• Title/Summary/Keyword: product distribution

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Application of a Climate Suitability Model to Assess Spatial Variability in Acreage and Yield of Wheat in Ukraine (우크라이나 밀 재배 면적 및 수량의 공간적 변이 평가를 위한 기후적합도 모델의 활용)

  • Jin Yeong Oh;Shinwoo Hyun;Seungmin Hyun;Kwang Soo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2024
  • It would be advantageous to predict acreage and yield of crops in major grain-exporting countries, which would improve decisions on policy making and grain trade in Korea. A climate suitability model can be used to assess crop acreage and yield in a region where the availability of observation data is limited for the use of process-based crop models. The objective of this study was to determine the climate suitability index of wheat by province in Ukraine, which would allow for the spatial assessment of acreage and yield for the given crop. In the present study, the official data of wheat acreage and yield were collected from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The EarthStat data, which is a data product derived from satellite data and official crop reports, were also gathered for the comparison with the map of climate suitability index. The Fuzzy Union model was used to create the climate suitability maps under the historical climate conditions for the period from 1970 to 2000. These maps were compared against actual acreage and yield by province. It was found that the EarthStat data for acreage and yield of wheat differed from the corresponding official data in several provinces. On the other hand, the climate suitability index obtained using the Fuzzy Union model explained the variation in acreage and yield at a reasonable degree. For example, the correlation coefficient between the climate suitability index and yield was 0.647. Our results suggested that the climate suitability index could be used to indicate the spatial distribution of acreage and yield within a region of interest.

A Study of the Beauty Commerce Customer Segment Classification and Application based on Machine Learning: Focusing on Untact Service (머신러닝 기반의 뷰티 커머스 고객 세그먼트 분류 및 활용 방안: 언택트 서비스 중심으로)

  • Sang-Hyeak Yoon;Yoon-Jin Choi;So-Hyun Lee;Hee-Woong Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2020
  • As population and generation structures change, more and more customers tend to avoid facing relation due to the development of information technology and spread of smart phones. This phenomenon consists with efficiency and immediacy, which are the consumption patterns of modern customers who are used to information technology, so offline network-oriented distribution companies actively try to switch their sales and services to untact patterns. Recently, untact services are boosted in various fields, but beauty products are not easy to be recommended through untact services due to many options depending on skin types and conditions. There have been many studies on recommendations and development of recommendation systems in the online beauty field, but most of them are the ones that develop recommendation algorithm using survey or social data. In other words, there were not enough studies that classify segments based on user information such as skin types and product preference. Therefore, this study classifies customer segments using machine learning technique K-prototypesalgorithm based on customer information and search log data of mobile application, which is one of untact services in the beauty field, based on which, untact marketing strategy is suggested. This study expands the scope of the previous literature by classifying customer segments using the machine learning technique. This study is practically meaningful in that it classifies customer segments by reflecting new consumption trend of untact service, and based on this, it suggests a specific plan that can be used in untact services of the beauty field.

A Study on the Activation of Pet Plant Kit Industry - Catering to the Demands of Industry Professionals - (반려식물 키트 산업의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 - 산업 종사자의 수요를 중심으로 -)

  • Roh, Hoi-Eun;Lim, Chae-Jun;Lee, Min-Ji;Jo, Jang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.46-58
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of the pet plant kit industry and determine the priorities for support policies to revitalize the industry. SWOT analysis assessed the industry's current state, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used with industry professionals to prioritize support policies. The SWOT analysis results indicated that SO strategies involve leveraging government support policies to enhance marketing and developing eco-friendly DIY products. WO strategies include launching advertising campaigns to increase market recognition and establishing strategic partnerships to expand distribution. ST strategies focus on strengthening price competitiveness and proposing unique values, while WT strategies involve improving production processes and enhancing product quality based on consumer feedback. The AHP analysis identified 3 top-level and 12 sub-level evaluation items, with data collected from 17 expert surveys. The results showed the 'entry phase' (0.482), 'activation phase' (0.397), and 'advanced phase' (0.121) were prioritized, with 'organizing seminars' (0.181) as the most crucial subcategory and 'support for kit development' (0.020) as the least. The pet plant kit industry is in its early stages, and appropriate policy incubation can help activate the garden industry. This study provides foundational information on the industry's needs for activation.

