• Title/Summary/Keyword: problem solving approach

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An Exploratory Study on the Project Performance by PMO Capability (PMO 역량에 따른 프로젝트 성과에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Jae-Kwon;Kim, Jin-Hwa;Kim, Sang-Yeoul
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-77
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    • 2008
  • In recent years, although numbers of corporations are bringing in PMO, they seem to be indifferent to PMO performance measurement. This demonstrates that there are also other reasons beside performance measurement of information systems (IS) project being ambiguous by introducing PMO; the lack of acknowledging the concrete function of PMO, and the scarcity of empirical study about the effect of PMO on the project members and project performance. In this sense, this study is aimed at proposing a new research model in which project success factors (i.e., standardization, management advocacy, and staff expertise) affect PMO capability (i.e., knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency) positively, leading to project performance (i.e., task outcomes, psychological outcomes, and organizational outcomes) eventually. To empirically test the research model, data are surveyed from PMO department and IS department. To prove the validity of the proposed research model, PLS analysis is applied with valid 132 questionnaires. By employing PLS technique, the measurement reliability and validity of research variables are tested and the path analysis is conducted to do the hypothesis testing. The path analysis results can be organized into 7 ways in large scale. First, standardization of project success factors has a positive association with knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency of PMO capabilities. The findings of this result indicate that the multiple or single project management should satisfy standardization in order to operate an effective PMO. Second, management advocacy of project success factors has a positive association with knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency. Management advocacy refers to the willingness of management to provide the required resources and authority for project success. There is agreement among researchers regarding the importance of management advocacy for favorable PMO capability. Third, staff expertise of project success factors has a positive association with knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency. The findings of this result indicate that the formation of an exceptional consultant or members with a proficient knowledge for staff expertise of project member is the key factor to elevate the PMO capability. Past research suggests that experience and knowledge and the resultant familiarity with the problem faced can be an important determinant of PMO capability. A capable project with appropriate staff expertise means that it enjoys a diversity of abilities and experiences. Fourth, knowledge management competency of PMO capabilities has a positive impact on psychological outcomes but has no direct effect on task outcomes and organizational outcomes. In domestic case of S. Korea, PMO was finally introduced to many other corporations in 2005 though it started bringing in 2000. Therefore, it had neither a significant impact on the task outcomes nor organizational outcomes by lacking the contents and the infrastructure of the knowledge management because the knowledge consolidation and management period of PMO is comparatively shorter by terms than other foreign nations. Fifth, resources management competency of PMO capabilities has a positive association with task outcomes, psychological outcomes, and organizational outcomes. In addition, problem solving competency of PMO capabilities has a positive association with task outcomes, psychological outcomes, and organizational outcomes. Therefore, the findings of this results stress that PMO capabilities has a positive impact on project performance. Sixth, according to the path analysis of the hypothesis, which suggested in this research, problem solving competency is the PMO capability which is the key success factor for task, psychological, and organizational outcomes as an integrated performance model. Further, the analysis reveals that problem solving competency is an important factor for integrated performance model. The finding is in line with past IS research, which affirms that the work of IS projects is essentially a problem solving endeavor. Seventh, in the path analysis of the hypothesis in this research, the path of the management advocacy problem solving competency organizational outcomes appears to be the most important and strongest path. In brief, the finding of this study suggests that project success factors influence PMO capability positively, and project performance as well. From the results, it can be concluded that PMO helped great improve the project success rate and project performance. This study advances research on PMO capability in three important aspects. First, the findings of our study have implications for IS theory and future research. Our study contributes to IS theory by synthesizing concepts from PMO research and project management research with those in IS research. We proposed and tested PMO capability of IS projects and the findings of our investigation provided some preliminary answers to some of the questions raised. Secondly, this thesis does not only help depicting the concept of IT governance but also approaches empirically. It makes a gradual approach to the main content, step by step, in contrary of simple standard, scholastic way of thinking. Finally, we argued that this task-oriented(technical) view is not sufficient to adequately conceptualize IS project performance. Hence, we applied that the research on organization teams, which provides a flip viewpoint to that of project management research in that it gives more weight for psychological outcomes of organizational work groups, can be very helpful in reconceptualizing the IS project performance construct. The limitations of this study are also discussed to provide research directions for future research.

