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The Jing-Qi-Shen Cultivation Method and its characteristic of Donguibogam (『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』의 정기신(精氣神) 양생법(養生法)과 그 특징)

  • Jeong, Chang-hyun;Baik, You-sang;Wie, Bo-young;Jang, Woo-chang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : Various cultivation methods can be found suggested in Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑) Naegyeongpyeon(內景篇) ranging from Juchenhwahu(周天火候), massage(按摩), physical and breathing exercise(導引), fetal breathing(胎息), clicking teeth(叩齒), saliva swallowing (嚥液), sounding the celestial drum(鳴天鼓), Six words(六字訣), Seven step(七星步), God pillow method(神枕法), and Taoism. Methods : The cultivation methods in Donguibogam are mainly found in the first volume of Naegyeongpyeon, and some can be discovered in Oehyeongpyeon(外形篇) and Japbyeongpyeon(雜病篇). This paper aims to study the system and special features of the cultivation methods that unfold within the first volume of Naegyeongpyeon. Results : Donguibogam's cultivation methods are Jing-Qi-Shen cultivation method(精氣神養生法), and Naegyeongpyeon's Sinhyeong(身形) can be described as a collection of general remarks, and Jing(精), Qi(氣), and Shen(神) is dealt individually. The condition for Jing culvation is not to spill sperm, Qi cultivation is to control the breathing, and Shen culviation is having a calm mind. Conclusions : The Jing-Qi-Shen cultivation method of Donguibogam revolves around Taoism integrated with Buddhism. It places importance in the cultivation of the Inner Center(內丹), and emphasizes Shen in particular among Jing, Qi, and Shen.

The Changes in the Ultrasound Imaging of Abdominal Muscles based on the Inspiratory Muscle Strengthening Training of Low Back Pain Patients (들숨군 강화 훈련이 허리통증환자의 배근육 초음파 영상 구조 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Jeongah;Park, Woongsik;Moon, Seyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to classify patients with chronic back pain according to the degree of their back pain, and to compare the pain dysfunction index with the qualitative changes in abdominal muscles. Therefore, we aimed to provide a basis for the treatment intervention method for patients with back pain. Methods: Twenty patients with chronic back pain were purposive sample to a group of 10 patients with a back pain index of 60 % or more and a group with less than 60 % of back pain, and the subjects who voluntarily participated in the study After receiving the letter, I conducted the research the dysfunction of back pain was measured by the Korean version of the Oswestry Disability Index (KODI), and the ultrasonic wave (Ultrasound MyLabOne, ESAOTE, Italy) And the white area index, and the abdominal muscle movement was used as the exercise instrument POWER breathe K5 (Hab direct, UK), which strengthens the respiratory muscles through threshold-muscle traction. Result: In this study, patients with chronic back pain were subjected to breathing exercises, which led to the decrease in back pain dysfunction. The ultrasonographic analysis of abdominal muscles revealed that both the white area index and muscle image density in the skeletal muscle and in the outer muscle of the abdomen gradually decreased over time. Conclusion: It is thought that introducing back pain patients to abdominal muscle reinforcement training is effective in improving the functions of the patients' muscles, thus increasing their quality of life.

Study on the Regulation Methods of Meridian ki Depending on the Pathological State of 'Discordance between Water and Fire'

  • Sohn, In-Chu
    • Journal of TMJ Balancing Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2011
  • This study reviews and suggests the followings: 1) The balance and harmony between water and fire (ki and blood, yin and yang) is regarded as the basic condition of maintaining health in Oriental medicine. 2) Oriental medicine defines disease as the imbalance or disharmony of body. So the discordance between water and fire is in ill state, the coordination between water and fire is in healthy state. 3) Etiological factors and pathology are summarized by the conflict between vital ki and pathogenic factors, six exogenous factors, internal injury by seven emotions and the imbalance between yin and yang. 4) The regulation of meridian ki recovers the balance between water and fire, ki and blood using acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy, herbal medicine and physical and breathing exercise and massage which is based on the principle of controlling ki and spirit.

