• Title/Summary/Keyword: phonological

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Developing a Korean standard speech DB (II) (한국인 표준 음성 DB 구축(II))

  • Shin, Jiyoung;Kim, KyungWha
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this paper is to report the whole process of developing Korean Standard Speech Database (KSS DB). This project is supported by SPO (Supreme Prosecutors' Office) research grant for three years from 2014 to 2016. KSS DB is designed to provide speech data for acoustic-phonetic and phonological studies and speaker recognition system. For the samples to represent the spoken Korean, sociolinguistic factors, such as region (9 regional dialects), age (5 age groups over 20) and gender (male and female) were considered. The goal of the project is to collect over 3,000 male and female speakers of nine regional dialects and five age groups employing direct and indirect methods. Speech samples of 3,191 speakers (2,829 speakers and 362 speakers using direct and indirect methods, respectively) are collected and databased. KSS DB designs to collect read and spontaneous speech samples from each speaker carrying out 5 speech tasks: three (pseudo-)spontaneous speech tasks (producing prolonged simple vowels, 28 blanked sentences and spontaneous talk) and two read speech tasks (reading 55 phonetically and phonologically rich sentences and reading three short passages). KSS DB includes a 16-bit, 44.1kHz speech waveform file and a orthographic file for each speech task.

A Study on Reexamination of the syllable errors of nasal consonant ending for Chinese learners in the Korean language study (중국인 학습자 비음 종성 /ㄴ/, /ㅇ/ 음절의 발음 오류 재고 -한·중 음절 유형을 통하여-)

  • Zhang, Jian
    • Journal of Korean language education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.251-268
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    • 2017
  • This study is based on differences of syllable type between Korean and Chinese language pronunciation. For example, Nasal consonant ending 【n】 and 【${\eta}$】 reside in both Korean and Chinese phonetics simultaneously. However, in experiential training, Chinese learners will make errors in pronunciation of the Korean syllable nasal consonant ending like 【n】 and 【${\eta}$】. In the previous research, analysis of pronunciation errors were often based on the perspective of phonological system and combination of the phoneme rules. However, in this study, the analysis is based on the differences between Korean and Chinese syllables category to indicate the cause of pronunciation errors. The main findings of this study indicated that in the process of pronunciation of Chinese, nasal consonant syllable rime and its 【back】 tongue vowel are combined with each other. However, this rule does not apply in Korean pronunciation. Therefore, the Korean syllabic types like "앤, 응, 옹, 앵, 은, 온, 언" also exist in the Chinese language. When theChinese learners pronounce these types of syllables, the combination of the voweland nasal syllable rime rule will be taken, which will result in pronunciationerrors.

A Study on the Correlation between Production and Perception of Korean vowel /ʌ/ and /o/ for Chinese Learners (중국인 한국어 학습자의 한국어 모음 /어/와/오/에 대한 산출과 지각 상관성 연구)

  • Kim, Eunkyung;In, Jiyoung;Seong, Cheoljae
    • Journal of Korean language education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the aspect of production and perception of Korean vowels /${\Lambda}$/ and /o/ and to discuss the correlation between production and perception of the two vowels. For this purpose, two separate experiments were conducted. 19 Chinese learners and 20 Korean native speakers produced Korean vowels /${\Lambda}$/ and /o/. Production experiments indicated that Koreans and Chinese female groups revealed common features in production, showing that they all pronounced /${\Lambda}$/ and /o/ in a distinguishable manner in the acoustic space. On the other hand, the Chinese male group failed to show that they could pronounce two vowels distinctively. The Chinese male group seemed to be confused in vowel height between the two vowels. A perception experiment was carried out on a continuum consisting of 11 synthesized stimuli. The perceptual judgment from referred Chinese and Korean subjects showed that Koreans and Chinese female groups had the same phonological boundaries (stimulus '04') for the two vowels on the continuum. However, the Chinese male group made perceptual criterion on stimulus '03'. These results confirmed that there was strong correlation between the aspect of production and perception.