Development of PBL Package - focusing on dental hygienist roles - (치과위생사 역할중심의 문제중심학습 패키지 개발)

  • Jung, Young-Ran;Hwang, Yoon-Sook
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to introduce PBL to dental hygienist education in an effort to raise a question about the inauthentic and inappropriate curriculum. PBL is one of learning methods to enhance the problem-solving ability of learners, and it's attempted to develop a PBL package focusing on dental hygienist roles to lay the foundation for producing competent and expert dental hygienists with a good problem- solving ability. The literature concerned was reviewed from November 2002 through January 2003 to determine whether or not PBL was applicable to dental-hygienist course, and that turned out to be effective for dental hygienist education. And then a PBL package was developed to train students to be knowledgeable and have a knowhow and excellent problem-solving skills. The characteristics of the PBL package could be described as follows: First, that focused on dental hygienist roles to serve the purpose of this study to remedy the current unrealistic and improper curriculum and improve the problem-solving skills of learners. Second, time factor was taken into account. In this four-week course for two credits, there are four classes a week, and it's required to take six or eight weeks to apply the PBL package, which is expected to demotivate students. Therefore, it's planned to conduct more weekly classes to make a proper progress. Third, a wide variety of teaching aids were put to use, and learner would be encouraged to be more interactive and utilize teaching aids properly, and eventually, they could have an opportunity to better express themselves. Fourth, online real-time learner discussion would be attended by this researcher. Learners would have a discussion in real time in the Internet cafe chat room, and different discussion time would be allocated to each team. This researcher would take part in each team's discussion once or more. Fifth, learners would prepare one or more journal(s) about four-hour Internet cafe learning. They have to make it twice a week at least, and it would be a good opportunity for learners to look back on themselves and their teams, and their learning effect would be greater. Specific rules were presented to help them make a successful self-examination. Sixth, there are some spaces in the lower part of objective test sheets to have students describe why they make a particular answer choice. They would be asked to depict the reason of their prior evaluation and lecture assessment especially because their responses would be important for more successful discussion and feedback. Seventh, problem-solving approach was designed to attain learning objectives, stimulate the creative thinking of learners and help them share a more systematic discussion. That would serve as a secondhand guide not to make them digress when they discuss by using information they acquire from a scenario presented in class.

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Nonlinear vibration of thin circular sector cylinder: An analytical approach

  • Pakar, Iman;Bayat, Mahmoud;Bayat, Mahdi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we try to prepare an accurate analytical solution for solving nonlinear vibration of thin circular sector cylinder. A new approximate solution called variational approach is presented and correctly applied to the governing equation of thin circular sector cylinder. The effect of important parameters on the response of the problem is considered. Some comparisons have been presented between the numerical solution and the present approach. The results show an excellent agreement between these methods. It has been illustrated that the variational approach can be a useful method to solve nonlinear problems by considering the effects of important parameters.

Coupled Thermo-Viscoplastic Three Dimensional Finite Element Anaysis of Compression Molding of Sheet Molding Compound (열유동을 고려한 SMC 압축성형공정의 3차원 유한요소 해석)

  • Kim, Soo-Young;Im, Yong-Taek
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.488-499
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    • 1996
  • SMC(Sheet molding compound) is a thermosetting material reinforced with chopped fiberglass. The compression molding of SMC was analyzed based on a rigid thermo-viscoplastic approach using a three dimensional finite element program coupled with temperatures. Only the temperature analysis part was tested in this paper by solving one-dimensional heat transfer problem and comparing with the exact solutions available in the literature. Based on this comparison the program was proved to be valid and was further applied in solving compression molding of SMC between flat dies. To investigate the usefulness of a rigid thermo-viscoplastic approach in the compression molding analysis of SMC charge, compression of rectangular shaped SMC charge at plane strain and three dimensionalde formation condition was analyzed under the same condition as given in the literature. From this comparison it was found out that the rigid thermo-viscoplastic approach was useful in analyzing SMC compression molding between flat dies.

Development of The Design Principles for Engineering Mathematics Teaching Model for Improving Students' Collaborative Problem Solving Abilities In College (협력적 문제해결능력 신장을 위한 공학수학 수업모형의 설계원리 개발)

  • Chung, Ae-Kyung;Yi, Sang-Hoi;Hong, Yu-Na;Kim, Neung-Yeun
    • 전자공학회논문지 IE
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the basic design principles for the engineering mathematics teaching model that supported college students to become collaborative problem solvers. For this purpose, the following four design principles were drawn from the steps of systems approach, especially with consideration of needs of engineering students, professors, curriculum and relevant research on mathematical education. As a result, the four design principles for the engineeering mathematics teaching model were drawn as follows: (1) Improve students' basic mathematical learning abilities through repetition and elaborative practice of the basic mathematical concepts and principles, (2) Develop students' problem solving abilities through collaborative projects or learning activities with peers, (3) Facilitate students' reflection and provide teacher's monitoring and prompt feedback during their learning process, and (4) Build up online learning environments that enable students to become self-regulated learners.

