• Title/Summary/Keyword: post-colonial studies

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Rethinking the Records of the Japan's Korean Colonial Rule and the Post-War Compensation : Focusing on the Dual Decision Making System and the Sources of the Documents (제국의 식민지·점령지 지배와 '전후보상' 기록의 재인식 조선의 식민지지배·보상처리 결재구조와 원본출처를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Kyung-Nam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.39
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    • pp.281-318
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    • 2014
  • This article aims to inquire into the decision making system and the sources of the original documents made by means of it in Imperial Japan, the colonial Chosun, GHQ, and the occupied Japan in terms of the post-war treatments of compensation on the Japanese colonial rules. It deals with them from 1910 to 1952 in the perspective of history and archivistics. This article attempts to establish the foundation on which the perception of the documents made in the Imperial Japan, its colony, and the occupied territory would be widened by placing the colonial rules and the compensation on them into a continuous line. The records of Japan's forced occupation of Korea during 1910-1945, and the original records documenting the decision making process of post-war compensation under GHQ, 1945-1952, have been dispersed in Korea, Japan and the United States. This dispersed preservation was mainly due to the complicated decision-making process among Governor-General of Chosun, the Japanese Imperial government, and the GHQ. It was the top-down styled, dual decision making system, in which the critical policies, personnel, and budget had been decided in Imperial homeland, while their implementations were made in the colonies. As a result, the records documenting the whole process of domination have been preserved dispersedly in Japan and its colonies. In particular, the accounts of not yet paid Korean workers that was forced to mobilize in Japan's colonial periods, which is emerging as the diplomatic conflict between Korea and Japan, had been dealt in the decrees of the Japanese government and policy-making of GHQ. It has already been changed to the problem as 'economic cooperation' from the 'debt'. Also, the critical records for post-war compensation were preserved dispersedly in the United States and Japan under the top-down decision making process of GHQ-Japan. Therefore, the dispersed records of 1910-1952 about the colonial rules by the Imperial Japan and the post-war compensation on them must be re-investigated for the adequate documentation in the context of time and space.

Epic Design : Local Design in Globalization Era - based on Restaurant Style - (서사적 디자인의 발현(I) - 레스토랑 양식을 통해 본 세계화 시대의 지역 디자인 -)

  • Jo, Hyun-Shin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.243-252
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    • 2006
  • This essay studies local design style in globalization era through investigation of the restaurants which are located at suburb of big cities in Korea. All regional memory and history is disappeared in 'The world time' and world design style in globalization era. Thus to study local design means to study the history of certain region and the memory of the people who lives in that area and how they represent their past and memory. Post colonial theory, everyday aesthetics and the way of using past and memory are preresearched for the theoretical background. Post colonial theory is discourse for the countries which have the experience of colonialism. History and memory are used for defining present political, social, economical and cultural situation. In this essay, the way using past and memory were classified in three dimension - by government, company, and individuals. The past which is represented by government is conceptual and defined as only sign without on going history. When it is represented by company, it is also uses as a sign and imitation without contextual meaning. However, when the past is used by individuals, it is alive in daily life. This essay argues that those restaurants which have the style of 'the Koreaness' symbolize the suppressed desire to represent the lost past and memory which are forced to be exduded during the colonial period and fast modern development. And the design style can be defined as epic design, for it has it's own main character, story, memory and plot too. This word 'epic' imply the main point of local design style. In conclusion, this essay will ask the role of design in the country which has colonial memory in globalization era.

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A Study of Women's Health and Disease through Advertisements in Dong-a Newspaper between 1920 and 1945 (1920년~1945년까지의 동아일보 광고를 통해 본 여성의 건강과 질병)

  • Park, Gyu-Ri;Baek, Kyu-Hwan;Jung, Ji-Hun;Lee, Sang-Jae
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we investigated advertisements in Dong-a newspaper about gynecological drugs between 1920 and 1945 and analyzed the awareness of women's health and disease during the Japanese Colonial Rule. The advertisements included leukorrhea, oligomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, feeling of cold, sterility, hysteria, and sexually transmitted infection and identified inattentive menstruation, improper intercourse, poor pre- and post-natal care as the cause for illness. This study includes the following limitations; it only analysed advertisements from Dong-a newspaper, and most of the drugs were manufactured in Japan and might not accurately reflect the health and disease of Korean women. Suggested future studies may include analysis of institute magazine and Japanese news advertisements during this period.

