• Title/Summary/Keyword: physico-chemical components

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Physico-Chemical Pretreatment of Herbaceous Biomass by Organosolv Flow-Through Process (초본계 바이오매스의 물리-화학적 유기용매 전처리 공정)

  • Kim, Jun Seok
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.441-446
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    • 2018
  • Herbaceous biomass is easier at chemical conversion than woody biomass. However, pretreatment must be needed because it has substantially lignin. Organsolv is good at fractionation of enzymatic hydrolysis inhibitors such as lignin and it is reusable by distillation when it has low molecular weight. Flow-through process can prevent recondensation of fractionated components and easily separate liquid from the biomass. In this study, the pretreatment was performed for decreasing additional process by using ethanol without catalyst because this process has a lot of operation expense at bio-alcohol production process. Flow-through pretreatment was performed at $150{\sim}190^{\circ}C$ with 30~99.5 wt% ethanol during 20~60 minutes. Also the phsyco-chemical pretreatment was performed for decreasing reaction time and temperature.

Physico-Chemical Characterization of Black Carbon Emitted from Coal-fired Power Plant, Charcoal Kiln and Diesel Vehicle (석탄화력 발전소, 숯가마, 디젤차량에서 배출되는 Black Carbon의 물리화학적 특성화 연구)

  • Saixiyaletu, Saixiyaletu;Kim, Jin Young;Shim, Shang-Gyoo;Jin, Hyoun Cher;Kim, Jong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.152-162
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    • 2013
  • The physico-chemical characteristics and nanostructure of the aerosol samples from a coal-fired power plant, a charcoal kiln and diesel vehicles were investigated with focusing on black carbon (BC). Aerosols from the coal-fired power plant were mostly comprised of mineral ash spheres which are heterogeneously mixed. The main components of the aerosols from coal-fired power plant were calcium compounds, iron oxide, alumino-silicate without BC. The typical combustion-generated BC which shows the shape of bunch of grapes with 20~50 nm particles which were detected in aerosol particles from diesel vehicles. The nanostructure of each BC particle shows the shape of concentric circles which is comprised of closely-packed graphene layers. Aerosols from charcoal kiln were likely condensed organic carbon generated from the low-temperature combustion process.

Effect of Leaf Maturity on Physico -chemical Properties of Leaf Tobacco (담배 잎의 성숙도에 따른 이화학적 특성)

  • 이철환;진정의;한철수
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.200-206
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    • 1996
  • Experiment was conducted to get the information about physico-chemical properties of flue-cured tobacco on the degree of maturity cultivated in paddy-upland rotated field, and compared to upland ones. For the samples of this experiment, 3~4 leaves at each stalk position were harvested from the bottom of plants. Physico-chemical properties of cured leaves were determined from the samples collected at weekly intervals, and of obtained from 4 stalk positions. For the degree of maturity, harvested leaves were separated with visual characters into four classes such as immature, mature, ripe, and mellow. Regardless of stalk position, the order of shrinkage rate with length and width of leaves was mellow> immature> ripe> mature, and ripe leaves from paddy field showed higher shrinkage rate than those of upland. Nicotine and total nitrogen contents were decreased with the degree of maturity while reducing sugar content were showed a reverse tendency. Ripe leaves from paddy field had lower reducing sugar contents, comparing with upland tobacco. Filling capacity of cured leaves from paddy field was decreased with degree of maturity, but there was no difference between upland and paddy tobacco. Shatter index was increased in the oeder of immature > mellow > mature > ripe. Chemical components of cigarette smoke from paddy field tobacco were little higher in $CO_2$ total particulate matter and tar contents, while combustibility was little lower than that of upland tobacco. It was also evaluated that paddy field tobacco was unfavorable for the non-volatile organic and higher fatty acids contents comparing with upland tobacco.

