• Title/Summary/Keyword: prevention activities in advance

검색결과 19건 처리시간 0.027초

안전과학 패러다임의 전환과 환자안전의 개선 (What Will We Learn from the Paradigm Shift in Safety Science for Improving Patient Safety?)

  • 이상일
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.2-9
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    • 2021
  • Patient safety remains one of the most important health care issues in Korea. To improve patient safety, we have introduced concepts from the field of safety science such as the Swiss cheese model, and adopted several methodologies previously used in other industries, including incident reporting systems, root cause analysis, and failure mode and effects analysis. This approach has enabled substantial progress in patient safety to be made through undertaking patient safety improvement activities in hospitals that are systems-based, rather than individual-based. However, these methods have the shared limitation of focusing on negative consequences of patient safety. Therefore, the paradigm shift from Safety I to Safety-II in safety science becomes the focus of our discussion. We believe that Safety-II will complement, rather than replace, Safety-I in the discipline of patient safety. In order to continuously advance patient safety practices in Korea, it is necessary that Korea keeps abreast of the recent global trends and development in safety science. In addition, more focus should be placed on testing the feasibility of new patient safety approaches in real-world situations.

Framework for assessing responsiveness to personal data breaches based on Capture-the-Flag

  • Oh, Sangik;Kim, Byung-Gyu;Park, Namje
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2020
  • Many state agencies and companies collect personal data for the purpose of providing public services and marketing activities and use it for the benefit and results of the organization. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 recently, personal data is being collected to understand the movements of individuals. However, due to the lack of technical and administrative measures and internal controls on collected personal information, errors and leakage of personal data have become a major social issue, and the government is aware of the importance of personal data and is promoting the protection of personal information. However, theory-based training and document-based intrusion prevention training are not effective in improving the capabilities of the privacy officer. This study analyzes the processing steps and types of accidents of personal data managed by the organization and describes measures against personal data leakage and misuse in advance. In particular, using Capture the Flag (CTF) scenarios, an evaluation platform design is proposed to respond to personal data breaches. This design was proposed as a troubleshooting method to apply ISMS-P and ISO29151 indicators to reflect the factors and solutions to personal data operational defects and to make objective measurements.

국가요인 테러리즘의 대응체제 구축방안 (Proposal on for Response System to primary leaders' Terrorism)

  • 서상열
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제11호
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    • pp.61-86
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    • 2006
  • 현대사회에서 끊임없이 지속되고 있는 크고 작은 국가요인 테러리즘은 사회와 국가의 안전에 심각한 영향을 미치고 있으며, 사회질서와 국가통치 질서에 큰 혼란을 초래하고 있다. 국가요인의 절대적 신변안전을 도모하기 위해 국가요인의 테러 위협환경과 그 경로를 차단해야하며, 이에 대한 효율적인 대응방안으로, 첫째, 최근 국가요인 테러사건은 주로 암살 및 폭탄공격, 자폭테러로 인해 한순간에 상황이 종료되는 경우가 대부분인 점을 감안할 때, 예방이 최선책임을 명심하고 사전적 대(對)테러 활동에 정부의 대(對)테러 관련기관들은 새로운 패러다임으로 방향설정과 정책개발을 추진해야 한다. 둘째, 경호 정보활동 강화 및 국내${\cdot}$외 유관기관과의 협조체제를 구축하고, 지속적인 대(對)테러 예방활동 시스템을 강구하며, 인적${\cdot}$물적 취약요소의 안전대책 활동을 강화하는 등 국가요인 테러리즘의 사전 예방대책 활동을 강화하여야 한다. 셋째, 테러단체를 직접 혹은 간접적으로 지원하는 국가들에 대한 정치${\cdot}$경제적ㄱ인 제재 및 테러리스트에 대한 처벌을 강화하는 등 국제공조체제를 구축하여야 한다. 넷째, 국가요인 경호시스템의 보완${\cdot}$발전과 테러리즘 대응을 위한 프로그램의 개발 및 합법적인 절차에 의해 테러방지법을 제정${\cdot}$보완하며, 대(對)테러 관련 임무를 수행하는 요원들에 대한 교육훈련 강화 및 경호기법${\cdot}$장비를 과학화하는 등 국가요인 테러리즘에 대한 대응능력을 강화해 나가야 한다.

