• 제목/요약/키워드: plant oil

검색결과 1,214건 처리시간 0.038초

300MW급 증기터빈의 베어링 윤활유 온도조정에 의한 오일휩 제거방법에 관한 연구 (A Case Study on the Reduction of Noise and Vibration at the Backpass Heat Surface in the Power Plant Boiler)

  • 황달연;문승재;이재헌
    • 플랜트 저널
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2008
  • The phenomena of oil whip in steam turbines take place for the unbalance force between a rotor shaft and bearing oil film. The several parameters that affect onset of oil whip have been well known. However, the major parameter of oil whip is shaft mis-alinement. A oil whip causes the high vibration and the shutdown of rotor system. We mostly stop the steam turbine to adjust a shaft re-alinement concerning oil whip. In this case, it needs many costs for maintenance and long shutdown times. In this study, we study and observe the oil whip of the 300MW steam turbine in many years and we conduct the field test for another steam turbine for reducing vibration from oil whip. The results of this study are that a oil whip takes place with a particular rotating speed or a particular turbine output and the oil temperature change is a very effective method for on-line oil whip treatment.

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Plant Molecular Farming Using Oleosin Partitioning Technology in Oilseeds

  • Moloney, Maurice-M.
    • 식물조직배양학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.197-201
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    • 1997
  • Plant seed oil-bodies or oleosomes ate the repository of the neutral lipid stored in seeds. These organelles in many oilseeds may comprise half of the total cellular volume. Oleosomes are surrounded by a half-unit membrane of phospholipid into which are embedded proteins called oleosins. Oleosins are present at high density on the oil-body surface and after storage proteins comprise the most abundant proteins in oilseeds. Oleosins are specifically targeted and anchored to oil-bodies after co-translation on the ER. It has been shown that the amino-acid sequences responsible for this unique targeting reside primarily in the central hydrophobic tore of the oleosin polypeptide. In addition, a signal-like sequence is found near the junction of the hydrophobic domain and ann N-terminal hydrophilic / amphipathic domain. This "signal" which is uncleaved is also essential for correct targeting. Oil-bodies and their associated oleosins may be recovered by floatation centrifugation of aqueous seed extracts. This simple partitioning step results in a dramatic enrichment for oleosins in the oil-body fraction. In the light of these properties, we reasoned that it would be feasible to create fusion proteins on oil-bodies comprising oleosins and an additional valuable protein of pharmaceutical or industrial interest. It was further postulated that if these proteins were displayed on the outer surface of oil-bodies, it would be possible to release them from the purified oil-bodies using chemical or proteolytic cleavage. This could result in a simple means of recovering high-value protein from seeds at a significant (i.e. commercial) scale. This procedure has been successfully reduced to practice for a wide variety of proteins of therapeutic, industrial and food no. The utillity of the method will be discussed using a blood anticoagulant, hirudin, and industrial enzymes as key examples.

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수확 연도에 따른 쑥 정유의 주요 화합물 함량 변화 (The Variation of the Major Compounds of Artemisia princeps var. orientalis (Pampan) Hara Essential Oil by Harvest Year)

  • 최향숙
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.533-543
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the chemical composition of Artemisia princeps var. orientalis (Pampan) Hara (ssuk in Korea) essential oil and the quantitative changes of major terpene compounds according to the time of harvest. The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation extraction from the aerial parts of ssuk were analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The essential oil composition of ssuk was characterized by higher contents of mono- and sesqui- terpene compounds. Ninety-nine volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil from ssuk harvested in 2010, with camphor (11.9%), ${\beta}-caryophyllene$ (9.11%), dehydrocarveol (8.51%), and borneol (7.72%) being the most abundant compounds. Eighty-three compounds were identified in the essential oil from the plant harvested in 2011, with borneol (12.36%), caryophyllene oxide (12.29%), ${\beta}-caryophyllene$ (10.24%), camphor (9.13%), and thujone (8.4%) being the most abundant compounds. Eighty-four compounds were identified in the essential oil from the plant harvested in 2012, with ${\beta}-caryophyllene$ (20.25%), caryophyllene oxide (14.63%), and thujone (11.55%) being the major compounds. Eighty-nine compounds were identified in the essential oil from the plant harvested in 2013, with thujone (23.11%), alloaromadendrene oxide (12.3%), and ${\beta}-caryophyllene$ (11.48%) being the most abundant compounds. Thujone and aromadendrene oxide contents increased significantly from 2010 to 2013, while camphor and dehydrocarveol contents decreased significantly during those 4 years. The quantitative changes in these 4 compounds according to the time of harvest can served as a quality index for ssuk essential oil. The ecological responses to recent climate changes may be reflected in the chemical components of natural plant essential oils.