An Empirical Study to Rethink the Goals and Components of Teaching Korean Language Pronunciation (한국어 발음 교육 목표와 교육 내용 재고를 위한 실험연구)

  • Lee, Hyang
    • Journal of Korean language education
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.105-126
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    • 2017
  • Intelligibility has been widely regarded as an appropriate goal for second language pronunciation teaching. Yet there are few empirical studies that focus on the intelligibility of Korean learners' pronunciation. Therefore, this mixed-methods study examined the relationship among native-like pronunciation, intelligible pronunciation, phonological fluency and comprehensibility. Furthermore, this study investigated how native-like pronunciation and intelligible pronunciation are measured differently in terms of actual pronunciation skills. In addition, this study examined how these two pronunciation styles mutually influence each other. The results of this study show that achieving native-like pronunciation is a much more difficult goal than achieving intelligible pronunciation. It further shows that foreign accented pronunciation has little to do with comprehensibility while better intelligibility is needed for clearer comprehensibility. To achieve better intelligibility, this study recommends pronunciation teaching based on segments, suprasegmentals and fluency as the focus on suprasegmentals and fluency teaching are more important to achieve a native-like pronunciation. Besides the focus on phonology, there are other social factors which could influence the evaluation of native-like pronunciation, but are not part of this study. These findings are expected to contribute not only to a better understanding of pronunciation, but also to a more comprehensive reevaluation and informed direction of pronunciation teaching and research.

Design of automatic translation system for hangul's romanization Based on the World Wide Web (웹 기반하의 국어의 로마자 표기 자동 변환 시스템 설계)

  • 김홍섭
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2001
  • After automatic translation system for hangul's romanization based on the World Wide Web converting korean-word. sentence, document to Transliteration letters by applying algorithm based phonological principles. even though a user do not know the basic principles of the usage of Korean-to-Romanization notations. It refers to corresponding character table that has been currently adopted the authority's standard proposition for Korean-to-Romanization notation rule concurrently, add to make possible to convert a machinized code as well. It Provides font for toggling Korean-English mode, insert-edit mode by assigning ASCII codes are hardly used to them. This program could be made in C++ programming language and Unified Modeling Language to implement various font. font-expanding and condensing, alternative printing.

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The design and implementation of automatic translation system for hangul's romanization (국어 로마자 표기 자동 변환 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • 김홍섭
    • KSCI Review
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 1995
  • This study is, by assigning ASCII codes hardly used to Bandaljum(ˇ) and making the fonts of Korean-English character mode, to design the way of converting automatically a word, a sentence or a document of korean into phonetic letters by applying the algorismized phonological principles inputted as a letter string, even though a user do not konw the basic principles of the usage of Korean-to-Romanization notation rule. This is designed so that it may be possible to turn into a mechanical code with reference to the corresponding character in the table of Korean-to-Romanization notation rule that is the currently used standard proposition of the government. Consequently this program makes it user more convenient in the manipulations of special case words, the assistance of colorful-screen or pull-down, pop-up menu and the adoptation of utilizable mouse works for a user convienency. This program could be installed in a single diskette of 5.25"(2HD) and be made in C programming language to mplement various font, expansion or condense of font, alternative printing.ting.

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Native language Interference in producing the Korean rhythmic structure: Focusing on Japanese (한국어 리듬구조에 미치는 L1의 영향: 일본인 학습자를 중심으로)

  • Yune, Youngsook
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2018
  • This study investigates the effect of Japanese (L1) on the production of the Korean rhythmic structure. Korean and Japanese have typologically different rhythmic structure as a syllable-timed language and mora-timed language, respectively. This rhythmic difference comes from the different phonological properties of the two languages. Due to this difference, Japanese speakers that are learning Korean may produce a different rhythm than native Korean speakers' rhythm. To investigate the influence of the native language's rhythm on the target language, we conducted an acoustic analysis using acoustic metrics such as %V, VarcoV, and VarcoS. Four Korean native speakers and ten advanced Japanese Korean learners participated in a production test. The analyzed material consisted of six Korean sentences that contained various syllable structures. The results showed that KS and JS's rhythms are different in %V as well as in VarcoV. In the case of VarcoS, significant rhythmic difference was observed in the VC and CVC syllable, in which the coda segment is nasal sound. This study allowed us to observe the influence of L1 on production of L2 rhythm.