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Aerobic Exercise's Influence on Obese Female College Students'Arterial Pulse Wave Velocity, Cardiorespiratory Systems and Body Composition (유산소 운동이 비만 여자대학생의 동맥맥파속도, 호흡순환계 및 신체조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seung-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.407-414
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    • 2017
  • In order to identify an Convergence aerobic exercise's influence on obese female college students' Cardiorespiratory systems and arterial pulse wave Velocity, this study targeted female college students in D University in Y-gu, D-City, and selected total 26 ones having body fat percentage over 30% with no special disease in past and at present and no regular physical activity. After finally confirming their participation in this experiment by completely explaining the purpose of and contents of this experiment and getting the subjects' written contents to participate in the experiment, the investigator randomly arranged the subjects into the exercise group(N=13) and the control group(N=13) and conducted a 12-week aerobic exercise program to the exercise group this study got the following conclusion. First, concerning the body composition's change, the exercise group showed significant reduction in the weight, the body fat percentage, and the abdominal fat percentage. Second, for the respiratory & cardiovascular systems'change, the exercise group showed significant increase in the maximal oxygen uptake, the maximal heart rate, and the maximal breathing capacity. Third, for the arterial pulse wave Velocity's change, the exercise group showed significant reduction in the upper body(right and left hands) and lower body (right and left feet).

Salivary Flow According to Elderly's Whole Health and Oral Health Status: According to Application of Oral exercise and Salivary Gland Massage

  • Oh, Ji-Young;Noh, Eun-Mi;Park, Hye-Young;Lee, Min-Kyung;Kim, Hye-Jin
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2019
  • In old age, measures to cope with the natural phenomenon of aging and various diseases of the elderly due to the deterioration of physical function are also a challenge for this society. While interest in systematic health is increasing, it is true that awareness and interest in oral-related diseases is relatively lacking. This study aims to present basic data necessary to improve the quality of life for senior citizens aged 65 or older by improving the oral dryness caused by systemic health. By research method, improve oral dryness caused by whole-body health with the elderly over 65 and promote their oral health, inducing the increase of the salivary flow rate through oral health care education, oral exercise, and salivary gland massage. First, on the DMSQ according to the general characteristics of the elderly, the recognition of the whole body and oral health status, independent sample t-test and One-way ANOVA were conducted. Second, on changes in the salivary flow rate and saliva pH according to the general characteristics of the elderly, recognition of oral and whole-body health status, and whole-body health, paired samples t-test was conducted. Studies have shown that salivary gland flow increased significantly after oral exercise and salivary gland massage, the salivary flow rate significantly increased. In all variables of the recognition of the oral health status, the salivary flow rate increased after oral exercise and salivary gland massage, and in the whole-body health, regardless of hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and osteoporosis, the salivary flow rate increased after oral exercise and salivary gland massage, and the salivary flow rate increased after oral exercise and salivary gland massage if the subjects responded that they did not have thyroid abnormality, anemia, abnormalities of breathing, hypotension, gastrointestinal disturbance, or kidney diseases. As a comprehensive analysis of this study, many felt oral dryness when they had a problem with the whole-body health, and many felt oral dryness when they had a problem with oral health cognition. After applying oral exercise and salivary gland massage as intervention methods in the oral health care for the elderly, the salivary flow rate significantly increased, and it is judged that the methods were very effective for controlling oral dryness. Furthermore, it is judged that the factors affecting oral health, whole-body health, and oral dryness would be identified, which would be helpful for the promotion of whole-body health and oral health. It is judged that continuous research would be needed so that measures for the application of the oral care program and system for the elderly would be prepared in the future.

