 foreign body, one cardiac thrombus, 3 atrial myxoma, 2 left atrial and 1 right atrial, 2 Budd-Chiari syndrome, and 214 valvular heart disease. Out of 214 cases of valve operation 73 valves were replaced in 64 patients. Male to female ratio was 1.46: 1. The youngest age was 14 years in male and 18 in female. The oldest was 54 years in male and 52 in female. Fifty-five cases of single valve were replaced, consisting of 47 mitral and 8 aortic valves. There were 9 double valve replacement cases which consist of 7 mitral and aortic and 2 mitral .and tricuspid valves. Six varieties of prosthetic valves, 3 ball and 3 disc types and 3 kinds of xenograft tissue valves were utilized. Beall, BjSrk-Shiley and Starr-Edwards prosthetic valves and Hancock valves were used mainly. For single valve 34. 5% and for double valve replacement 44% mortality were noted. There were 23 operative deaths out of 64 patients, over all mortality rate of 36.9%. Mortality for mitral valve replacement was 29.5%. But in recent 12 consecutive cases one death occurred, showing 8.3% mortality. In earlier days thrombocyte anti-adhesive drug dipyramidole-persantin-aspirin and/or SP 54 were adminstered. But in recent cases after heparinization, coumadin and Persantin were prescribed routinely.

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Clinical Analysis of Reoperation for Prosthetic Valve Replacement Report of 12 cases (인공판막 치환수술 재수술에 대한 임상적 고찰 -12예보고-)

  • 장진우;이연재
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.390-395
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    • 1997
  • Between May 1986 and May 1996, 269 patients underwent prosthetic valve replacement. A bioprosthetic valve was replaced in 70 cases and mechanical valve was replaced in 232. Of this 12 patients performed reoperations for replacement, and the mean interval between primary valve operation and reoperation was 87.6 months for mitral valve and )7.7 months for aortic valve. There were 10 women and 2 me , agcd from 22 to 68 years(mean 45). A bioprosthetic valve was implanted in 8 cases and a mechanical valve was implanted in 4 cases for initial operation. llidications for reoperation were structural deterioration in 5 cases(42%), valve thrombus in 5 cases(42%) and endocarditis in 2 cases(17%). Operations performed included 3 aortic valve replacements(25%), 9 mitral valve replacements(75%). Wc used mechanical valve in llcases(92%) and tissue valve in 1 case(8%) for reoperation. There were 2 early operative deaths because of valve detachment and of acute respiratory failure. Among ten survivor's, there were no late deaths with follow up of 35.8 months.

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Attachment systems for mandibular implant overdentures: a systematic review

  • Kim, Ha-Young;Lee, Jeong-Yol;Shin, Sang-Wan;Bryant, S. Ross
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2012
  • PURPOSE. The aim of this systematic review was to address treatment outcome according to attachment systems for mandibular implant overdentures in terms of implant survival rate, prosthetic maintenance and complications, and patient satisfaction. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A systematic literature search was conducted using PubMed and hand searching of relevant journals considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. Clinical trial studies on mandibular implant overdentures until August, 2010 were selected if more than one type of overdenture attachment was reported. Twenty four studies from 1098 studies were finally included and the data on implant survival rate, prosthetic maintenance and complications, patient satisfaction were analyzed relative to attachment systems. RESULTS. Four studies presented implant survival rates (95.8 - 97.5% for bar, 96.2 - 100% for ball, 91.7% for magnet) according to attachment system. Ten other studies presented an implant survival rate ranging from 93.3% to 100% without respect to the attachment groups. Common prosthetic maintenance and complications were replacement of an assay for magnet attachments, and activation of a matrix or clip for ball or bar attachments. Prosthetic maintenance and complications most commonly occurred in the magnet groups. Conflicting findings were found on the rate of prosthetic maintenance and complications comparing ball and bar attachments. Most studies showed no significant differences in patient satisfaction depending upon attachment systems. CONCLUSION. The implant survival rate of mandibular overdentures seemed to be high regardless attachment systems. The prosthetic maintenance and complications may be influenced by attachment systems. However patient satisfaction may be independent of the attachment system.

