Text Mining-Based Analysis of Customer Reviews in Hong Kong Cinema: Uncovering the Evolution of Audience Preferences

홍콩 영화에 관한 고객 리뷰의 텍스트 마이닝 기반 분석: 관객 선호도의 진화 발견

  • Huayang Sun (Department of Health Management, Jinzhou Medical University) ;
  • Jung Seung Lee (School of Business, Hoseo University)
  • Received : 2023.02.10
  • Accepted : 2023.08.26
  • Published : 2023.08.31


This study conducted sentiment analysis on Hong Kong cinema from two distinct eras, pre-2000 and post-2000, examining audience preferences by comparing keywords from movie reviews. Before 2000, positive keywords like 'actors,' 'performance,' and 'atmosphere' revealed the importance of actors' popularity and their performances, while negative keywords such as 'forced' and 'violence' pointed out narrative issues. In contrast, post-2000 cinema emphasized keywords like 'scale,' 'drama,' and 'Yang Yang,' highlighting production scale and engaging narratives as key factors. Negative keywords included 'story,' 'cheesy,' 'acting,' and 'budget,' indicating challenges in storytelling and content quality. Word2Vec analysis further highlighted differences in acting quality and emotional engagement. Pre-2000 cinema focused on 'elegance' and 'excellence' in acting, while post-2000 cinema leaned towards 'tediousness' and 'awkwardness.' In summary, this research underscores the importance of actors, storytelling, and audience empathy in Hong Kong cinema's success. The industry has evolved, with a shift from actors to production quality. These findings have implications for the broader Chinese film industry, emphasizing the need for engaging narratives and quality acting to thrive in evolving cinematic landscapes.



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