• Title/Summary/Keyword: posterior attachment

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First record Acrobeles ciliatus (Rhabditida) and Plectus parietinus (Plectida) from South Korea

  • Eun, Geun;Ha, Jihye;Kang, Heonil;Kim, Yongchul;Choi, Insoo;Kim, Donggeun
    • Journal of Species Research
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.318-323
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    • 2016
  • Acrobeles ciliatus (von Linstow, 1877) and Plectus parietinus (Bastian, 1865) are newly collected from Korea. Acrobeles is similar to those nematode belongs to Rhabditidae and Panagrolaimidae by having terminal bulb without medium bulb but different by having complex, vines shaped labial attachment. A. ciliatus differed from other Acrobeles species by lateral fields with two incisures, primary axils U-shaped, and secondary axils V-shaped. Head region set off with the neck, three high labial probolae present, each having 5 tines at inner margins and 5-7 at outer margins, and two elongate apical tines. Also, it differs from the longer female body. Plectus parietinus is distinguished from all other species of Plectus by the prominent hypodermal glands, the relatively small amphid, the distinct and well set-off lips and by the subdorsal distal caudal seta on the left side of the tail. Stoma without stylet. Oesophagus about 1/4 of total body length with terminal bulb. Anus ca. 100μm from posterior extremity. Vulva is at middle of body. Have spinneret on tail tip.

Early Treatment of Class III Malocclusion (3급 부정교합의 초기치료)

  • Kim, Kaa-Yeong;Kim, Jin-Yeong;Kim, Byeong-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2001
  • The Class III malocclusion classified in two types of Skeletal Class III and Pseudo Class III. In the case of the maxillary deficiency, the protraction H-G(facemask) with Bonded RPE can be used. For children with A-P and vertical maxillary deficiency, the preferred treatment is to move the maxilla into a more anterior and inferior position, which also increases its size as bone is added at the posterior and superior sutures. Successful forward repositioning of the maxilla can be accomplished before age 8. To resist tooth movement as much as possible, the maxillary teeth should be splinted together as a single unit. The maxillary appliance must have hooks for attachment to the facemask that are located in the canine-primary molar area above the occlusal plane. The facemask usually worn until a positive overjet of 2-5mm is achieved interincisally. Occipital chin cup is successful in those patients who can bring their incisors close to an edge-to-edge position when in centric relation. This treatment is particularly useful in patients who begin treatment with a short lower anterior facial height, as this type of treatment can lead to an increase in lower anterior facial height. If the pull of the chin cup is directed below the condyle, the force of the appliance may lead to a downward and backward rotation of the mandible.

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  • Kim, Seung-Jae;Chang, Whan-Shik
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.22 no.9 s.184
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    • pp.771-780
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    • 1984
  • To observe the healing process of the gingival wound in diabetic condition, the author induced diabetes mellitus by intravascular injection of streptozotocin in rat tail vein and made fresh wound in rat mandibular posterior gingiva using scalpel. The healing processes of gingival wound were examined periodically by light microscopy. The results were as follows. 1) The healing was completed at second week in control group, but it delayed until fourth week in experimental group and the organization was persisted for first two weeks. 2) The inflamed gingiva of dibetic rat demonstrated scanty polymorphonuclear lerkocytic infiltration at the early stage of experiment, but it soon became numerous as in cotrol group and the lymphocytic infiltrations were same degree as in control group. 3) The tissue destruction was broader in the experimental group than in the control group. The epithelization was began at the early stage of healing and the epithelial attachment was reformed with the completion of the wound healing. 4) Loss of Sharpey's fibers and destruction of cementum and alveolar bone were observed with the inflammatroy reaction, but these were reformed with the completion of the wound healing.

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Factor Analysis of Linear Type Traits and Their Relation with Longevity in Brazilian Holstein Cattle

  • Kern, Elisandra Lurdes;Cobuci, Jaime Araujo;Costa, Claudio Napolis;Pimentel, Concepta Margaret McManus
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.784-790
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    • 2014
  • In this study we aimed to evaluate the reduction in dimensionality of 20 linear type traits and more final score in 14,943 Holstein cows in Brazil using factor analysis, and indicate their relationship with longevity and 305 d first lactation milk production. Low partial correlations (-0.19 to 0.38), the medium to high Kaiser sampling mean (0.79) and the significance of the Bartlett sphericity test (p<0.001), indicated correlations between type traits and the suitability of these data for a factor analysis, after the elimination of seven traits. Two factors had autovalues greater than one. The first included width and height of posterior udder, udder texture, udder cleft, loin strength, bone quality and final score. The second included stature, top line, chest width, body depth, fore udder attachment, angularity and final score. The linear regression of the factors on several measures of longevity and 305 d milk production showed that selection considering only the first factor should lead to improvements in longevity and 305 milk production.

