• Title/Summary/Keyword: planting density

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Effect of Planting Data and Density on Growth and Yield of Cnidium officinale Makino (日川穹의 定植期와 裁植距籬가 生育 및 收量에 미치는 影響)

  • 정상환
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 1997
  • Field experiment for two years was conducted at Ulleung island to determine the optimum planting date and density of Cnidium officinale Makino. Early planting(Mar. 20) showed the highest yield by 2,880kg per ha as dry wt. Planting time after Mar. 20 was decreased. Late planting had higher occurrence of diseases and insect damage. Early planting had higher extract contents than late planting without violation of the Korean crude drug regulation such as ash contents. Although plants grew better in lower density, they had fewer growing points per plant which actually determine the yield components. Planting density did not affected extract contents in Cnidium officinale Makino. High density planting($35\times15cm$)yielded 33% than those of lower planting density($45\times25cm$).

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Optimum Planting Density in Low Fertilizing Culture of Machine Transplanting in Rice (벼 기계이앙 소비재배시 적정 재식밀도 구명)

  • Choi Weon-Young;Moon Sang-Hoon;Park Hong-Kyu;Choi Min-Gyu;Kim Sang-Su;Kim Chung-Kon
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.379-385
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    • 2006
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the optimum planting density in low fertilizing cultivation of machine transplanting in rice field of Honam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS for $2004{\sim}2005$. Sobibyeo which belongs to medium maturing variety and Nampyeongbyeo which belongs to medium-late maturing variety were transplanted on May 30. In this experiment, there was no significant difference in heading date between planting density and nitrogen fertilization rate, and heading dates were August 8 in Sobibyeo, and August 14 in Nampyeongbyeo respectively. In relation to lodging character, lodging Index was high where the nitrogen fertilization rate and planting density were high. As planting density increases, panicle number per $m^{2}$ increased irrespective of nitrogen fertilization rate. When nitrogen was 6 kg/10a, rice yield of Sobibyeo was more where planting density was 90 hill per $3.3m^{2}$, and that of Nampyeongbyeo was more where planting density was 80 hill per $3.3m^{2}$. When nitrogen was 9 kg/10a, rice yield of Sobibyeo was more where planting density was 100 hill per $3.3m^{2}$, and that of Nampyeongbyeo was more where planting density was 110 hill per $3.3m^{2}$. Head rice rate of brown rice was higher when planting density increased, and was higher at 6 kg/10a nitrogen rate than 9 kg/10a nitrogen rate in all varieties.

Effects of Planting Date and Density by Drill Seeder on Growth and Yield of Black Soybeans (검정콩 기계조파시 파종시기와 밀도가 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Ju, Jung-Il;Kim, Chil-Hyun;Moon, Chang-Sik;Harm, Soo-Sang;In, Min-Sik;Chung, Kil-Woong
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to compare the growth and yield, and to determine the optimum planting date and density in two improved black soybean varieties. The two varieties were planted by driller attached a tractor on May 21 and June 19, 1993, and treated five planting densities, respectively. Yield of Gumjeongkong 1 was similer for both planting dates, but that of Suwon 157 was remarkably reduced on June 19 planting compared to May 21. There was significant differences between planting dates in stem length, number of branches, seeds per plant, seed weight and yield. Planting density, also, significantly affected on stem length, number of branches and seeds per plant. Statistically significant interactions between planting date$\times$variety and planting date$\times$planting density were found at almost all characteristics, except between variety$\times$planting density. Optimum planting date and density of Gumjeongkong 1 for high yield were June 19 and 33, 000 plants per l0a, and those of Suwon 157 were May 21 and 22, 000 plants per l0a, respectively. The coefficient of variation at different planting densities was high at stem length, number of branches, seeds per plant and yield, but low at number of main stem node, seeds per pod and 100 seed weight.

