• Title/Summary/Keyword: preschool

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A Study on Home Accidents of Preschool Children (from 1 to 6) in Korea and Prevention Measures (영유소아기 가정사고의 원인과 예방에 관한 연구)

  • 변수자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 1974
  • Necessity and purpose of this study: In a large number of countries it has been founded that children′s domestic accidents are at great risk year by year In the United States, they publish detailed accident statistics at regular intervals. In Korea. there have been just a few studies on Accidents-At-Home of preschool children. But it can not be said that there have been any systematic statistics about this area. and any study accounting for the relations of home accidents and preschool: children in detail, Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was focused on the inquire of these relations so as to make a little contribution to Korean preschool children′s health and security measures. So, the detail-purposes are to study following questions and to testify following hypothesis. Prob. 1. What the types of accidents of Preschool children, where the place accidents occurred\ulcorner Prob. 2. What the cause of accidents and, the main factors of the cause\ulcorner Prob. 3. How about the number of their children. the disparity of age among their children and mother′s age in each case of accidents\ulcorner hypothesis 1. There will be differences in the density of protection of parents according to the number of their children. hypothesis 2, There will be differences in accident-types and first-aid methods according to parents socio-economic background. Method; This study employed the interviewing survey method, in which 130 preschool children ware random.sampled, who visit hospital to have medical care. These children (from 1 to 6 years olds) were selected at the emergency room of five hospitals in Seoul (Hosp: Severance, Woosok, Medical Center, Hanyang Medical College Hospital and Seoul Medical Col1age Hospital during study-period (from Aug. to Oct, 1973). Four head nurses in above Hospitals were employed as accident members for this study. Concerning research analysis, the method of hypothesis verifying is used. Conclusion: As two American experts on this subject. Dr, Raymond Neuter and Mr. Ross Mc Garland have drawn attention to "minor epidemics of accidents" that could be avoided by fairly simple measures. preschool children′s accidents could be avoided by parents fair attentions. In other words, one of the most common causes of preschool children′s accidents derived from their parent′s inattention. Therefore, one important task on this subject is to instruct the parents fairly about the children′s accidents. Many accidents could be avoided by the exorcist of a little self-discipline. Also, as much the prevention of accidents is important, as the first-aid Is Important and necessary at the case of the accidents. So, the methods of proper first-aid treatment must be emphasized, and must be taught in school, especially in girls school. And there could be other means available for prevention of accidents. Firstly, the public authorities can take legal measures. More stringent safety standards can be made enforceable by law. Building materials and equipment for domestic us: ought to meat minimum safety criteria at all times. Next the public itself has to understand the seriousness of the problem, and here the dissemination of information is of great importance. All mass media should be brought into play to promote greater public awareness of the question. At last, it will be needed to obtain more detailed epidemiological data through additional surveys and statistics after this study.

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The Analisis on the Relationship between Maternal Self-Efficacy and Young Children's Ego-Resilience on their Children's Adjustment to Educational Institutions (어머니의 양육효능감, 유아의 자아탄력성 및 유아교육기관적응과의 관계 분석)

  • Kim, So-Young;Kim, Seong-Hyuk;An, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this descriptive study was to identify the relationship between maternal self-efficacy and young children's ego-resilience on their children's adjustment to educational institutions. The study population consisted of 162 young children's mothers and teachers from seven kindergartens in A city. Data were collected from June 1 to June 30, 2016. The questionnaire consisted of 73 items about maternal self-efficacy, children's ego-resilience and children's preschool adjustment. The collected data were analyzed by frequency, descriptive methods and Pearson's correlation coefficient using SPSS/WIN 22.0 version. The study results were as follows. First, maternal self-efficacy was weakly positively(+) correlated with the activeness of children's preschool adjustment. Second, children's ego-resilience was significantly positively(+) correlated with children's preschool adjustment. Third, regarding the relationship between maternal self-efficacy and young children's ego-resilience on their children's adjustment to educational institutions, maternal self-efficacy was weakly positively(+) correlated with children's ego-resilience and children's preschool adjustment, while children's ego-resilience was strongly positively(+) correlated with maternal self-efficacy and children's preschool adjustment. In conclusion, this study finding of a positive(+) relationship between maternal self-efficacy and young children's ego-resilience on their children's adjustment to educational institutions indicates that children's ego-resilience is a reliable predictor of children's preschool adjustment. These study results imply that children's ego-resilience is strongly influenced by children's preschool adjustment.