A Osteological Study of Rhodeus uyekii (각시붕어(Rhodeus uyekii)의 골격학적 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, In-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.130-140
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    • 1997
  • The osteological features of Rhodeus uyekii were examined. In this study, the detailed descriptions of cranium, vertebra and fin skeleton of Rhodeus uyekii are presented. R. uyekii had the following characteristics ; there was no fontanell in the cranium ; there was no process of supraethmoid ; the free interneural spine was large and flat ; the dorsal process of the supraoccipital was high and triangular ; the fourth infraorbital was reduced ; in the urohyal, the hypohyal attachment is bifurcated, the horizontal and vertical plate has a elongated rhombus shape with posterior edge pointed ; there was no coracoid foramen in the shoulder girdle ; there was no uroneural in the first preural centrum.

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Correction of Prominent Alar Lobule by Resecting Dilator Naris Muscles-A Pilot Study (콧구멍 확대근의 절제를 통한 넓은 콧방울의 교정-예비 보고)

  • Shin, Soo-Hye;Park, Hyun;Han, Seung-Kyu;Kim, Woo-Kyung
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.669-673
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The authors have conducted a series of anatomic studies on the factors affecting shape of a lower vault in Asian noses. The results of the studies showed that prominence of alar lobule is mainly affected by the volumes of the dilator naris anterior and posterior muscles and the insertions of the dilator naris posterior muscles. However, information on its clinical availability is yet insufficient. The present study was undertaken for clinical purpose to find out the effect of dilator naris muscle resection on the correction of prominent alar lobule. Methods: Six patients who were treated by dilator naris muscle resection with a long-term follow-up of more than 1 year were involved in this study. Rhinoplasties were performed via endonasal approaches with resecting dilator naris anterior and posterior muscles by sharp scissor. The effect of the dilator naris muscle resection on alar prominence was investigated by measuring ratio of the short axis to the long axis of a nostril (SA/LA) pre-and postoperatively. The visual analog scale (VAS) was also used to evaluate satisfaction of patients. An average follow-up time was 15.6±3.7 months. Results: Having lost the dilating and lateral pulling effects of the dilator naris muscles, the alar lobule shifted medially and alar lobule shapes improved. SA/LA significantly improved (preoperatively 0.71±0.11 and postoperatively 0.58±0.08; p <0.05). The VAS score was also increased postoperatively (preoperatively 3.2±1.8 and postoperatively 8.7±1.2; p <0.05). A mild degree of hyperpigmented scar was noted in one alar lobule. Otherwise, there was no case of postoperative complication. Conclusion: Our results suggest that prominent alar lobule could be modified by resecting the attachment of the dilator naris muscles. This maneuver removes the function of dilator naris muscles, then may produce a more aesthetically acceptable alar lobule shape.


  • Kim, Uk-Kyu;Chung, In-Kyo;Park, Bong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.337-349
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    • 1999
  • The extracellular matrix(ECM) is a complex network of different combination of collagens, glycosaminoglycans, laminin, fibronectin, and many other glycoproteins including proteolytic enzymes. The composition and organization of the ECM contributes to the uniques physical or biomechanical properties of a tissue. Fibronectins(FN) are dimeric glycoproteins located on cell surfaces, in the matrix of connective tissue, and in blood. Fibronectins mediate cell attachment to collagen substratum and have been implicated in a variety of important biological processes, including embryogenesis and cell differentiation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of surgical induction of anterior disk displacement(ADD) on distribution of fibronectin in the rabbit temporomandibular joint(TMJ) tissues included the articular cartilage, disc, retrodiscal tissue, articular eminence using an immunohistochemical technique. The left TMJ was exposed surgically, and all discal attachments were severed except for the posterior attachment. The disk was then repositioned anteriorly and sutured to the zygomatic arch. The right TMJ served as a shamoperated control. Normal joints were used as a nonoperated control. Fourty-five rabbits were used for experiments in total. For fibronectin immunohistochemical study, eighteen rabbits (one normal group and 5 experimental groups, each group consists of 3 rabbits) were used. The experimental rabbits were sacrified after operation period of 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 weeks on fibronectin. The obtained results were as follows ; 1. Fibronectin immunoreaction on all TMJ tissues(mandibular condyle, articular disc, retrodiscal tissue, articular eminence) in the normal rabbit was observed. Especially the reverse cell layer and proliferation zone of articular cartilage of condyle show strong positive reaction. 2. Depletion of fibronectin in the all TMJ tissues except hypertrophic zone of articular cartilage occurred at 2 weeks following induction of ADD. 3. The restoration of immunoreaction at 4 weeks was observed and a progressive increasing reaction at 6 weeks, 8 weeks also was found. Our study generally showed degenerative changes in TMJ tissues after ADD although TMJ tissues adapted or degenerated to abnormal loads and stress distribution according to the remodeling capacity of TMJ tissues.

