• Title/Summary/Keyword: problem analysis

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A Study on A Phase of Denotation Expansion of Oriental Medicine in the late Joseon Dynasty (조선(朝鮮) 후기(後期) 한의학(韓醫學) 외연확대(外延擴大)의 일국면(一局面))

  • Park, Sang-Young;Oh, Jun-Ho;Kwon, Oh-Min
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • In the late Joseon Dynasty, a bulky volume of books, which had rarely been seen, poured out including "Imwongyeongjeji", "Japdongsani", "Songnamjapsik" and "Ohjuyeonmunjaangjeonsango". such sorts of books have a characteristic that an author collected various pieces of information, which were scatter away at that time, in one's own way and compiled them into a book rather than an author's own remarks or ideas. Most authors of such books were known to have made not a few book beside bulky books. Such a trend of the times doubled its revitalization with the influx of that books in a series that were popular especially in the period of Ming State & Ching State in China. The research work on such a trend once showed not a little progress by a few faithful researchers even under the circumstances where they were overwhelmed by the bulkiness of a book in a series itself and its target volume. However, in spite of not a little fruition of such studies, there has been no comments at all on the new factors of change faced by Oriental medicine in the climate of the intellect history in the late Joseon Dynasty. Thus, this study aimed at looking at the significance of medical-history-based studies on this matter on the basis of Park, Jiwon's "Keumryosocho", and Lee, Deokmu's "Iemokgushimseo", and suggesting the further task. The conclusions obtained from the analysis of "Keumryosocho" and "Iemokgusimseo" are as follows: 1.The prescriptions cited from the sorts of writings excluded entirely the medical theories on the principles of prescription, and they are composed of a single-medicine prescription or so, which made it easier even for those who lacked a special knowledge of medicine to use it; in addition, it was easy to get medicinal ingredients in most cases. It's presumed that such a composition of medicinal ingredients had a close relation with the difficulty in the supply of medicinal ingredients, which issue became a serious issue in the late Joseon Dynasty. 2. The prescriptions originating from the sorts of writings sometimes are mixed with the ones whose medical efficiency are doubted. This means the inherence of obstacles to delivering accurate medical knowledge couldn't be avoided because the initial purpose of such sorts of writings lay in popularity than practicality. 3. In spite of such problems, the prescriptions originating from writings seems to have not a few influences on the intellectuals in the late Joseon Dynasty, and it's possible for us to take a glance on the traces of their use of these prescriptions in an actual daily life. This fact is fully confirmed by the contents in the preface of "Keumryosocho" that Park-jiwon personally tried to write a prescription. Moreover, such facts can be also confirmed from the fact that the writings of China or our country are seen quite often among the writings which were incited by Seo, Yugu's "Injeji." Like this, the fact that the information of orthodox medicine and the one originating from general books other than medicine books were integrated at one place is plainly showing a phase of the intellect history in the late Joseon Dynasty deluged with information; because of such a characteristic, we can say that Oriental medicine became plentiful in the aspect of diversity with its expansion of denotation, but Oriental medicine could not but additionally assume the problem of having to distinguish good from bad in the midst of such a situation.

The Recognition Characteristics of Science Gifted Students on the Earth System based on their Thinking Style (과학 영재 학생들의 사고양식에 따른 지구시스템에 대한 인지 특성)

