• Title/Summary/Keyword: proper map

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A Study of CHAMP Satellite Magnetic Anomalies in East Asia (동아시아지역에서의 CHAMP 위성자료에서의 지각 자기이상의 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung Rae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2021
  • Satellite magnetic observations reflect the magnetic properties of deep crust about the depth of Curie isotherm that is a boundary where the magnetic nature of the rocks is disappeared, showing long wavelength anomalies that are not easily detected in near-surface data from airborne and shipborne surveys. For this reason, they are important not only in the analyses on such as plate reconstruction of tectonic boundaries and deep crustal structures, but in the studies of geothermal distribution in Antarctic and Greenland crust, related to global warming issue. It is a conventional method to compute the spherical harmonic coefficients from global coverage of satellite magnetic observations but it should be noted that inclusion of erroneous data from the equator and the poles where magnetic observations are highly disturbed might mislead the global model of the coefficients. Otherwise, the reduced anomaly model can be obtained with less corruption by choosing the area of interest with proper data processing to the area. In this study, I produced a satellite crustal magnetic anomaly map over East Asia (20° ~ 55°N, 108° ~ 150°E) centered on Korean Peninsula, from CHAMP satellite magnetic measurements about mean altitude of 280 km during the last year of the mission, and compared with the one from global crustal magnetic model (MF7). Also, a comparison was made with long wavelength anomalies from EMAG2 model compiled from all near-surface data over the globe.

A Method for Estimating the Lung Clinical Target Volume DVH from IMRT with and without Respiratory Gating

  • J. H. Kung;P. Zygmanski;Park, N.;G. T. Y. Chen
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2002
  • Motion of lung tumors from respiration has been reported in the literature to be as large as of 1-2 cm. This motion requires an additional margin between the Clinical Target Volume (CTV) and the Planning Target Volume (PTV). While such a margin is necessary, it may not be sufficient to ensure proper delivery of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) to the CTV during the simultaneous movement of the DMLC. Gated treatment has been proposed to improve normal tissues sparing as well as to ensure accurate dose coverage of the tumor volume. The following questions have not been addressed in the literature: a) what is the dose error to a target volume without gated IMRT treatment\ulcorner b) what is an acceptable gating window for such treatment. In this study, we address these questions by proposing a novel technique for calculating the 3D dose error that would result if a lung IMRT plan were delivered without gating. The method is also generalized for gated treatment with an arbitrary triggering window. IMRT plans for three patients with lung tumor were studied. The treatment plans were generated with HELIOS for delivery with 6 MV on a CL2100 Varian linear accelerator with a 26 pair MLC. A CTV to PTV margin of 1 cm was used. An IMRT planning system searches for an optimized fluence map ${\Phi}$ (x,y) for each port, which is then converted into a dynamic MLC file (DMLC). The DMLC file contains information about MLC subfield shapes and the fractional Monitor Units (MUs) to be delivered for each subfield. With a lung tumor, a CTV that executes a quasi periodic motion z(t) does not receive ${\Phi}$ (x,y), but rather an Effective Incident Fluence EIF(x,y). We numerically evaluate the EIF(x,y) from a given DMLC file by a coordinate transformation to the Target's Eye View (TEV). In the TEV coordinate system, the CTV itself is stationary, and the MLC is seen to execute a motion -z(t) that is superimposed on the DMLC motion. The resulting EIF(x,y)is inputted back into the dose calculation engine to estimate the 3D dose to a moving CTV. In this study, we model respiratory motion as a sinusoidal function with an amplitude of 10 mm in the superior-inferior direction, a period of 5 seconds, and an initial phase of zero.

