• 제목/요약/키워드: possible application paradigm

검색결과 54건 처리시간 0.03초

The Ecological Paradigm in Architecture Comparative Study of Descartes and Ecological Paradigm and Their Influence in Architecture

  • Joh, Hahn
    • Architectural research
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2006
  • The goal of this research is to find a theoretical base of the ecological paradigm, and explore the architectural ramification of the paradigm. To understand the paradigm in a historical and philosophical context, the paradigm is comparatively analyzed with the contrasting, Descartes-Newtonian paradigm to reveal the influence of each respective paradigm in various fields of science, such as logic, physics, bio-medical sciences, psychology, social sciences, and architecture. The affect in architectural ream is studied to find out the patterns of how the two contrasting paradigms have been materialized since the era of modern architecture and later. At the end, this paper proposes the possible architectural application methods of ecological design process.

충북(忠北) 미활용(未活用) 폐교(閉校)의 실태(實態)와 활용방안(活用方案)에 대한 조사연구(調査硏究) (The Analysis of Present Condition and Utilization Planning of Closed School in Chungbuk Province)

  • 정진주;박승렬;김승근;최효승
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2000
  • Many primary schools that have been an important role in the community at the same time local important facility not only local area but also all area in Korea have shown a situation for closing and into grating a school because of a social and political measure. The education policy for man power training and closing policy for small scale school not more than 100 students can't role in the rural development policy, coming farming and fishing villages. The reasons for thinking some application paradigm and closing schools have been important role in the point of education and culture parts. Of course, the application paradigm for closing school facility will get accomplished for a mood of local residents and a point of cultural deference, not keeping up unconditionally for closing a school. For accomplishing versatile purposes, initiative role of the organs of local education is very important. The organs of local education have an application paradigm that closing schools are the facilities for local organs of education will plan some specific facility to be matched for local special quality and connection quality of surrounding facility and environment. Before an application paradigm of closing school, it is very important that a fundamental factor for negligence the facility will be solved. Eventually, the organs of education have a plan for technical study of this paradigm and consider keeping and mending of closing facility, rent the facility for payment or not they want, and confer money problem not an unconditional scale.

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Designing New Algorithms Using Genetic Programming

  • Kim, Jin-Hwa
    • 한국지능정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지능정보시스템학회 2004년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2004
  • This study suggests a general paradigm enhancing genetic mutability. Mutability among heterogeneous members in a genetic population has been a major problem in application of genetic programming to diverse business problems. This suggested paradigm is implemented to developing new methods from existing methods. Within the evolutionary approach taken to designing new methods, a general representation scheme of the genetic programming framework, called a kernel, is introduced. The kernel is derived from the literature of algorithms and heuristics for combinatorial optimization problems. The commonality and differences among these methods have been identified and again combined by following the genetic inheritance merging them. The kernel was tested for selected methods in combinatorial optimization. It not only duplicates the methods in the literature, it also confirms that each of the possible solutions from the genetic mutation is in a valid form, a running program. This evolutionary method suggests diverse hybrid methods in the form of complete programs through evolutionary processes. It finally summarizes its findings from genetic simulation with insight.

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Connection Management Scheme using Mobile Agent System

  • Lim, Hee-Kyoung;Bae, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Kwang-Ok
    • 통합자연과학논문집
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.192-196
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    • 2018
  • The mobile agent paradigm can be exploited in a variety of ways, ranging from low-level system administration tasks to middle ware to user-level applications. Mobile agents can be useful in building middle-ware services such as active mail systems, distributed collaboration systems, etc. An active mail message is a program that interacts with its recipient using a multimedia interface, and adapts the interaction session based on the recipient's responses. The mobile agent paradigm is well suitable to this type of application, since it can carry a sender-defined session protocol along with the multimedia message. Mobile agent communication is possible via method invocation on virtual references. Agents can make synchronous, one-way, or future-reply type invocations. Multicasting is possible, since agents can be aggregated hierarchically into groups. A simple check-pointing facility has also been implemented. Another proposed solution is to use multi agent computer systems to access, filter, evaluate, and integrate this information. We will present the overall architectural framework, our agent design commitments, and agent architecture to enable the above characteristics. Besides, the each information needed a mobile agent system such as text, graphic, image, audio and video etc, constructed a great capacity multimedia database system. However, they have problems in establishing connections over multiple subnetworks, such as no end-to-end connections, transmission delay due to ATM address resolution, no QoS protocols. We propose a new connection management scheme in the thesis to improve the connection management involved of mobile agent systems.

PDA를 이용한 무선교량유지관리(MBMS) Application 개발 (Application of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) for Mobile Bridge Management System (MBMS))

  • 이태식;이동욱;이성현
    • 한국철도학회논문집
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 2004
  • The accumulated BMS data have made it easy to make reasonable decision-making for bride maintenance and repair work. In the developing period of BMS, the bridge management was not easy due to the lack of understanding of BMS and low credibility of the data. In recent years, it has been possible to enhance the credibility of the data and to expand the application scopes of BMS with the efforts of Local Road Construction Offices. The reasonable decision making for bridge management can improve the performance of bridges under the practical constraints such as limited budget. It can then result in the reduction of bridge maintenance budget. This study provides the methodology for the application of mobile internet-based KOBMS for bridge management. The data flow for BMS is the most important factor for decision-making on budget allocation, and this study establishes the basic scheme of the data flow for BMS. The implementation of PDA for BMS may suggest a new paradigm of 'Mobile' in the field of construction management.