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Effects of Light Intensity and Quality on the Growth and Quality of Korean Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) II. Relationship between Light Intensity and Planting Density (광량 및 광질이 고려인삼의 생육과 품질에 미치는 영향 II. 광량과 재식밀도와의 관계)

  • Cheon, Seong-Gi;Mok, Seong-Gyun;Lee, Seong-Sik
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 1991
  • In order to know the optimum planting density under shading structures at different light intensity, We investigated the growth status, distribution of ginseng leaf area, correlation between planting density and root weight per plant and yield, correlation between leaf area index and root weight per plant and yield. According to the increase of planting density the leaf area per plant was decreased, but leaf area index (L.A.I) was increased. Ginseng leaf population at different lines under common straw shading were distributed mainly in frost lines but polyethylene net shading at 10fo light intensity were distributed equally in all lines. Optimum planting density in common straw shading at 5% light intensity was 55 plant per tan (90 cmX180 cm) and polyethylene net shading 81 10% light intensity was 60 plant per tan, in consideration of root weight and yield. Optimum leaf area index was 2.4 under common straw shading at 5% light intensity but was 2.7 under polyethylene net shading at 10% light intensity.

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Effects of planting density on the production of pepper for mechanized production operation

  • Kwak, Su-Ji;Han, Jae-Woong;Kwak, Eun-Ji;Kim, Woong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.839-845
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    • 2018
  • As a solution to the rural shortage of labor, mechanization crop production is necessary, but in some cases, the mechanization can cause problems such as a decrease in products due to the expansion of the necessary moderate workspace. The purpose of this study was to compare the yields of pepper by the planting-density for the mechanization of pepper cultivation. Experiments were done with three planting-density levels of $900{\times}300mm^2$(A-T), $1200{\times}450mm^2$(B-T), and $1500{\times}600mm^2$(C-T). In the analysis of growth, the highest values in plant height and thickness and the number of branches were observed with the B-T. C-T showed the highest values in the number of green-pepper and red-pepper and weight of the green-pepper and red-pepper, followed by B-T and A-T. In the analysis of growth, it was concluded that the proportion of the pepper body to the total length increased as the planting-density decreased. C-T had the biggest maximum diameter of the body, followed by B-T and A-T. On the other hand, A-T had the biggest minimum diameter of the body, followed by B-T and C-T. It was judged that the larger the planting-density was, the shorter the length was and the thicker the form was. As a result of measuring the chromaticity, there was no significant statistical difference in quality. Based on the experiment results, the ranking in total yields was in the order of C-T, B-T, and A-T. The reduced planting-density seemed to increase the productivity, while the labor intensity and time were reduced due to the improvement of the working environment.

Analysis of Transplanting Accuracy of Rice Transplanter for Low density Planting According to Transfer Distance to Seedling Tray (소식재배용 이앙기 모판 이송간격에 따른 이앙정확도 분석)

  • Won-Kyung Kim;Sang Hee Lee;Deok Gyu Choi;Seok Ho Park;Youn Koo Kang;Seok Pyo Moon;Chang Uk Cheon;Sung Hyuk Jang
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2024
  • Domestic rice is more expensive than imported products, so it is necessary to reduce production costs to secure competitiveness. Low-density planting developed in Japan is a cultivation technology that reduces labor and production costs without yield loss. The area of low-density cultivation is continuously increasing. However, research on how rice transplanters adapt to low-density planting has not been conducted. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the optimal working conditions of a rice transplanter for low-density planting. Three types of rice transplanters were used and treated based on 3 conveying distance levels. The number of picked seedlings, pick missing rate, the number of planted seedlings, and the mis-planted rate were investigated to evaluate planting accuracy according to the transfer distance to the seedling tray. The results showed that the number of planted seedlings was 4.31~4.95 EA with an L1 seedling tray transfer distance (horizontal 9 mm, vertical 8 mm), but the mis-planted rate was higher than in other conditions. At L2 (horizontal 9 mm, vertical 10 mm) and L3 (horizontal 11 mm, vertical 8 mm) transfer distance conditions, the number of planted seedlings were 4.89-5.68 EA and 4.69-5.66 EA, respectively, with a low mis-planted rate of less than 3%. The results showed that if the transfer distance is adjusted properly, a rice transplanter can be used for low-density planting with high planting accuracy.