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Spread and distribution characteristics of ecosystem-disturbing plant Alliaria petiolata(M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande in Korea (생태계교란식물 마늘냉이의 확산과 분포 특성)

  • Yeon-Ji Lee;Bo-Ram Hong;Kyu-Song Lee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.62-79
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    • 2024
  • Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is a species that has devastated the United States and Canada. It is known to play a role in destroying the ecosystem. In this study, the domestic distribution of garlic mustard was confirmed and a detailed distribution map was created for the Samcheok region, where the largest population has been established in South Korea. This study investigated the growth environment, life cycle, and population dynamics of the species in the Samcheok region. Garlic mustard was found in a total of 301 locations in Samcheok, with a total distribution area of 2,957 square meters. Annual plants germinated in mid-April, overwintered in rosette form, underwent vegetative growth from April 10 to April 24 the following year, and flowered from April 24 to May 7. Individuals producing seeds began to die off from June. Both annual and biennial individuals showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing in number around April 27 (118 days). Garlic mustard grew well under favorable light conditions in early spring. They showed less growth on leaf litter, short distance from roads, lower altitude, deciduous broad-leaved forest of middle and lower parts of the slope and forest edge. Without proper control measures in the Samcheok region, it is likely to spread more rapidly in deciduous broad-leaved forests along hiking trails in the Galyasan Mountains. In particular, it is more likely to extend to oak community where light enters the site during flowering than to pine community where there is less light in the site.

Research on Jeon-gyeong Based on Big Data (빅데이터를 기반으로 한 『전경(典經)』 연구)

  • Jang Young-chang;Kim Dug-sam
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.50
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    • pp.69-98
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    • 2024
  • The development of artificial intelligence poses a greater threat to humanity than any other ideology or material phenomenon that has changed human society and culture so far. Based on these changes, the proper direction for research on Daesoon Thought should be determined such that education in the current digital age approached skillfully and the path forward is made more apparent. First, the digitization of Daesoon Thought has accumulated greatly in recent years, and these archives are accessed through data mining which can be activated to find data, specify meanings and patterns, and reveal significance and values. Second, by applying the results of data mining to Daesoon Thought education, the causal, correlational, and response relationships between events, characters, and relics can be studied. Daesoon Thought education that demonstrates imagination should be provided through the 'creation of personal networks,' the 'creation of a timeline of events,' and the 'creation of an electronic cultural map of where those events occurred.' Third, digital archives should not only be focused on structured materials such as newsletters and papers. Ideas about data mining and data visualization should be actively developed and research should be expanded toward data science. In addition, the creation of a common platform for digital Daesoon Thought should be regarded as essential. Through this research, Daesoon Thought can be guided to take on this fundamental challenge in order to emerge as a future leader in this digital age and advent of digital humanities.

Effect of Breathable Film for Modified Atmosphere Packaging Material on the Quality and Storability of Tomato in Long Distance Export Condition (MAP 포장재인 숨쉬는 필름이 장거리 수출 조건에서 토마토의 품질과 저장성 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Islam, Mohammad Zahirul;Kim, Young-Shik;Kang, Ho-Min
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2011
  • The study was carried out to investigate the effect of MA packaging materials on quality and storability of tomato in long distance export condition. We found that the fresh weight loss in perforated film was higher than other breathable films. The fresh weight of tomato (cv 'Madison') packaged with breathable films, such as 5,000 cc, 10,000 cc, $20,000cc/m^2{\cdot}day{\cdot}atm$ oxygen permeable films, reduced less than 0.6%, but perforated film that already being used for packaging horticultural crops showed 1.4% fresh weight loss during $5^{\circ}C$ storage for 20 days and then $20^{\circ}C$ storage for last 5 days with 85% relative humidity. The carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration in tomato packages showed proper level for MA storage in $20,000cc/m^2{\cdot}day{\cdot}atm$ $O_2$ breathable film treatment at $5^{\circ}C$ storage. Although at $20^{\circ}C$ storage, the carbon dioxide concentration increased sharply, the oxygen concentration decreased remarkably, the change of these gases concentration was the lowest in 20,000 cc film treatment. The ethylene concentration was sharply increased at $20^{\circ}C$ from $21^{st}$ day to $25^{th}$ day after $5^{\circ}C$ storage for 20 day, and the concentration was lower in 20,000 cc film treatment among the breathable film treatments. Until 20 days, at $5^{\circ}C$ storage all treatments did not exceed the marketability. However, the last 5 days during at $20^{\circ}C$, the fruit appeared fungal rots and the quality rapidly decreased. The $20,000cc/m^2{\cdot}day{\cdot}atm$ $O_2$ permeability treated tomato performed higher firmness (9.56 N), vitamin C (16.31 mg/100 gFW), and soluble solids ($7^{\circ}Brix$) than other breathable films at final storage day. The results suggest that the $20,000cc/m^2{\cdot}day{\cdot}atm$ $O_2$ permeable film treatment of tomato (cv 'Madison') performed the highest quality and storability of tomato for long distance exporting.