Research Trends for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (만성폐쇄성폐질환의 보완대체의학 임상연구 동향)

  • Yoon, Jong-Man;Park, Yang-Chun
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.732-745
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : This study analyzed the contents of research papers of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) concerning chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) published in PubMed during the last 5 years. This study was conducted to help clinical studies for treating COPD with Oriental medicine. Materials and Methods : We inspected 31 theses and scrutinized their objectives, periods, participants, materials and methods, methods of assessment, results and Jadad score. Results : The treatments in the studies were supplements, physical training, acupuncture, acu-TENS, Bojungikgi-tang (Buzhongyiqi-tang), counseling, breathing training, osteopathic manipulative treatment, reflexology, and distractive auditory stimuli. The aims of treatment were improvement of exercise capacity, lung function, quality of life, oxidative status, nutrient status, systemic inflammation, and cessation of smoking. The median for treatment period of study was 8 weeks, the median number of participants was 35 and the differences between mean FEV1 from groups were less than 10% in 22 studies. The methods of assessment were lung function test, exercise capacity test, muscle strength test, questionnaire of QoL, laboratory studies, and measurement of nutrient state. The mean of Jadad score was 2.4±1.03, and 24 treatment were assessed as effective. Conclusion : Recent CAM studies of COPD have focused on various topics in alternative and complementary medicine, and it is necessary to provide objective studies for treatment of this disease with Oriental medicines.

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A study on Yang Shi Tai Chi Chuan in Bartenieff Fundamentals Perspectives (바티니에프 기본원리를 통해 본 양식 태극권에 관한 연구)

  • Wang, Zhiquan
    • Trans-
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    • v.8
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    • pp.95-127
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    • 2020
  • This research is based on using Bartenieff Fundamentals to analyze the fundamentals of Tai Chi Chuan's movements in order to develop the methods of relaxation from Tai Chi Chuan's principle movement movements It also shows that the two techniques have commonalities in many ways. First of all, taking a philosophical approach on the body movements of Tai Chi Chuan and Bartenieff, for both methods the ultimate goal is the integration of mind and body. In other words, there is a thread of connection between the East's body and mind monism and the west's Body Awareness. Secondly, looking at it from a Breath Support standpoint as used in the Bartenieff method, the two methods both use the breathing to naturally move the body and relax the body. In Tai Chi Chuan the Breath is the basis of life and the strength of the Body. So the breathing of Tai Chi chuan is what makes body and mind communicate, harmonize and integrate. In other words, Breathing in Tai Chi is realized through mental fusion and affects the movements. This is the same as the Breath Support of Bartenieff. It is said that in every aspect the Breath Support of Bartenieff influences the movement and changes both the inner and outer form of the body. Thirdly, looking at the Core Support used in the Bartenieff method, both methods emphasize core. At the same time of moving and being conscious of one's core, the usage of muscles can be deeper rather than superficial and this enables strong and flexible movement. In Tai Chi Chuan abdominal muscles used when one coughs are consciously engaged through abdominal breathing and so strength is collected in the core. When one exercises like that the core becomes more stable and breathing becomes more smooth. Fourthly, analyzing the Rotary Factor used in the Bartenieff Fundamentals, they both use rotary movement to reach the goal of physical relaxation. The rotation factor of Bartenieff allows movement to be easier and more free because of the characteristic of joint exercise where the center axis moved in three dimensions, this is the same in Tai Chi chuan. According to Tai Chi chuan's circle and Spiral Movements, it can achieve the relaxation through switching into a seamless flow and access space as much as possible. Finally, when looking at Developmental Patterning through Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen's Body-Mind Centering Work theory, presented from Bartenieff developmental model are similar with the developmental process of Tai Chi chuan Breath, Core-Distal Connectivity/Navel Radiation, Head-Tail Connectivity/Spinal Movement, Upper-Lower Connectivity/Homologous, Body-Half Connectivity/Homo-Lateral Connectivity, Cross-Lateral Connectivity/Contra-Lateral Connectivity. They are all similar. In other words, in Tai Chi Chuan energy is gathered in the core through breathing, upper and lower body are connected through the spine, not only homo-laterally but also cross-laterally. Through this study the expression of the dance movements can be more natural. Additionally based on the Body Awareness balance usage of the central axis, joints and body can develop the relax technique.

