• 제목/요약/키워드: polymerization degree

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온라인 2단계 방법을 이용한 회분식 PS 중합반응기의 온도제어 (Temperature control of a batch PS polymerization reactor using on-line two-step method)

  • 이병모;노형준;이현구
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 1997년도 한국자동제어학술회의논문집; 한국전력공사 서울연수원; 17-18 Oct. 1997
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    • pp.305-308
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    • 1997
  • The on-line calculation method is developed to obtain the temperature trajectory that brings the reactants to the desired state in batch styrene polymerization reactor. The temperature trajectory is obtained by applying the moments of the polymer concentration to the 2-step calculation method. The computer simulation is also carried out to verify the superiority of the on-line method to the off-line one. When a temperature disturbance of constant size is introduced, the off-line results shows considerable deviation from the target degree of polymerization. The on-line strategy set up a new trajectory to reach the desired state by using the current state of the reactor. Therefore, the on-line strategy deals with the changes of the system more adequately than the off-line strategy.

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초음파에너지가 도입된 유화중합공정에서 Polystyrene Latex의 분산도 및 입자분포 특성 (Polydispersity and Particle Size Distribution of Polystyrene Latex Prepared by Ultrasound Induced Emulsion Polymerization)

  • 김원일;홍인권
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.110-116
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    • 1998
  • A new technology was introduced to the emulsion polymerization. It is the ultrasonic activation method which replaced a chemical initiator and the environmentally benign process. In this study, free radicals were produced by a pulse type ultrasound energy irradiation, then polystyrene latex was polymerized without chemical initiator. With ultrasonic energy density, the degree of polymerization, average molecular weight, and particle size were increased, but the polydispersity index for the molecular weight and the particle size were decreased. The optimum condition of emulsifier concentration and temperature was found to be 1.0 wt.% SDS and $40^{\circ}C$, respectively. As a result, the emulsion polymerization process without chemical initiator was proved to be comparable to common latex properties such as average molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, particle size, etc.

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Dehydrogenative Polymerization of New Alkylsilanes Catalyzed by $Cp_2MCl_2$/Red-Al System (M=Ti, Hf): Synthesis of Poly(substituted 3-phenyl-1-silabutanes)

  • 우희권;한미경;조은정;정일남
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.58-62
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    • 1995
  • Substituted 3-phenyl-1-silabutanes such as 3-phenyl-1-silabutane (1), 3-(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-1-silabutane (2), 3-(p-chlorotolyl)-1-silabutane (3), and 3-naphthyl-1-silabutane (4) were prepared in 62-96% yield by reduction of the corresponding substituted 3-phenyl-1,1-dichloro-1-silabutanes with LiAlH4. The dehydrogenative polymerization of the monomer silanes was carried out with Cp2MCl2/Red-Al (M=Ti, Hf) catalyst system. The molecular weight of the polymers produced ranged from 700 to 1300 (vs polystyrene) with degree of polymerization (DP) of 5 through 16 and with polydispersity index (PDI)=1.1-2.1. The dehydrogenative polymerization of the monomer silanes with Cp2TiCl2/Red-Al catalyst system occurred at a faster rate and produced somewhat higher molecular weights of polysilane than that with Cp2HfCl2/Red-Al catalyst system.

Surface Functionalization of a Fluoropolymer by Ion Beam-induced Graft Polymerization of 4-Vinyl Pyridine

  • Jung, Chan-Hee;Hwang, In-Tae;Choi, Jae-Hak;Nho, Young-Chang
    • 방사선산업학회지
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.341-345
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    • 2010
  • The surface functionalization of a fluoropolymer by ion beam-induced graft polymerization was described in this research. The surface of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) films were irradiated by a 150 keV $H^+$ ions, and 4-vinyl pyridine (4VP) as a functional monomer was then thermally graft polymerized on the irradiated surface. The surface properties of poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (P4VP)-grafted PTFE films were investigated in terms of grafting degree, wettability, chemical structure, and morphology. The results revealed that the surface of PTFE films was successfully functionalized by ion beam-induced graft polymerization of 4VP.