Association of Oral Health Condition between Mothers and Their Preschool Children in Korea (어머니의 구강건강상태가 미취학 자녀의 구강건강상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Cheon, Sae-Hee;Jeong, Seong-Hwa
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.426-433
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to examine whether there is an association of oral health conditions between mothers and their preschool children in Korea. A sample of 823 preschool children and their mothers were selected for this study from the database of the fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition examination Survey. Preschool children were defined as children aged 4, 5, and 6 years old. The subjects were clinically examined for the presence of caries lesions (dft index) and their mother was checked for the presence of dental caries (DMFT index) and periodontal status (CPI). The socio-demographic characteristics and mother's oral health behaviours were considered covariates in this study. Univariate and multivariate analysis was adapted to assess the association of oral health condition between mothers and their preschool children. In univariate analysis, there were significant differences between preschool children's dft index and their mother's age (p=0.005), dental treatment demand for the past one year (p=0.034), and DMFT index (p=0.016). In multivariate analysis, only mother's DMFT index was significantly associated with their children's dft index after adjusting for covariates. In conclusion, the mother's oral health was partly associated with their preschool children's oral health in Korea.

Evaluation of Toothbrush Bristles' Wear Index and Wear Rate Used by Preschool Children (일부 어린이집 유아의 칫솔 마모도 및 마모율 평가)

  • Kim, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the toothbrush bristles' wear index and wear rate used by preschool children to provide information on the establishment of criteria for toothbrush replacement cycle for preschool children. One thousand twenty-two toothbrushes were collected from September 20 to November 16, 2012 was analyzed. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. As a result of analyzing the toothbrush wear index, 48.5% of the collected toothbrushes was above 0.400, and the average wear index was $0.421{\pm}0.239$. 2. As a result of analyzing the wear rate of the toothbrushes, score 2 and 3 accounted for 70.4%, and the average wear rate stood at $1.936{\pm}0.848$. 3. As a result of analyzing the state of toothbrush management, the most common average toothbrush replacement cycle was one or two months (63.9%). Concerning the method of toothbrush replacement, the largest group (52.7%) replied they changed toothbrushes based on the abrasivity of toothbrush bristles, and 16.7 percent did that at the request of parents. Given the above-mentioned findings of the study, preschool teachers and parents should be educated to ensure the successful management of preschool children toothbrushes. In addition, it's required to set evident criteria for the right toothbrush replacement cycle for preschool children, and how to provide oral health education in an efficient way should be considered as well.

Asthma predictive index as a useful diagnostic tool in preschool children: a cross-sectional study in Korea

  • Lee, Dong Hyeon;Kwon, Ji-Won;Kim, Hyung Young;Seo, Ju-Hee;Kim, Hyo-Bin;Lee, So-Yeon;Jang, Gwang-Cheon;Song, Dae-Jin;Kim, Woo Kyung;Jung, Young-Ho;Hong, Soo-Jong;Shim, Jung Yeon
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 2020
  • Background: It is challenging to diagnose asthma in preschool children. The asthma predictive index (API) has been used to predict asthma and decide whether to initiate treatment in preschool children. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the association between questionnaire-based current asthma with API, pulmonary function, airway hyperreactivity (AHR), fractional expiratory nitric oxide (FeNO), and atopic sensitization in preschool children. Methods: We performed a population-based cross-sectional study in 916 preschool children aged 4-6 years. We defined current asthma as the presence of both physician-diagnosed asthma and at least one wheezing episode within the previous 12 months using a modified International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire. Clinical and laboratory parameters were compared between groups according to the presence of current asthma. Results: The prevalence of current asthma was 3.9% in the study population. Children with current asthma showed a higher rate of positive bronchodilator response and loose and stringent API scores than children without current asthma. The stringent API was associated with current asthma with 72.2% sensitivity and 82.0% specificity. The diagnostic accuracy of the stringent API for current asthma was 0.771. However, no intergroup differences in spirometry results, methacholine provocation test results, FeNO level, or atopic sensitization rate were observed. Conclusion: The questionnaire-based diagnosis of current asthma is associated with API, but not with spirometry, AHR, FeNO, or atopic sensitization in preschool children.