Effect of Planting Densities on Growth and Yield of Fresh Waxy Corn as Second Crop (2기작재배시 후기작 재식밀도에 따른 식용 풋찰옥수수의 생육 및 수량)

  • 김은석;김수경;김대호;손범영;강동주;최진용;송근우
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.190-194
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    • 2000
  • Double cropping is important for increase of farm income and rate of arable land utilization. This study was carried out to obtain information for optimum plant density of the second crop in a double cropping system. A waxy corn hybrid, Chalok #2, was sown on July 10 at the first corn cropping site. Growth characteristics and yield response of fresh waxy corn were examined under different planting densities, which were 55.5, 66.6, 83.3, and 111.1 thousands plants ${ha}^{-1}$. Plant height was higher under high planting density than low planting density and 154cm at the 55.5 thousand plants ${ha}^{-1}$, and 168cm at the 111.1 thousand plant ${ha}^{-1}$. It showed same trends in ear height and gravity center height. But planting density did not affect root lodging and silking date. At the silking stage, stalk and leaf dry matter weight and leaf area index (LAI) were increased significantly with increasing planting density, Filled ear lengtg was shortened significantly under the hi임est planting density (111.1 thousand plants ${ha}^{-1}$), while ear length and ear diameter were no differences among planting densities. The number of marketable ears increased with increasing planting density, but husked fresh ear weight was the highest at 83.3 thousand plants ${ha}^{-1}$ with 11.2MT ${ha}^{-1}$and optimum planting density was estimated as about 80 thousand plants ${ha}^{-1}$.

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Effects of Planting Density on Growth and Yield of Vegetable Soybean Varieties (파종밀도가 풋콩 품종의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seung-Su;Kim, Chang-Ho
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2008
  • The objective of experiment was to investigate the effects of planting density on growth and yield of vegetable soybean, and to clarify the optimum planting density of vegetable soybean in the middle west region of Korea. The field experiment with 4 levels of planting density was carried out at Yesan area in $2005{\sim}2006$. The days from seeding to flowering and the days from seeding to harvesting and lodging were not significantly different among planting distance. The stem length was increased as planting distance was shortened but the number of node, branch, pod per branch, pod per individual, weight of stem and pod, one hundred pod weight and rate of 2+3 seed per pod were decreased as planting density was increased. The size of vegetable soybeans was not significantly different among planting distance, but the harvest index of vegetable soybean was decreased as planting distance was shortened. Yield of vegetable soybean was increased as planting distance was decreased. However, the approriate densities for stem and pod weight per a plant, number of pod per a branch and the vegetable soybean yield of 2+3 seed per pod were different from that density. The optimal planting distance of varieties was $60{\sim}25\;cm$ in Sunheukkong and Ilpumgeomjeongkong and was $60{\sim}35\;cm$ in Galmikong.

Biomass Production of Pinus densiflora forma erecta Uyeki by Planting Density and Its Allocation Chracteristics (식재밀도에 따른 강송의 Biomass 생산 및 배분 특성)

  • 이돈구;권기철;김영환
    • Journal of Korea Foresty Energy
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to examine biomass production and its allocation characteristics by the planting density for 12- year - old Pinus densiflora forma erecta Uyeki plantation located in Chilbo Experimental Forest of Seoul National University in Suwon, Kyonggj-do. Different sample trees were selected for harvest by the planting density as follows; six trees from 1.0m X 1.0m, five trees from 1.8m X 1.8m, four trees from 3.0m X 3.0m. Stem, previous year branches, current year branches, previous year needles and current year needles were weighed respectively with the stratified clipping method, and biomass production and its allocation characteristics were analyzed : (1) Total biomass of the above-ground was the highest at the planting density of 1.8m X l.8m and followed by 1.0m X l.0m. (2) The higher the planting density was, the lower the ratio of biomass in branches and needles. (3) As the planting density decreased, the moisture contents of stem and current year branches increased but those of needles and previous year branches decreased. (4) Maximum photosynthetic layer appeared in the upper portion of the tree at higher density plantation.

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Characteristics of Waesungri Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred with Multi Tillers and Ears for Crude Forage Use

  • Lee, Hee-Bong
    • Plant Resources
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2001
  • Major characteristics of new Waesungri maize inbred line has multi-tiller and ears: five to six tillers and seven to eight ears per plant and flowering date of Waesungri was delayed about 18 and 24 days compared to Mo17 U.S line and IK$_4$ Korean local lines, respectively. Number of ears, fresh and dry weight per plant were significantly different among all tested hybrids including Waesungri/Sinkihong hybrid under different planting times and densities. Especially, both fresh and dry weight of IK$_1$/FR140//Waesungri F$_1$hybrid were significantly higher at high planting density. In kernel weight per unit area, Wnesungri/Sinkihong hybrid was high at high density and IK$_1$/FR140//Waesungri hybrid was high at low planting density. As results of analysis of variance, flowering date was shown a significantly different both planting times and varieties, while other characters including stem height were shown very variable in interactions with enviromental factors.

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