• Title/Summary/Keyword: penetration mechanism

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Assessment on the Seawater Attack Resistance of Antiwashout Underwater Concrete (수중불분리성 콘크리트의 해수침식에 대한저항성 평가)

  • 문한영;김성수;안태송;이승태;김종필
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.683-688
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    • 2001
  • In case of constructing the concrete structures under seawater environment, the concrete suffers from deterioration due to penetration of various ions such as chloride, sulfate and magnesium in seawater. Tn the present study, Immersion tests with artificial seawater were carried out to investigate the resistance to seawater attack of antiwashout underwater concrete. From the results of compressive strength, it was found that blended cement concrete due to mineral admixtures such as fly ash(FA) and ground granulated blast-furnace slag(SGC), were superior to ordinary portland cement concrete with respect to the resistance to seawater attack. Moreover, XRD analysis indicated that the formed reactants of ordinary portland cement paste by sulfate and magnesium ions led to the deterioration of concrete. As expected, however, the blended cements with FA or SGC have a good resistance to seawater attack. This paper would discuss the mechanism of seawater deterioration and benefical effects of antiwashout underwater concretes with mineral admixtures.

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A Study on the Glass Strengthened in Salt Solution by Chemical Ion Exchange (염 용액에서의 화학적 이온교환 강화유리에 관한 연구)

  • 이종근;김인섭
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.335-342
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    • 1987
  • There were several numbers of studies on chemically strengthening glass. Most of them were strengthened in molten salt bath below transformation range of glass. Apart from them, this study used solution hydration technique by Autoclave. After determining proper concentration of AgNO3 salt solution, experimental condition varied from 4hrs to 16hrs at relatively low temperature (180, 200, 220$^{\circ}C$). The results showed that the Soda-Lime-Silica glass could be strengthened by diffusion mechanism without influence of water above 15% salt solution. Because of Ag+ ion penetration in glass surface, yellow color appeared and decreased transmittance at visible range. Modulus of rupture was increased with the amount of exchange and brittleness was decreased.

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  • Miura, Norihiko
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 1997
  • This paper discusses the reduction and subsequent recovery and increase of shear strength of clay in the vicinity of soil-cement column. Laboratory and field tests were conducted to investigate the effects on surrounding clay during and after soil-cement column installation in soft Ariake clay. Discussions were made on the mechanism of strength changes of clay by considering the thixotropic recovery, reconsolidation effect, penetration of cement slurry and diffusion of exchangeable cations. On the basis of field and laboratory observations, 10 days after column installation, the decreased shear strength of surrounding clay during mixing was recovered and 30 days later, shear strength of surrounding clay increased 30% by average. Therefore, it is recommended that the increase of shear strength of clay can be taken into consideration in the bearing capacity and stability analysis of the composite ground.

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Improved Post-Filtering Method Using Context Compensation

  • Kim, Be-Deu-Ro;Lee, Jee-Hyong
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 2016
  • According to the expansion of smartphone penetration and development of wearable device, personal context information can be easily collected. To use this information, the context aware recommender system has been actively studied. The key issue in this field is how to deal with the context information, as users are influenced by different contexts while rating items. But measuring the similarity among contexts is not a trivial task. To solve this problem, we propose context aware post-filtering to apply the context compensation. To be specific, we calculate the compensation for different context information by measuring their average. After reflecting the compensation of the rating data, the mechanism recommends the items to the user. Based on the item recommendation list, we recover the rating score considering the context information. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we use the real movie rating dataset. Experimental evaluation shows that our proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art approaches.

Development of Force/Displacement Sensing System for Nanomachining (나노 가공을 위한 힘.변위 검출시스템 개발)

  • Bang, Jin-Hyeok;Kwon, Ki-Hwan;Park, Jae-Jun;Cho, Nahm-Gyoo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.777-781
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a force/displacement sensing system to measure penetration depths and machining forces during pattering operation. This sensing system consists of a leaf spring mechanism and a capacitive sensor, which is mounted on a PZT driven in-feed motion stage with 1nm resolution. The sample is moved by a xy scanning motion stage with 5nm resolution. The constructed system was applied to nano indentation experiments, and the load-displacement curves of silicon(111) and aluminum were obtained. Then, the indentation samples were measured by AFM. Experimental results demonstrated that the developed system has the ability of preforming force/depth sensing indentations