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Near Miss 사고 예방 활동과 환자안전관리 문화형성이 환자안전에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Near Miss and Accident Prevention Activities and the Culture of Patient Safety Management for the Patient Safety)

  • 장호석;이귀원
    • 핵의학기술
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 2010
  • 급변하는 의료환경 속에서도 변함없이 의료기관들은 환자 안전관리 부분의 중요성을 인식하여 관리하고 있다. 하지만 현재 환자안전관리는 사후관리와 처벌이 강조된 프로세스들로 조직원들의 참여성이 결여된 문제를 보이고 있다. 본원 핵의학과 에서는 참여형 니어미스 사고예방 활동을 시행하여 환자안전사고에 사전관리를 시작하고 사고보고에 따른 불이익이 없는 시스템을 구축하여 니어미스 감소 와 환자안전사고 제로화를 목적으로 본 연구을 시작하였다. 또한 핵의학과만의 차별화된 환자안전관리System구축도 그 목적으로 하고 있다. 1. 팀원들의 과거 니어미스 및 현재 발생되고 있는 니어미스와 사고 사례수집(1차 자료수집). 2. 설문을 통해 중요도, 긴급도를 파악하고 니어미스 및 사고사례를 정량화(2차 자료수집). 3. 자료 분석을 통한 중요 접점 파악과 사고 사례 정량화. 4. 중요 접점 부분에 대한 매뉴얼 제작과 표준화, 오류방지를 위한 참여형 개선활동 시행. 5. 니어미스 보고체계 구축을 위한 웹 기반 커뮤니티 활동. 6. 설문과 FGI를 통해 활동 전후 평가 시행. 1) 비계량적이었던 핵의학과 내 안전사고 및 니어미스를 계량화(월 50여 회의 니어미스와 년 1건의 안전사고발생) 2) 계량화된 데이터를 통해 개선방안을 수립(0여건의 참여형 개선활동, 프로세스 개선, 표준화를 위한 약속 매뉴얼 제작) 3) 안전문화 시스템을 형성하고 팀원들의 높은 관여도를 형성.(보고체계구축, 체크리스트 제작, 안전문화 슬로건 제작, 평가 인덱스 구축) 4) 니어미스 및 사고 사례를 공유하고 반면교사로 삼기 위한 커뮤니티 개설. 5) 활동 전후 니어미스 발생률은 50% 감소 하였고 안전사고 제로. 핵의학과의 최고의 서비스는 환자안전이 보장된 양질의 검사와 치료를 제공하는 것이다. 참여형 개선활동으로 니어미스사고를 예방하고 안전문화를 형성하여 시스템을 구축함으로써 니어미스 발생 사례는 50% 줄었으며 안전사고는 발생하지 않았다. 이는 환자안전사고의 사전관리란 측면에서도 시사하는 바가 있다. 또한 불이익이 없는 사고보고체계도 마련하여 솔직하게 보고하고 인정하는 문화도 만든 계기가 되었다. 기본에 충실한 뛰어난 시스템은 환자에게 제공되는 최고의 서비스이며 형성된 안전문화 시스템은 결국 고객만족으로 이어질 것이다. 따라서 본원 핵의학과 에서는 마련된 시스템을 정착하고 안정시켜 차별화된 환자안전문화를 형성해 나가고자 한다.

