• Title/Summary/Keyword: power-law FGM

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Dynamic instability analysis for S-FGM plates embedded in Pasternak elastic medium using the modified couple stress theory

  • Park, Weon-Tae;Han, Sung-Cheon;Jung, Woo-Young;Lee, Won-Hong
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1239-1259
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    • 2016
  • The modified couple stress-based third-order shear deformation theory is presented for sigmoid functionally graded materials (S-FGM) plates. The advantage of the modified couple stress theory is the involvement of only one material length scale parameter which causes to create symmetric couple stress tensor and to use it more easily. Analytical solution for dynamic instability analysis of S-FGM plates on elastic medium is investigated. The present models contain two-constituent material variation through the plate thickness. The equations of motion are derived from Hamilton's energy principle. The governing equations are then written in the form of Mathieu-Hill equations and then Bolotin's method is employed to determine the instability regions. The boundaries of the instability regions are represented in the dynamic load and excitation frequency plane. It is assumed that the elastic medium is modeled as Pasternak elastic medium. The effects of static and dynamic load, power law index, material length scale parameter, side-to-thickness ratio, and elastic medium parameter have been discussed. The width of the instability region for an S-FGM plate decreases with the decrease of material length scale parameter. The study is relevant to the dynamic simulation of micro structures embedded in elastic medium subjected to intense compression and tension.

Free vibrational behavior of perfect and imperfect multi-directional FG plates and curved structures

  • Pankaj S. Ghatage;P. Edwin Sudhagar;Vishesh R. Kar
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.367-383
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    • 2023
  • The present paper examines the natural frequency responses of the bi-directional (nx-ny, ny-nz and nz-nx) and multidirectional (nx-ny-nz) functionally graded (FG) plate and curved structures with and without porosity. The even and uneven kind of porosity pattern are considered to observe the influence of porosity type and porosity index. The numerical findings have been obtained using a higher order shear deformation theory (HSDT) based isometric finite element (FE) approach generated in a MATLAB platform. According to the convergence and validation investigation, the proposed HSDT based FE model is adequate to predict free vibrational responses of multidirectional porous FG plates and curved structures. Further a parametric analysis is carried out by taking various design parameters into account. The free vibrational behavior of bidirectional (2D) and multidirectional (3D) perfect-imperfect FGM structure is examined against various power law index, support conditions, aspect, and thickness ratio, and for the curvature of curved structures. The results indicate that the maximum non-dimensional fundamental frequency (NFF) value is observed in perfect FGM plates and curved structures compared to porous FGM plates and curved structures and it is maximum for FGM plates and curved structures with uneven kind of porosity than even porosity.

Post-buckling responses of elastoplastic FGM beams on nonlinear elastic foundation

  • Trinh, Thanh-Huong;Nguyen, Dinh-Kien;Gan, Buntara S.;Alexandrov, S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.515-532
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    • 2016
  • The elastoplastic response of functionally graded material (FGM) beams resting on a nonlinear elastic foundation to an eccentric axial load is investigated by using the finite element method. The FGM is assumed to be formed from ceramic and metal phases with their volume fraction vary in the thickness direction by a power-law function. A bilinear elastoplastic behavior is assumed for the metallic phase, and the effective elastoplastic properties of the FGM are evaluated by Tamura-Tomota-Ozawa (TTO) model. Based on the classical beam theory, a nonlinear finite beam element taking the shift in the neutral axis position into account is formulated and employed in the investigation. An incremental-iterative procedure in combination with the arc-length control method is employed in computing the equilibrium paths of the beams. The validation of the formulated element is confirmed by comparing the equilibrium paths obtained by using the present element and the one available in the literature. The numerical results show that the elastoplastic post-buckling of the FGM beams is unstable, and the post-buckling strength is higher for the beams associated with a higher ceramic content. Different from homogeneous beams, yielding in the FGM beam occurs in the layer near the ceramic layer before in the layer near metal surface. A parametric study is carried out to highlight the effect of the material distribution, foundation support and eccentric ratio on the elastoplastic response of the beams.

