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How Chinese Online Media Users Respond to Carbon Neutrality: A Quantitative Textual Analysis of Comments on Bilibili, a Chinese Video Sharing Platform

  • Zha Yiru
    • Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.145-162
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    • 2023
  • This research investigates how users of Bilibili, a video sharing website based in China have responded to carbon neutrality. By conducting quantitative textual analyses on 3,311 comments on Bilibili using LDA topic extraction and content statistics, this research discovers that: (1) Bilibili users have assigned more weight to geopolitical topics (56.3%) than energy (22.0%) and environmental topics (21.7%). (2) When assessing carbon neutrality, Bilibili users considered geopolitical (53.8%) and energy factors (15.8%) more heavily than factors related to the class (9.2%), economy (8.9%), environment (8.7%), and definition (3.6%). (3) More Bilibili users had negative (64.6%) attitudes towards carbon neutrality, with only a small portion of them expressing positive (26.8%) and neutral (8.6%) attitudes. (4) Negative attitudes towards carbon neutrality were mainly driven by geopolitical concerns about the West's approach to China, other countries' free-riding on China's efforts and the West's manipulation of rules, doubts about the feasibility of energy transition and suspicion of capitalists exploiting consumers through this concept. This research highlights the geopolitical concerns behind the environmental attitudes of Chinese people, deepening our understanding to psychological constructs and crisis sensitivity of Chinese people towards environmental issues.

Comparative Study of User Reactions in OTT Service Platforms Using Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 OTT 서비스 플랫폼별 사용자 반응 비교 연구)

  • Soonchan Kwon;Jieun Kim;Beakcheol Jang
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2024
  • This study employs text mining techniques to compare user responses across various Over-The-Top (OTT) service platforms. The primary objective of the research is to understand user satisfaction with OTT service platforms and contribute to the formulation of more effective review strategies. The key questions addressed in this study involve identifying prominent topics and keywords in user reviews of different OTT services and comprehending platform-specific user reactions. TF-IDF is utilized to extract significant words from positive and negative reviews, while BERTopic, an advanced topic modeling technique, is employed for a more nuanced and comprehensive analysis of intricate user reviews. The results from TF-IDF analysis reveal that positive app reviews exhibit a high frequency of content-related words, whereas negative reviews display a high frequency of words associated with potential issues during app usage. Through the utilization of BERTopic, we were able to extract keywords related to content diversity, app performance components, payment, and compatibility, by associating them with content attributes. This enabled us to verify that the distinguishing attributes of the platforms vary among themselves. The findings of this study offer significant insights into user behavior and preferences, which OTT service providers can leverage to improve user experience and satisfaction. We also anticipate that researchers exploring deep learning models will find our study results valuable for conducting analyses on user review text data.

Clinical Nurses' Experience of Emotional Labor (임상간호사의 감정노동 경험)

  • Yom, Young-Hee;Lee, Hyunsook Zin;Son, Heesook
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.314-326
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the experience of emotional labor of clinical nurses in medical institutes. Methods: A total of 26 nurses from 11 hospitals participated in the study. Six focus groups were organized and 4 to 5 nurses took part in each group. The compositional factors of groups included clinical experience, age, gender, work place and position. Data collection was conducted through focus group interview and it was proceeded by the time of data saturation. In this qualitative study, content analysis was conducted. Results: Five themes, 14 categories, and 33 subcategories, were emerged. The themes were 'Restrain themselves', 'Communion to the patients', 'Working environment provoking emotional tension', 'Respond to emotional events', 'Recovery of emotional energy'. Conclusion: Results indicated that surface acting of emotional labor such as, repression of personal desire and presenting the emotions that the organization ask nurse to express was related to psychosomatic symptoms, depression, burnout, poor job performance, increased mistakes, and low job satisfaction which eventually leads to nurses' turnover. In order to reduce negative influence of emotional labor, it is necessary to build positive organizational culture, to provide support from managers and co-workers. It is also important to improve work environment in order to do more deep acting since sharing emotions with patients can reduce the negative influence of emotional labor.