  • Lee, Hyonyong;Kim, Seung-Hwan
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.12-30
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze recognition characteristics of science gifted students on the earth system based on their thinking style. The subjects were 24 science gifted students at the Science Institute for Gifted Students of a university located in metropolitan city in Korea. The students' thinking styles were firstly examined on the basis of the Sternberg's theory of mental self-government. And then, the students were divided into two groups: Type I group(legislative, judicial, global, liberal) and Type II group(executive, local, conservative) based on Sternberg's theory. Data was collected from three different type of questionnaires(A, B, C types), interview, word association method, drawing analyses, concept map, hidden dimension inventory, and in-depth interviews. The findings of analysis indicated that their thinking styles were characterized by 'Legislative', 'Executive', 'Anarchic', 'Global', 'External', 'Liberal' styles. Their preference were conducting new projects and using creative problem solving processes. The results of students' recognition characteristics on earth system were as follows: First, though the two groups' quantitative value on 'System Understanding' was very similar, there were considerable distinctions in details. Second, 'Understanding the Relationship in the System' was closely connected to thinking styles. Type I group was more advantageous with multiple, dynamic, and recursive approach. Third, in the relation to 'System Generalization' both of the groups had similar simple interpretational ability of the system, but Type I group was better on generalization when 'hidden dimension inventory' factor was added. On the system prediction factor, however, students' ability was weak regardless of the type. Consequently, more specific development strategies on various objects are needed for the development and application of the system learning program. Furthermore, it is expected that this study could be practically and effectively used on various fields related to system recognition.

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Adhesion Characteristics and the High Pressure Resistance of Biofilm Bacteria in Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Process (역삼투 해수담수화 공정 내 바이오필름 형성 미생물의 부착 및 고압내성 특성)

  • Jung, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Jin-Wook;Kim, Sung-Youn;Kim, In-S.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2009
  • Biofouling in seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination process causes many problems such as flux decline, biodegradation of membrane, increased cleaning time, and increased energy consumption and operational cost. Therefore biofouling is considered as the most critical problem in system operation. To control biofouling in early stage, detection of the most problematic bacteria causing biofouling is required. In this study, six model bacteria were chosen; Bacillus sp., Flavobacterium sp., Mycobacterium sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Rhodobacter sp. based on report in the literature and phylogenetic analysis of seawater intake and fouled RO membrane. The adhesion to RO membrane, the high pressure resistance, and the hydrophobicity of the six model bacteria were examined to find out their fouling potential. Rhodobacter sp. and Mycobacterium sp. were found to attach very well to RO membrane surface compared to others used in this study. The test of hydrophobicity revealed that the bacteria which have high hydrophobicity or similar contact angle with RO membrane ($63^{\circ}$ of contact angle) easily attached to RO membrane surface. P. aeruginosa which is highly hydrophilic ($23.07^{\circ}$ of contact angle) showed the least adhesion characteristic among six model bacteria. After applying a pressure of 800 psi to the sample, Rhodobacter sp. was found to show the highest reduction rate; with 59-73% of the cells removed from the membrane under pressure. P. fluorescens on the other hand analyzed as the most pressure resistant bacteria among six model bacteria. The difference between reduction rates using direct counting and plate counting indicates that the viability of each model bacteria was affected significantly from the high pressure. Most cells subjected to high pressure were unable to form colonies even thought they maintained their structural integrity.

A Study on the Cubism - In it's relation to Bergsonian Philosophy and Simultaneity - (큐비즘에 관한 연구 - 베르그송 철학과 동시성 개념을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Ji-Seok;Oh, Chan-Ohk
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2005
  • The French Belle Epoque is a period where the literary and artistic movement was very activated. The birth of the cubism reflects this atmosphere of the times and the change of paradigm in all fields. The Bergsonism is often designated as one of the important backgrounds of cubism. The problem consists in knowing if Bergsonian ideas gave real influence on the cubist movement and up to what point. Our analysis will show that it is not homogenous and very variable according to painters. In the case of Picasso and Braques it seems be a simple inspiration of Zeitgeist. But the influence upon Metzinger and Gleizes is explicit. The text of 1912, Du cubism, prove their attachment to his thought. The key concept of cubist theory, influenced by Bergsonian philosophy, is the concept of simultaneity. Cubist simultaneity is in one hand a reflection of an artist's psychological experience and the other hand a synthesis of multiple views for grasping the object in itself by the way of conceptual representation. The temporal simultaneity could be identified with the notion of memory, which is a temporal continuity connecting the past to dynamic present. The spatial simultaneity is a juxtaposition of multiple views obtained by the movement around the object. But the dose reading of Bergson's text shows that there is a divergence between the notion of cubist simultaneity and his ideas. The biased interpretation is often, as well as the strict understanding, like the history shows us well, a great source of inspiration and creativity. The cubist mouvement is not far from this case.

