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Studies on the Relation between Acid Deposition and Soil Chemical Properties in Forest Areas - Especially in Gyeongsangnam-Do Province - (산성강하물과 산림토양 화학성의 관련성에 관한 연구 - 경상남도 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chong-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.260-267
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to investigated the relation between air depositions and soil properties in Gyeongsanman province. Soil pH was average 4.40 in regions, and was the highest soil pH value in Miryang-sanne(pH 5.02), the lowest pH value in Namhae-seomyeon(pH4.08). Soil pH, soil organic matter content, avail phosphorus, K, Ca and cation exchange capacity(CEC) were significantly different among regions(p<0.05). Pb in Heavy metal content was 3.86mg/kg average value, and was the highest in Keo-je region(9.87mg/kg), the lowest in Mryang-sanne (0.86mg/kg). Zn, Cd, Cr and Ni were significantly different among regions(p<0.05). Correlation between rainfall pH and soil properties were positive in soil pH(r=0.7826), Ca(r=0.6278), Mg(r=0.5841), CEC(r=0.6341) and Cd(r=0.5995), and were negative in Pb(r=0.5283). Correlation between SO2 concentration and soil properties was negative in soil pH(r=0.6796), Ca(r=0.5810), Mg(r=0.5522)) and CEC(r=0.5905). Correlation between NO2 concentration and soil properties were positive in organic matter (r=0.6208), K(r=0.5380). It was predicted that rainfall and SO2 concentration would affect soil acidification, and soil heavy metal content related Cd and Pb. Others soil heavy metal were not related.

Development and Evaluation of Online Aging and Health Management Education for Undergraduate Students (대학생을 위한 온라인 노화와 건강관리 교육의 개발 및 평가)

  • Park, Myong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.540-548
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop online aging and health management education for undergraduate students and to evaluate its effects analyzing the differences in knowledge and attitude toward aging and the elderly. Method: An Online aging and health management education program was established through analysis, planning, content framing and production, program application, and evaluation stages. The study sample consisted of 98 undergraduate students in one university in D city. The instruments used were FAQ I for knowledge of aging and a 20 item semantic differential scale for attitude toward aging and the elderly Results: The results of this study were as follows. First, undergraduate students' knowledge level was low and attitudes were negative at the baseline. Second, after the class, knowledge scores improved significantly from 14.44 to 20.12. In addition, the attitudes toward elderly and aging changed from negative to a more positive way showing a 23.57 point difference. Conclusion: This study shows that the online aging and health management education program was an effective educational method to improve knowledge and attitude of aging for the young generation such as college students.

Text Mining-Based Analysis of Customer Reviews in Hong Kong Cinema: Uncovering the Evolution of Audience Preferences (홍콩 영화에 관한 고객 리뷰의 텍스트 마이닝 기반 분석: 관객 선호도의 진화 발견)

  • Huayang Sun;Jung Seung Lee
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2023
  • This study conducted sentiment analysis on Hong Kong cinema from two distinct eras, pre-2000 and post-2000, examining audience preferences by comparing keywords from movie reviews. Before 2000, positive keywords like 'actors,' 'performance,' and 'atmosphere' revealed the importance of actors' popularity and their performances, while negative keywords such as 'forced' and 'violence' pointed out narrative issues. In contrast, post-2000 cinema emphasized keywords like 'scale,' 'drama,' and 'Yang Yang,' highlighting production scale and engaging narratives as key factors. Negative keywords included 'story,' 'cheesy,' 'acting,' and 'budget,' indicating challenges in storytelling and content quality. Word2Vec analysis further highlighted differences in acting quality and emotional engagement. Pre-2000 cinema focused on 'elegance' and 'excellence' in acting, while post-2000 cinema leaned towards 'tediousness' and 'awkwardness.' In summary, this research underscores the importance of actors, storytelling, and audience empathy in Hong Kong cinema's success. The industry has evolved, with a shift from actors to production quality. These findings have implications for the broader Chinese film industry, emphasizing the need for engaging narratives and quality acting to thrive in evolving cinematic landscapes.