Parental Perception and Dietary Behaviors of Preschool Children with Environment-friendly Food Service in Kindergarten (유치원 친환경급식 실시에 따른 학부모의 인식도 및 유아의 식행동)

  • Bae, Ji Won;Oh, Myung Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.646-658
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the differences in households, parental perception, and dietary behaviors of preschool children from kindergartens with environment-friendly food service (environment-friendly food service group; EFG) versus children from kindergartens with general food service (general food service group; GFG). We sought this basic information to examine the impact of environment-friendly agricultural products in preschool food services. Age, education level, and monthly family income of the EFG were significantly higher than the GFG. The frequency of purchasing environment-friendly agricultural products was significantly higher in the EFG than the GFG, with the most frequently purchased items in both groups being vegetables. The GFG had a significantly higher perception than the EFG in the superior quality of environment-friendly agricultural products; however, a greater proportion of the GFG than the EFG thought environment-friendly products were too expensive. The most frequent reason for purchasing environment-friendly agricultural products in both groups was safety. When purchasing environment-friendly agricultural products, the most important selection factor for the majority of both groups was the label certifying quality assurance. Both groups also considered price reduction as essential for promoting environment-friendly agricultural products. In regard to parental perceptions on food service in kindergarten, the EFG had a significantly higher satisfaction with the nutritional adequacy of the menu compared to the GFG. Both groups considered food safety and health as primary reasons for using environment-friendly foods in the preschool food service, with a greater proportion of the EFG than the GFG responding this way. There were significant differences between the EFG and GFG, as the main satisfaction from using environment-friendly foods in the EFG was safety, freshness, and good hygiene, whereas the main satisfaction in the GFG was a good food service menu, freshness and good hygiene. Dietary behaviors of preschool children in the EFG were also significantly superior to the GFG. Thus, environment-friendly agricultural products have positive effects on the dietary behaviors of preschool children and should be increased in the preschool food service. Lowering prices and a strict supervision of quality assurance is also necessary to promote consumption of environment-friendly food materials.

Reference values for respiratory system impedance using impulse oscillometry in healthy preschool children

  • Park, Jye-Hae;Yoon, Jung-Won;Shin, Youn-Ho;Jee, Hye-Mi;Wee, Young-Sun;Chang, Sun-Jung;Sim, Jung-Hwa;Yum, Hye-Yung;Han, Man-Yong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.64-68
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The normal values for lung resistance and lung capacity of children, as determined by impulse oscillometry (IOS), are different for children of different ethnicities. However, reference values there is no available reference value for Korean preschool children have yet to be determined. The aim of the present study was to determine the normal ranges of IOS parameters in Korean preschool children. Methods: A total of 133 healthy Korean preschool children were selected from 639 children (aged 3 to 6 years) who attended kindergarten in Seongnam, Gyeonggi province, Korea. Healthy children were defined according to the European Respiratory Society (ERS) criteria. All subjects underwent lung function tests using IOS. The relationships between IOS value (respiratory resistance (Rrs) and reactance (Xrs) at 5 and 10 Hz and resonance frequency (RF)) and age, height, and weight were analyzed by simple linear and multiple linear regression analyses. Results: The IOS success rate was 89.5%, yielding data on 119 children. Linear regression identified height as the best predictor of Rrs and Xrs. Using stepwise multiple linear regressions based on age, height, and weight, we determined regression equations and coefficients of determination ($R^2$) for boys ($Rrs_5=1.934-0.009{\times}Height$, $R^2$=12.1%; $Xrs_5=0.774+0.006{\times}Height-0.002{\times}Age$, $R^2$=20.2% and for girls $(Rrs_5=2.201-0.012{\times}Height$, $R^2$=18.2%; $Xrs_5=-0.674+0.004{\times}Height$, $R^2$=10.5%). Conclusion: This study provides reference values for IOS measurements of normal Korean preschool children. These provide a basis for the diagnosis and monitoring of preschool children with a variety of respiratory diseases.