Korean Version of the Outcome Expectations for Exercise Scale-2: Validation Study (한국판 운동기대감 측정도구 (K-OEE-2)의 타당도와 신뢰도)

  • Choi, Mona;Jung, Dukyoo
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.580-587
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: To develop and test the validity and reliability of the Korean version of outcome expectations-2 for exercise. Methods: The Korean version of outcome expectations for exercise-2 was developed through forward-backward translation techniques. Content, criterion, and construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis and an internal consistency reliability were conducted. Survey data were collected from 200 older adults living in a community. Results: The Korean version of outcome expectations for exercise-2 had factor loadings of the 13 items ranged from .20 to .76, and was validated by confirmatory factor analysis (CFI=.829, NFI=.754, RMSEA=.086). Also there was a reliable internal consistency with a Cronbach's α for the positive domain of outcome expectations for exercise scale-2 of .73. Negative domain, however, reported slightly low Cronbach's α of .63. Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrated that the Korean version of outcome expectations for exercise-2 had satisfactory validity to measure expectations regarding exercise among older adults in Korea. Negative domain, however, should be retested to verify reliability for the further study.

A Qualitative Study on Purchasing Organic Vegetables for Housewives with Elementary School Children: Focusing on Construct in the Theory of Planned Behavior (초등학생 자녀를 둔 주부의 유기농채소 구매행동에 관한 질적 연구: 계획적 행동이론의 구성요소를 중심으로)

  • Park, Dong-Yean
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.547-559
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to investigate the perception about the construct in the Theory of Planned Behavior using In-depth interview for 24 housewives with elementary school children. Most housewives did not have an intention to buy organic vegetables more in the future than in the present. They showed positive attitudes toward organic vegetables in terms of non-use of pesticides and fertilizers, taste, nutrient content, freshness, mental health, and protection of the environment. They showed negative attitudes toward organic vegetables in aspect of price, credibility of organic vegetables, differences in nutrients, appearance, size, perishability, and accessibility. Children, especially those with diseases, were the most influential persons to their mothers for buying organic vegetables. Housewives' negative attitudes toward organic vegetables were barriers for buying more organic vegetables and they were not willing to overcome these barriers actively. Therefore, government policy and nutrition education to change attitudes is needed to increase consumption of organic vegetables.

The Effect of Network Position on the Efficiency of Open Collaboration: A Study of Wikipedia Featured Article Edits

  • Naveed Khan;Jongwoo Kim;Hong Joo Lee
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.50-64
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    • 2019
  • The success of Wikipedia is due to the large number of volunteers collaborating to provide content to Wikipedia articles. In this paper, we study the effect of network position on the promotion of an article to a featured article. We focus on the edits of featured Wikipedia articles to study the effects of the centrality of editors and centrality of articles on the promotion of featured articles. Considering the editing precedence among editors within an article, editor collaboration networks for a single article are generated using the total English-written featured articles on Wikipedia. In addition, based on the affiliation network of editors and articles, an article-to-article network and an editor-to-editor collaboration network are constructed. Based on the investigation of the networks, we find that article centrality in an article-to-article network has a negative effect on the promotion of an article, and editor centrality in an article-to-article networks has a positive effect on promotion. In addition, editor centrality in an editor-to-editor network has a negative effect on promotion. Some theoretical and managerial implications are provided in view of these results.

A Study of the Elementary School Teachers' Perception in STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) Education (초등학교 교사들의 융합인재교육(STEAM)에 대한 인식 연구)

  • Shin, Young-Joon;Han, Sun-Kwan
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.514-523
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigation the elementary school teachers' perception in STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) Education. For this study, 93 elementary school teachers who have taught mathematics/science in gifted class were selected and a fifteen items questionnaire designed to elicit teachers' perception of steam education was to administered to them. The major findings are as follows: First, the ratio of teachers who understood a steam education exactly is very low. But teachers have positive thoughts about the need of steam education. Second, teachers thought that steam education has a good effect on elementary education. Third, teachers thought that steam education will be an alternative teaching and learning method. Fourth, teachers have negative thoughts to participate in class work related on steam education. To improve negative attitudes on steam education, incentives for teachers seems to be required. In order to spread steam education among the elementary school teachers successfully, the expansion of school facilities, administrators and staff in mind, improving financial support, strengthening education through the development of content and teaching strategies were analyzed as a challenge.