Korean-English bilingual children's production of stop contrasts

  • Oh, Eunhae
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2019
  • Korean (L1)-English (L2) bilingual adults' and children's production of Korean and English stops was examined to determine the age effects and L2 experience on the development of L1 and L2 stop contrasts. Four groups of Seoul Korean speakers (experienced and inexperienced adult and child groups) and two groups of age-matched native English speakers participated. The overall results of voice onset time (VOT) and fundamental frequency (F0) of phrase-initial stops in Korean and word-intial stops in English showed a delay in the acquisition of L1 due to the dominant exposure to L2. Significantly longer VOT and lower F0 for aspirated stops as well as high temporal variability across repetitions of lenis stops were interpreted to indicate a strong effect of English on Korean stop contrasts for bilingual children. That is, the heavy use of VOT for Korean stop contrasts shows bilingual children's attention to the acoustic cue that are primarily employed in the dominant L2. Furthermore, inexperienced children, but not adults, were shown to create new L2 categories that are distinctive from the L1 within 6 months of L2 experience, suggesting greater independence between the two phonological systems. The implications of bilinguals' age at the time of testing to the degree and direction of L1-L2 interaction are further discussed.

이민(移民)과 천진(天津)방언 형성 관계 고찰

  • Jeong, Ok-Jeong;Park, Hyeong-Chun
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.67
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    • pp.61-80
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    • 2020
  • This paper analyzes the formation of Tianjin dialect by investigating the immigration situation in Tianjin in history, analyzing the rhyme phenomenon of Tianjin dialect and comparing Tianjin dialect with surrounding dialects. First of all, with the need of transferring grain from the south to the north after the Ming Dynasty, the canal-centered grain transportation industry developed, and the immigrants in Tianjin naturally began to increase. In the Qing Dynasty, a large number of commercial immigrants flowed into various areas of Tianjin with the expansion of Tianjin's urban scale. This way of immigration makes Tianjin dialect preserve some dialectal features of other regions. By comparing with other Mandarin dialects, it is found that this is not only a feature of Tianjin dialect, but also a common feature in other Mandarin dialects. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that the opinion of considering the dialect of one region is the mother dialect of Tianjin dialect because a certain phonological feature of Tianjin dialect is the same as that of other specific area is not appropriate. On the other hand, these immigrant dialects, which well reflects the characteristics of Tianjin, just show that these dialects have formed the present Tianjin dialect in the form of integration after the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

English vowel production conditioned by probabilistic accessibility of words: A comparison between L1 and L2 speakers

  • Jonny Jungyun Kim;Mijung Lee
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated the influences of probabilistic accessibility of the word being produced - as determined by its usage frequency and neighborhood density - on native and high-proficiency L2 speakers' realization of six English monophthong vowels. The native group hyperarticulated the vowels over an expanded acoustic space when the vowel occurred in words with low frequency and high density, supporting the claim that vowel forms are modified in accordance with the probabilistic accessibility of words. However, temporal expansion occurred in words with greater accessibility (i.e., with high frequency and low density) as an effect of low phonotactic probability in low-density words, particularly in attended speech. This suggests that temporal modification in the opposite direction may be part of the phonetic characteristics that are enhanced in communicatively driven focus realization. Conversely, none of these spectral and temporal patterns were found in the L2 group, thereby indicating that even the high-proficiency L2 speakers may not have developed experience-based sensitivity to the modulation of sub-categorical phonetic details indexed with word-level probabilistic information. The results are discussed with respect to how phonological representations are shaped in a word-specific manner for the sake of communicatively driven lexical intelligibility, and what factors may contribute to the lack of native-like sensitivity in L2 speech.