웹 브라우저 기반의 네트워크 컴퓨터 아키텍쳐 설계 (Design of the Network Computer Architecture based on a Web Browser)

  • 송민규
    • 디지털콘텐츠학회 논문지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.607-616
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    • 2008
  • 컴퓨터 및 네트워크 기술의 발전에 힘입어 이전에는 불가능하던 컴퓨팅 패러다임이 현실화되고 있다. 이른바, 네트워크 컴퓨터로 지칭되는 컴퓨팅 방식에서 컴퓨터 시스템 및 리소스는 이전의 그것과는 비교할 수 없을 정도로 확장 가능하다. 네트워크에 접속되어 있는 여러 컴퓨터 시스템들의 무리는 하나의 거대한 가상 컴퓨터에 해당하며, 사용자는 네트워크 상에 분산된 방대한 리소스를 효율적으로 활용할 수 있다. 네트워크 상의 시스템에서 필요한 작업을 수행하고 리소스를 활용할 수 있기에 클라이언트를 경량화하는 것이 가능하다. 이러한 클라이언트는 씬-클라이언트로서 불리고 있는데 네트워크 상의 시스템과 리소스를 활용함으로써 필요한 작업을 수행한다는 점에서 네트워크 컴퓨터와도 일맥상통한다고 할 수 있다. 네트워크 컴퓨터 패러다임에서 네트워크는 애플리케이션 전달을 위한 기반 플랫폼으로서 작동하며 클라이언트 상에서 원격의 서버 시스템에 대한 접근 및 애플리케이션 실행하는 것을 가능하게 한다. 이를 구현하는 기술에는 여러 가지가 있지만 본 논문에서는 웹, X 윈도우, Pyjamas 기술을 활용할 것이다. 이를 통하여 사용자는 마치 로컬에서와 같이 서버 시스템의 애플리케이션을 활용할 수 있으며 보안 및 유지관리에 있어 효율을 극대화할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 네트워크 컴퓨터 구현을 위한 기반 환경으로 웹 브라우저를 지정하였으며, 클라이언트에서 웹 브라우저를 통하여 서버 상의 애플리케이션을 효율적으로 활용할 수 있는 아키텍쳐를 설계하고자 한다.

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실내 건축 환경에서 있어서 유비쿼터스의 적용 (The application of the ubiquitous system in the interior architectural environment)

  • 정효경
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2009년도 제40회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.2097_2098
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    • 2009
  • 'Ubiquitous' based on progressive development of IT technology is a new paradigm of the 21th century. In terms of rapid social and technological change, the architectural environment has been changed by computer networking system. According to the condition of the IT business, interior architectural space has been needed to consider applying IT technology for intelligent living environment. To develop the most appropriate architectural interior space applied by home network system, designers need to understand products of the home network system comprised by technical bases and classification of the system. This research is for introducing the information of the recent home network system, products and possible application of ubiquitous system for the future interior architectural space.

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Traction Motor 설계에 관한 연구 (A Study of Basic Design for the Traction Motor)

  • 김원호;배재남;장익상;이주
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2010년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1395-1401
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    • 2010
  • A paradigm shift in driving system of transportation vehicle from engine to electric motor is required as the problems on air pollution and drain of petroleum resource are on the rize. Moreover while it is possible to control the motor with variable frequency driver, the application of motor in various kinds of vehicles is spread rapidly. In the paper, the effective design method of IPMSM for EV and HEV by using equivalent magnetic circuit and finite element method (FEM) is suggested. First of all, load conditions of the application are calculated. And basic design process of IPMSM is proposed with two design point. Finally, in order to verify the proposed design process, it was compared with the basic design parameter and the FEM analysis results.

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Open Source Cloud Computing: An Experience Case of Geo-based Image Handling in Amazon Web Services

  • Lee, Ki-Won
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.337-346
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    • 2012
  • In the view from most application system developers and users, cloud computing becomes popular in recent years and is still evolving. But in fact it is not easy to reach at the level of actual operations. Despite, it is known that the cloud in the practical stage provides a new pattern for deploying a geo-spatial application. However, domestically geo-spatial application implementation and operation based on this concept or scheme is on the beginning stage. It is the motivation of this works. Although this study is an introductory level, a simple and practical processed result was presented. This study was carried out on Amazon web services platform, as infrastructure as a service in the geo-spatial areas. Under this environment, cloud instance, a web and mobile system being previously implemented in the multi-layered structure for geo-spatial open sources of database and application server, was generated. Judging from this example, it is highly possible that cloud services with the functions of geo-processing service and large volume data handling are the crucial point, leading a new business model for civilian remote sensing application and geo-spatial enterprise industry. The further works to extend geo-spatial applications in cloud computing paradigm are left.

블록체인 기술을 이용한 학교문서위조 예방모델의 연구 (Study of a prevention model against institutional documentation forgery using blockchain technology)

  • 김기홍;김동철
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.165-178
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    • 2018
  • Exchanging information with a person without credentials over the Internet does not pose any problems. A decentralized system based on blockchain technology enables the user to exchange new value(currency) with other uncredited users. The blockchain technology creates a new paradigm in which the distribution system can be founded on trust. Various applied distribution systems are being developed based on this paradigm. This study analyzed the problems between an institute's grading system and the central administration system. The limitations of an institute's current central management system were presented through actual cases. To improve the problem, a decentralized system based on block chain technology was presented in order to overcome the fundamental limitations by utilizing blockchain technology, peer-to-peer network, and the distribution system. In the central system, a malicious moderator could create a malicious edit that becomes the cause of a dispute, but in a decentralized system, a problem cannot be created even if there were to be a malicious moderator. However, it is difficult for a single college institute to create a distribution system in order to actualize an effective system. Comparatively, it would be possible to create a decentralized system in which all educational institutes in Korea (elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges) took part in. The application of a decentralized system would improve the public transparency and reliability of educational institutes.