• 제목/요약/키워드: package travel

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방한 중국관광객의 패션상품의 구매기준과 점포속성지각이 쇼핑 만족도에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Fashion Product Purchase Criteria and Effects of Store Attributes Toward Shopping Satisfaction for Inbound Chinese Tourist in Korea)

  • 친페이펑;이진화
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.554-563
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the purchase behavior, the level of shopping satisfaction for inbound Chinese tourists buying fashion products and the analysis of the influence of fashion product purchase criteria and effects of store attributes toward shopping satisfaction in Korea. Subjects were selected through convenient sampling technique in Incheon International Airport. A self-administered questionnaire was developed in Chinese by translation and back-translation method. Finally, 284 questionnaire out of 420 were used for data analysis. To analyze data, factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, etc. were carried out. A used statistical package was PASW 18.0. The analysis results were as follows. First, most of the repondents were women in 20s and 30s, who were purchasing fashion products more than other during the period of travel. Second, the product purchase criteria were identified as 'practicality', 'design and quality', 'memorabilia' and 'hallyu'. As the analysis results, shopping satisfaction was influenced by 'design and quality' and 'hallyu'. Thirdly, the effects of store attributes were identified as 'product', 'environment' and 'employees'. and customer's shopping satisfaction was influenced by all of those. By the end of this paper, For the purpose of achieving more competitive fashion products, the 4P marketing strategies targeting Chinese tourists were discussed based on the results.

철도건널목 정시간 제어방식 개발 밑 효과분석에 관한 연구 (Development of a Time-Based Railway Crossing Control System and Evaluation)

  • 박동주;오주택;이선하;정천희;신성훈
    • 한국철도학회논문집
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2005
  • Traffic accidents at highway-rail crossing result in larger social and economic damages than the accidents at the typical highway intersections. The traditional control and warning systems of the highway-rail crossing have limitations in that 1) they do not recognize the differences of the trains' arrival times because they rely on the distance-based control system, rather than the time-based one, and 2) thereby they usually cause longer delays of vehicles and pedestrians at the highway-rail crossings. The objective of this study is to develop a time-based railroad crossing control system which takes into account the speed and expected arrival time of trains. using the spot speeds and acceleration rates of trains measured at three points, the developed system was found to be able to accurately estimate the arrival time of train. VISSIM simulation package was utilized to compare system effect of the developed time-based railroad crossing control system with that of the conventional distance-based one. It was found that the developed time-based railroad crossing control system reduced the average travel time, maximum delay length, average delay time, and average number of stop-experienced vehicles as much as 7.0$\%$, 75.6$\%$, 12.7$\%$, and 60.0$\%$, respectively, compared with those from the conventional distance-based one.

TV홈쇼핑 쇼호스트의 구매설득커뮤니케이션 전략 (Persuasive Communication Strategy of Showhost in TV Homeshopping)

  • 이정헌
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제11권8호
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    • pp.311-320
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 TV홈쇼핑의 상품판매를 위해 쇼호스트가 전달하는 다양한 메시지 분석을 통해 쇼호스트의 구매설득커뮤니케이션 전략을 파악하고자 한다. 무엇보다도 홈쇼핑 판매의 양대산맥인 유형상품과 무형상 품에서의 그것을 비교분석함으로써, 그 차이점과 공통점을 발견해 향후 보다 세련된 연구와 전략 수립의 기초가 되고자 한다. 두편의 해외여행상품, 등산복, 호두 판매방송 각1편씩을 선정해, 언어수사적내용분석 방법을 적용한 결과, 유, 무형재 상품에서 공히 <상품매력성강조전략>, <가격매력성강조전략>, <희소성소구전략>이 집중적으로 사용되고 있음이 밝혀졌다. 반면 <사회적증거제시전략>, <긍정적소비가치소구전략>, <구매안전성소구전략>은 무형재 상품의 판매만에서 크게 중용되고 있었다. 본 연구는 다양한 상품군을 포괄하지 못하고 네편의 방송만을 분석대상으로 한 한계점을 안고 있다. 연구결과를 바탕으로, 향후 각 전략들이 어떤 효과를 발휘하는지를 파악할 수 있는 경험적 연구 및 실험적 연구가 나오는데, 본 연구가 이론적 초석으로 작용하고자 한다.

