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  • 제목/요약/키워드: physical and breathing exercise

검색결과 145건 처리시간 0.023초

The Effect of Chest Physical Therapy on Improvement of Pulmonary Function in the Patients with Stroke (호흡기계 물리치료가 뇌졸중환자의 폐기능 증진에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim Jae-Hyun;Hong Wan-Sung;Bae Sung-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to determine whether respiratory physical therapy might increase the pulmonary function of the patients with stroke or not. Twenty patients with stroke were randomly assigned to experimental and control group. During four weeks, both groups participated in the conventional physical therapy and only the experimental group added in a program of respiratory physical therapy. Respiratory physical therapy consisted of chest mobilization, resistive ventilatory muscle training used the method of PNF technique and relaxed diaphragm breathing. Baseline and post-test measurements were made of vital capacity. inspiratory capacity, expiratory reserve volume, farced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume at one second, FE1/FVC(%) and maximal voluntary ventilation. Ater four weeks, the experimental group showed the significant improvement in VC(p<.05). FVC(p<.05), FFV1(p<.05) md MVV(p<.05). However, the controll group showed no significant differnece. As compared th the relationship of dependent variables between the experimental group and control group. experimental group showed the significant difference in VC(p<.01), FEV1(p<.05) and MVV(p<.05). These findings suggest that respiratory physical therapy can be used to improve pulmonary function in stroke patients. Also, respiratory physical therapy should be performed for at least four weeks and be followed by the continuous respiratory exercise programs.

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To'egye's Self-Cultivation and It's Meaning (퇴계 공부론의 실제활용과 그 의의)

  • Kang, Jinseok
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • 제39호
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    • pp.7-27
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    • 2013
  • T'oegye placed great emphasis on the cultivation of quiet-sitting. His idea of quiet-sitting, like Zhu Xi's, had various therapeutic effects as well. This can be highlighted as a real-life practice and a diverse application of the "abiding by Gyong" that he stressed; it is also associated with the treatment of physical diseases, composure in the mind, the benefits of reading, meditation in solitude, and many other areas. And We can easily infer that T'oegye would have set some premises before referring to Hualin Simbang. First, he would have been wary of quiet-sitting being the goal of cultivation: Too much obsession with and emphasis on Toinsul would actually obstruct the practice of "abiding by Gyong" and mislead one's effort for the "preservation and nourishment of the mind" and "reflection and examination." T'oegye would have probably used the physical and breathing exercises in Hualyin Simbang mainly as a reference to treat his physical illnesses. Also, his Toinsul would have been employed independently and partially as a sort of supplementary practice-without being used in parallel with quiet-sitting as one of the methods to achieve reverent seriousness.

Toinsul and Oriental Physical Therapy (도인술(導引術)과 한방 물리치료)

  • Bae Ju-Han;Kim Sang-Su
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 1998
  • Toinsul consists of breathing method and exercising method by stimulation of acupuncture point and meridian. It activates the circulation of energy and blood and helps excretion of noxious vapor and it improves elasticity and vitality of muscles, tendon md ligament. It sharpens both secretion of synovia .and circulation around joints and also controls the whole body through meridian. This report introduces some about the exercise methods for treatment of lumbago and shoulder joint diseases among medical, surgical and gynecological diseases. It can be used for health care, treatment, relaxation muscles and recovery from fatigue in an aspect of prevention. It has been widely used for treatment of diseases and promotion of health so far even though it is not yet demonstrated scientifically. Therefore, it should be used mere efficiently as an important part of the oriental physical therapy.

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Effects of and barriers to hospital-based pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Kim, Sang Hun;Jeong, Jong Hwa;Lee, Byeong Ju;Shin, Myung-Jun;Shin, Yong Beom
    • Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of hospital-based pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) on exercise capacity and quality of life as well as barriers to participation in persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in South Korea. Design: One-group pretest-posttest design. Methods: A total of 14 patients were enrolled in this study in an 8-week PR program with two 60-minute sessions per week. The program included: flexibility exercises, breathing techniques, strengthening exercises, and aerobic exercises. The outcomes were defined as changes in the variables before and after the PR program. A change in the 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) was defined as the primary outcome, and changes in pulmonary function test, respiratory and grip strength, and the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) about quality-of-life results were secondary outcomes. A dropout was defined as missing >3 of the 16 sessions. Results: Patients who completed the program showed a significant improvement of 43.57±39.43 m in the 6MWD (p<0.05), but no significant differences were noted for the other function tests. The SGRQ showed a significant improvement in the activity and total score (p<0.05). The total dropout rate was 53.3%. Newly developed symptoms, exacerbation of COPD, transport problems, and lack of motivation were major barriers to PR. Conclusions: Our study showed that an 8-week hospital-based PR program improved exercise capacity and quality of life but had a high dropout rate in individuals with COPD. Since comprehensive PR has only recently been established in South Korea, patient motivation and education are critical.

Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자에서 골격근 기능 이상)

  • Kim, Ho-Cheol;Lee, Gi-Dong;Hwang, Young-Sil
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제68권3호
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    • pp.125-139
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    • 2010
  • Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) frequently complain of dyspnea on exertion and reduced exercise capacity, which has been attributed to an increase in the work of breathing and in impaired of gas exchange. Although COPD primarily affects the pulmonary system, patients with COPD exhibit significant systemic manifestations of disease progression. These manifestations include weight loss, nutritional abnormalities, skeletal muscle dysfunction (SMD), cardiovascular problems, and psychosocial complications. It has been documented that SMD significantly contributes to a reduced exercise capacity in patients with COPD. Ventilatory and limb muscle in these patients show structural and functional alteration, which are influenced by several factors, including physical inactivity, hypoxia, smoking, aging, corticosteroid, malnutrition, systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and ubiquitin-proteasome pathway activation. This article summarizes briefly the evidence and the clinical consequences of SMD in patients with COPD. In addition, it reviews contributing factors and therapeutic strategies.

Energy cost of loads carried on the hands, head, or feet (짐나르기의 에너지 소요량)

  • Hwang, Dai-Yun;Nam, Kee-Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 1971
  • Oxygen consumption, pulmonary ventilation, heart rate, and breathing frequency were measured on 8 men walking on a treadmill carrying load of 9 kg on hand, back, or head. Besides measurements were made on subjects carrying loads of 2.6 kg each on both feet. The speed of level walking was 4, 5, and 5.5km/hr and a fixed speed off km/hr with grades of 0, 3, 6, and 9%. Comparisons were made between free walking without load and walking with various types of loads. The following results were obtained. 1. In level or uphill walking the changes in oxygen consumption, pulmonary ventilation, breathing frequency and heart rate were smallest in back load walking, and largest in hand load walking. The method of back load was most efficient and hand load was the least efficient. The energy cost in head load walking was smaller than that of in hand load walking. It was assumed that foot load costed more energy than hand load. 2. In level walking the measured parameters increased abruptly at the speed of 5.5 km/hr. Oxygen consumption in a free walking at 4 km/hr was 11.4ml/kg b.wt., and 13.1 ml/kg b.wt. 5.5 km/hr, and in a hand load walking at 4 km/hr was 13.9, and 18.8 ml/kg b. wt. at 5.5 km/hr. 3. In uphill walking oxygen consumption and other parameters increased abruptly at the grade of 6%. Oxygen consumption at 4 km/hr and 0% grade was 11.4 ml/kg b. wt., 13.6 at 6% grade, and 16.21/kg b. wt. at 9% grade in a free walking. In back load walking oxygen consumption at 4km/hr and 0% grade was 12.3 ml/kg b.wt.,14.9 at 6% grade, and 18.7 ml/kg b.wt. In hand load walking the oxygen consumption was the greatest, namely, 13.9 at 0% grade, 17.9 at 6%, and 20.0 ml/kg b. wt. at 9% grade. 4. Both in level and uphill walking the changes in pulmonary ventilation and heart rate paralleled with oxygen consumption. 5. The changes in heart rate and breathing frequency in hand load were characteristic. Both in level and uphill walk breathing frequency increased to 30 per minute when a load was held on hand and showed a small increase as the exercise became severe. In the other method of load carrying the Peak value of breathing frequency was less than 30 Per minute. Heart rate showed 106 beats/minute even at a speed of 4 km/hr when a load was held on hand, whereas, heart rate was between, 53 and 100 beats/minute in the other types of load carriage. 6. Number of strides per minute in level walking increased as the speed increased. At the speed floater than 5 km/hr number of strides per minute of load carrying walk was greater than that of free walking. In uphill walk number of strides per minute decreased as the grade increased. Number of strides in hand load walk was greatest and back load walk showed the same number of strides as the free walk.