Analysis of Changes in the Concept of Digital Curation through Definitions in Academic Literature (학술 문헌 내 정의문을 통해 살펴본 디지털 큐레이션 개념 변화 분석)

  • Hyunsoo Kim;Hyo-Jung Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.269-288
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    • 2024
  • In the era of digital transformation, discussions about digital curation have become increasingly active not only in academia but also in various fields. The primary purpose of this study is to analyze the conceptual changes in digital curation over time, particularly by examining the definition statements related to digital curation as described in academic literature. To achieve this, academic research papers from 2009, when the term "digital curation" was first mentioned, to 2023 were collected, and definition statements that explained relevant concepts were extracted. Basic statistical analyses were conducted. Using DMR topic modeling and word networks, the relationships among keywords and the changes in their importance over time were examined, and a conceptual map of digital curation was made focusing on the main topics. The results revealed that the concept of digital curation is primarily centered around the themes of "data preservation," "traditional curator roles," and "product recommendation curation." Depending on the researchers' intentions for utilizing digital curation, the concept was expanded to include topics such as "content distribution and classification," "information usage," and "curation models." This study is significant in that it analyzed the concept of digital curation through definition statements reflecting the perspectives of researchers. Additionally, the study holds value in explicitly identifying changes in the concepts that researchers emphasize over time through the trends in topic prevalence.

The Impacts of Entrepreneurial Proclivity and Merchandising Strategy on Conventional Market and Its Policy Implications (한국 재래시장상인의 창업가정신과 상품화 전략이 시장이미지와 경영성과에 미치는 영향과 재래시장 정책에 대한 시사점)

  • Suh, Geun-Ha;Yoon, Sung-Wook;Suh, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.71-100
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    • 2009
  • The main purpose of this study is to define relevant factors that influence successful start-ups and management innovations of traditional markets from the point of market structures and relations. To do this, we devide an entrepreneurship of merchant into two factors, risk taking and managerial experience and choose product planning and its implementation to see merchandising of traditional markets. In this study we identify that several factors we chose are contributing to generating management performances through market promotional parameters. Also we confirm that image factors of traditional markets is consist of awareness and value of markets, and that these factors shows some sequential and continual patterns in the course of generating performances. In additions, it is identified that four independent factors have positive effects to star-up success; risk taking 0.29(t 2.61), managerial experience 0.04(t 1.79), merchandising implementation 0.374(t 2.61), market value 0.47(t 5.25), market awareness 0.22(t 2.30). This study can help merchants of traditional markets to make and change their market strategies, restructure their businesses and survive in the field. This also provide some ideas and guidances to relevant government agencies in formulating traditional market policies.

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Distribution of Mast cells and Nerves in the Developing Postnatal Submandibular and Sublingual Glands of Rats (생후 발생중인 흰쥐의 턱밑샘 및 혀밑샘에서의 비만세포와 신경의 분포양상)

  • Kim, Jae-Gon;An, Soo-Hyeon;Lee, Young-Su;Baik, Byeong-Ju;Cho, Eui-Sic
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.350-364
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    • 1999
  • The distribution of mast cells and nerves were investigated in the submandibular and sublingual glands of postnatal rats, using morphometric, histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. Mast cells were observed in the submandibular and sublingual glands of postnatal development. Number of mast cells gradually increased in both glands following development. At birth, mast cells were relatively fewer in submandibular gland than those in sublingual gland, and they were mainly distributed in parenchymal tissues. At $2{\sim}4$ weeks, most of the mast cells were observed in the connective tissues, surrounding neurovascular elements, but some mast cells were closely related with the acini of submandibular gland. PGP 9.5 immunoreactive nerve fibers were found in the submandibular and sublingual glands of all developmental age. The nerve fibers were showed in varicose shape, and mainly located in adjacent area of ducts and vascular components of both glands. The number of nerve fibers were increased rapidly until 8 weeks, but they were not increased any more until 24 weeks. Therefore, it is suggested that mast cells and nerve fibers related with each other, and that their interactions may play roles not only in maturation of secretory units but also growth and differentiation of the tubular structures of the rat submandibular and sublingual glands during postnatal development.

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Protection effect of metal balls against high energy photon beams (고에너지 광자선에 대한 금속구의 차폐효과)

  • 강위생;강석종
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.137-141
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    • 1998
  • The purposes of this report are to evaluate whether lead ball and steel ball could be used as protective material of radiation and to acquire physical data of them for protecting 4-10 MV X-ray beams. Lead balls of diameter 2.0~2.5mm or steel balls of diameter 1.5~2.0 mm were filled in an acrylic box of uniform width. An MV radiograph of metal balls in a box were taken to ascertain uniformity of ball distribution in the box. Average density of metal ball and linear attenuation coefficient of metal balls for 4~10 MV X -rays were measured. At the time of measurement of linear attenuation coefficient, Farmer ionization chamber was used and to minimize the scatter effect, distance between the ball and the ionization chamber was 70 cm and field size was 5.5cm${\times}$5.5cm. For comparison, same parameters of lead and steel plates were measured. The distribution of metal balls was uniform in the box. The density of a mixture of lead-air was 6.93g/cm$^3$, 0.611 times density of lead, and the density of a mixture of steel-air was 4.75g/cm$^3$, 0.604 times density of steel. Half-value layers of a mixture of lead-air were 1.89 cm for 4 MV X-ray, 2.07 cm for 6 MV X-ray and 2.16 cm for 10 MV X-ray, and approximately 1.64 times of HVL of lead plate. Half-value layers of a mixture of steel-air were 3.24 cm for 4 MV X-ray, 3.70 cm for 6 MV X-ray and 4.15 cm for 10 MV X-ray, and approximately 1.65 times of HVL of lead plate. Metal balls can be used because they could be distributed evenly. Average densities of mixtures of lead-air and steel-air were 6.93g/cm$^3$, 4.75g/cm$^3$ respectively and approximately 1.65 times of densities of lead and steel. Product of density and HVL for a mixture of metal-air are same as the metal.