저점도 및 고점도 Bulk-fill Giomer 복합레진과 Bulk-fill 복합레진의 전환율과 중합수축 (Degree of Conversion and Polymerization Shrinkage of Low and High Viscosity Bulk-Fill Giomer-based and Resin-based composites)

  • 김희라;이제식;김현정;권태엽;남순현
    • 대한소아치과학회지
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • 이번 연구에서는 저점도 및 고점도 bulk-fill giomer 복합레진의 전환율과 중합수축을 기존 bulk-fill 복합레진 및 전통적 복합레진과 비교 평가해보고자 하였다. Bulk-fill giomer 복합레진 2종류(Beautifil Bulk Restorative(BBR), Beautifil Bulk Flowable(BBF)), bulk-fill 복합레진 2종류(Tetric N-Ceram Bulk-fill(TBF), SureFil SDR flow(SDR)), 전통적 복합레진 2종류(Tetric N-Ceram(TN), Tetric N-flow(TF))를 사용하였다. 중합도 측정은 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy을 사용하였으며, 중합수축은 linometer을 이용하여 측정하였다. 복합레진 하면의 전환율 측정 결과 2 mm와 4 mm 깊이 모두 BBR에서 가장 낮게 나왔으며, SDR에서 가장 높게 나왔다. 4 mm 깊이에서 고점도 및 저점도 bulk-fill giomer 복합레진의 전환율은 bulk-fill 복합레진에 비해 유의하게 낮은 값을 보였다(p < 0.05). 깊이에 따른 전환율 비교 시 TBF, TN, TF는 유의차를 보였으며(p < 0.05), BBR, BBF, SDR는 유의차를 보이지 않았다. 중합수축은 TF > SDR > BBF > TBF > TN, BBR 순서로 감소 했으며(p < 0.05), bulk-fill giomer 복합레진은 bulk-fill 복합레진보다 낮은 중합수축량을 보였다(p < 0.05). 이번 연구 결과 4 mm 깊이에서 bulk-fill giomer 복합레진 및 TBF는 불충분한 중합을 나타냈으며, 2 mm와 4 mm 모두에서 고점도 및 저점도 bulk-fill giomer 복합레진은 bulk-fill 복합레진에 비해 낮은 전환율을 보였다. 그러므로 bulk-fill giomer 복합레진의 임상적인 적용을 위해서는 이에 대한 충분한 고찰 및 주의가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

펄프에 함유된 $\alpha$-셀룰로오스의 함량이 셀룰로오스의 에스테르화반응에 미치는 영향 (Effect of $\alpha$-cellulose content in pulps on esterification of cellulose)

  • 이수;박상희;김진우
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.428-433
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    • 2009
  • Cellulose triacetate (CTA) was prepared from cotton linter and pulps which contain various contents of $\alpha$-cellulose. CTA which contains 2.8 of degree of substitution (DS) and 222 of degree of polymerization (DP) was obtained from V-81 pulp under the heterogeneous system. The DS was measured by the titration method, and the DP was obtained by measurement of viscosity. FT-IR spectometer (FT-IR 6300, JASCO) was used to analyze the chemical structure of raw materials and cellulose triacetate, and X-ray diffractometer (X-pert MPD PW3040, Philips) was used to confirm the crystal structure and to calculate the relative crystallinity index (RCI). As $\alpha$-cellulose content in pulp increased, the acetylation yield increased. Besides with a kind of pulp, it contains insoluble residue which was mainly formed due to the formation of glucomannan triacetate and xylan diacetate during the esterification.

유기첨가제가 수계에서 제조된 지르코니아 과립의 미세구조 및 성형밀도에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Organic Additives on Microstructure and Green Density of Zirconia Granules Using Water Solvent)

  • 정지환;이상진
    • 한국분말재료학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2017
  • Spherical-type zirconia granules are successfully fabricated by a spray-drying process using a water solvent slurry, and the change in the green density of the granule powder compacts is examined according to the organic polymers used. Two organic binders, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), which are dissolved in a water solvent and have different degrees of polymerization, are applied to the slurry with a plasticizer (polyethylene glycol). The granules employing a binder with a higher degree of polymerization (PVA) are not broken under a uniaxial press; consequently, they exhibit a poor green density of $2.4g/cm^3$. In contrast, the granule powder compacts employing a binder with a lower degree of polymerization (HEMA) show a higher density of $2.6g/cm^3$ with an increase in plasticizer content. The packing behavior of the granule powders for each organic polymer system is studied by examining the microstructure of the fracture surface at different applied pressures.

Emulsion Polymerization of Co-polymers Having Both Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Side Chains and Their Adhesion Properties

  • Takahashi, S.;Shibamiya, N.;Kasemura, T.
    • 접착 및 계면
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2002
  • We have studied on the surface and adhesion properties for acrylic terpolymers, having both hydrophobic and hydrophilic side chains, synthesized via solution polymerization. In order to develop a waterborne material. we tried to synthesize these terpolymers via emulsion polymerization. The polymeric emulsion synthesized was mainly composed of methyl methacrylate (MMA), methoxy-polyethyleneglycol methacrylate (MPEGMA) having hydrophilic side chains and methoxypolypropyleneglycol methacrylate (MPEGMA) having hydrophobic side chains. The viscosities of this series increased with an increase in the content of the co-monomer such as MPEGMA and (MPEGMA). This behavior resulted in the increase in the diameter and heterogeneity of the emulsion particle via AFM observation. Furthermore. the tensile adhesion strength and 90-degree peel strength of the adhesive of these polymeric emulsions were measured. In the case of polymeric emulsion composed of the same content of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic component, the adhesion property showed the highest value. However, since the adhesion properties as a practical applicable adhesive were poor, some improvements were required. When the composition above was modified with butyl acrylate (BA), the improvement effect on adhesion strength was accepted. In particular, 90-degree peel strength increased up to a maximum of 400% of the original value.

