• 제목/요약/키워드: polymyxin B

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설사환자로부터 분리한 대장균의 혈청형 분포 및 항생제 내성유형 (Serological Distribution and Properties of Antibiotic Resistance of Escherichia coli from Patients with Diarrhea)

  • 차인호;진성현;박은희;박성아;조현철;이영숙;정석훈;이영길;이상훈
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.262-272
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    • 2000
  • 설사환자에 대한 기초 역학자료의 일환으로 부산지역의 설사환자로부터 분리한 대장균의 혈청형 분 포와 항생제 내성유형을 확인한 결과 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 1. 부산시 관내의 설사환자 1,239명의 분변으로부터 대장균을 분리한 결과 1,239명중 621명의 환자분변으로부터 721주의 대장균을 분리 동정 하였다. 2. 설사 환자의 월별 발생 분포는 8월에 131명으로 가장 높은 발생율을 나타낸 반면, 1월에 59 명으로 가장 낮은 발생율을 보였다. 그러나 1월에 발생한 설사환자를 제외하고는 계절에 크게 관계없이 연중 지속적으로 고른 발생 분포를 나타내었다. 연령별 발생분포는 1세 이하의 유아와 10세 이하의 어 린이가 633명으로 전체 설사환자의 50% 이상을 나타내었고, 50대의 경우 123명, 40대의 경우 114명, 60 대의 경우 99명, 30대의 경우 79명, 10대의 경우 74명, 20대의 경우 63명의 순으로 높은 발생율을 나타 내었으며 70세 이상의 노인들은 54명으로 가장 갖은 발생율을 보였다. 3. 혈청형별 분포는 혈청형 O44 가 121주(16.8%)로서 가장 높은 분포도를 나타내었으며, O153 (8.6%), O1(7.5%), 등에는 분리균 모두 내 성을 나타내었다. 공시약제에 대한 분리주의 내성유형은 14제 내성형(26.1%), 13제 내성형(22.3%), 12제 내성형(17.3%), 11제 내성형(14.8%), 10제 내성형(8.5%), 9제 내성형(6.0%) 등의 순으로 높은 분포를 보 였으며, 본 실험에 공시된 16종의 항생제에 대한 설사환자유래 대장균의 내성유형은 총 125종류로 분류 되었다. 특히 Am Cb Cl Co Cp Em Gm Mx Nb Pg St Tb Tc Tm 의 14제 내성형이 전체 분리균주의 24.3%로 가장 높은 내성유형을 나타내었다.

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우리나라 가축(家畜)에서 분리(分離)한 Salmonella 및 대장균(大腸菌)의 내성인자(耐性因子) R의 분포(分布) (Distribution of R Factors in Salmonella and Escherichia Coli Isolated from Korean Domestic Animals)

  • 하대유;정선식;강병규
    • 대한미생물학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 1971
  • Recent reports confirm that R factors is widespread in Korea among Enterobacteriaceae isolated from humans. However, no reports have been made concerning the incidence of transferable drug resistance in domestic animals in this country. A total of 211 isolates of Escherichia coli, including 94 strains from dogs, 76 strains from pigs, 30 strains from chickens, and 21 strains from cow milk, were examined for drug resistance and distribution of R factors. And, respective two strains of Salmonella E group and Salmonella cholerasuis which were isolated from dogs and pigs, respectively were also examined for the same purposes. Of 211 strains of E. coli isolated, 66.8% were found to be resistant to 8 antibacterial agents such as streptomycin(SM), tetracycline(TC), chloramphenicol(CP), ampicillin sodium(AP), nalidixic acid(NA), gentamicin(GM), and polymyxin B(PX). Among the isolates, 86.2% of the strains from dogs, 70% of the strains from chickens, 43.4% of the strains from pigs, and 28.6% of the strains from milk, respectively, were found to be resistant to the drugs. The following percentage of resistance of E. coli to each individual drugs was encountered: of 94 strains from dogs, AP, 64.9%; SM, 20.2%; NA, 12.8%, CP and PX, 8.5% each; GM, 2.1% each; GM, 2.1%. Among 76 strains from pigs, 42.2% and 2.6% each were resistant to TC, AP and PX, respectively. Among 30 strains from chickens, 43.3% were resistant to SM, TC, AP, respectively, and no strains were resistant to the other drugs. No strains of the isolated from milk were resistant to the drugs, except that 28.6% were resistant to SM and AP, respectively. Of the strains from dogs, multiply resistant strains(56.8%) were more than singly resistant one(43.2%) and sixteen different drug resistant patterns were observed. The most frequently encountered patterns were AP TC AP and SM CP AP NA. Of the isolates from other sources, the most frequently encountered resistant patterns were as follows: TC among the strains from pigs; SM TC AP from chickens; SM AP from milk. Of the resistant strains from dogs, 32% carried R factors and the most common resistance patterns of R factors were AP TC AP and SM TC CP, whereas 35.2% of the resistant strains from pigs carried R factors of which the most common encountered pattern was TC. Of the resistant strains from chickens, 46.9% carried R factors of which the most common patterns were SM TC TC AP and AP, whereas 50% of the resistant strains from milk carried R factors of which the most common pattern was SM. Of 4 strains of Salmonella isolated, no strains were resistant to the drugs, except that only one strain of Salmonella E group isolated from a dog was resistant to AP. The strain did not harbor R factor.