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An Experimental Study on the Spray Structure of a Gasoline Engine Injector (가솔린 기관용 인젝터의 분무 구조에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Cho, B.O.;Lee, C.S.;Im, K.S.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.118-130
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    • 1995
  • Fuel spray in a gasoline engine is a significant factor for the decision of engine power, pollutant emission and the design of intake manifold system. Three kinds of fuel which has other physical properties are chosen in this study, and it is observed using an image processing method that the mechanism and structure of free fuel spray with a throttle type gasoline injector, and the detailed characteristics of droplet size and velocity distributions are obtained by macro and micro-scopic measuring method respectively. It is verified that the initial breakup behaviors are depended on We like the result of Reitz's study, and also observed that the spray of octane and solvent with Re of 210~330 and 270~330 respectively are better than ethanol which has relatively high density and viscosity.

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Development of an Ultra Precision Machining System Using a Force and Displacement Sensing Module (힘 및 변위 감지기구를 적용한 초정밀 가공시스템 개발)

  • Bang, Jin-Hyeok;Kwon, Ki-Hwan;Cho, Nahm-Gyoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.22 no.12 s.177
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents an ultra precision machining system using a high sensitive force sensing module to measure machining forces and penetration displacement in a tip-based nanopatterning. The force sensing module utilizes a leaf spring mechanism and a capacitive displacement sensor and it has been designed to provide a measuring range from 80 ${\mu}N$ to 8 N. This force sensing module is mounted on a PZT driven in-feed motion stage with 1 nm resolution. The sample can be moved by X-Y scanning motion stage with 5 nm resolution. In nano indentation experiments and patterning experiments, the machining forces were controlled and monitored by the force sensing module. Then, the patterned samples were measured by AFM. Experimental results demonstrated that the developed system can be used as an effective device in nano indentation and nanopatterning operation.

Flame Retardant Finish of Polyester Fabrics by Corona Discharge (Corona 방전을 이용한 폴리에스테르 직물의 방염가공)

  • Ju, Yi Jung;Pak, Pyong Ki;Kim, Hwan Chul
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 1996
  • Polyester(PET) fabrics were treated by corona discharge equipment with the small amount of flame retardants to enhance flame retardancy. The surface properties of corona discharged fabrics were investigated using water penetration time, SEM, ESCA, and TGA. When corona discharge was applied to PET fabrics, the flame retardants were evenly distributed. As a result, the oxygen-containing functional groups were produced, and the LOI value increased. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated that the flame retardancy was operative by gas-phase mechanism.

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Studies on Design Theories of the Rubber Crawler for a Farm Machinery

  • Matsuo, T.;Inaba, S.;Sakai, J.;Inoue, E.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.1202-1211
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    • 1993
  • The authors propose in this research the equation to calculate the velocities, accelerations and penetration angles of the locus of lug motion for the rubber crawler mechanism. In these equations with some values of factors, motion characteristics of all points or faces of the lug in the front-half a rubber crawler. After that we also consider the reactionary force from the soil to the lug by computing the removed soil area for the purpose of understanding a relation between crawler lug and the soil in the terms of estimating trafficability.

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  • Takahashi, Makoto;Nishikawa, Satoru;Chen, Zheng;Ikeuchi, Kenji
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2002
  • An Al film deposited on the Kovar alloy substrate was anodically-bonded to the borosilicate glass, and the bond interfaces was closely investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Al oxide was found to form a layer ~l0 nm thick at the bond interface, and fibrous structure of the same oxide was found to grow epitaxially in the glass from the oxide layer. The fibrous structure grew with the bonding time. The mechanism of the formation of this fibrous structure is proposed on the basis of the migration of Al ions under the electric field. Penetration of Al into glass beyond the interfacial Al oxide was not detected. The comparison of the amount of excess oxygen ions generated in the alkali depletion layer with that incorporated in the Al oxide suggests that the growth of the alkali-ion depletion layer is controlled by the consumption of excess oxygen to form the interfacial Al oxide.

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