A Study on Characteristics of Reinterpretation and Tourism on Historic Sites of Buyeo Region during Japanese Colonial Era (일제강점기 부여고적의 재해석과 고적관광의 성격)

  • Kim, Jong soo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.84-97
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    • 2016
  • One of the assimilation policies of Japanese imperialism for the permanent domination in the colonial Joseon is the theory of integration of Japan and Joseon. The theory of integration of Japan and Joseon is a logic that Joseon (Korea) and Japan (Wae) were connected to the same ancestor on the basis of ancient myths. Also it is the assimilation ideology to justify the Colonial rule of those days through the objectification of historical identity or affinity of political and cultural relations of ancient Korean peninsula and Japan (Wae). Japan reorganized our history to meet the colonial point of view, as part of the assimilation policies based on the theory of integration of Japan and Joseon. On the other hand Japan attempted to objectify them through archaeological research and the reinterpretation of the historical remains. The survey, reinterpretation and tourist of the historic sites in historic cities such as Gyeongju and Buyeo were promoted in this context. In particular, the Buyeo, a capital of Baekje, was emphasized upon the close relevance and affinity between Sabi, Baekje and ancient Asuka (飛鳥) in Japan through research and reinterpretation on the Historic Sites. Based on them, Historic Sites Tourism was conducted by reconstructed historic sites toward the colonial Korean. In addition, after the Sino-Japanese war in 1937, Japan tried to realize the politics of space by upgrading and idealizing Buyeo as homeland or Shinto (神都) related to Japanese ancient mythology of the Asuka culture. This paper investigated in what context research, reinterpret and tourist of the historic sites progressed on Buyeo area and how it had soaked through the general public in the Japanese colonial era. First, it is on historic sites. Historic sites research on Buyeo area made an attempt by Sekino Tadashi in 1909 for the first time and the re-excavation of the old burial mounds and temple sites during the Japanese colonial period. Sekino set up a cultural relationship and influences between the ancient China (梁), Korea (百濟) and Japan (倭). Also, he emphasized that Sabi, Baekje largely received influence of Chinese culture and Baekje and Japan Asuka culture had closely relations and affinity. These views had been consistent during the Japanese colonial period. Second, it is the reinterpretation on Historic sites. Buyeo Historic Sites Preservation Society (Buyeo Gojeok Bojonhoe) was established in 1915 and Osaka Kintaro, curator of Baekje exhibition hall redefined the relationship between ancient Japan and Baekje as perspective of the assimilation ideology through the post contextual interpretation. In particular, they emphasized on the close relevance between Baekje's Historic sites and Japan, through the reinterpretation of Nakhwaam, Goransa and Cheongmasanseong. Third, it is the tourist on Historic sites. Buyeo Historic Sites Preservation Society played a leading role in Tourist on Historic sites at the Buyeo region. The main tourist destinations and course were restructured through a reinterpretation on the historic sites. Japan would like to show Buyeo as ideology area, homeland of ancient Japanese culture, toward the Koreans under Japanese colonial era. Thus, research, reinterpretation, and tourism on Historic sites were promoted while they were closely related to each other. The promoting body was Joseon Chongdokbu and pro-Japanese interest group. It's point was 'made' and 'shown' by the eyes of others and a rediscovery of Buyeo as representational space of colony.