Analysis of torsional-bending FGM beam by 3D Saint-Venant refined beam theory

  • Guendouz, Ilies;Khebizi, Mourad;Guenfoud, Hamza;Guenfoud, Mohamed;El Fatmi, Rached
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.84 no.3
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    • pp.423-435
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    • 2022
  • In this article, we present torsion-bending analysis of a composite FGM beam with an open section, according to the advanced and refined theory of 1D / 3D beams based on the 3D Saint-Venant's solution and taking into account the edge effects. The (initially one-dimensional) model contains a set of three-dimensional (3D) displacement modes of the cross section, reflecting its 3D mechanical behaviour. The modes are taken into account depending on the mechanical characteristics and the geometrical form of the cross-section of the composite FGM beam. The model considered is implemented on the CSB (Cross-Section and Beam Analysis) software package. It is based on the RBT/SV theory (Refined Beam Theory on Saint-Venant principle) of FGM beams. The mechanical and physical characteristics of the FGM beam continuously vary, depending on a power-law distribution, across the thickness of the beam. We compare the numerical results obtained by the three-beam theories, namely: The Classical Beam Theory of Saint-Venant (Classical Beam Theory CBT), the theory of refined beams (Refined Beam Theory RBT), and the theory of refined beams, using the higher (high) modes of distortion of the cross-section (Refined Beam Theory using distorted modes RBTd). The results obtained confirm a clear difference between those obtained by the three models at the level of the supports. Further from the support, the results of RBT and RBTd are of the same order, whereas those of CBT remains far from those of higher-order theories. The 3D stresses, strains and displacements, obtained by the present study, reflect the 3D behaviour of FGM beams well, despite the initially 1D nature of the problem. A validation example also shows a very good agreement of the proposed models with other models (classical or higher-order beam theory) and Carrera Unified Formulation 1D-beam model with Lagrange Expansion functions (CUF-LE).

Analytical and finite element method for the bending analysis of the thick porous functionally graded sandwich plate including thickness stretching effect

  • Imad Benameur;Youcef Beldjelili;Abdelouahed Tounsi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.85 no.5
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    • pp.593-605
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    • 2023
  • This work presents a comparison between analytical and finite element analysis for bending of porous sandwich functionally graded material (FGM) plates. The plate is rectangular and simply supported under static sinusoidal loading. Material properties of FGM are assumed to vary continuously across the face sheets thickness according to a power-law function in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents while the core is homogeneous. Four types of porosity are considered. A refined higher-order shear with normal deformation theory is used. The number of unknowns in this theory is five, as against six or more in other shear and normal deformation theories. This theory assumes the nonlinear variation of transverse shear stresses and satisfies its nullity in the top and bottom surfaces of the plate without the use of a shear correction factor. The governing equations of equilibrium are derived from the virtual work principle. The Navier approach is used to solve equilibrium equations. The constitutive law of the porous FGM sandwich plate is implemented for a 3D finite element through a subroutine in FORTRAN (UMAT) in Abaqus software. Results show good agreement between the finite element model and the analytical method for some results, but the analytical method keeps giving symmetric results even with the thickness stretching effect and load applied to the top surface of the sandwich.

Biaxial buckling analysis of sigmoid functionally graded material nano-scale plates using the nonlocal elaticity theory (비국소 탄성이론을 이용한 S형상 점진기능재료 나노-스케일 판의 이축 좌굴해석)

  • Lee, Won-Hong;Han, Sung-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.5930-5938
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    • 2013
  • The sigmoid functionally graded mateiral(S-FGM) theory is reformulated using the nonlocal elatictiry of Erigen. The equation of equilibrium of the nonlocal elasticity are derived. This theory has ability to capture the both small scale effects and sigmoid function in terms of the volume fraction of the constituents for material properties through the plate thickness. Navier's method has been used to solve the governing equations for all edges simply supported boundary conditions. Numerical solutions of biaxial buckling of nano-scale plates are presented using this theory to illustrate the effects of nonlocal theory and power law index of sigmoid function on buckling load. The relations between nonlocal and local theories are discussed by numerical results. Further, effects of (i) power law index, (ii) length, (iii) nonlocal parameter, (iv) aspect ratio and (v) mode number on nondimensional biaxial buckling load are studied. To validate the present solutions, the reference solutions are discussed.