The Current Situation for Recycling of Lithium Ion Batteries

  • Hiroshi Okamoto;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.252-256
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    • 2001
  • The rapid development of communication equipment and information processing technology has led to a constant improvement in cordless communication. Lithium ion batteries used in cellular phones and laptop computers, in particular, have been in the forefront of the above revolution. These batteries use high value added raw materials and have a high and stable energy output and are increasingly coming into common use. The development of the material for the negative terminal has led to an improvement in the quality and efficiency of the batteries, whereas a reduction in the cost of the battery by researching new materials for the positive anode has become a research theme by itself. These long life batteries, it is being increasingly realized, can have value added to them by recycling. Research is increasingly being done on recycling the aluminum case and the load casing for the negative diode. This paper aims to introduce the current situation of recycling of lithium ion batteries. 1. Introduction 2. Various types of batteries and the situation of their recycling and the facts regarding recycling. 3. Example of cobalt recycling from waste Lithium ion secondary cell. 3-1) Flow Chart of Lithium ion battery recycling 3-2) Materials that make a lithium ion secondary cell. 3-3) Coarse grinding of Lithium ion secondary cell, and stabilization of current discharge 3-4) Burning 3-5) Grinding 3-6) Magnetic Separation 3-7) Dry sieving 3-8) Dry Classifying 3-9) Content Ratio of recycled cobalt parts 3-10) Summary of the Line used for the recovery of Cobalt from waste Lithium ion battery. 4. Conclusion.

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Variation of Anthocyanin Content in Color-Soybean Collections (유색콩 수집종의 안토시아닌 함량 변이)

  • Jung, Chan-Sik;Park, Yong-Jin;Kwon, Yil-Chan;Suh, Hyung-Soo
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.302-307
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    • 1996
  • Seed coat anthocyanin can be purified by soaking 3 times in methanol solution supplemented with one percent of HCl. Anthocyanin content was very wide range in collected lines and average anthocyanin content of black seed coat lines was 15.07 permillage, but that of white mottled on brown seed coat lines was 0.31 permillage. In black seed coat lines green seed embryo type has more anthocyanin in amount compare to yellow seed embryo. Anthocyanin accumulation was promoted in late maturing lines compare to early maturing lines. Positive correlations were observed among 100 seed weight, days to flowering, days to growing and anthocyanin content, but negative correlation between days from flowering to maturity and anthocyanin content. Collected black seed coat lines were divided into two maturity groups. Group VI which has longer than group V in days to maturity accumulated more anthocyanin compare to group V. When the seeding date was May 15, highest anthocyanin content was observed.

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Social Perceptions of Breast Cancer by Women Still Undergoing or Having Completed Therapy: a Qualitative Study

  • Mermer, Gulengul;Nazli, Aylin;Ceber, Esin
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2016
  • Background: Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer is a crisis situation which effects women's lives physically, socially and spiritually. Investigating women's perceptions of this disease is crucially important for treatment decisions. We therefore determined social perceptions and interpretations of women diagnosed with breast cancer during therapy and in the post-treatment period. Materials and Methods: In the study, focus group and in-depth interviews were made with women still undergoing or having completed breast cancer treatment. Some 25 women were included in the research. Content analysis was used in the analysis of the qualitative data obtained after the focus group and in-depth interviews. Results: Some of the women demonstrated positive perceptions towards accepting the disease, whereas others had emotions such as rebellion and anger. The loss of a breast is important with different interpretations. Conclusions: Women's acceptance or rebellion against the disease varies within their social interpretations after the treatment, as at the stage of diagnosis/treatment. All stages of breast cancer negatively affect the social life of the affected individual as much as her body. Nurses assume crucial roles in coping with these negative effects. Thus, it is necessary to know, and sociologically interpret, what is indicated by the information on what the negative effects concerning the disease are and how they are interpreted.

KAMs Reporting and Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from Thai Listed Companies

  • SUTTIPUN, Muttanachai;SWATDIKUN, Trairong
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.841-848
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    • 2021
  • This study seeks to investigate Key Audit Matters (KAMs) reporting of Thai listed companies in Thailand, and examines the influence of KAMs reporting on corporate financial performance. Data were collected from 180 companies listed in Thailand during 2016 to 2018, which accounted to 540 annual reports. KAMs reporting was quantified by content analysis from the audit reports, while financial performance and corporate characteristics were collected from the corporate annual reports. Descriptive analysis and multiple regressions were performed to analyze the data. The study results reveal that there was an increasing of KAMs reporting in audit report of listed companies in Thailand in terms of both number of issues and number of words across the observed period. The regression analysis indicates that was a significant and negative influence of words counted as KAMs reporting on financial performance, while there was no influence of KAMs reporting issue on the performance. Moreover, there was a negative relationship between corporate complexity and financial performance, while audit type had a positive correlation with financial performance. This study shows significant contribution on the implication of KAMs in an emerging economy and the role of KAMs as a communication device between auditor and stakeholders.