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USN 초음파 센서를 활용한 흙막이 안전관리 (Safety Management of the Retaining Wall Using USN Sonar Sensors)

  • 문성우;최은기;현지훈
    • 한국건설관리학회논문집
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2011
  • 건설현장에서 구조물 시공시 흙막이는 터파기 기초보호와 작업공간을 제공하는 역할을 한다. 흙막이 공사는 지반 굴착, 지하수 처리, 파일링, 버팀보 설치 등 복잡한 토공사 공정을 가진다. 토공사의 성격상 지반 여건 등 주위 환경의 변화에 따라서 다양한 응력변화가 발생되고, 이러한 변화가 주어진 설계한도를 벗어나면 인명사고를 동반한 붕괴사고로 이어질 수 있다. 이와 같은 이유로 구조물 기초공사에서 붕괴사고는 건설공사시 가장 주의해야 할 분야 중 하나이다. 본 논문은 흙막이 시공시 안전을 향상시키기 위한 USN (Ubiquitous Sensor Network) 기반의 데이터 획득 시스템을 제시한다. USN 기반의 데이터 획득 시스템은 초음파 센서를 활용하여 흙막이에 대한 변위를 분석하고, USN 기술이 제공하는 실시간 데이터 송수신 기능을 활용하여 원격으로 흙막이 벽체의 안정 상태를 지속적으로 관찰하고, 필요시 적절하게 대응하도록 지원한다. 연구효과를 검증하기 위하여 센서와 USN 기술을 접합하여 흙막이 벽체의 변위실험을 진행했으며, 검증결과 USN 기반 데이터 획득 시스템은 변위 데이터를 측정하여 흙막이 시공시 안전성을 향상시킬 수 있다는 것을 보여준다.

온병(溫病)의 증상(症狀) 중(中) 반진(斑疹)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) (The Literature Study on Macula among the Symptoms of Warm Factor Disease)

  • 장윤정;류상채;김정순;전호성;유동희;김난영;정명수;이기남
    • 대한의료기공학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.80-116
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    • 2009
  • It studies into viewpoints of 7 doctors of Wenbing studies on macula. The results concerning characteristics, remedy and prevention of macula are as follows; Macule does not protrude on the surface of skin and does not have any color change for external stimulus, but rash out on the surface and becomes white when pushed. It becomes macule when the blood leaks beneath skin as stomach-heat of yangming enters into blood system and damages it. On the other hand, when heat enters lung meridian, penetrates beneath the skin and congeals inside the vessel, it becomes rash. When you combine symptoms of body and pulse with numbers, color, shape and distribution status of macula, you can diagnose the depth of rash, seriousness, the possibility of treatment and prognosis of macula. The remedy for macule consists of cooling heat of yaming, removing heat from the blood and relieving feverish rash, and the one for rash consists of facilitating meridian with aroma, expelling pathogenic factors from muscles with drugs of pungent flavor and cool nature and clearing away heat from the blood systems. It relieves the inhibited functional activities of lung-Ki, and helps extermination of rash as well as clearing heat of the vessel. Also, it is the most important to preserve resin of stomach for every treatment. It is good to avoid expelling pathogenic factors with drugs of pungent flavor and warm nature, raising drugs and invigorating drugs during treating macula. Moreover, the patients should not over dose cold-natured drugs and purgative therapy. There are common clinical symptoms of macula in advance, so right recognition of symptoms can contribute to prevention of macula.

경비업무에 대한 경비요원 인식 조사 (Survey of Perception about Security Works)