A Case Study on Characteristics of the Mathematics Gifted Children (수학영재의 특성에 관한 사례연구)

  • Kim, Min-Jung;Ryu, Sung-Rim
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.10 no.1 s.19
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2007
  • Related with the mathematics gifted children the situation of different case studies is the research which is limited in mathematics problem solving process of the most mathematics gifted children. The research which it sees hereupon observes from the scope which is wider the quality of the mathematics gifted children, before the hazard mathematics gifted children whom it sees enter into the mathematics gifted children education center unit life and life after studying living and dismissal of a class from the general school, namely for their general life it leads compared to attitude it observes the reporter it does a quality. For a what kind of interest in the mathematics gifted children, the research leads the family or general class, from the gifted children education center it has it considers encouragement, map and to give a help to good mathematics gifted children education activation, it does. It will reach and to respect with afterwards it set a same three research problem. First, before entering into the mathematics gifted children education center, are the mathematics gifted children what kind of quality? Second, Are the mathematics gifted children what kind of quality for general school hour? Third, Are the mathematics gifted children what kind of quality after dismissal of a class after hour? Being selected in the hazard gifted children education center which solves an up research problem, simple characteristic and approach ease characteristic, by the condition of the permission possibility back it selected 2 person gifted children school boxes which are coming and going. And, before entering into these mathematics gifted children education center, studying life from the general school, life after dismissal of a class it will extend at 1 years, various recording it will ask and it collected direct observation and interview it led against their quality it analyzed. It shared the result which it analyzes with emotional quality, studying conduct qualities, general qualities of the mathematics gifted children and qualities of mathematics gifted children parents. Studies level of the mathematics gifted children parents high facility when them are young from, the interest and helping out which it has were considerable, to advance with the direction where in order for always with great disaster them are proper the map it did. In general quality of the mathematics gifted children from young age the ability which finds a language and a possibility concept superiorly the ability which expresses the thought of oneself logically was superior, the competitive spirit was high, it liked it came reading, a leader role, to reveal a deepening school with the fact that it comes and goes. Also it will burn with their studying conduct quality and it will roll and it did deeply and it arranged knot eagerly, accomplishing which is superior from the field which is various it showed, the originality was superior, the subject attachment power was high quite, oneself it studies it has a devotion the possibility of knowing it was. And, the social characteristic of the friends and is good with their emotional quality and it does there is own reflection and an encouragement at any time and also a confidence, but just as good as the stress also it receives the possibility of knowing it was to him.

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Evaluation of SWAT Applicability to Simulation of Sediment Behaviois at the Imha-Dam Watershed (임하댐 유역의 유사 거동 모의를 위한 SWAT 모델의 적용성 평가)