Past Affairs-Related Collective Memories and the Archival Justice : The Contemporary Rebuilding of the Archive on the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (과거사 집단기억과 '아카이브 정의' 진실화해위원회 아카이브의 동시대적 재구성)

  • Lee, Kyong Rae
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.46
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    • pp.5-44
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    • 2015
  • This article purposes to define archival justice and suggest democratic modeling of the archive on the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC), which is focused on victims of state violence. These purposes come from critical mind that the absence of framework of the records management for collective memory would cause incorporation of TRC archives into mainstream archives systems in which voices of victims have been marginalized. This article intends to expand theoretical prospects of documentation of past affairs through applying humanistic and theoretical frameworks differently from institutional and policy approaches on restoration of collective memory. In order to do this, this article first considers archival justice as archives building in which state violence' victims are pivotal and then extracts theoretical frameworks for building the archives based on archival justice from recent discourses of post-colonial archives and community archives. As the next step, it criticizes current conditions of TRC archives in Korea on the basis of extracted theoretical frames and finally suggests realistic models in which each theoretical frame could be applied effectively into TRC archives that is focused on victims.

Development and Underdevelopment: Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore (발전 속의 저발전: 싱가포르 동남아연구 발전사)

  • Lee, Sang Kook
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.101-145
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    • 2010
  • Southeast Asian studies in Singapore has had a problem with locating local scholarship from the outset. The initiation of English-track scholarship was done by British scholars while Chinese scholars in the beginning were not considered as local people but as sojourners who identified China as their fatherland. If the latter had successfully located their scholarship in the post-colonial environment of Singapore, the job of identifying local scholarship would have been much easier. Indeed, for some time in the 1960s-70s, there existed a relatively strong local scholarship that was based mainly at Nanyang University. However, they became marginalized as English became dominant not just in education but also in Singapore society. Unlike the Chinese-track scholarship, the English-track scholarship in Singapore has developed greatly over the years. The establishment of ISEAS was the crystallized form of Singapore's endeavors to develop a Singapore brand of Southeast Asian studies to the world. Alongside ISEAS, NUS has carried on the English-track Southeast Asian studies and become a world-class university in this academic field. The formation of the Southeast Asian Programme and ARI marked a cornerstone for NUS in advancing Southeast Asian studies. However, Singaporean scholarship continues to be weak in comparison to foreign scholarship. In the absence of strong local scholarship, the typical way in which Singapore has chosen to develop Southeast Asian studies has been to establish world-class institutes and to bring in foreign talents. This strategy has perhaps paid off since it has situated Singapore as the prime place where scholars gather, information goes around and quality research outcomes are published. However, whether or not it has strengthened local scholarship remains a controversial issue. The dominant contribution of foreign scholars continues to pose the problem of whether the ownership of Southeast Asian studies in Singapore belongs to Singapore itself. The identification of scholarship in Singapore is an unsettled matter.

Deconstructive Reading to Jim's Itinerary through Lord Jim: Focusing on Events of his Mimetic Desire (『로드 짐』의 낭만적 편력에 대한 해체론 독법: 모방적 욕망의 사건을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Su
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.115-170
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this paper is to explore Jim's itinerary journey in terms of both Girald's concept of triangular desire and Derrida's concept of event. According to the Girard's mimetic desire theory, human being's desire is not spontaneous like Romanticism thought, but mimetic to the mediator between the subject and the object. Thus there is no romantic desire understood as one's own desire except mimetic desire. In this regard, mimetic desire is compatible with the conception of Derrida's thinking of an event that is resistant to its absolute singularity. Because both mimetic desire and event cannot be defined by the fact of each spatio-temporal specificity, they can not be understood by a traditional metaphysics of presence. In this paper, by using Girard's concept of mimetic desire theory, I showcase why the tragic journey of Jim's telos as a mythic quest for his romantic ego(ipse) cannot help but face his death and by using deconstructive thinking of iterability, this paper analyzes why Jim's romantic ego imitated by the mimetic desire through a mediator cannot be encountered happily with his ipseity until his end. As a victim of triangluar desire, Jim's romantic ego is nothing but a notion of an ipsiety that has been defined in terms of presence central to metaphysics. This paper also makes an attempt to re-interpret some articles contaminated with post-colonial perspectives from Derridean views with deconstructive rigorous reading to those papers to uncover an essential ground of presence.