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The Physico chemical Characteristic of MSW and sludge in west area of Kangwondo (강원도 영서지역 생활폐기물 및 슬러지의 물리·화학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Geon-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.112-120
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the physico chemical characteristic of MSW and sludge in west area of Kangwondo was investigated for database, managing the waste and waste treatment facility. The sampling sites were selected as 6 different MSW generation area and 2 sludge generation area. it is necessary to measure the characteristics of MSW to build the data-base. The year of 2000, 197.4ton/day of MSW which was generated in this area. This MSW was composed of 26.6% food wastes, 24.2% of papers, 22.8% of plastics & vinyls, 9.6% of textiles, 3.80% of wood, 2.8% of rubbers & leathers and others, respectively. Most of MSW are composed of food, paper and plastic waste and combustible waste is more than 89%. The generation of papers and vinyls are almost same for different seasons For 3-components of MSW, moisture is 40.2%, combustible component is 52.1% and ash is 7.7% and for 3-components of sludge, moisture is 83.3%, combustible component is 7.7% and ash is 9%. The chemical element has the high order of carbon(51.6%), oxygen(38.6%), hydrogen(7%) on the dry basis of wastes. And the high heating value of MSW is 4989.4 Kcal/kg sludge is 4428.04 Kcal/kg and low heating value of the MSW which is measured by calorimeter is 2032.88kcal/kg. From the leaching test of wastes, there is no heavy metals.

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The Study on the Quality of Pre-Processed Vegetables in School and Institutional Food-Service (단체급식에서 사용되는 전처리 농산물의 품질 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Seung-Joo;Lee, Seung-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.628-634
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed to investigate the quality of pre-processed vegetables used in school and institutional food-services. Pre-processed food materials (carrot, potato, and cabbage) frequently used in food-service were collected from 14 various processing company sources. The sensory and physico-chemical qualities of the pre-processed food materials were determined using sensory and instrumental analysis. For the physico-chemical analysis of the food materials, pH, total acidity, hardness, Hunter colorimeter value, reducing sugar and vitamin C content were determined. For the sensory quality evaluation, 15 panelist were trained and consensus was reached on the quality standards of the preprocessed materials (carrot, potato, and cabbage). Finally, appearance, color, texture, off-odor/taste, and overall quality were determined. In the physico-chemical analysis, there were no significant differences among samples collected from various processing companies. In sensory quality evaluations, the color quality of pre-processed potato was lower than that of other materials. From the coefficient correlations and partial least squares regression analysis between sensory and instrumental data, pH, total acidity, colorimeter values, and hardness were considered important components in assessing the quality of pre-processed vegetables.

Purification and Characteristics of New Biopolymer Produced by Alkaline-Tolerant Bacillus sp. (알칼리 내성 Bacillus sp.가 생산하는 생물 고분자의 정제 및 특성)

  • Lee, Shin-Young;Won, Suk;Kang, Tae-Su;Lee, Myong-Yurl;Lew, In-Deok;Kim, Jin-Young
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.554-560
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    • 1998
  • Biopolymer from alkaline-tolerant Bacillus so. was purified, and its physico-chemical and structural properties were investigated. Crude biopolymer, precipitated by acetone from culture broth was fractionated into two fractions by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-200. Among two fractions, one fraction(PS I), which an acidic biopolymer precipitated by the CPC(cetylpyridinium chloride) treatment was studied further. PS I fraction had carboxyl groups and was positive at color reaction of sugar. PS I fraction also showed UV absorbance at 190-225nm. The purified acidic biopolymer was composed of 4% glucose, 8% glucosamine and 88% glutamic acid. Sugar components of the purified acidic biopolymer seemed to be linked to PGA(polyglutamic acid) which existed in the from of ${\gamma}$-peptide bond. By the results of Smith degradation of sugar components, glucose and glucosamine was bound by 1,3 glocosidic linkage. Therefore, this biopolymer was a glycopeptide, oligosaccaride ${\gamma}$-PGA. We concluded that the equivalent weight and the molecular weight of this biopolymer were estimated as about 171 and 5x105 dalton, respectively.

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Electron Microscopic Studies on the Morphology and Ultrastructures in Campylobacter jejuni treated with Physico-chemical Disinfectants (이화학적 살균제로 처리한 Campylobacter jejuni의 세포 형타와 미세구조에 대한 전자현미경적 연구)

  • Yun, Man-Seok;Oh, Hak-Shik;Kim, Chi-Kyung
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 1989
  • The cells of Campylobacter jejuni treated with physical or chemical disinfection agents were comparatively examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopies for their morphological features and internal ultrastructures. The normal cells of C. jejuni, showed typical spiral rod shapes. The ribosomes, nucleoids, and other cellular constituents were observed to be distributed evenly throughout the cytoplasm. The cells treated with heat or UV-light were changed to spherical or irregular shapes and their cell envelopes were destroyed to form ghost cells by liberating their cytoplasmic components. The cells treated with chlorine or monochloramine were also changed into irregular round shapes. The chlorinated cells showed very rough surface structures with many blob-like protrusions, while the surface of the monochloramine-treated cells appeared to be relatively smooth.