The Relations between Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Potted Ginkgo Biloba L. Seedlings Treated with Simulated Acid Rain (人工酸性雨가 處理된 盆植한 은행나무幼苗의 生長과 生理的 特性과의 相關)

  • Kim, Gab-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 1987
  • One-year-old seedlings of Ginkgo biloba, potted in three different soils (nursery soil, mixed and sandy soil), were treated with simulated acid rain (pH 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0) and tap water (control, pH 6.4) during the growing seasons (1985. 4. 28 - 1985. 10. 19) to examine the effects of acid rain on growth and physiological characteristics, and the relations between seedling growth and physiological characteristics. The results obtained in this study were as follows: 1. The effects of soil types on the total, top and root dry weight per seedling were significant at 5% level, and those of the pH of the rain treated at 1% level. The total dry weight of the pH 3.0 sub-plots was the highest for nursery soil, while for mixed and sandy soils, those of the control and the pH 5.0 sub-plots were the highest, respectively. 2. The leaf surface areas of pH 2.0 sub-plots severely decreased after July, but those of other sub-plots were not affected. The correlations between growth and leaf surface area differed among soil-types, however, the highest positive correlation was found in September. 3. The injured leaf rate increased with decreasing pH levels of acid rain. Highly negative correlations between growth and injured leaf rate were found. 4. The lower the pH level of acid rain treated was, the more the chlorophyll content was measured at the beginning of treatment, and the more severely it decreased at late growing season. A negative correlations were found in August, September and Octobfer. 5. The photosynthetic ability decreased rapidly after July with decreasing pH levels. A highly positive correlation between growth and photosynthetic ability was found in August.

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Positive and Negative Effects of IT on Cancer Registries

  • Mohammadzadeh, Niloofar;Safdari, Reza;Rahimi, Azin
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.4455-4457
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    • 2013
  • In the new millennium people are facing serious challenges in health care, especially with increasing non-communicable diseases (NCD). One of the most common NCDs is cancer which is the leading cause of death in developed countries and in developing countries is the second cause of death after heart diseases. Cancer registry can make possible the analysis, comparison and development of national and international cancer strategies and planning. Information technology has a vital role in quality improvement and facility of cancer registries. With the use of IT, in addition to gaining general benefits such as monitoring rates of cancer incidence and identifying planning priorities we can also gain specific advantages such as collecting information for a lifetime, creating tele medical records, possibility of access to information by patient, patient empowerment, and decreasing medical errors. In spite of the powerful role of IT, we confront various challenges such as general problems, like privacy of the patient, and specific problems, including possibility of violating patients rights through misrepresentation, omission of human relationships, and decrease in face to face communication between doctors and patients. By implementing appropriate strategies, such as identifying authentication levels, controlling approaches, coding data, and considering technical and content standards, we can optimize the use of IT. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the need for identifying positive and negative effects of modern IT on cancer registry in general and specific aspects as an approach to cancer care management.

Relationship Between Neurologic Soft Signs and Some Clinical Variables in Patients with Schizophrenia (정신분열증환자의 연성 신경학적 증상과 임상변인과의 관련성)

  • Chae, Jeong-Ho;Habm, Woong;Lee, Chung-Kyoon
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 1995
  • This study was performed to know the relationship between neurologic soft signs (NSS) and clinical variables such as psychopathology. history of illness, and premorbid social adjustment in patients with schizophrenia. The authors evaluated NSS in 31 patients with schizophrenia using the structured tool for measuring neurologic abnormalities, Neurological Evaluation Scale- Korean Version(NES-K). Relationships between NSS and clinical variables such as duration of illness, intensity of precipitating stressors, duration of outpatient treatment, schooling, peer relationship, total duration of unemployment, total days of psychiatric admission, age, total days of being medicated, age at the first psychiatric admission, frequency of admissions, content of treatment, social adjustment, and severity of symptoms were analyzed. Differences between paranoid and non-paranoid schizophrenics were examined. In addition, Differences between patients with schizophrenia who have predominant positive symptoms and who have predominant negative symptoms were examined too. Total scores of NES-K were correlated with lower schooling (γ=0.44, p<0.01). Scores of motor coordination subcategory were correlated with poor peer relationship(γ=0.67, p<0.001). Other clinical variables were not correlated with any scores of NES-K. Paranoid and non-paranoid schizophrenics were not different in scores of NES-K. Also positive and negative schizophrenics were not different in scores of NES-K. Most clinical variables except schooling and peer relationship were not related with NSS. This results indicated that the meaning of these signs was not fully be understood. Introduction of the new classification concepts such as deficit or non-deficit syndrome will be helpful to elucidate the meaning of NSS in patients with schizophrenia.

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