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허혈이 유발된 흰쥐 해마에서 Acetylcholine 유리에 미치는 Adenosine 수용체의 역할 (The Role of Adenosine Receptor on Acetylcholine Release from Ischemic-Induced Rat Hippocampus)

  • 최봉규;김도경;강헌;전재민;강연욱
    • 대한약리학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.127-138
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    • 1996
  • The effects of adenosine analogues on the electrically-evoked acetylcholine(ACh) release and the influence of ischemia on the effects were studied in the rat hippocampus. Slices from the rat hippocampus were equilibrated with $0.1{\mu}M$ $[^3H]-choline$ and the release of the labelled product, $[^3H]-ACh$, was evoked by electrical stimulation(3 Hz, 2 ms, 5 $VCm^{-1}$ and rectangular pulses for 2 min), and the influence of various agents on the evoked tritiumoutflow was investigated. Ischemia(10 min with 95% $N_2$ + 5% $CO_2$) increased both the basal and evoked ACh release. These increases were abolished by glucose addition into the superfused medium, and they significantly inhibited either by 0.1 & $0.3{\mu}M$ TTX pretreatment or by removing $Ca^{++}$ in the medium. MK-801($1{\sim}10{\mu}M$), a specific NMDA receptor antagonist, and glibenclamide $(1{\mu}M)$, a $K^+-channel$ inhibitor, did not alter the evoked ACh release and nor did they affect the ischemia-induced increases In ACh release. However, polymyxin B(0.03 mg), a specific protein kinase C inhibitor, significantly inhibited the effects of ischemia on the evoked ACh release. Adenosine and $N^6-cyclopentyladenosine$ decreased the ACh release in a dose dependent manner in ischemic condition, though the magnitude of inhibition was far less than those in normal(normoxic) condition. However, the treatment with $5{\mu}M$ DPCPX, a potent $A_1-adenosine$ receptor antagonist, potentiated the ischemia-effect. These results indicate that the evoked-ACh release is potentiated by ischemia, and this process being most probably mediated by protein kinase C, and that the decreased effect of ACh release mediated by $A_1-adenosine$ receptor is significantly inhibited in ischemic state.

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Effect of globular adiponectin on interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 expression in periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts

  • Park, Hong-Gyu;Bak, Eun-Jung;Kim, Ji-Hye;Lee, Yang-Sin;Choi, Seong-Ho;Cha, Jeong-Heon;Yoo, Yun-Jung
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • 제41권3호
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Globular adiponectin (gAd) is a type of adipocytokine, which is mainly produced by adipose tissue. It has been reported that gAd acts as a pro- as well as an anti-inflammatory factor. Interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 are pro-inflammatory cytokines. To investigate the role of gAd on periodontal tissues, the expression of adiponectin receptor 1 (AdipoR1) and the effect of gAd on the expression of IL-6 and IL-8 were investigated in periodontal ligament (PDL) and gingival fibroblasts. Methods: PDL and gingival fibroblasts were cultured from human periodontal tissues. gAd derived from Escherichia coli and murine myeloma cells were used. The expression of AdipoR1 was estimated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and western blot The expression of cytokines was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: PDL and gingival fibroblasts expressed both mRNA and protein of AdipoR1. gAd derived from E. coli increased the production of IL-6 and IL-8, but polymyxin B, an inhibitor of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), inhibited IL-6 and IL-8 production induced by gAd in both types of cells. gAd derived from murine myeloma cells did not induce IL-6 and IL-8 production in those cells. gAd derived from E. coli contained higher levels of LPS than gAd derived from murine myeloma cells. LPS increased production of IL-6 and IL-8 in PDL and gingival fibroblasts, but pretreatment of cells with gAd derived from murine myeloma cells did not inhibit LPS-induced IL-6 and IL-8 expression. Conclusions: Our results suggest that PDL and gingival fibroblasts express AdipoR1 and that gAd does not act as a modulator of IL-6 and IL-8 expression in PDL and gingival fibroblasts.