  • 박정훈;정주섭
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제17호
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    • pp.143-155
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    • 2008
  • 이 연구는 경비업무에 대한 경비요원의 인식을 빌딩내 근무하는 사원을 중심으로 실증 분석해보고 경비요원에게 업무성과의 향상을 위한 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 첫째, 경비요원의 활동에 대해 논의하였다. 둘째, 경비요원의 필요성에 대한 직장인들의 인식, 경비요원의 불필요성, 업무인식 향상을 위한 경비요원의 요건 대한 인식으로 연구틀을 설정하였다. 현재 생활의 경비업무 인식의 변화는 멈추지 않는 경제 발전과 다양해지는 직종에 비해 다소 뒤떨어지는 면이 있다. 지금에도 경비업무의 표현을 아직도 예전 시설물이나 아파트 등의 관리인이라는 인식을 가지고 있다. 다시 말해 아파트 수위라는 직종에서 경비로의 명칭 전환만이 이루어지는 정도로만 인식 한다고 할 수 있다. 지금의 직업군에서 경비업무는 시설관리, 다양한 통제 등 경호. 경비의 일환으로서 전문영역으로 자리 잡고 있으며 영역 확장이 되고 있다. 단순 붙박이 형식을 취하는 근무 형태가 아닌 사회에서 발생하는 여러 범죄행위의 분석과 예방을 목적으로 하고 다양하게 발생될 사고에 미연 방지하는 역할을 가지고 대안을 이끌어 내는 전문직이다. 경비업무에 대한 필요성을 극대화하기 위한 목적으로서 경비업무의 영역은 전문적인 경비요원의 배치, 경비요원의 업무 만족도의 배려, 급속도로 변하는 안전사고에 대한 예방 교육, 현장의 충실도를 갖추어야한다. 끊임없는 노력과 경비요원 스스로의 전문성 인식 고취로서 한층 세련된 경비업무 영역을 갖기를 기대한다.

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한미간(韓美間) 정보통신분야(情報通信分野) 통상마찰예방(通商摩擦豫防)과 해소방안(解消方案)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A study on The U.S.-Korean Trade Friction Prevention and Settlement in the Fields of Information and Telecommunication Industries)

  • 정재영
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제13권
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    • pp.869-895
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    • 2000
  • The US supports the Information and Communication (IC) industry as a strategic one to wield a complete power over the World Market. However, several other countries are also eager to have the support for the IC industry because the industry produces a high added value and has a significant effect on other industries. Korea is not an exception. Korea recently succeeded in the commercialization of CDMA for the first time in the world, after the successful development of TDX. Hence, it is highly likely to get tracked by the US. Although the IC industry is a specific sector of IT, there is a concern that there might be a trade friction between the US and Korea due to a possible competition. It will be very important to prepare a solution in advance so that Korea could prevent the friction and at the same time increase its share domestically and globally. It will be our important task to solve the problem with the minimum cost if the conflict arises unfortunately in the IT area. The parties that have a strong influence on the US trade policy are the think tank group and the IT-related interest group. Therefore, it would be important to have a close relationship with them. We found some implications by analyzing the case of Japan, which has experienced trade frictions with the US over the long period of time in the high tech industry. In order to get rid of those conflicts with the US, the Japanese did the following things : (1) The Japanese government developed supporting theories and also resorted to international support so that the world could support the Japanese theories. (2) Through continual dialogue with the US business people, the Japanese business people sought after solutions to share profits among the Japanese and the US both in the domestic and in the worldwide markets. They focused on lobbying activities to influence the US public opinion to support the Japanese. The specific implementation plan was first to open culture lobby toward opinion leaders who were leaders about the US opinion. The institution, Japan Society, were formed to deliver a high quality lobbying activities. The second plan is economic lobby. They have established Japanese Economic Institute at Washington. They provide information about Japan regularly or irregularly to the US government, research institution, universities, etc., that are interested in Japan. The main objective behind these activities though is to advertise the validity of Japanese policy. Japanese top executives, practical interest groups on international trade, are trying to justify their position by direct contact with the US policy makers. The third one is political lobby. Japan is very careful about this political lobby. It is doing its best not to give impression that Japan is trying to shape the US policy making. It is collecting a vast amount of information to make a correct judgment on situation. It is not tilted toward one political party or the other, and is rather developing a long-term network of people who understand and support the Japanese policy. The following implications were drawn from the experience of Japan. First, the Korean government should develop a long-term plan and execute it to improve the Korean image perceived by American people. Second, the Korean government should begin public relation activities toward the US elite group. It is inevitable to make an effort to advertise Korea to this elite group because this group leads public opinion in the USA. Third, the Korean government needs the development of a relevant policy to elevate the positive atmosphere for advertising toward the US. For example, we need information about to whom and how to about lobbying activities, personnel network who immediately respond to wrong articles about Korea in the US press, and lastly the most recent data bank of Korean support group inside the USA. Fourth, the Korean government should create an atmosphere to facilitate the advertising toward the US. Examples include provision of incentives in tax on the expenses for the advertising toward the US and provision of rewards to those who significantly contribute to the advertising activities. Fifth, the Korean government should perform the role of a bridge between Korean and the US business people. Sixth, the government should promptly analyze the policy of IT industry, a strategic area, and timely distribute information to industries in Korea. Since the Korean government is the only institution that has formal contact with the US government, it is highly likely to provide information of a high quality. The followings are some implications for business institutions. First, Korean business organization should carefully analyze and observe the business policy and managerial conditions of US companies. It is very important to do so because all the trade frictions arise at the business level. Second, it is also very important that the top management of Korean firms contact the opinion leaders of the US. Third, it is critically needed that Korean business people sent to the USA do their part for PR activities. Fourth, it is very important to advertise to American employees in Korean companies. If we cannot convince our American employees, it would be a lot harder to convince regular American. Therefore, it is very important to make the American employees the support group for Korean ways. Fifth, it should try to get much information as early as possible about the US firms policy in the IT area. It should give an enormous effort on early collection of information because by doing so it has more time to respond. Sixth, it should research on the PR cases of foreign enterprise or non-American companies inside the USA. The research needs to identify the success factors and the failure factors. Finally, the business firm will get more valuable information if it analyzes and responds to, according to each medium.