The Role of Operations Research/Systems Analysis in Defence Policy and Programming Decisions

  • Trost C.A.H
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 1979
  • The very fact that so many of us are here to participate in this conference on Operations Research is an indicator of the importance we attach to this relatively new and still expanding field. All of us recognize that Operations Research techniques are especially useful tools in problem solving in business, Government and the military. A discussion of the role of Operations Research and the related field of Systems Analysis in national defense policy and programming decision processes seems especially appropriate at the opening session of this conference, As you know, Operations Research as an organized form of research first found application in the review of individual military weapons systems and their effectiveness just over forty years ago. From that relatively narrow beginning has evolved a discipline whose future exploitation and utility you will explore over the next several days. I plan to review very briefly the historical development of Operations Research and Systems Analysis as tools in the defense decision-making process. Then, I will give you an overview of their application to today's military and defense problem solving by discussing the use of these techniques at the headquarters level by the United States Navy, Obviously, in such a brief period, I cannot cover all applications, specific techniques, or all of the groups involved in such a complex process. A review of the historical development of Operations Research/Systems Analysts reveals that the use of the basic concepts of Operations Research is not new; it originated with the first attempts to use the scientific approach to solve problems. We are still seeking, through modern analysis, to answer the three questions posed by John Dewey in his examination of the problem solving process in 1910.'1 - What is the problem? - What are the alternatives? - Which alternative is best? As I noted earlier, Operations Research, as an organized form of research, began in Great Britain in the late 1930s with the review of individual weapons systems.

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A Case Study on Students' Problem Solving in process of Problem Posing for Equation at the Middle School Level (방정식의 문제 만들기 활동에서 문제구조를 중심으로 문제해결에 관한 연구)

  • ChoiKoh, Sang-Sook;Jeon, Sung-Hoon
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.109-128
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed to investigate students' learning process by examining their perception process of problem structure and mathematization, and further to suggest an effective teaching and learning of mathematics to improve students' problem-solving ability. Using the qualitative research method, the researcher observed the collaborative learning of two middle school students by providing problem-posing activities of five lessons and interviewed the students during their performance. The results indicated the student with a high achievement tended to make a similar problem and a new problem where a problem structure should be found first, had a flexible approach in changing its variability of the problem because he had advanced algebraic thinking of quantitative reasoning and reversibility in dealing with making a formula, which related to developing creativity. In conclusion, it was observed that the process of problem posing required accurate understanding of problem structures, providing students an opportunity to understand elements and principles of the problem to find the relation of the problem. Teachers may use a strategy of simplifying external structure of the problem and analyzing algebraical thinking necessary to internal structure according to students' level so that students are able to recognize the problem.

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A Unified Approach to Exact, Approximate, Optimized and Decentralized Output Feedback Pole Assignment

  • Tarokh, Mahmoud
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.939-947
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    • 2008
  • The paper proposes a new formulation of the output feedback pole assignment problem. In this formulation, a unified approach is presented for solving the pole assignment problem with various additional objectives. These objectives include optimizing a variety of performance indices, and imposing constraints on the output feedback matrix structure, e.g. decentralized structure. Conditions for the existence of the output feedback are discussed. However, the thrust of the paper is on the development of a convergent pole assignment algorithm. It is shown that when exact pole assignment is not possible, the method can be used to place the poles close to the desired locations. Examples are provided to illustrate the method.

Financial Forecasting System using Data Editing Technique and Case-based Reasoning (자료편집기법과 사례기반추론을 이용한 재무예측시스템)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.283-286
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to instance selection in case-based reasoning (CBR) for the prediction of Korea Stock Price Index (KOSPI). CBR has been widely used in various areas because of its convenience and strength in complex problem solving. Nonetheless, compared to other machine learning techniques, CBR has been criticized because of its low prediction accuracy. Generally, in order to obtain successful results from CBR, effective retrieval of useful prior cases for the given problem is essential. However, designing a good matching and retrieval mechanism for CBR systems is still a controversial research issue. In this paper, the GA optimizes simultaneously feature weights and a selection task for relevant instances for achieving good matching and retrieval in a CBR system. This study applies the proposed model to stock market analysis. Experimental results show that the GA approach is a promising method for instance selection in CBR.

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Integrating Case-Based Reasoning with DSS (DSS와 사례기반 추론의 결합)

  • Kim Jin-Baek
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.2
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    • pp.169-193
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    • 1998
  • Case- based reasoning(CBR) offers a new approach for developing knowledge based systems. Unlike the rule-based paradigm, in which domain knowledge is encoded in the form of production rules, in the case-based approach the problem solving experience of the domain expert is encoded in the form of cases stored in a casebase(CB). CBR allows a reasoner (1) to propose solutions in domains that are not completely understood by the reasoner, (2) to evaluate solutions when no algorithmic method is available for evaluation, and (3) to interprete open-ended and ill-defined concepts. CBR also helps reasoner (4) take actions to avoid repeating past mistakes, and (5) focus its reasoning on important parts of a problem. Owing to the above advantages, CBR has successfully been applied to many kinds of problems such as design, planning, diagnosis and instruction. In this paper, I propose case-based DSS(CBDSS). CBDSS is an intelligent DSS using CBR technique. CBDSS consists of interface, case-based reasoner, maintainer, casebase management system, domain dependent CB, domain independent CB, and so on.

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