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Personalized Recommendation System for IPTV using Ontology and K-medoids (IPTV환경에서 온톨로지와 k-medoids기법을 이용한 개인화 시스템)

  • Yun, Byeong-Dae;Kim, Jong-Woo;Cho, Yong-Seok;Kang, Sang-Gil
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.147-161
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    • 2010
  • As broadcasting and communication are converged recently, communication is jointed to TV. TV viewing has brought about many changes. The IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) provides information service, movie contents, broadcast, etc. through internet with live programs + VOD (Video on demand) jointed. Using communication network, it becomes an issue of new business. In addition, new technical issues have been created by imaging technology for the service, networking technology without video cuts, security technologies to protect copyright, etc. Through this IPTV network, users can watch their desired programs when they want. However, IPTV has difficulties in search approach, menu approach, or finding programs. Menu approach spends a lot of time in approaching programs desired. Search approach can't be found when title, genre, name of actors, etc. are not known. In addition, inserting letters through remote control have problems. However, the bigger problem is that many times users are not usually ware of the services they use. Thus, to resolve difficulties when selecting VOD service in IPTV, a personalized service is recommended, which enhance users' satisfaction and use your time, efficiently. This paper provides appropriate programs which are fit to individuals not to save time in order to solve IPTV's shortcomings through filtering and recommendation-related system. The proposed recommendation system collects TV program information, the user's preferred program genres and detailed genre, channel, watching program, and information on viewing time based on individual records of watching IPTV. To look for these kinds of similarities, similarities can be compared by using ontology for TV programs. The reason to use these is because the distance of program can be measured by the similarity comparison. TV program ontology we are using is one extracted from TV-Anytime metadata which represents semantic nature. Also, ontology expresses the contents and features in figures. Through world net, vocabulary similarity is determined. All the words described on the programs are expanded into upper and lower classes for word similarity decision. The average of described key words was measured. The criterion of distance calculated ties similar programs through K-medoids dividing method. K-medoids dividing method is a dividing way to divide classified groups into ones with similar characteristics. This K-medoids method sets K-unit representative objects. Here, distance from representative object sets temporary distance and colonize it. Through algorithm, when the initial n-unit objects are tried to be divided into K-units. The optimal object must be found through repeated trials after selecting representative object temporarily. Through this course, similar programs must be colonized. Selecting programs through group analysis, weight should be given to the recommendation. The way to provide weight with recommendation is as the follows. When each group recommends programs, similar programs near representative objects will be recommended to users. The formula to calculate the distance is same as measure similar distance. It will be a basic figure which determines the rankings of recommended programs. Weight is used to calculate the number of watching lists. As the more programs are, the higher weight will be loaded. This is defined as cluster weight. Through this, sub-TV programs which are representative of the groups must be selected. The final TV programs ranks must be determined. However, the group-representative TV programs include errors. Therefore, weights must be added to TV program viewing preference. They must determine the finalranks.Based on this, our customers prefer proposed to recommend contents. So, based on the proposed method this paper suggested, experiment was carried out in controlled environment. Through experiment, the superiority of the proposed method is shown, compared to existing ways.