Chemical Properties on the Quality of Marketed Roasting Green teas (시판 덖음녹차의 품질에 따른 이화학적 특성)

  • 신미경;장미경;서은숙
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.356-361
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to know the quality of marketed green teas which were devided into high, middle and low grade according to the price. we examined the content of water, ash, total nitrogen, tannin, caffeine, chlorophyll and color value and did sensory evaluation. The results were as follows: 1) The content of water was 2.17-3.67% and content of ash was 4.50-5.17%, there were no significant difference in each grade. 2) The content of total nitrogen was 4.38% in high grade, 4.60% in middle grade and 4.68% in low grade. 3) The content of tannin was 11.09% in high grade, 14.22% in middle grade and 14.44% in low grade, middle and low grade were significantly higher than high grade. 4) The nitrogen rate to tannin (N/T) was 39.5% in high grade, 32.6% in middle grade and 32.70% in low grade, N/T rate of high grade was significantly highest than others. 5) The content of caffeine is 1.78% in high grade, 1.32% in middle grade and 0.92% in low grade, high and middle grade were significantly higher than low grade. 6) The content of total chlorophyll is 297.37 mg% in high grade, 192.89 mg% in middle grade and 204.79 mg% in low grade, chlorophyll a was 69.23 mg% in high grade, 51.99 mg% in middle grade and 63.42 mg% in low grade, and chlorophyll b was 228.47 mg% in high grade, 131.21 mg% in middle grade and 141.63 mg% in low grade. 7) Yellow value of high and middle grade were significantly higher than low grade, but blue and red value were no significant diffrence in groups. 8) In sensory evaluation, appearance, taste, odor of high grade were better than others and total score was 15.25 in high grade, 12.97 in middle grade and 9.80 in low grade. 9) Price had a positive correlation with caffeine, appearance and taste, but a negative correlation with tannine. NT rate had a negative correlation with tannine, but a positive correlation with caffeine.

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Studies on Glycolipids in Bacteria -Part I Occurrence of Glycolipids in Various Bacteria- (세균(細菌)의 당지질(糖脂質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -제1보(第一報) 세균(細菌)에 있어서의 당지질(糖脂質)의 분포(分布)-)

  • Kim, Kyo-Chang
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 1974
  • The 23 representative bacteria were studied for the glucosamine contents which represent the glycolipid content of the cell wall. The distribution of glycolipid in various bacteria was examined and the relationship between the glycolipid contents and the Gram stain was elucidated. The results were as follows: 1. The contents of glucosamine in the glycolipid of Gram negative and variable bacterial cell wall were large ranging from the least 0.04 μg of Proteus vulgaris to the largest 2.48 μg of Aerobacter aerogenes. The Gram positive bacteria and only those Gram positive among Bacilli contained less than 0.02 μg of glucosamine contents. The least glucosamine containing Gram positive bacteria were Corynebacterium sepedonicum and Staphylococcus aureus. It could generally be said that the Gram negative and variable bacteria contain the higher content of glucosamine in the cell wall than the positives. 2. The bacteria were better stained by the Gram solution after the extraction of glycolipid from the cell wall than those without extraction. 3. The four infrared spectra of glycolipids obtained from Aerobacter aerogenes, Bacillus circulans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Salmonella typhirurium showed all the similar characteristics. All showed the existence of groups; OH, C-O, C-O-C, CH2+CH3, amide band, fatty acid ester band and ester carbonyl bond.

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Exploring the Epistemic Emotions of Elementary-School Students and the Cognitive Appraisal Factors Leading Their Emotions in the Process of Scientific Knowledge Exploration (과학적 지식 탐색 과정에서 초등학생들의 인식적 정서와 이를 이끄는 인지적 평가 요인 탐색)

  • Her, Min Ah;Oh, Phil Seok;Han, Moonhyun
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.496-509
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    • 2019
  • This study explores the types of epistemic emotions that elementary-school students experience in science classes and the cognitive appraisal factors that affect these emotions. Thirty-two fourth-grade students of an elementary school in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, participated in 20 science periods and wrote emotional diaries at the end of each class. In addition, the researcher conducted follow-up interviews to investigate the types of cognitive appraisal factors that caused the students to experience specific epistemic emotions that were recorded in their emotional diaries. The emotional diaries and interview data were analyzed using the constant comparative method of qualitative analysis. As a result, it was found that students experienced various positive and negative epistemic emotions. In addition, the cognitive appraisal factors experienced by the students were categorized into curriculum knowledge, experimental materials, experimental content, students, teachers, themselves, and integrated factors. We discussed that students' epistemic emotions are constructed cognitively and socially and that students inevitably experience negative epistemic emotions during science classes.