중질잔사유 적용시 발전플랜트의 에너지 수지 및 성능 변화 분석 (Analysis on the Energy Balance and Performance Variation of the Power Plant by using the Heavy Residual Oil)

  • 박호영;김태형
    • 에너지공학
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2008
  • 신에너지원으로 주목받고 있는 중질 잔사유를 기존 중유화력의 대체 연료로 사용하는 경우에 대하여 상용 해석코드로 플랜트의 에너지 및 물질 수지, 플랜트의 성능을 분석하였다. 국내 A 중유 화력발전소에 대한 플랜트 성능분석 모델을 구축하였으며 플랜트의 성능 및 효율 등에 대한 시뮬레이션 결과를 설계 및 실제 운전 데이터와 비교하여 그 건전성을 확인하였다. 중질 잔사유 적용에 대한 시뮬레이션 결과 출력은 315 MW로서 중유 적용시의 300 MW 보다 높게 나타났으며 플랜트 효율은 약간 감소함을 알 수 있었다. 외기온도 및 냉각수 온도, 배가스 순환량, 출력에 따른 열소비율의 민감도 분석으로부터 중질 잔사유 연소시의 최적 운전을 위한 기본 자료를 얻을 수 있었다.

식물병원성 곰팡이에 대한 몇 가지 식물정유 및 주성분의 성장억제 효과 (Antifungal Activity of Some Essential Oils and Their Major Constituents on 3 Plant Pathogenic Fungi)

  • 조현지;신동일
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.1003-1008
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    • 2004
  • 11 plant essential oils are screened in vitro for their antifungal activities against Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani, which are causative agents of serious plant diseases. The radial growth of the test fungi were reduced in response to the oils. Among them, the essential oil from the bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum inhibited 3 tested fungi growth, strongly, followed by those of oregano and thyme. The major constituents of the three essential oils, cinnaldehyde, carvacrol and thymol were tested for their effects on the fungi. From the results obtained, cinnamaldehyde, the major constituents of C. zeylanicum bark esential oil, has potential to be developed as a biopesticide for controlling phytopathogenic fungi causing serious damages on the important crops cultivated in Korea.

CWM 발전소의 경제성분석 사례연구 (A Case Study for the Economic Feasibility Analysis of CWM Power Plant)

  • 김봉진;김동찬;신대현;김정덕
    • 산업공학
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 1991
  • CWM(Coal Water Mixture) is a mixed fuel that consists of coal, water and additives. The main advantages of CWM are reducing the oil consumption and the air pollution materials such as flyash, dirt, and $SO_x$. This paper presented a case study for the economic feasibility analysis of changing an existing coal-oil power plant to a CWM power plant. The economic analysis of changing a coal-oil power plant to a CWM power plant was based on the total annual incremental costs of two power plants. We found that this project was economically and environmentally acceptable.

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Combined Effects of Mepiquat Chloride and Trinexapac-ethyl on Oil Content, Lignan, Seed Yield and Endogenous Gibberellins in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)

  • Kim, Sang-Kuk;Choi, Hong-Jib;Park, Shin-Young
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.695-700
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    • 2013
  • Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) has been used for the only edible oil in Korea. We carried out the field experiment in order to investigate the possibly combined effects of mepiquat chloride (MC) and trinexapac-ethyl (TE) on oil composition, lignan content, seed yield and endogenous gibberellins content of flax cultivar. Plant growth retardants mepiquat chloride (300 and 600 ppm) and trinexapac-ethyl (100, 200 and 300 ppm) were foliar-sprayed to flax plant at 50days after seeding. The plant height was decreased in the combination of mepiquat chloride 600 ppm with trinexapac-ethyl 100, 200 and 300 ppm. Mepiquat chloride treatment combined with trinexapac-ethyl observed the highest response on seed yield, followed by mepiquat chloride 300 ppm with trinexapac-ethyl 100 ppm, mepiquat chloride 300 ppm with trinexapac-ethyl 200 ppm and mepiquat chloride 300 ppm with trinexapac-ethyl 300 ppm. Lignan content was increased in all of the combination treatments. It concludes that the combination of mepiquat chloride 300 ppm with trinexapac-ethyl 300 ppm will be useful to increasing oil and lignan content in flax plants.