Psychoeducational Profile-Revised, Korean Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition, and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale, Second Edition: Comparison of Utility for Developmental Disabilities in Preschool Children

  • Sumi Ryu;Taeyeop Lee;Yunshin Lim;Haejin Kim;Go-eun Yu;Seonok Kim;Hyo-Won Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.258-267
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study aimed to compare the utility of the Psychoeducational Profile-Revised (PEP-R), Korean Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition (K-WPPSI-IV), and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale, Second Edition (VABS-II) for evaluating developmental disabilities (DD) in preschool children. Additionally, we examined the correlations between the PEP-R, K-WPPSI-IV, and VABS-II. Methods: A total of 164 children aged 37-84 months were assessed. Children's development was evaluated using the PEP-R, K-WPPSI-IV, VABS-II, Preschool Receptive-Expressive Language Scale, and Korean Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition. Results: Of the 164 children, 103 had typical development (TD) and 61 had DD. The mean of the PEP-R Developmental Quotient (DQ), K-WPPSI-IV Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ), and VABS-II Adaptive Behavior Composite (ABC) scores were significantly higher in the TD group than in the DD group (p<0.001). The estimated area under the curve of the PEP-R DQ, K-WPPSI-IV FSIQ, and VABS-II ABC scores was 0.953 (95% confidence interval [CI]=0.915-0.992), 0.955 (95% CI=0.914-0.996), and 0.961 (95% CI=0.932-0.991), respectively, which did not indicate a statistically significant difference. The PEP-R DQ scores were positively correlated with the K-WPPSI-IV FSIQ (r=0.90, p<0.001) and VABS-II ABC scores (r=0.84, p<0.001). A strong correlation was observed between the K-WPPSI-IV FSIQ and VABS-II ABC scores (r=0.89, p<0.001). Conclusion: This study found that the PEP-R, K-WPPSI-IV, and VABS-II effectively distinguished DD from TD in preschool children, and no significant differences in utility were observed between them.

Child-rearing Attitudes of Fathers of Preschool Children: Korean Parent As A Teacher Inventory (한국형 부모양육태도 검사를 이용한 학령전기 아동 아버지의 양육태도)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Kim, Shin-Jeong
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of fathers of preschool children to child rearing and to provide basic data to develop parent education programs. Method: The participants were 84 fathers of preschool children and the measurement tool was the Korean Parent As A Teacher Inventory self-report questionnaire and data were collected from 1 kindergarten and 1 child care center located in Gyeonggi Province. Results: 1) Child-rearing attitudes of the fathers was above average at $2.80({\pm}0.19)$. 2) There were significant difference statistically according to father's occupation (F=3.14, p=0.03) and child characteristics (F=4.87, p=0.01). 3) There were significant correlation between child rearing attitudes of the fathers and their age (${\tau}=-0.16$, p=0.04), and child characteristics (${\tau}=0.21$, p=0.02). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that attitudes of fathers to child rearing are important and it is necessary to develop a systemic parenting education program.

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A Comparison of Mothers' Health Promotion Behaviors between Children with or without Disabilities (학령전기 장애아동과 일반아동 어머니의 아동을 위한 건강증진행위 비교)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Lee, Ae-Ran
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.315-323
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was performed to compare mothers' health promotion behaviors between those who have a disabled child and those who have a healthy child. Method: The participants were 243 mothers from 24 Daycare Centers for Children with Disabilities and 310 mothers from 5 child daycare centers. Mothers with preschool children completed self-report questionnaires, asking about health behaviors for preschool children. Data from these surveys was analyzed using the ANOVA, t-test, and $x^2$-test with the SPSS 15.0 Win program. Result: Mothers with disabled children showed less health promotion behaviors than the mothers' of children without disabilities. Two sub-categories, activity-exercise and health perception-health management pattern, showed significant differences between the two groups. In addition, mothers' health behaviors for disabled children were significantly different according to the children's age, mothers' employed status, and number of children in the family. Conclusion: These results suggest that mothers with disabled preschool children are likely to practice less health promotion behaviors with their children compared to others. These findings suggest that health promotion support programs for mothers with disabled children should be developed and offered. For effective intervention, pediatric nurses also need to be involved in the health of disabled children.