Modeling Study of Development of Dying Well Education Program for the Medical Personnel in Korea (의료진 대상 웰 다잉 교육프로그램 개발을 위한 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Ha;Ahn, Sang-Yoon;Lee, Chong Hyung;Hwang, Hye-Jeong;Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Moon-Joon;Park, Arma;Shim, Moon-Sook;Song, Hyeon-Dong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.6234-6241
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the status of medical staff stress and accommodating manners on the death of patients in a hospital setting for serving the basic information to develop a death education program of medical personnel from April 1 to April 30, 2014. A survey was performed on 353 medical personnel at K university hospital, located in Daejeon metropolitan city. Frequency analysis, chi-square test, and independent t-test were used to analyze the data. The results showed that 'to understand the value of the time and preparedness of a meaningful future' were the most important perspectives on the contents of death education (p<0.05), 'in order to change perceptions and attitudes toward death positively' was the most important reason why they required death education'(p<0.05), 'case-based teaching and problem-based learning' was the most effective way of death education (p<0.05), 'negative or hostile response of a patient's guardian to medical personnel' was the largest stress that medical personnel confront upon witnessing a death'(p<0.05). An understanding of the death of patients by medical personnel and an awareness of the need for death education will help improve the understanding of the patient, their guardian, and medical personnel themselves. The main findings will contribute to the development of a specific death education program on the medical personnel in a hospital setting.

A Clinical Study of Tinnitus (耳鳴에 관한 임상적 연구)

  • Choi, In-Hwa
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.134-145
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    • 2001
  • Introduction: Noises in the ear, whether real or imagined, are called tinnitus. Subjective causes of tinnitus(which is heard only by the patient) are extremely common and the majority of them are treated conservatively. For certain individuals their tinnitus is a major handicap; for others a trivial concern. The most common from of subjective tinnitus is a rushing, hissing or buzzing noise; it is frequently associated with sensorineural heanng loss. The patient may be unaware of the hearing loss, especially if it is a high frequency deficit of moderate severity. The character of the tinnitus may give a clue to the etiology. But the patient often has difficulty in explaining his/her tinnitus in absolute terms, as they have no other tinnitus with which to compare it but their own Tinnitus, like pain, is a subjective state and trying to objectively assess the severity is problematic. Audiological techniques to match subjective loudness to machine-produced noise may offer some help, in that sound intensity matches can bear little correspondence to subjective complaint. In spite of many studies, most patients presently seen complaining of tinnitus are told by their doctors that there is no treatment and that they will have to learn to live with this symptom. Objectives: To perform a clinical analysis of tinnitus and estimate the efficacy of Oriental Medical treatment according to the Byeonjeung(辨證). Subject: We studied 34 patients with complaints of tinnitus who had visited Pundang Cha Oriental Medicine Hospital Department of Otorhinolaryngology from March 1998 to February 2000. All of them had been treated 2 or 3 times a week with acupuncture treatment and had taken herbs according to the Byeonjeung(辨證) method. It was therefore possible for me to know whether their symptoms improved or not. Parameters Observed and Method: We treated them with acupuncture & herb-medication. Sometimes we gave them moxibustion or negative therapy with bloodletting at the acupuncture points(耳門, 聽宮, 聽會). Parameters Observed 1) Distribution of age & sex 2) Chief complaints 3) The sites of tinnitus 4) The quality of tinnitu 5) The duration of disease 6) The problem induced tinnitus 7) Factors increasing disease severity 8) The classification of the Byeonjeung(辨證) 9) The efficacy of treatments Results: 1. Age and sex distribution: The most common occurrence was found in males in their twenties: 6 males($17.7\%$), and in females in their thirties and over sixty: 8 females($23.5\%$). Total patient numbers for men and women were 20 men($58.8\%$), 14 women ($41.2\%$). 2. The most frequent major complaints were hearing disturbances related to tinnitus; and dizziness with tinnitus; each comprising 10 cases($29.4\%$). There were also 7 patients($20.6\%$) with only tinnitus. 3. Tinnitus sites: 13($38.2\%$) said that they felt tinnitus in both ears, equally. In the right ear, 9($26.5\%$), in the left, 6($17.7\%$). 4. The most frequent descriptive symptoms of tinnitus were: humming, hissing, buzzing etc. 5. The duration of disease. 14cases($41.2\%$) had a duration of less than 1 year. 6. 15cases($44.1\%$) complained that it was hard to watch TV or make a phone call because of tinnitus. 10 cases($29.4\%$) complained about depression. 7. Factors increasing severity of tinnitus: ⅰ) fatigue: 18cases($52.9\%$) ⅱ) stress/ tension: 10 cases($29.4\%$) ⅲ) alcohol and tobacco: 5cases($l4.7\%$) 8. Classification through Byeonjeung : ⅰ) 19 cases($55.9\%$) were classified as showing Deficiency syndrome. ⅱ) 15 cases($44.l\%$) were classified as showing Excess syndrome. The deficiency of Qi was 7($20.6\%$), deficiency of Xue, 8($23.5\%$) and insufficiency of the Kidney Yin & Yang, 4($11.8\%$). The flare of Liver fire was 8($23.5\%$) and phlegm-fire, 7($20.6\%$), 9. The efficacy of treatments showed: an improvement in 17cases($50.0\%$); no real improvement or changes in 13 cases($38.2\%$); and some worsening in 4 cases($11.8\%$). In the group with deficiency in Qi, 4($57.1\%$) improved, 1($14.3\%$) showed no change and 2($28.6\%$) were aggravated. In the cases of deficiency in Xue, 6($75.0\%$) improved, 2($25.0\%$) showed no change. In the cases of insufficiency of Kidney Yin & Yang, 3($75.0\%$) showed no change and 1($25.0\%$) were aggravated. In the group of flare of Liver fire, 4($50.0\%$) improved, 3($37.5\%$) no change and 1($12.5\%$) were aggravated. In the cases of phlegm-fire, 3($42.9\%$) improved, 4($57.1\%$) showed no change. Conclusion: We would recommend that any further studies of tinnitus utilize trial treatments of longer than 2 months duration, as any positive effects observed in our study showed that improvement occurred fairly slowly. And we suggest that this study could be utilized as a reference for clinical Oriental Medical treatment of tinnitus. If we try to apply music or sound therapy treatment properly combined with ours, we expect it to provide psycological stability in addition to inducing masking effects, even though it may not directly decrease or completely remove tinnitus.