중국과의 FTA 협상방식을 위한 전략적 접근 (The Strategic Approach to FTA Governmental Negotiation Method between China)

  • 나승화
    • 산경연구논집
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2010
  • 한·중 양국은 1992년 수교 이래 문화적 공통성과 지리적 인접성 그리고 상호보완적인 경제구조 등을 바탕으로, 정치·경제·사회·문화 등 모든 분야에서 유례를 찾아 볼 수 없는 비약적인 발전을 가져왔다. 특히 중국은 한국의 최대 교역국으로, 그리고 한국은 중국의 제3대 교역국으로 부상하였으며, 2008년에는 전략적 협력 동반자 관계로 격상했다. 현재 국제 통상관계에 있어서 WTO/DDA협상이 난항을 겪고 있는데 반해, FTA는 전 세계적으로 심화와 확대를 거듭하고 있으며, 한·중 양국도 각각 그 어느 나라에 뒤지지 않는 다각적이고 적극적인 FTA 협상을 추진하고 있다. 특히 1997년 금융위기 후 절감한 지역 경제협력의 필요성이 요구됨에 따라 중국은 2005년 아세안과 FTA체결을 시작으로 여러국가에 관심을 표명하였으며, 한국에도 FTA에 추진에 적극적으로 접근하고 있는 상황이다. 지난 5월 28일에는 이명박 대통령과 중국 원자바오 총리와의 회담에서 이에 대한 내용을 언급하였는바, 가까운 시일 내에 본격적인 추진협상이 이루어지리라 예측된다. 이에 중국과 FTA의 본격적인 협상에 대비하여, 한국이 어떤 협상방식을 선택할 것인가에 정책적 제언과 관심이 집중되고 있다. 일부 학자들은 한·중 FTA는 포괄적 협상을 하되, 지속적 논의를 위한 프로토콜을 확정하는 지속형 FTA를 추진해야 한다고 주장하고 있으나 본 연구는 한·중 FTA는 상품무역·서비스·투자분야를 포함하고 협상에서 일괄적으로 타결하는 포괄적 FTA가 되어야한다고 주장한다. 본 연구는 중국의 기 체결된 FTA 협상사례를 통해 중국의 협상방식의 특징을 살펴보고 시사점을 도출하였다. 중국은 현재 아세안, 파키스탄, 칠레 등 개도국과는 단계별 혹은 지속형 FTA 협상방식을 취하고 있으며, 뉴질랜드, 싱가포르 등 선진국과는 일괄타결형 포괄적 FTA 협상방식을 취하고 있다. 중국과의 FTA 협상에 있어서 한국은 농업시장 개방과 국내 이해집단과의 관계 등 쉽지 않은 이슈들이 잔재하고 있으나, 이들은 주로 상품무역 분야에 포진되어 있다. 반면에 중국은 금융·통신 산업이 개방될 경우 중국경제의 전반적인 기반이 위험에 노출하게 되는데, 이들은 주로 서비스무역 분야에 포함되어 있다. 따라서 한국은 협상 범위를 상품무역뿐만 아니라 서비스무역 나아가서 투자 분야까지 넓혀야 이슈간의 교환이 가능해지며, 협상타결의 여지도 충분하리라 판단된다. 즉, 한·중 FTA에 있어서 한국은 뉴질랜드, 싱가포르 사례와 유사한 포괄적이며 협상에서 일괄 타결하는 협상 방식을 채택해야 할 것이다. 이러한 방식으로 인하여 한국은 관세 철폐로 인한 무역 창출효과와 무역 전환효과 나아가 서비스 분야에서 미국, 유럽, 일본 등 선진국에 대비한 중국시장의 선점효과도 기대할 수 있으리라 여겨진다. 또한 한국은 중국과의 FTA 협상의 성공적인 타결을 위하여 중국 국가 차원의 FTA 협상방식에 대한 정책기조를 파악할 필요가 있으며 이를 토대로 한국에 이익을 창출할 수 있는 협상안을 제시해야 할 것이다. 더불어 본격적인 협상이 이루어지기 전인 현 상황에서 중국의 기 체결된 협상 사례에 관한 체계적인 비교분석도 절실히 필요하리라 판단된다.

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교통DB구축을 위한 GIS-T 통합시스템의 설계와 구현 (Design and Implementation of Integrated GIS-T System for Transportation Database)