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A Study of the Environmental Consciousness Influences on the Psychological Reaction of Forest Ecotourists (환경의식에 따른 산림생태관광객의 심리적 반응에 관한 연구)

  • Yan, Guang-Hao;Na, Seung-Hwa
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2012
  • With the slowdown in environmental issues and the change of environmental consciousness, ecotourism is being discussed in various social fields. Ecotourism is being popularized for environmental protection, and now it is becoming a mainstream product from one of mass tourism. Ecotourism's emphasis on sustainable development in the tourism destination's society, economy, and environment, through ecotourism study and education, enable people to understand the core value of the ecological environment. 2011 was nominated as "the Year of World Forest" by the UN. In the recent years, forests are becoming increasingly important with their own values and functions in environment, economy, society, and culture. In particular, the global environmental issues caused by climate change are becoming an international agenda. Forests are the only effective solution for the carbon dioxide that causes global warming. Moreover, forests constitute a major part of ecotourism, and are now most used by ecotourists. For example, Korea, wherein 60% of the land is forest, attracts ecotourists. With the increasing interests in environment, the number of tourists visiting the ecosystem forest, which is highly valued for its conservation, is increasing significantly every year and is receiving considerable attention from the government. However, poor facilities in the forest ecotourism sites and improper market strategies are the reasons for the poor running of these sites. Furthermore, tourists' environmental awareness affects ecology environmental pollution or the optimization of forest ecotourism. In order to verify the relationships among tourist attractiveness, environmental consciousness, charm degrees of the attractions, and attitudes after tours, we established some scales based on existing research achievement. Then, using these scales, the researcher completed the questionnaire survey. From December 20, 2010 to February 20, 2011, after conducting surveys for 12 weeks, we finally obtained 582 valid questionnaires, from a total of 700 questionnaires, that could be used in statistical analysis. First, for the method of research and analysis, the researcher initially applied the Cronbach's (Alpha) for verifying the reliability, and subsequently applied the Exploratory factor analysis for verifying the validity. Second, in order to analyze the demographics, the researcher makes use of the Frequency analysis for the AMOS, measurement model, structural equation model computing, and also utilizes construct validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity. Third, for the analysis of the ecotourists' environmental consciousness, impacts on tourist attractiveness, charm degrees of the attractions, and attitudes after the tour, the researcher uses AMOS 19, with the path analysis and equation of structure. After the research, researchers found that high awareness of natural protection lead to high tourist motivation and satisfaction and more positive attitude after the tour. Moreover, this research shows the psychological and behavioral reactions of the ecotourists to the ecotourist development. Accordingly, environmental consciousness does not affect the tourist attractiveness that has been interpreted as significant. Furthermore, people should focus on the change of natural protection consciousness and psychological reaction of ecotourists while ensuring the sustainable development of ecotourists and developing some ecotourist programs.

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The Influence of Store Images of Discount Stores on Shopping Values and Shopping Satisfaction: The Roles of Perceived Retail Crowding (대형마트의 점포이미지가 쇼핑가치 및 쇼핑만족에 미치는 영향: 지각된 혼잡의 역할)

  • Bae, Byung-Ryul
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2012
  • Conceptualization of store image have been suggested in the past by many marketing scholars. The dominant perspective about store image is treated as the results of a multi-attribute model. Store image is expressed as a function of the salient attributes of a particular store that are evaluated. Though, there is a little confusions about what elements compose the store image, most scholars agree that merchandise, service, atmosphere, physical facilities, comfort, and location are generally accepted elements as store image. A considerable researches support that shopping can provide both hedonic and utilitarian value. Hedonic shopping value reflects the value received from fantasy and emotive aspects of shopping experience, while utilitarian shopping value reflects the acquisition of products. These two types of shopping value can affect shopping satisfaction. This study examines the relationships among stores images(store atmosphere, salespeople services, facilities, product assortment, and store location), shopping values(utilitarian shopping value and hedonic shopping value), and shopping satisfaction based on discount stores (E-Mart, Home plus, and Lotte Mart). The author hypothesized that five store image components affect shopping values, and these shopping values affect shopping satisfaction. The author focused on the roles of perceived retail crowding between these relationships. Specifically, the author hypothesized that perceived retailing crowding moderated the relationship between shopping values and shopping satisfaction. The author also hypothesized the direct effect of perceived retail crowding on shopping satisfaction. Finally, the author hypothesized that five store image components affect directly shopping satisfaction. Research model is presented in