  • Park, Younshik;Kim, Jonggun;Park, Joonho;Jeon, Ji-Hong;Choi, Dong Hyuk;Kim, Taedong;Choi, Joongdae;Ahn, Jaehun;Kim, Ki-sung;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.467-473
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    • 2007
  • Although the dominant land use at the Imha-dam watershed is forest areas, soil erosion has been increasing because of intensive agricultural activities performed at the fields located along the stream for easy-access to water supply and relatively favorable topography. In addition, steep topography at the Imha-dam watershed is also contributing increased soil erosion and sediment loads. At the Imha-dam watershed, outflow has increased sharply by the typhoons Rusa and Maemi in 2002, 2003 respectively. In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was evaluated for simulation of flow and sediment behaviors with long-term temporal and spatial conditions. The precipitation data from eight precipitation observatories, located at Ilwol, Subi and etc., were used. There was no significant difference in monthly rainfall for 8 locations. However, there was slight differences in rainfall amounts and patterns in 2003 and 2004. The topographical map at 1:5000 scale from the National Geographic Information Institute was used to define watershed boundaries, the detailed soil map at 1:25,000 scale from the National Institute of Highland Agriculture and the land cover data from the Korea Institute of Water and Environment were used to simulate the hydrologic response and soil erosion and sediment behaviors. To evaluate hydrologic component of the SWAT model, calibration was performed for the period from Jan. 2002 to Dec. 2003, and validation for Jan. 2004 to Apr. 2005. The $R^2$ value and El value were 0.93 and 0.90 respectively for calibration period, and the $R^2$ value and El value for validation were 0.73 and 0.68 respectively. The $R^2$ value and El value of sediment yield data with the calibrated parameters was 0.89 and 0.84 respectively. The comparisons with the measured data showed that the SWAT model is applicable to simulate hydrology and sediment behaviors at Imha dam watershed. With proper representation of the Best Management Practices (BM Ps) in the SWAT model, the SWAT can be used for pre-evaluation of the cost-effective and sustainable soil erosion BMPs to solve sediment issues at the Imha-dam watershed. In Korea, the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) has been used to estimate the soil loss for over 30 years. However, there are limitations in the field scale mdel, USLE when applied for watershed. Also, the soil loss changes temporarily and spatially, for example, the Imha-dam watershed. Thus, the SW AT model, capable of simulating hydrologic and soil erosion/sediment behaviors temporarily and spatially at watershed scale, should be used to solve the muddy water issues at the Imha-dam watershed to establish more effective muddy water reduction countermeasure.

MCP, Kernel Density Estimation and LoCoH Analysis for the Core Area Zoning of the Red-crowned Crane's Feeding Habitat in Cheorwon, Korea (철원지역 두루미 취식지의 핵심지역 설정을 위한 MCP, 커널밀도측정법(KDE)과 국지근린지점외곽연결(LoCoH) 분석)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hwa;Lee, Ki-Sup;Park, Chong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2013
  • We tried to find out the core feeding site of the Red-crowned Crane(Grus japonensis) in Cheorwon, Korea by using analysis techniques which are MCP(minimum convex polygon), KDE(kernel density estimation), LoCoH(local nearest-neighbor convex-hull). And, We discussed the difference and meaning of result among analysis methods. We choose the data of utilization distribution from distribution map of Red-crowned Crane in Cheorwon, Korea at $17^{th}$ February 2012. Extent of the distribution area was $140km^2$ by MCP analysis. Extents of core feeding area of the Red-crowned Crane were $33.3km^2$($KDE_{1000m}$), $25.7km^2$($KDE_{CVh}$), $19.7km^2$($KDE_{LSCVh}$), according to the 1000m, CVh, LSCVh in value of bandwidth. Extent, number and shape complexity of the core area has decreased, and size of each core area have decreased as small as the bandwidth size(default:1000m, CVh: 554.6m, LSCVh: 329.9). We would suggest the CVh value in KDE analysis as a proper bandwidth value for the Red-crowned crane's core area zoning. Extent of the distribution range and core area have increased and merged into the large core area as a increasing of k value in LoCoH analysis. Proper value for the selecting core area of Red-crowned Crane's distribution was k=24, and extent of the core area was $18.2km^2$, 16.5% area of total distribution area. Finally, the result of LoCoH analysis, we selected two core area, and number of selected core area was smaller than selected area of KDE analysis. Exact value of bandwidth have not been used in studies using KDE analysis in most articles and presentations of the Korea. As a result, it is needed to clarify the exact using bandwidth value in KDE studies.

Strategy for Store Management Using SOM Based on RFM (RFM 기반 SOM을 이용한 매장관리 전략 도출)