  • 주용진;최정민;박수홍
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.309-321
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    • 2005
  • 교통정책과 계획수립을 위한 교통수요의 합리적인 분석을 위해서는 현실적이고 신뢰성 있는 교통자료의 구축이 요구된다. 또한 교통계획 및 운영의 측면에서 복잡한 교통문제를 쉽게 전달할 수 있는 사용자 위주의 시스템이 필요하다 일반적으로 교통 분석 존에 대한 사회${\cdot}$경제적 특성 자료를 수집하고 분석용 네트워크를 구축하는 과정은 교통계획모형 수립과정에서 가장 중요한 부분으로 많은 시간과 노력이 요구된다. 또한 수집된 데이터를 통합하고 이용 가능한 형식으로 변화하기 위해서는 상당한 비용이 든다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 자료를 효과적으로 선택, 수정, 가시화할 수 있고, 네트워크의 특성 변화를 보다 효율적으로 파악할 수 있도록 GIS를 도입하는 것이 바람직하다. 교통계획과정에 GIS의 기능이 특히 중요시되어지고 있지만 교통문제에 GIS를 이용하는 것은 초보적인 단계이다. 본 연구는 GIS의 공간표현, 분석기능을 바탕으로 다양한 교통정보를 제공하고 교통계획을 가능하게 하기 위한 GIS-T 통합시스템 구현에 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 교통분석용 패키지와 GIS 환경사이에 양방향 데이터 교환이 가능하게 하고, 네트워크 수정${\cdot}$편집${\cdot}$검수기능 등 보다 효율적인 교통네트워크 관리를 위한 인터페이스를 설계하였다. 또한 GIS가 가지는 공간 데이터의 효과적인 처리에 활용가능 하도록 교통정보 처리모듈을 개발하여 통합시스템에 추가하였다. 이러한 GIS-T 통합시스템은 네트워크의 편집과 분석에 효율적인 환경을 제공하여 보다 현실적인 교통망 모델링을 반영할 수 있으며, 다양한 교통문제 분석에 효과적인 도구로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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Testing The Healing Environment Conditions for Nurses with two Independent Variables: Visibility Enhancement along with Shortening the Walking Distance of the Nurses to Patient - Focused on LogWare stop sequence and space syntax for U-Shape, L- Shape and I-Shape NS-

  • Shaikh, Javaria Manzoor;Park, Jae Seung
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Maximizing human comfort in design of medical environments depends immensely on specialized architects particularly critical care design; the study proposes Evidence-Based Design as an apparent analog to Evidence-Based Medicine. Healthcare facility designs are substantially based on the findings of study in an effort to design environments that augment care by improving patient safety and being therapeutic. On SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) t-test is applied to simulate two independent variables of PDR (Pre Design-Research) and POE (Post- Occupancy Evaluation). PDR is conducted on relatively new hospital Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital to analyse visibility from researchers' point of view, here the ICU is arranged in I-Shape. POE is applied on Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital to simulate walking on LogWare where two NS are designed based on L- Shape and Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea where five NS are functional for ICU Intensive Care Unit, Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU), Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU), Critical Care Unit (CCU), Korean Oriental Medical Care Unit which are mostly arranged in U-Shape, and walking pattern is recognized to be in a zigzag path. Method: T-Test is applied on two dependent communication variables: walkability and visibility, with confidence interval of 95%. This study systematically analyses the Nurse Station (NS) typo-morphology, and simulates nurse horizontal circulation, by computing round route visits to patient's bed, then estimating minimum round route on LogWare stop sequence software. The visual connectivity is measured on depth map graphs. Hence the aim is to reduce staff stress and fatigue for better patients care by minimizing staff horizontal travel time and to facilitate nurse walk path and support space distribution by increasing effectiveness in delivering care. Result: Applying visibility graph and isovist field on space syntax on I- Shape, L- Shape and U- Shape ICU (SICU, MICU and CCU) configuration, I-shape facilitated 20% more patients in linear view as they stir to rise from their beds from nurse station compared to U-shape. In conclusion, it was proved that U-Shape supply minimum walking and maximum visibility; and L shape provides just visibility as the nurse is at pivot. I shape provides panoramic view from the Nurse Station but very rigorous walking.

The Effects of Hot Temperature on Impulsive Behaviors: The Role of Product Types as a Moderator