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고령자의 건강의식과 물리치료 인식에 관한 연구 (A Study of Health Consciousness and Physical Therapy Cognition of Old Ages)

  • 박환진;박래준;김한수
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2000
  • This study which applies to the 403 healthy people who don't have particular diseases recently(193 urban aged. 210 rural aged) among male and female aged over 60 years old living in Daegu(city) and Gyungbook(agricultural village) is fulfilled from November 1st to December 31st by interview using the questioned paper which researcher developed, and reached to these tallowing conclusions. 1. Every aged men independent of the place residence answered positively yes but aged women had weak assurance of their health. Especially $38.6\%$ of rural aged women said yes and $51.4\%$ of rural aged women said no. 2. In the sleep and well-regulated life, urban and rural aged generally marked on the sound sleep. Compared with male and female, men answered they had better sleep and regulated life than women. 3. The percentage of the urban and rural aged's judgement on their activity was high and the percentage of the rural aged was lower than the percentage of the urban aged. 4. While $62.6\%$ of urban aged answered they were active. $38.6\%$ of rural female aged answered yes, This shows that the rural female aged regard their health is not good. 5. Compared with same generation. urban aged ranked lower than urban aged in the confidence of physical strength. Especially rural need women answered $42.1\%$ of them were weaker than the same generation. This shows that rural aged women don't have confidence in general physical activities. 6. Taking exercises three times a week which can influence on health cue to sixties and seventies aged ranked $26.1\%$, rarely do is $18.8\%$ and never do is$28.8\%$. Urban and rural aged do not exercise on the purpose of health. 7. The reason of exercise was to advance the physical strength and quality of motion$(34.9\%)$ to get rid of stress$(13.4\%)$ and to prevention of adult illness$(27.8\%)$, prevention of fatness$(15.3\%)$. Aged have a correct understanding that exercise can promote health and protect from the diseases of adult people because the items about the diseases of adult people was marked high. 8. Among the subject of total investigation, 209 persons answered. It showed necessary to recognize that the exercise is still important essential part between adult illness and health care. 9. The $67.7\%$ of urban aged men answered yes in the question of undergoing a physical examination but the rate of not undergoing a physical examination was high in rural aged and urban aged women. According to this, there were the difference of consciousness about health between urban and rural aged. and men and women. 10. Among the people who haying undergone the physical examination, $80.3\%$ of the aged went back to the hospital again because of the result. 11. In the case of stroke, most aged answered the would be placed under medical care. but $53.9\%$ of rural aged women answered they would rely on Chinese medicine. According to this. aged preferred Chinese medicine in some particular diseases. 2. The $58.1\%$ of whole object of this study answered that stroke would be recovered.

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