This study is of investigation of refraction error, spectacles and contact lenses wearing state, visual acuity test, ophthalmologic common sense and vision care, using questionnaire study for 850 male and female high school students in Kunsan and Chongup City, Cheolla North Province. The results are as follows: 1. Among the 823 answerers, emmetropia is 18%, myopia is 55.1%, and hyperopia is 7%, respectively. 2. Among the 837 answerers, 381 students(45.5%) wear spectacles or contact lenses. Among the 381 students who wear spectacles or contact lenses, 78% wear only spectacles, 4% wear only contact lenses and 18% wears spectacles sometimes or contact lenses sometimes. 3. The places where the answerers had visual acuity test to wear spectacles or contact lenses are optical shop(64.7%), hospital(28.3%), unchecked(4.2%) and the others(2.7%). The places where the answerers had visual acuity test to change their spectacles or contact lenses are optical shop(82%), hospital(28.3%), unchecked(6.6%) and the others(1.9%). 4. As for the period of visual acuity test, from 6 months to one year is 54.1%, within 6 months is 9.2%, from one year to two years is 29.5%, and more than two years is 7.2%. 5. The contact lens wearers purchased their contact lenses at optical shops(94%) and at hospital(6%). 6. The reasons why they like wearing contact lenses are their appearance(51.2%), convenience in physical excercise(23.l%), lighter weight than spectacles(9.8%) and the others(15.7%). 7. As for the spectacles frame they like, plastic frame is 24.4%, gold or silver plated frame is 43.4%, coloured frame is 32.1%. 8. As for the considerations in choosing spectacles frame, their design is 37%, their quality is 36%, their price is 14.7% and their brand is 12.5%. 9. As for the period for changing spectacles, 10.5% is within 6 months, 57.3% is 6months to 1 year, 22.4% is 1 year to 2 months and 9.6% is more than 2 years. 10. There is a false fact, in Korea, that even though one has his poor eyesight, not wearing custom is helpful for the eyesight recovery. As for their conviction of the false fact, 10.5% of the answerers have 100% conviction, 22.5% of them have 22.5% conviction, 49.5% of them have 50% conviction and 17.5% of them don't have any conviction. 11. 48.5% of the answerers are interested in their vision care while 51.5% of them are not interested at all. As for the way of vision care, the vision-care way to keep enough distant when they are watching TV, when they are using computers and when they are reading, is 49% while the vision-care way such as hypogastric breathing or eye massage is 11%. And alimentotherapy is 4% and the rest who are not interested in vision care is 36%. 12. When they come to an age, the students who want vision correction operation are 45.9% while the students who do not want it are 27%. The students who do not have any idea about the operation are 27.1%