Long Term Experience of Mitral Valve Replacement (승모판치환수술의 장기 임상성적)

  • 조용길;류지윤
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.1102-1110
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    • 1996
  • Between Oct. 1985 and July 1995, 230 patients underwent mitral valve replacement. There were 77 men and 153 women whose mean age was 35.7 years, range 9 to 62 The concomitant operations were 40 aortic valve replacements(17.4%), 25 tricuspid annuloplasties(10.4%), 8 aortic valve replacements & tricuspid annuloplasties(3.5%), 2 tricuspid valve replacements(0.9%) and others, We used 139 mechanical (76 51. Jude medical, 33 CarboMedics, 30 Sorin) and 91 tissue 386 Carpentier-Edwards, 5 lonescu-Shiley) valves. The early postoperative complications occurred in 28 cases. There were 8 low cardiac output syndrome, 5 pleural effusion, 3 significant arrhythmia, 2 cardiac rupture and others. There were 6 early hospital deaths (2.6%) due to low cardiac output syndrome(2), arrhythmia(2) and ventricul r rupture(2). The cuAmulative notal follow-up period was 764. 4 patient-years with a mean of 4).9 months. The long term follow-up information was available for 212 patients(94.6%). There were 21 cases of valve-related complications. Prosthetic valve failure(10), anti-coagulation related bleeding (5), prosthetic valve endocarditis (4), and thromboembolism (2) occurred at rates of 1.3, 0.7, 0.5, and 0.3%Ipt-yr respectively. Late death occurred In 5 cases (0.7%/pt-yr) associated with prosthetic valve endocarditis (2), heart failure (2) and anti-coagulation related bleeding (1). There was no difference in the rate of freedom from prosthetic valve failure between the mechanical and tissue valve group at 6 years (100%), but there was significant difference at 9 years between the tissue (34.4%) and mechanical valve (100%) group (p=0.032). Actuarial survival rates were 98. 8% in tissue valve. 9).7% in mechanical valve group and 96.6% in total patients at 9 years.

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Resection and Prosthetic Replacement of Aneurysm of Aortic Arch (대동맥궁 동맥류 -치험 1례 보고-)

  • Ahn, Hyuk;Kim, Young-Jin;Rho, Joon-Rhang
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.274-279
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    • 1980
  • A 21 years old male student was admitted because of mediastinal mass that was noticed in routine physical examination. He complained progressive hoarseness, mild dysphagia, and anterior chest pain on deep respiration. This mediastinal mass was diagnosed as aortic aneurysm involving ascending, transverse, and descending thoracic aorta with aid of aortogram. Total prosthetic replacement of aneurysm was performed successfully using extracorporeal circulation and hypothermia. For myocardial protection during aortic cross clamping, cardioplegic solution was used and topical myocardial cooling was also adapted For simplicity of cardiopulmonary bypass, Y-shaped connectors took cerebral perfusion catheters to the main perfusion line beyond the arterial pump. Total bypass time was 219 minutes, and aortic cross clamp time was 104 minutes. Recovery was uneventful except respiratory insufficiency for first 4 days. Isotope aortogram checked on post operative 30th day showed normal aortic configuration. He was discharged on post operative 35th day. A follow-up chest X-ray study 5 months later showed nearly normal anatomy.