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A Integrated Model of Land/Transportation System

  • 이상용
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 1995.12a
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    • pp.45-73
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    • 1995
  • The current paper presents a system dynamics model which can generate the land use anq transportation system performance simultaneously is proposed. The model system consists of 7 submodels (population, migration of population, household, job growth-employment-land availability, housing development, travel demand, and traffic congestion level), and each of them is designed based on the causality functions and feedback loop structure between a large number of physical, socio-economic, and policy variables. The important advantages of the system dynamics model are as follows. First, the model can address the complex interactions between land use and transportation system performance dynamically. Therefore, it can be an effective tool for evaluating the time-by-time effect of a policy over time horizons. Secondly, the system dynamics model is not relied on the assumption of equilibrium state of urban systems as in conventional models since it determines the state of model components directly through dynamic system simulation. Thirdly, the system dynamics model is very flexible in reflecting new features, such as a policy, a new phenomenon which has not existed in the past, a special event, or a useful concept from other methodology, since it consists of a lots of separated equations. In Chapter I, II, and III, overall approach and structure of the model system are discussed with causal-loop diagrams and major equations. In Chapter V _, the performance of the developed model is applied to the analysis of the impact of highway capacity expansion on land use for the area of Montgomery County, MD. The year-by-year impacts of highway capacity expansion on congestion level and land use are analyzed with some possible scenarios for the highway capacity expansion. This is a first comprehensive attempt to use dynamic system simulation modeling in simultaneous treatment of land use and transportation system interactions. The model structure is not very elaborate mainly due to the problem of the availability of behavioral data, but the model performance results indicate that the proposed approach can be a promising one in dealing comprehensively with complicated urban land use/transportation system.