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The Preparation of a Thermally Responsive Surface by Ion Beam-induced Graft Polymerization

  • Jung, Chang-Hee;Kim, Wan-Joong;Jung, Chan-Hee;Hwang, In-Tae;Choi, Jae-Hak
    • 방사선산업학회지
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2012
  • In this study, the preparation of a temperature-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm)-grafted surface was performed using an eco-friendly and biocompatible ion beam-induced surface graft polymerization. The surface of a perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) film was activated by ion implantation and N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm) was then graft polymerized selectively onto the activated regions of the PFA surfaces. Based on the results of the peroxide concentration and grafting degree measurements, the amount of the peroxide groups formed on the implanted surface was dependant on the fluence, which affected the grafting degree. The results of the FT-IR-ATR, XPS, and SEM confirmed that the NIPAAm was successfully grafted onto the implanted PFA. Moreover, the contact angle measurement at different temperatures revealed that the surface of the PNIPAAm-grafted PFA film was temperature-responsive.

전자빔조사에 의한 HEMA의 중합과 소프트콘택트렌즈 제조 (Polymerization of HEMA by Electron beam Irradiation and Fabrication of Soft contact lens)

  • 황광하;신중혁;성유진;정근승;전진
    • 한국안광학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2012
  • 목적: 전자빔(electron beam)을 이용한 HEMA(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)의 중합과정에 대한 최적의 전자빔조사(irradiation) 조건을 살펴보고, 전자빔과 일반적인 열중합 방법에 의해 제조된 콘택트렌즈의 물리적 특성을 각각 비교함으로써 콘택트렌즈 제조에 전자빔조사 방법의 활용가능성을 알아보고자 한다. 방법: 중합에 사용된 모노머(monomer)나 첨가제의 구성비 그리고 전자빔흡수선량(0~120 kGy)에 따라 HEMA의 중합정도를 관찰하여 전자빔조사(irradiation)에 의한 중합여부와 최적의 중합조건을 제시하였다. 동일한 반응물 구성비에 대해 전자빔과 열중합의 두 가지 다른 중합방법을 이용하여 고분자를 합성하였다. 각각의 고분자로부터 제조된 소프트콘택트렌즈에 대해 함수율, 산소전달률(Dk/t), 광투과율 등의 물리화학적 특성을 FT-IR 결과를 이용하여 비교 분석하였다. 결과: 전자빔조사선량(0~120 kGy)에 따라 살펴본 HEMA의 중합률은 100 kGy 이상에서 99% 이상으로 나타났으며, 사용된 모노머의 구성비나 광개시제와 가교제 등의 첨가에 무관하게 높은 중합률을 보였다. 전자빔 조사에 의해 제조된 렌즈의 함수율은 열중합 방법에 의해 제작된 렌즈에 비해 10% 이상 높게 나타났다. 산소전달률(Dk/t)도 함수율과 마찬가지로 전자빔조사방법에 의해 제조된 렌즈에서 더 높게 나타났으며, 순수한 HEMA의 경우는 약 2배 정도 높은 값을 보였다. FT-IR 분석결과, 전자빔 조사방법에 의해 제조한 렌즈에서 친수성 증가와 관계되는 OH group의 농도가 증가하였고 이에 따른 분자간 수소결합의 농도가 증가함을 확인하였다. 두 가지 다른 중합방법에 의해 제조된 렌즈의 가시광선(380~800 nm) 영역에서 광 투과율은 제조방법과는 상관없이 유사하였으며, 90% 이상의 높은 값을 나타내었다. 결론: HEMA를 기본으로 구성된 다양한 반응혼합물과 개시제나 가교제의 첨가가 없는 순수한 HEMA에 100kGy 이상의 전자빔을 조사할 경우 중합이 성공적으로 이루어졌다. 또한 순수한 HEMA에 100kGy의 전자빔을 조사하여 중합된 고분자로부터 제조된 콘택트렌즈에서 가장 높은 함수율과 산소전달률을 나타내어 전자빔조사조건에 따라 물리적특성이 다른 콘택트렌즈의 제조가 가능함을 확인하였다.