  • Jeong, Yoon Jeong;Choi, Il Young;Kim, Jae Kyeong;Choi, Ju Choel
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.93-112
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    • 2015
  • Depending on the change in consumer's consumption pattern, existing retail shop has evolved in hypermarket or convenience store offering grocery and daily products mostly. Therefore, it is important to maintain the inventory levels and proper product configuration for effectively utilize the limited space in the retail store and increasing sales. Accordingly, this study proposed proper product configuration and inventory level strategy based on RFM(Recency, Frequency, Monetary) model and SOM(self-organizing map) for manage the retail shop effectively. RFM model is analytic model to analyze customer behaviors based on the past customer's buying activities. And it can differentiates important customers from large data by three variables. R represents recency, which refers to the last purchase of commodities. The latest consuming customer has bigger R. F represents frequency, which refers to the number of transactions in a particular period and M represents monetary, which refers to consumption money amount in a particular period. Thus, RFM method has been known to be a very effective model for customer segmentation. In this study, using a normalized value of the RFM variables, SOM cluster analysis was performed. SOM is regarded as one of the most distinguished artificial neural network models in the unsupervised learning tool space. It is a popular tool for clustering and visualization of high dimensional data in such a way that similar items are grouped spatially close to one another. In particular, it has been successfully applied in various technical fields for finding patterns. In our research, the procedure tries to find sales patterns by analyzing product sales records with Recency, Frequency and Monetary values. And to suggest a business strategy, we conduct the decision tree based on SOM results. To validate the proposed procedure in this study, we adopted the M-mart data collected between 2014.01.01~2014.12.31. Each product get the value of R, F, M, and they are clustered by 9 using SOM. And we also performed three tests using the weekday data, weekend data, whole data in order to analyze the sales pattern change. In order to propose the strategy of each cluster, we examine the criteria of product clustering. The clusters through the SOM can be explained by the characteristics of these clusters of decision trees. As a result, we can suggest the inventory management strategy of each 9 clusters through the suggested procedures of the study. The highest of all three value(R, F, M) cluster's products need to have high level of the inventory as well as to be disposed in a place where it can be increasing customer's path. In contrast, the lowest of all three value(R, F, M) cluster's products need to have low level of inventory as well as to be disposed in a place where visibility is low. The highest R value cluster's products is usually new releases products, and need to be placed on the front of the store. And, manager should decrease inventory levels gradually in the highest F value cluster's products purchased in the past. Because, we assume that cluster has lower R value and the M value than the average value of good. And it can be deduced that product are sold poorly in recent days and total sales also will be lower than the frequency. The procedure presented in this study is expected to contribute to raising the profitability of the retail store. The paper is organized as follows. The second chapter briefly reviews the literature related to this study. The third chapter suggests procedures for research proposals, and the fourth chapter applied suggested procedure using the actual product sales data. Finally, the fifth chapter described the conclusion of the study and further research.

Study of Rainfall-Runoff Variation by Grid Size and Critical Area (격자크기와 임계면적에 따른 홍수유출특성 변화)

  • Ahn, Seung-Seop;Lee, Jeung-Seok;Jung, Do-Joon;Han, Ho-Chul
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2007
  • This study utilized the 1/25,000 topographic map of the upper area from the Geum-ho watermark located at the middle of Geum-ho river from the National Geographic Information Institute. For the analysis, first, the influence of the size of critical area to the hydro topographic factors was examined changing grid size to $10m{\times}10m,\;30m{\times}30m\;and\;50m{\times}50m$, and the critical area for the formation of a river to $0.01km^2{\sim}0.50km^2$. It is known from the examination result of watershed morphology according to the grid size that the smaller grid size, the better resolution and accuracy. And it is found, from the analysis result of the degree of the river according to the minimum critical area for each grid size, that the grid size does not affect on the degree of the river, and the number of rivers with 2nd and higher degree does not show remarkable difference while there is big difference in the number of 1st degree rivers. From the results above, it is thought that the critical area of $0.15km^2{\sim}0.20km^2$ is appropriate for formation of a river being irrelevant to the grid size in extraction of hydro topographic parameters that are used in the runoff analysis model using topographic maps. Therefore, the GIUH model applied analysis results by use of the river level difference law proposed in this study for the explanation on the outflow response-changing characters according to the decision of a critical value of a minimum level difference river, showed that, since an ogival occurrence time and an ogival flow volume are very significant in a flood occurrence in case of not undertow facilities, the researcher could obtain a good result for the forecast of river outflow when considering a convenient application of the model and an easy acquisition of data, so it's judged that this model is proper as an algorism for the decision of a critical value of a river basin.