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Pharmacognostical Study on the Dioscoreae Rhizoma in Korea (한국산(韓國産) 산약류(山藥類)의 생약학적(生藥學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Toh, Chung-Ae
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 1984
  • Yam, Dioscorea batatas Decne (Dioscoreaceae) is a plant growing in Korea. Dioscoreae Rhizoma in the markets are classified into natural and cultural ones. These studies were conducted to investigate the differencies between natural and cultural Yams by characteristics of morphology, cell contents, chemical components and physical properties. More mucilage cells which contain calcium-oxalate raphides were contained in cultural Yam than natural Yam. However, the amount of crude protein, crude lipid and mucilage viscosity, swelling, gelatinization of polysaccharides were greater in natural Yam than the other. It is suggested that natural Yam is excellent as nutrition agent in quality and worthwhile as a resource of crude drugs.

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A Study on the Geological Occurrence, the Mineralogical and Physico-Chemical Properties of the Yucheon Sericite Ore in Chungha Area, Kyungsangbuk-do (청하지역 유천 견운모의 산상 및 물성)

  • 이동진
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.114-125
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the geological occurrence, mineralogical, physico-chemical and thermal properties of the sericite ore which located in Chungha area, Kyungsangbuk-do. The geology of this area are composed mainly of hornfels and some felsite porphyry. The sericitic ore is classified into sericite, sericite-quartz and quartz-sericite ore according to mineral assemblages. Mineral components in sericite ore are mainly sericite with minor quartz, apatite, sphene, zircon, ilmenite, bismuthinite, iron oxide and etc. Sericite-quartz ore are mainly composed of sericite and quartz. Accessary minerals are muscovite, epidote, zircon, sphene, iron oxide and etc. The chemical compositions of K2O, Al2O3, & Ignition loss in sericite and sericite-quartz ore increase than that of the host rock, while the composition of SiO2, Na2O & Fe2O3 decrease. Sericite and sericite-quartz ore are characterized by the specific gravity of 2.35 and 2.44, the pH of 4.36 cP and 2.36 cP respectively. The result of size analyses of sericite ore is 11.3% in grain volume concentration between 12.9 $\mu\textrm{m}$ and 11.1$\mu\textrm{m}$, and 32.3% between 9.6$\mu\textrm{m}$ and 12.9$\mu\textrm{m}$. The thermal expansivity of sericite and sericite-quartz ore show the similar pattern. The sericite ore shows the thermal expansivity of 0.31% at 50$0^{\circ}C$, 0.39~0.75% at 600~1,00$0^{\circ}C$ and 0.74% at 1,10$0^{\circ}C$. The sericite-quartz ore show the thermal expansivity of 0.29% at 50$0^{\circ}C$, 0.36~0.72% at 600~1,000% and 0.71% at 1,10$0^{\circ}C$.

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A Study on a Classification Technique of Natural Mineral Waters by Its Constitution and Physico-Chemical Properties (鑛泉水 理化學的 水質評價 技法 에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 1988
  • Natural mineral water is generally quite different from ordinary drinking water due to its original nature and various properties. The complexity of natural mineral water requires, therefore, not only to identify its nature and proper characteristics, but also to classify them by a reasonable scientific basis of comparison. The study was concentrated on a possible classification technique to natural mineral waters by their constitutions and physico-ehemical properties. The classification was carried out by the computation of such numerical parameters as ionic equivalent percentage, electrolytic conductance or mobility, ionic molecular weight, molecular concentration, equivalent conductivity and degree of ionization in consideration of the determinative criteria as follows -particular single element or molecule -major components of natural waters as bicarbonate, sulphate, chloride,caloride, calcium, magnesium, and sodium -moleculat concentration related to blood osmotic pressure -water temperature at emergence from spring -contents of free carbon dioxide (CO2) -pH value of water -total dissolved solids or salts (NaCl) The results obtained proved out to be clearly distinguhhable from ordinary drinking water as far as concern natural mineral water as an example on the subject -simple water -bicarbonate-predominating water -cold spring -carbonated-non gaseous water -weak alkaline water -non saline water Putting these various results together, the sample turned out to be a kind of natural mineral water that can be used as a drinking water if microbiologically safe.

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