폐플라스틱의 열분해 유화기술 개발 (Process Development of Pyrolysis Liquefaction for Waste Plastics)

  • 노남선;신대현;박소원;이경환;김광호;전상구;조봉규
    • 신재생에너지
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.118-125
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    • 2006
  • The target of this work was the process development of demonstration plant to produce the high quality alternative fuel oil by the pyrolysis of mixed plastic waste. In the first step of research, the bench-scale units of 70 t/y and the pilot plant of 360 t/y had been developed. Main research contents in this step were the process performance test of pilot plant of 360 ton/year and the development of demonstration plant of 3,000 t/y, which was constructed at Korea R & D Company in Kimjae City. The process performance of pilot plant of 360 t/y showed about 80% yield of liquid product, which was obtained by both light gas oil(LGO) and heavy gas oil(HGO), The boiling point range distribution of LO product that was mainly consisting of olefin components in PONA group appeared at between that of commercial gasoline and kerosene. On the other hand, HO product was mainly paraffin and olefin components and also appeared at upper temperature distribution range than commercial diesel. Gas product showed a high fraction of $C_3\;and\;C_4$ product like LPG composition, but also a high fraction of $CO_2$ and CO by probably a little leak of process.

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화력발전소에 사용되는 개선된 오일 디플렉터 개발 (Development of an Advanced Oil Deflector Used in Thermoelectric Power Plant)

  • 최용훈;곽효서;이창렬;김철
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제33권8호
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    • pp.661-668
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    • 2016
  • Oil deflector prevents oil leakage that occurs in thermoelectric power plant at operating lubricant facilities. Vibration of rotating rotor-induced wear of aluminum tooth in existing oil deflector leads to oil leakage as well as life shortening of the tooth. In this study, an advanced oil deflector was developed for shock absorption and prevention of wear by decreasing clearance (from 0.5 mm to 0.2 mm) between rotor and tooth to minimize oil leakage, and by replacing 2 aluminum teeth in outmost of the oil deflector with hi-performance seal made of engineering plastic. The CFD results were compared between advanced vs. existing oil deflector to determine the amount of oil loss. Structural safety was verified through impact analyses according to the three kinds of engineering plastics, considering cost efficiency, and optimal material of hi-performance seal was chosen.

유류오염토양이 식물식생에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (A Study on Effects of Oil Contaminated Soil on the Growth of Plant)

  • 최민주;김주영;김정훈;최상일
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2010
  • Oil contamination soil has been one of the most environmental social issues for decades in the inside and outside of country. The law of soil environmental preservation was carried out in the 1990s and the government controlled not only soil environment management and the remediation of contaminated soil but also promoted the development of remedial technology and cleanup business of contaminated soil by national policy. In addition to agriculture areas, the main oil contaminated sites are a gas station, oil reservoir, petro-chemical complex, site of railway carriage base and military camp. The contamination-frequency of agriculture area and effect sites are low but it has significantly important area on account of producing food for human beings. Therefore, we should be concerned about oil contamination damage of agriculture area. The oil contamination damage of agriculture area influenced drop of birth and breeding since the oil directly adheres to seeds and farm products even diffusion of contaminated soil to cultivation area. The studies of the crops and the food vegetation has not enough detailed data caused by the incident of oil contamination. This study investigated the effect of oil in germination and growth of selected plant seeds. In this study, we try to verify whether the oil contamination by accidents on farmland influenced the damage of farm produce and the mutual relation both oil contaminated soil or the vegetation of crops. The impact of oil on plant development was followed by phytotoxicity assessments. The plants exhibited visual symptoms of stress, growth reduction and perturbations in developmental parameters. The increase of the degree of pollution induced more marked effects in plants, likely because of the physical effects of oil. The relationships between the phytotoxicity contents of plants and growth reduction suggest a chemical toxicity of fuel oil. In addition, while cleaned up the contaminated soil under the standard of contaminated soil we examined it was suitable for region standard and it may have practical possibility for fill material of construction of afforestation and molding soil of landfill.