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  • Kim Jin-Yeol;Jeon Young-Chan;Jeong Chang-Mo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.507-524
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    • 2002
  • Load transfer of implant overdenture varies depending on anchorage systems that are the design of the superstructure and substructure and the choice of attachment. Overload by using improper anchorage system not only will cause fracture of the framework or screw but also may cause failure of osseointegration. Choosing anchorage system in making prosthesis, therefore, can be considered to be one of the most important factors that affect long-term success of implant treatment. In this study, in order to determine the effect of anchorage systems on load transfer in mandibular implant overdenture in which 4 implants were placed in the interforaminal region, patterns of stress distribution in implant supporting bone in case of unilateral vertical loading on mandibular left first molar were compared each other according to various types of anchorage system using three-dimensional photoelastic stress analysis. The five photoelastic overdenture models utilizing Hader bar without cantilever using clips(type 1), cantilevered Hader bar using clips(type 2), cantilevered Hader bar with milled surface using clips(type 3), cantilevered milled-bar using swivel-latchs and frictional pins(type 4), and Hader bar using clip and ERA attachments(type 5), and one cantilevered fixed-detachable prosthesis(type 6) model as control were fabricated. The following conclusions were drawn within the limitations of this study, 1. In all experimental models. the highest stress was concentrated on the most distal implant supporting bone on loaded side. 2. Maximum fringe orders on ipsilateral distal implant supporting bone in a ascending order is as follows: type 5, type 1, type 4, type 2 and type 3, and type 6. 3. Regardless of anchorage systems. more or less stresses were generated on the residual ridge under distal extension base of all overdenture models. To summarize the above mentioned results, in case of the patients with unfavorable biomechanical conditions such as not sufficient number of supporting implants, short length of the implant and unfavorable antero-posterior spread. selecting resilient type attachment or minimizing distal cantilever bar is considered to be appropriate methods to prevent overloading on implants by reducing cantilever effect and gaining more support from the distal residual ridge.


  • Maeng, Yu-Jin;Oh, So-Hee
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.613-618
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    • 2009
  • Impacted molars are not usual with the prevalence rate of less than 1%, however problems such as infraocclusion, extrusion of the opposite tooth and lack of space are caused. If molars are impacted, radiographic check-up and observations are needed as they play an important role in skeletal development and mastication. Causes of impaction are underdevelopment of roots, supernumerary teeth, cysts, odontomas, ankylosis and etc. In our first case, we present impacted molar which was surgically exposed and orthodontically traded. As the developmental state of the root was less than half at first visit, we observed until the root was 2/3 in its length and traction was carried out. The second case is orthodontic traded molar with compleate enucleation of the existing cysts. When trading impacted molars, direct bonding of attachments to the tooth and light continuous forces are recommended so as to ankylosis, external absorption and periodontal attachment loss avoid. Fixed appliances tract the teeth on arch and obtain eruption spaces without patient's cooperation. We report surgically exposed and orthodontically traded molars which resulted in good occlusion and patients satisfaction.

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Analysis of functional load on the dentated skull with unilateral molar loss during simulated bilateral clenching clenching (이악물기 치아접촉시 편측 구치 상실을 지닌 두개골의 부하분석)

  • Jeong, SeogJo;Jeong, SeungMi;Kang, DongWan
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the mechanical stress and displacement on the jaws during the simulated bilateral clenching task on the three-dimensional finite element model of the dentated skull with unilateral molar loss. For this study, the computed tomography(G.E.8800 Quick, USA) was used to scan the total length of human skull in the frontal plane at 2.0mm intervals. The fully assembled finite element model consists of the articular disc, maxilla, mandible, teeth, periodontal ligament and cranium. The FE model was used to simulate the bilateral clenching in intercuspal position. The loading condition was the force of the masseter muscle exerted on the mandible as reported by Korioth et al. degrees of freedom of the zygomatic region where the masseter muscle is attached were fixed as restraints. In order to reflect the actual action of the muscles force, the displacement of the region was attached where the muscle is connected to the temporal bone and restraint conditions were given values identical to values at the attachment region of the masticatory muscle but with the opposite direction of the reaction from when the muscle force is acted on the mandible. Although the mandible generally has higher displacement and von Mises stress than the maxilla, its mandibular corpus on the molar-loss side has a higher stress and displacement than the molar-presence side. Because the displacement and von Mises Stress was the highest on the lateral surface of mandibular corpus with molar loss, the stress level of the condyle on the molar-loss side is greater than that of the molar-presence side, which in turn caused the symphysis of the mandible to bend. In conclusion, the unilateral posterior bite collapse with molar loss under para-functional activities such as bruxism and clenching can affect the stress concentration on the condyle and mandibular corpus. It is therefore necessary to consider the biomechanical function of dento-skeleton under masticatory force while designing the occlusal scheme of restoration on alveolar bone with the posterior collapse.

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