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Clinical Study of Prosthetic Heart Valve Replacement with CarboMedics. (CarboMEdics 기계판막을 이용한 심장판막 치환술의 임상 연구)

  • 장원기;구자홍;조중구;김공수
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2000
  • Background: The CarboMedics prosthetic heart valve was produced in an attempt to improve the existing valve designs and was especially concerned with easily the implantation and further reduction of turbulence. Precise positioning of the valve in situ was achieved by the abilityof the valve to rotate relative to the sewing ring. Improved monitoring is possible due to increased radiopacity and the dacron sewing ring is coated with carbon to reduce pannus overgrowth. The leaflets have an opening angle of 78 degrees that apparently allows a rapid synchronous closure The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical performance of the CarboMedics valve prostheses(45 mitral 13 aortic and 7 double aortic-mitral valve replacement) were implanted in 65 patients(mean age 48.75$\pm$9.74 years) Result: The operative mortality was 3.1%(2/65) causes of death were low cardiac output syndrome. Total follow up was 1831 patient-months and mean follow up was 29.06$\pm$10.97 months/patient. No structural failure hemorrhage valve thrombosis and late death have been observed. Embolism occurred at a rate of 0.65%/Patient-year. Actuarial survival and thrombo-mbolism free rate at 36 months were 96.9% and 98.4% respectively. Consclusions: The CarboMedics valve stands for low valve related complicatons.

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Surgical Treatment of Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis (인공판막혈전증에 대한 외과적 치료)

  • 유영선;최세영
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.12
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    • pp.1337-1341
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    • 1996
  • From September 1989 to March 1996, 13 patients with prosthetic valve thrombosis underwent reoperdtion on 16 occasions. The mean interval between implantation and reoperation was 27.8 months. The anticoagulation status was inadequate in 44% of th Instances. The majority(75%) were in NYHA functional class IV, 6 of them being in shock. Reoperation was performed for valve replacement(15 of 16 occasions) or thrombectomy(1 of 16 occasions) within 3 to 192 hours(mean 33.5 hours). Operative mortality at reoperation was 25%(4 patients). Re-thrombosis occurred In 3 patients. Long-term outcome was satisfactory in all survivors with a mean follow-up of 30.B months. The present results indicate that an early diagnosis and prompt surgical intervention is needed to decrease operative mortality.

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True Aneurysm of the Common Coronary Button in a Marfan Patient with an Anomalous Right Coronary Artery after a Bentall Procedure: A Case Report

  • Jo, Jeong Jun;Kim, Yun Seok;Kim, Gun-Jik;Kim, Jae Hyun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.243-245
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    • 2022
  • True aneurysms of the coronary artery after aortic root replacement in Marfan syndrome patients are very rare. An anomalous origin of the right coronary artery (RCA) from the left sinus of Valsalva adds complexity during aortic root surgery. We present a case of a 37-year-old male patient with Marfan syndrome who had an RCA anomaly and a 4.5-cm true aneurysm of the common coronary button 14 years after a previous Bentall procedure. A redo Bentall operation and hemi-arch replacement were successfully performed. The anomalous origin of the RCA from the left sinus of Valsalva was safely divided and anastomosed as separate coronary buttons to the prosthetic composite valve graft. To prevent coronary button aneurysms after aortic root surgery in Marfan patients, the coronary buttons and the corresponding side holes on the prosthetic graft must be reduced to the maximum possible extent.

Alloplastic total temporomandibular joint replacement using stock prosthesis: a one-year follow-up report of two cases

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Ryu, Da-Jung;Kim, Hye-Sun;Kim, Hyung-Gon;Huh, Jong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.297-303
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    • 2013
  • Alloplastic total replacement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was developed in recent decades. In some conditions, previous studies suggested the rationale behind alloplastic TMJ replacement rather than reconstruction with autogenous grafts. Currently, three prosthetic products are available and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Among these products, customized prostheses are manufactured, via computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system for customized design; stock-type prostheses are provided in various sizes and shapes. In this report, two patients (a 50-year-old female who had undergone condylectomy for the treatment of osteochondroma extending to the cranial base on the left condyle, and a 21-year-old male diagnosed with left temporomandibular ankylosis) were treated using the alloplastic total replacement of TMJ using stock prosthesis. The follow-up results of a favorable one-year, short-term therapeutic outcome were obtained for the alloplastic total TMJ replacement using a stock-type prosthesis.