  • Ahn, Hee-Kyung
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.27-48
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    • 2012
  • Temperature and weather are all around us, quite literally. Furthermore, temperature and weather not only permeate our atmosphere, constantly affecting our visceral states of warmth and coldness, but they metaphorically permeate our language. People, products, and ideas can all be "hot" or "cold." Given this ubiquity, it is perhaps surprising that relatively little research has systematically examined the influence of temperature on choice and judgment. Temperature-related words such as "hot" and "cold" are often used to describe impulsive and calculated behaviors, respectively. These metaphoric connotations of thermal concepts raise the question as to whether temperature, psychological states and decision making are related to each other, and if so, how. The current research examines these questions and finds support for a relationship. Across one field study and one laboratory experiment, I demonstrate that both hot ambient room temperature (Spa) and hot temperature primes (words) trigger decision outcomes in line with the metaphoric association between hot temperature and impulsivity. In the field study, participants were recruited in hot (40-50 degrees Celsius) and cold (10 degrees Celsius) rooms at a spa. Participants were simply asked to indicate their willingness-to-pay (WTP) for three product categories (travel package, birthday dinner, and cell phone). The results showed that participants in the hot room in comparison to those in the cold room were willing to pay more for the same products. Next, I tested if our results would go beyond ambient temperature and would hold if I were to prime temperature concepts by using a different priming method (i.e., subliminal vs. supraliminal). In line with the previous findings in the spa, participants in the hot priming condition were more likely to choose the wrong answer for the bat and baseball question than those in the cold priming condition. In addition, product type (e.g., pleasure vs. necessity) can moderate the effect of hot temperature on impulsivity. Mood and arousal did not mediate participants' responses. My findings seem to suggest that the effects of temperature on decision outcomes can be attributed to metaphoric associations rather than incidental mood or arousal. The current research applies a novel perspective in understanding the relationship between temperature and judgment and decision making. Also, the results have practical implications for packaging, advertising, merchandising, and pricing of goods and services, as well as for public policy and awareness. One of the most natural implications of my findings would be that retailers would be better off carrying more impulse purchase items on hot days. Furthermore, point-of-purchase promotions encouraging impulse purchase is more likely to be effective in retail environments with higher temperature than with lower temperature. In addition, advertisements and product packages evoking hot temperature associations (e.g., beach, sunshine, summer) might lead consumers to pay higher price for the advertised product than those with cold temperature associations.

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한국의 그린 비즈니스/IT 실태분석을 통한 추진전략 우선순위 도출에 관한 연구 (Development of Korean Green Business/IT Strategies Based on Priority Analysis)

  • 김재경;최주철;최일영
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.191-204
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the CO2 emission and energy consumption have become critical global issues to decide the future of nations. Especially, the spread of IT products and the increased use of internet and web applications result in the energy consumption and CO2 emission of IT industry though information technologies drive global economic growth. EU, the United States, Japan and other developed countries are using IT related environmental regulations such as WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), RoHS(Restriction of the use of Certain Hazardous Substance), REACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of CHemicals) and EuP(Energy using Product), and have established systematic green business/IT strategies to enhance the competitiveness of IT industry. For example, the Japan government proposed the "Green IT initiative" for being compatible with economic growth and environmental protection. Not only energy saving technologies but energy saving systems have been developed for accomplishing sustainable development. Korea's CO2 emission and energy consumption continuously have grown at comparatively high rates. They are related to its industrial structure depending on high energy-consuming industries such as iron and steel Industry, automotive industry, shipbuilding industry, semiconductor industry, and so on. In particular, export proportion of IT manufacturing is quite high in Korea. For example, the global market share of the semiconductor such as DRAM was about 80% in 2008. Accordingly, Korea needs to establish a systematic strategy to respond to the global environmental regulations and to maintain competitiveness in the IT industry. However, green competitiveness of Korea ranked 11th among 15 major countries and R&D budget for green technology is not large enough to develop energy-saving technologies for infrastructure and value chain of low-carbon society though that grows at high rates. Moreover, there are no concrete action plans in Korea. This research aims to deduce the priorities of the Korean green business/IT strategies to use multi attribute weighted average method. We selected a panel of 19 experts who work at the green business related firms such as HP, IBM, Fujitsu and so on, and selected six assessment indices such as the urgency of the technology development, the technology gap between Korea and the developed countries, the effect of import substitution, the spillover effect of technology, the market growth, and the export potential of the package or stand-alone products by existing literature review. We submitted questionnaires at approximately weekly intervals to them for priorities of the green business/IT strategies. The strategies broadly classify as follows. The first strategy which consists of the green business/IT policy and standardization, process and performance management and IT industry and legislative alignment relates to government's role in the green economy. The second strategy relates to IT to support environment sustainability such as the travel and ways of working management, printer output and recycling, intelligent building, printer rationalization and collaboration and connectivity. The last strategy relates to green IT systems, services and usage such as the data center consolidation and energy management, hardware recycle decommission, server and storage virtualization, device power management, and service supplier management. All the questionnaires were assessed via a five-point Likert scale ranging from "very little" to "very large." Our findings show that the IT to support environment sustainability is prior to the other strategies. In detail, the green business /IT policy and standardization is the most important in the government's role. The strategies of intelligent building and the travel and ways of working management are prior to the others for supporting environment sustainability. Finally, the strategies for the data center consolidation and energy management and server and storage virtualization have the huge influence for green IT systems, services and usage This research results the following implications. The amount of energy consumption and CO2 emissions of IT equipment including electrical business equipment will need to be clearly indicated in order to manage the effect of green business/IT strategy. And it is necessary to develop tools that measure the performance of green business/IT by each step. Additionally, intelligent building could grow up in energy-saving, growth of low carbon and related industries together. It is necessary to expand the affect of virtualization though adjusting and controlling the relationship between the management teams.