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A Study on the Pulmonary Functional Characteristics of Amateur Wind Instrument Players and Choir Members

  • Baek, Jeong Yun;Kim, Joong Hwi
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.248-254
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to identify the effect of amateur wind musical performance and choir activity on pulmonary function, and to determine the usefulness as a respiration training program by measuring the pulmonary functions of subjects. Methods: A total of 90 subjects (wind instrument players group=30, choir members group=30, control group=30) participated in the experiment. Pulmonary function test (FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC ratio, MVV, SVC, PEF, FEF 25-75%, IRV, ERV) was conducted using a spirometer (CardioTouch 3000S, Bionet, Seoul, Republic of Korea). Each factor was measured 3 times to meet the American Thoracic Society criteria, and the highest value was used in the analysis. Results: Comparing pulmonary function between the amateur wind instrument players (WP), amateur choir members (CH), and control (CG) groups revealed significant differences in FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, and ERV (p<0.05). Highest values were obtained in the WP group. Significant differences were obtained for various factors in the multiple regression analysis of practice year (PY), practice time per week (PTPW), and exercise time per week (ETPW): FEV1 and FVC in PY, FEV1/FVC in PTPW, and FEV1/FVC, MVV, PEF, and FEF (25-75%) in ETPW. Conclusion: Amateur wind instrument performance effectively improves lung function and is useful as a breathing training program for preventing debilitation and improving respiratory function.

Effects Of Tai Chi Training on Attention and Physiological Changes: An EEG Study

  • Moo Sung Cha;Min Jung Gil;Min Ju Kim;Kyung Shik Lim;Jin Gu Kim
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to determine how 15 weeks of Tai Chi training affected attention and brain waves. Thirty-six university students (mean age = 24.27 years; SD = ±1.054) participated in this experiment. Participants practiced form postures from the first section of form 85 of the traditional Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan. The Frankfurt Attention Inventory (FAIR) was used to assess each participant's level of attention. The sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) power analysis demonstrated that participants in the Tai Chi group show higher SMR power than the control group. This study showed that Tai Chi Chuan increases theta and alpha waves by relaxing the body and mind, as well as through soft and slow movement and deep breathing. It reduces fast beta waves, which stabilizes the brain and improves attention. FAIR results showed that 15 weeks of Tai Chi training improved selective ability, control index, and persistence index. These findings suggested that Tai Chi is an exercise that helps improve attention.

Effects of Chest Expansion Resistance Exercise on Chest Expansion and Maximal Inspiratory Pressure in Patients with Stroke (흉곽확장저항운동이 뇌졸중 환자의 흉곽가동범위와 최대흡기압에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chang-Beom;Choi, Jong-Duk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2015
  • PURPOSE: This study compared the effects of chest expansion resistance exercise (CERE) and breathing retraining (BRT) on stroke patients' chest expansion and maximal inspiratory pressure(MIP), thereby intending to present an effective intervention method for enhancing their respiratory functions. METHODS: The subjects were 30 stroke patients and randomly and equally assigned to a CERE group (10), a BRT group (10), and a control group (10). The intervention was applied to each group five times per week, 30 minutes per each time, for six weeks. A tapeline was used to measure upper and lower chest expansion and MIP prior to and after the intervention and the results were compared. RESULTS: After the intervention, the upper and lower chest expansion was considerable in the CERE group (p<.01), significant in the BRT group (p<.05) but was not significant in the control group (p>.05). According to the post-hoc test result, the upper and lower chest of the CERE group and the BRT group significantly expanded compared to that of the control group (p<.05) and the upper and lower chest of the CERE group statistically significantly expanded relative to that of the BRT group (p<.05). According to the MIP evaluation result, the CERE group saw considerable improvement (p<.01) and the BRT group underwent significant changes (p<.05), but there were no significant changes in the control group (p>.05). The post-hoc test result was that the CERE group and the BRT group saw significant improvement compared to the control group (p<.05) and the CERE group experienced statistically significant enhancement relative to the BRT group (p<.05). CONCLUSION: As an intervention for respiratory function improvement, CERE is considered effective for strengthening respiratory muscles and promoting chest expansion through manual resistance by a therapist.

A Study on Body Cognition According to the Weight Change of Firefighting Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (소방용 공기호흡기 중량 변화에 따른 신체 인지성 연구)

  • Hae Won Lee;Sung Myun Park;Dong Ho Choi
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.563-572
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to assess the physical cognition according to changes in the weight of firefighting Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), and to provide foundational data for establishing standards for firefighting SCBA based on these results. Method: The study investigated and analyzed changes in physical changes, Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), and cognitive factors among firefighters and non-firefighters wearing three different types of SCBA with varying weights, following appropriate exercise loads. Result: In the case of the firefighter group, wearing SCBA with varying weights during exercise did not show significant differences in respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure. Similarly, in the non-firefighter group, differences in weight change were not significant. Additionally, both groups did not demonstrate differences in RPE based on SCBA weight changes, and participants did not cognize changes in SCBA weight during the experiment. Conclusion: Due to the low level of physical cognition based on changes in SCBA weight, it is inferred that even if the current firefighting SCBA weight is additionally increased to 4kg, firefighters' cognitive fatigue levels would remain similar to or not significantly higher than current levels