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The Effect of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Respiratory Function in Stroke Patient

  • Jung, Nam Jin;Ju, Jung Yeol;Choi, Seok Ju;Shin, Hyung Soo;Shin, Hee Joon
    • Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.795-801
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to find out an inspiratory muscles training program's therapeutic effects on stroke patients' respiratory function. For the purpose, this study targeted 20 stroke patients being hospitalized in K hospital in Daegu, and diveded the patients into the both groups of Inspiratory muscle training(IMT) group and control group, randomization. The 10 patients in the IMT group was applied the inspiratory muscles training. The control group was composed of other 10 patients. IMT group was given a inspiratory muscle training program for 30 minutes per times, 5 times a week for 6 weeks. The investigator measured the patients' respiratory function compared changes in the function and ability before and after the IMT. The results of this study are as follows. Investigating the inspiratory muscle training group's lung functions, there appeared some significant differences in the tests the FVC(Forced vital capacity), FEV1(Forced expired volume in one second) before and after the training(p<.05), but the control group had no significant in the same tests before and after(p<.05). The differences in the both groups after depending the inspiratory muscles training were significantly found in the tests of FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC(p<.05). The maximum inspiratory pressure showed some significant differences in the inspiratory muscle training group(p<.05), but didn't show any significant difference in the control group(p>.05). Conclusionally, it will be judged that the inspiratory muscles training program will improve stroke patients' respiratory function, and it is considered that will move up stroke patients' gait and body function.

The Effects of Whole Body Vibration Stimulation Training Combined with Respiratory resistance on Respiratory and Balance Function in Stroke Patients (호흡저항이 병행된 전신진동자극 훈련이 뇌졸중환자의 호흡기능 및 균형능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Byeong-Soo;Park, Sam-Ho;Park, Hyo-Jung;Lee, Myung-Mo
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.234-243
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of whole body vibration stimulation training combined with respiratory resistance on respiratory and balance function in stroke patients. 17 patients with chronic stroke were randomly assigned to the experimental group (n = 8) and the general vibration exercise program (n = 9). The intervention was conducted three times a week for 30 minutes once a week for 4 weeks. The respiratory function and balance ability were evaluated before and after the intervention to evaluate the degree of functional improvement. As a result, there was a significant difference (p<.05) between the respiratory function and the balance ability in the experimental group, and a significant difference(p<.05) in the respiratory function between the experimental group and the control group. The balance ability was not significantly different among the experimental groups. Through the results of this study, whole body vibration stimulation training combined with respiratory resistance may be useful as a program for improving respiratory function and balance ability of stroke patients.

A Documentational Study of Doinqigong in The Oriental Medicine Classics (고전의서(古典醫書)에 나타난 도인기공(導引氣功) 방법(方法)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Hyun-Tai;Han, Chang-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Nam;Park, Ji-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : Because of emphasizing a side of preventive medicine in the oriental medicine, an interest in Doinqigong(導引氣功: Physical and breathing exercise) has been elated recently. But, it has a limited sphere of application in the present south korea. Therefore we would like to bring out its sphere of application and detailed method in the oriental medicine classics. Method : We have researched theories and methods of Doinqigong in the Junghwaeujeon(中華醫典: Oriental medicine classic collections) DB according to below the procedure. (1) Making a related words list: We have used existing study of Doinqigong to make a list. It has been connected with Doinqigong. It includes not only technical terms, but also general terms. (2) Searching sentences: We have searched sentence that contain terms related with Doinqigong in the Junghwaeujeon DB. (3) Analysis of related sentences: We have searched and classified sentence by theory and method. Result : Results & Conclusion : (1) The total number of oriental medicine classics connected with Doinqigong is twelve. (2) The methods of Doinqigong have classified into three large groups: They are the Doinqigong for preservationing of good health, the Doinqigong for curing disease and the Doinqigong for internal organs and channels. (3) The number of Doinqigong for preservationing of good health in the seven oriental medicine classics is about ten. For example, the Okeumhi(五禽戱: Five animal's dance), the Paldangeum(八段錦: Eight motions of qigong) and so on. The number of oriental medicine classics connected with Doinqigong for curing disease is seven. They contain internal diseases, surgical diseases, diseases of five sensory organs and various diseases in the order of their frequency. The Doinqigong for internal organs and channels is only the Yookjageul(六字訣: Six sound's treatment).

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