Nonlocal elasticity effects on free vibration properties of sigmoid functionally graded material nano-scale plates (S형상 점진기능재료 나노-스케일 판의 자유진동 특성에 미치는 비국소 탄성 효과)

  • Kim, Woo-Jung;Lee, Won-Hong;Park, Weon-Tae;Han, Sung-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1109-1117
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    • 2014
  • We study free vibration analysis of sigmoid functionally graded materials(S-FGM) nano-scale plates, using a nonlocal elasticity theory of Eringen in this paper. This theory has ability to capture the both small scale effects and sigmoid function in terms of the volume fraction of the constituents for material properties through the plate thickness. Numerical solutions of S-FGM nano-scale plate are presented using this theory to illustrate the effect of nonlocal theory on natural frequency of the S-FGM nano-scale plates. The relations between nonlocal and local theories are discussed by numerical results. Further, effects of (i) power law index (ii) nonlocal parameters, (iii) elastic modulus ratio and (iv) thickness and aspect ratios on nondimensional frequencies are investigated. In order to validate the present solutions, the reference solutions are compared and discussed. The results of S-FGM nano-scale plates using the nonlocal theory may be the benchmark test for the free vibration analysis.

An optimized 2D kinematic model for flexure and free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates

  • Kada Draiche;Emrah Madenci;Ibrahim Klouche Djedid;Abdelouahed Tounsi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.491-508
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, a new refined higher-order shear deformation theory "RHSDT" is presented for the flexure and free vibration analysis of functionally graded (FG) plates. The main feature of this model is that it relies on a simple and optimized 2D displacement field with only two unknown variables, even less than other shear deformation theories that involve three or more unknown variables. The current theory considers a hyperbolic non-linear shape function for satisfying exactly the zero shear stress conditions on the external plate surfaces without using a shear correction factor. The mechanical properties of FG plates are assumed to vary continuously through the thickness direction according to a power-law distribution "P-FGM" and an exponential-law distribution "E-FGM". The governing equations and boundary conditions of FG plates are derived by implementing Hamilton's principle. To verify the accuracy of the present theory, the analytical results computed for simply supported FG thick plates via the Navier-type technique are checked with those obtained by other shear deformation models and 3D elasticity solutions regarded in the literature. Additionally, the impact of significant parameters on the results of mechanical stresses and natural frequencies is discussed.

Bending analysis of FGM plates using a sinusoidal shear deformation theory

  • Hadji, Lazreg;Zouatnia, Nafissa;Kassoul, Amar
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.543-558
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    • 2016
  • The response of functionally graded ceramic-metal plates is investigated using theoretical formulation, Navier's solutions, and a new displacement based on the high-order shear deformation theory are presented for static analysis of functionally graded plates. The theory accounts for a quadratic variation of the transverse shear strains across the thickness, and satisfies the zero traction boundary conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the plate without using shear correction factors. The plates are assumed to have isotropic, two-constituent material distribution through the thickness, and the modulus of elasticity of the plate is assumed to vary according to a power-law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents. Numerical results of the new refined plate theory are presented to show the effect of the material distribution on the deflections, stresses and fundamental frequencies. It can be concluded that the proposed theory is accurate and simple in solving the static and free vibration behavior of functionally graded plates.

Electromagnetothermoelastic behavior of a rotating imperfect hybrid functionally graded hollow cylinder

  • Saadatfar, M.;Aghaie-Khafri, M.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1411-1437
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    • 2015
  • The electro-magneto- thermo-elastic behavior of a rotating functionally graded long hollow cylinder with functionally graded piezoelectric (FGPM) layers is analytically analyzed. The layers are imperfectly bonded to its inner and outer surfaces. The hybrid cylinder is placed in a constant magnetic field subjected to a thermo-electro-mechanical loading and could be rested on a Winkler-type elastic foundation. The material properties of the FGM cylinder and radially polarized FGPM layers are assumed to be graded in the radial direction according to the power law. The hybrid cylinder is rotating about its axis at a constant angular velocity. The governing equations are solved analytically and then stresses, displacement and electric potential distribution are calculated. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the effects of material in-homogeneity, magnetic field, elastic foundation, applied voltage, imperfect interface and thermo-mechanical boundary condition on the static behavior of a FG smart cylinder.