실험용(實驗用) 마우스의 Mycoplamsa감염(感染) 실태(實態)와 분리주(分離株)의 항생제(抗生劑) 감수성(感受性)에 관한 연구(硏究) (Studies on Mycoplasma Infection of Laboratory Mice and Antibiotic Susceptibility against Isolates)

  • 정유열;조성룡;이학철
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 1986
  • Isolation and identification of Mycoplasma were performed to clarify Mycoplasma infection of mice fed by conventional feeding at two ($K_1$, $K_2$) institutes in Korea. The twenty mice to be tested were randomly sampled from each of 10 breeding colonies in respective institute. Identification of the Mycoplasma strains isolated from the nasal cavity, lung and synovia of mice was made according to the morphology of colonies, biological and biochemical properties with special reference to M. pulmonis, M. arthrotodis and M. neurolyticum. In addition, growth inhibition test was performed using hyperimmune rabbit antisera to the strain PG-22 of M. pulmonis, the strain PG-6 of M, arthritidis and the strain PG-28 of M. neurolyticum and also differentiation of isolates from L-form bacteria was dont by Dieses staining and culture method with passage of the isolates on liquid media eliminated antibacterial drug. On the other hand, a total of 13 strains out of the 44 isolated M. pulmonis from mice was investigated for their susceptibility against 16 antibiotics in vitro. The antibiotic sensitivity test was made using $3{\times}10^4$ organisms/0.3ml on each plate(90mm diameter) with antibiotic mono-or tri-disk. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Out of 20 mice from 10 breeding colonies in Kl institute, mycoplasma-like strains from the nasal cavity of 16 mice(80%) and from the lung of 8 mice(40%) were isolated, while out of 20 mice in K2 institute, M-like strains were isolated from the nasal cavity of 14 mice(70%) and from the lung of 6 mice(30%). However, no mycoplasma-like organisms were isolated from the synovia of the 40 mice examined. All the 44 strains isolated were identified as the organisms of M. pulmonis. 2. Out of the 16 antibiotics tested, penicillin, oleandomycin and bacitracin showed no activity against all the 13 M. pulmonis strains. On the contrary, lincomycin, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, minocycline, kanamycin, gentamycin and tobramycin showed high activity with three different antibiotic concentration of tridisk, but amikasin and spiramycin showed intermediate activity. Other antibiotics such as polymyxin B and colistin showed low activity, while erythromycin showed lower activity than others.

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불로초의 β-Glucan에 의한 Dectin-1 발현 유도와 세포 내 신호전달 (Induction of Dectin-1 Expression and Intracellular Signal Transduction by β-Glucan of Ganoderma lucidum)

  • 유한욱;김하원
    • 한국균학회지
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.161-176
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    • 2018
  • 진균류 유래의 ${\beta}$-glucan은 pathogen-associated molecular patterns의 일종이기도 하며 면역촉진과 항암작용을 나타냄이 알려져 있지만 세포 내 신호전달에 관해서는 알려진 바가 많지 않다. 대식세포주인 RAW264.7 세포에 불로초에서 추출한 ${\beta}$-glucan을 처리하였을 때 세포막에서는 덱틴-1, toll-like receptor 2, 4, 6의 발현이 증가되었으며, 세포 내에서는 macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1a, MIP-$1{\beta}$, MIP-$1{\gamma}$, IL-$1{\beta}$ 그리고 tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-${\alpha}$의 발현이 증가되었다. 또한 대식세포주에 불로초의 ${\beta}$-glucan과 PI3K 또는 MEK1/MEK2 억제제를 각각 처리하였을 때에 세포 내의 MIP-1a, MIP-$1{\beta}$, MIP-$1{\gamma}$, interleukin-$1{\beta}$, TNF-${\alpha}$의 발현이 감소되었다. 따라서 불로초의 ${\beta}$-glucan은 대식세포에서 MyD88의 경로인 PI3K/Akt를 경유할 뿐만 아니라 MEK 경로를 활성화시킴으로써 다양한 면역조절작용이 가능한 것으로 여겨진다.