    . To test model and hypotheses, data were collected from 114 consumers located mid-size city in local area. The author employs PLS methodology (SmartPLS 2.0) to test hypotheses. Data analysis results indicate that among five store images salespeople services, and store location affect utilitarian shopping value. Store atmosphere, salespeople services, and store location affect hedonic shopping value. Two shopping values affect shopping satisfaction. Hedonic shopping value affect more shopping satisfaction than utilitarian shopping value. Data analysis results is presented in . The author examines the moderating effects of perceived retail crowding between shopping values and shopping satisfaction. Results indicate that there are no moderating effects between shopping values and shopping satisfaction. Moderating effects of perceived retail crowding between utilitarian shopping value and shopping satisfaction are presented in
    . Moderating effects of perceived retail crowding between hedonic shopping value and shopping satisfaction is presented in . The author examines the direct effect of perceived retail crowding on shopping satisfaction. Results are presented in
    . The author analyzed the relationship between perceived retail crowding and shopping satisfaction using WarpPLS 3.0 which can analyze the non-linear relationship. Result indicates that perceived retail crowding affects directly shopping satisfaction and there is a non-linear relationship between them. Among five store image components, store atmosphere and salespeople services affect directly shopping satisfaction. The author describes about the managerial implications, limitations, and future research issues.

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  • Reduction of Mitochondrial Electron Transferase in Rat Bile duct Fibroblast by Clonorchis sinensis Infection (간흡충(Clonorchis sinensis)감염에 의한 흰쥐 담관 섬유모세포 미토콘드리아 전자전달효소의 감소)

    • Min, Byoung-Hoon;Hong, Soon-Hak;Lee, Haeng-Sook;Kim, Soo-Jin;Joo, Kyoung-Hwan
      • Applied Microscopy
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      • v.40 no.2
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      • pp.89-99
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      • 2010
    • Fibroblasts are the most common cells in connective tissue and are responsible for the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. The fibrosis associated with chronic inflammation and injury may contribute to cholangiocarcinoma pathogenesis, particularly through an increase in extracellular matrix components, which participate in the regulation of bile duct differentiation during development. Mitochondria produce ATP through oxidative metabolism to provide energy to the cell under physiological conditions. Also, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress have been implicated in cellular senescence and aging. Alternations in mitochondrial structure and function are early events of programmed cell death or apoptosis and mitochondria appear to be a central regulator of apoptosis in most somatic cell. Clonorchis sinensis, one of the most important parasite of the human bile duct in East Asia, arouses epithelial hyperplasia and ductal fibrosis. Isolated fibroblast from the bile ducts of rats infected by C. sinensis showed increase of cytoplasmic process. In addition, decrease of cellular proliferation was observed in fibroblasts which was isolated from normal rat bile duct and then cultured in media containing C. sinensis excretory-secretory product. However, the effects of C. sinensis infection on the mitochondrial enzyme distribution is not clearly reported yet. Therefore, we investigated the structural change of C. sinensis infected bile duct and mitochondrial enzyme distribution of the cultured fibroblast isolated from the C. sinensis infected rat bile duct. As a result, C. sinensis infected SD rat bile ducts showed the features of chronic clonorchiasis, such as ductal connective and epithelial tissue dilatation, or ductal fibrosis. In addition, fibroblast in ductal connective tissue was damaged by physical effect of fibrotic tissue and chemical stimulation. Immunohistochemically detected mitochondrial electron transferase (ATPase, COXII, Porin) was decreased in C. sinensis infected rat bile duct and cultured fibroblast from infected rat bile duct. It can be hypothesized that the reason why number of electron transferase decrease in fibroblast isolated from the rat bile duct infected with C. sinensis is because dysfunction of electron transport system is occurred mitochondrial dysfunction, increase of ROS (reactive oxygen species) and apoptosis after chemical damage on the cell caused by C. sinensis infection. Overall, C. sinensis infection induces fibrotic change of ductal connective tissue, mutation of cellular metabolism in fibroblast and mitochondrial dysfunction. Consequently, ductal fibrosis inhibits fibroblast proliferation and decreases mitochondrial electron transferase on fibroblast cytoplasm. It was assumed that the structure of bile duct could not normalized and ductal fibrosis was maintained for a long period of time according to fibroblast metamorphosis and death induced by mitochondrial dysfunction.

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