The Rise of the Novel and the Sexual Contract: Beyond correspondence between novel and nation-state (소설의 발생과 성적 계약 -국민국가 담론을 넘어)

  • Kim, Bongyoul
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.793-820
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    • 2009
  • The studies of correspondence between novel and nation-state, among which The Rise of the Novel by Ian Watt is supposed to be the first book, have flourished for more than twenty years, encouraged by Benedict Anderson's and Cathy Davidson's works. According to them, the novel should come simultaneously with, or after the foundation of the nation-state, and testify to its production or the emergence of its subject/citizen. This paper questions about these prepositions, trying to introduce a new paradigmatical approach, "between global and transnational historical approach," to first novels in transatlantic areas including England and atlantic coastal areas. In its complex relation to a variety of colonial, post-colonial, and transnational geopolitics, various cultural practices such as history, traveler's tales and epistolary novels can be included in the genre of the novel. The idea of the sexual contract by Carole Pateman is very useful because it helps more clearly understand the nature of relation between men and women in the capitalist reproduction, while the social contract tells about the relation between men as citizens. Unlike Freud in Totem and Taboo, Zilboorg argues that there were primordial and violent scenes such as rape before the first sexual contract. This paper will illuminate that "the rise of the novel" corresponded with the emergence of the sexual contract. In the so-called first novel Pamela, the heroine Pamela was threatened to be violated by Mr. B., and was really even confined in his cottage. Mary Rowlandson's The Captive Narrative shows that her body was confined as an English female captive, and troubled with imaginary rape by Indians which resulted in the unequal sexual contract between her and her puritan community in America. However, Leonora Sansay's Secret History in an alternative communality, which was not a nation-state, was different from both novels mentioned above, in that it shows the possibility of emancipation from their unequal marriage, the sexual contract. Therefore, it can be argued that "between global and transnational historical approach" has a possibility to provide a new vision of global sisterhood and solidarity to recognize globalized women's violence, and free themselves from the unequal sexual contract.

Intercultural Communication and Narrative Analysis of News (문화 간 커뮤니케이션과 뉴스 보도의 내러티브 분석)

  • Yoon, Sunny
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.36
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    • pp.162-197
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    • 2006
  • This research looks into the narrative aspect of news in order to disclose problems with intercultural communication in our society. News on racial issues and "Hanryu" would illustrate cultural bias against others. This study attempts to analyze narrative structures of news on these issues using narrative theories including Greimas and Levi-Strauss. It covers news on major newspapers such as Chosun, Jung Ang, Dong A, Hanguerae and Economy Daily as well as major broadcasting news including KBS, SBS and MBC. There were 495 news on 'Hanryu' and racial issues with regard to Hines Ward from January 1, 2006 to April 15, 2006. By analysing narrative structures of these news, I found power underneath news messages which undermine the reality. Expansionism and cultural insensibility prevent our society from understanding other cultures as they are. Post-colonial theories provide a guideline for detecting intercultural barriers and national identity crisis in our society.

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Multi-Culture in Men's Fashion (남성 패션에 표현된 다중 문화)

  • 이민선
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to Investigate the value of multi-culture and to examine how multi-culture has been reflected in men's fashion. As for the research methodology, literary research was under taken to study psychoanalytical and socioeconomic contexts in which multi-culture in men's fashion has been formed. In addition, demonstrative studies on styles were undertaken through the analysis of pictures and photos. The historical range of this study is from the 19th century when western and modern original form of men's dress were visualized, to the year 2001 when the elements of multi-culture are expressed in men's fashion. Westerners in 19th century respected Greek fine arts and the desire for realistic restoration of the body of Greek hero is well reflected in men's suits. Other races were forced to believe such realistic depiction of the Greek body as a symbol of modernization. With the advent of the Information Society In the late 20th century, absolute power had been decentralized, and people in the third world have revealed the racial contradictions by realizing the concept of splitted subject existing In unconscious. In the post-colonial world in the late 20th century, the value of diverse cultures is admitted. Models come from various races in fine art or photographic work Fashion trends are no longer limited to dominant mode, and designers express multi-culture by adopting and renewing folk elements from all over the world.

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