Salmonella Enteritidis와 Salmonella Gallinarum의 세균막 스트레스를 인식하는 spy-gfp 오페론 융합 (The spy-gfp Operon Fusion in Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Gallinarum Senses the Envelope Stress)

  • 강보경;방일수
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.208-219
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    • 2018
  • 낙농업 및 유가공 제품의 생산과 유통에서 살모넬라 감염에 의한 살모넬라증의 발생은 빈번하며, 이 세균의 항미생물 제제에 대한 내성 증가 현상 또한 지속되고 있어 새로운 항미생물 제제의 수요는 감소하지 않는다. 세균막의 훼손은 세균 생존을 쉽게 위협할 수 있기 때문에 개발되는 항미생물 제제들은 주로 세균의 막을 표적으로 삼지만, 개발되는 제제들이 실제로 세균막의 훼손을 초래하는지 구별하는 것은 많은 노력과 비용을 수반한다. 본 연구에서는 E. coli 세포막 스트레스에 의해 발현이 유도되고, 세균막 외부공간에서만 위치하며, 그 구조상 많은 단백질의 구조 안정화에 기여할 것으로 예상되는 chaperone 단백질 Spy(spheroplast protein Y)의 유전자에 상응하는 살모넬라 spy 유전자에 gfp(green fluorescence protein) 오페론 융합체를 제조하여, 이 융합체가 Salmonella enterica의 두 혈청형 Enteritidis와 Gallinarum의 세포막 스트레스를 인지하여 GFP 발현량이 크게 증가하는 것을 확인하였다. 또한 세균막 스트레스 신호를 특이적으로 인지하는 이인자 신호전달 체계(two component signal transduction system)인 Bae와 Cpx들이 두 살모넬라 혈청형의 spy 유전자 전사 유도에 필수적임을 확인하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서 사용한 spy-gfp 오페론 융합체는 S. Enteritidis와 S. Gallinarum의 세포막 훼손을 특이적이고 신속하게 인식하는 biosensor로서 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

흰쥐 해마에서 Acetylcholine 유리에 관여하는 Adenosine Receptor의 Post-Receptor 기전에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Post-Receptor Mechanism of Adenosine Receptor on Acetylcholine Release in the Rat Hippocampus)

  • 최봉규;오재희
    • 대한약리학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 1994
  • 흰쥐 해마(hippocampus)에서 acetylcholine (ACh) 유리에 미치는 $A_{1}-adenosine$ 수용체의 post-receptor 기전에 관한 지견을 얻고자 하여 $^3H-choline$으로 평형시킨 해마 slice를 사용하여 $^3H-ACh$ 유리에 미치는 여러가지 약물들의 영향을 관찰하였다. Adenosine $(0.3{\sim}300\;{\mu}M)$은 전기자극(3Hz, 2 ms, 5 $VCm^{-1}$, 구형파)에 의한 ACh 유리를 용량 의존적으로 감소 시켰으며, 이러한 효과는 $A_1-adenosine$ 수용체의 선택적 차단제인 8-cyclopentyl-1, 3-dipropylxanthine $(2\;{\mu}M)$에 의해 차단됨을 볼 수 있었다. G-단백 억제제인 N-ethylmaleimide (NEM, 10과 $30\;{\mu}M$)는 그 자체에 의하여 자극유발성 ACh 유리를 증가시켰으며, adenosine의 효과는 NEM 전처리에 의하여 완전히 소실되었다. Protein kinase C 활성화제인 $4{\beta}-phorbol$ 12, 13-dibutyrate (PDB, $1{\sim}10\;{\mu}M$)는 ACh 유리 증가를 일으켰으며 억제제인 polymyxin B (PMB, $0.03{\sim}1\;mg$)는 감소를 일으켰으나, adenosine에 의한 ACh 유리 감소효과는 PDB 및 PMB에 의해 영향을 받지 않았다. $Ca^{++}$-통로 차단제인 nifedipine $(1\;{\mu}M)$은 adenosine의 효과를 길항함을 볼 수 있었으나 $K{^+}$-통로 차단제인 glibenclamide는 adenosine의 효과에 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 8-Bromo-cAMP (100과 $300{\mu}M$) 그 자체로는 ACh 유리에 별다른 영향을 미치치 못하였으나 $300\;{\mu}M$ 8-bromo-cAMP 전처리에 의하여 $30\;{\mu}M\;adenosine$의 효과가 억제됨을 볼 수 있었다. 이상의 실험결과로 흰쥐 해마에서 $A_1-adenosine$ 수용체를 통한 adenosine의 ACh유리 감소는 G-단백에 의존적이며, 이러한 효과에 nifedipine에 예민한 $Ca^{++}$-통로와 adenylate cyclase계가 일부 관여함은 확실하나 proteinkinase C 및 glibenclamide에 예민한 $K{^+}$통로는 관여하지 않는 것으로 사료된다.

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