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Analysis of Signal Properties in accordance with electrode area of x-ray conversion material (X선 검출 물질의 전극 면적에 따른 신호특성 분석)

  • Jeon, S.P.;Kim, S.H.;CHO, K.S.;Jung, S.H.;Park, J.K.;Kang, S.S.;Han, Y.H.;Kim, K.S.;Mun, C.W.;Nam, S.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2010
  • In recent, a digital x-ray detector attracted worldwide attention and there are many studies to commercialize. There are two methods in digital x-ray detector. This method is an Indirect method and Direct method. This study is to see the differences between the digital x-ray detector based on a-Se used in the existing indirect conversion method and an x-ray conversion material that has better SNR(Signal-to-noise ratio) and property than the a-Se. To solve the problem that is difficult to make a large area film using Screen-Print method, we used a Screen-Print method. In this study, we used a polyclystal $HgI_2$ as x-ray conversion material and a sample thickness is $150{\mu}m$ and an area is $3cm{\times}3cm$. ITO(Indium-Tin-Oxide) electrode was used as top electrode using a Magnetron Sputtering System and each area is $3cm{\times}3cm$, $2cm{\times}2cm$ and $1cm{\times}1cm$ and then we evaluated darkcurrent, sensitivity and SNR of the $HgI_2$ film are measured, then we evaluated the electrical properties. And we used a current integration mode when I-V test. This experiment shows that the sensitivity increases in accordance with the area of the electrode but the SNR is decreased because of the high darkcurrent. Through fabricating of various thicknesses and optimal electrodes, we will optimize SNR in the future work.

Validation of Load Calculation Method for Greenhouse Heating Design and Analysis of the Influence of Infiltration Loss and Ground Heat Exchange (온실 난방부하 산정방법의 검증 및 틈새환기와 지중전열의 영향 분석)

  • Shin, Hyun-Ho;Nam, Sang-Woon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.647-657
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    • 2015
  • To investigate a method for calculation of the heating load for environmental designs of horticultural facilities, measurements of total heating load, infiltration rate, and floor heat flux in a large-scale plastic greenhouse were analyzed comparatively with the calculation results. Effects of ground heat exchange and infiltration loss on the greenhouse heating load were examined. The ranges of the indoor and outdoor temperatures were $13.3{\pm}1.2^{\circ}C$ and $-9.4{\sim}+7.2^{\circ}C$ respectively during the experimental period. It was confirmed that the outdoor temperatures were valid in the range of the design temperatures for the greenhouse heating design in Korea. Average infiltration rate of the experimental greenhouse measured by a gas tracer method was $0.245h^{-1}$. Applying a constant ventilation heat transfer coefficient to the covering area of the greenhouse was found to have a methodological problem in the case of various sizes of greenhouses. Thus, it was considered that the method of using the volume and the infiltration rate of greenhouses was reasonable for the infiltration loss. Floor heat flux measured in the center of the greenhouse tended to increase toward negative slightly according to the differences between indoor and outdoor temperature. By contrast, floor heat flux measured at the side of the greenhouse tended to increase greatly into plus according to the temperature differences. Based on the measured results, a new calculation method for ground heat exchange was developed by adopting the concept of heat loss through the perimeter of greenhouses. The developed method coincided closely with the experimental result. Average transmission heat loss was shown to be directly proportional to the differences between indoor and outdoor temperature, but the average overall heat transfer coefficient tended to decrease. Thus, in calculating the transmission heat loss, the overall heat transfer coefficient must be selected based on design conditions. The overall heat transfer coefficient of the experimental greenhouse averaged $2.73W{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}C^{-1}$, which represents a 60% heat savings rate compared with plastic greenhouses with a single covering. The total heating load included, transmission heat loss of 84.7~95.4%, infiltration loss of 4.4~9.5%, and ground heat exchange of -0.2~+6.3%. The transmission heat loss accounted for larger proportions in groups with low differences between indoor and outdoor temperature, whereas infiltration heat loss played the larger role in groups with high temperature differences. Ground heat exchange could either heighten or lessen the heating load, depending on the difference between indoor and outdoor temperature. Therefore, the selection of a reference temperature difference is important. Since infiltration loss takes on greater importance than ground heat exchange, measures for lessening the infiltration loss are required to conserve energy.