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  • 제목/요약/키워드: outdoor activity

검색결과 307건 처리시간 0.021초

풍산김씨(豊山金氏)마을 뜰집의 변천과정(變遷過程)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 안동(安東) 오미(五美)마을과 봉화(奉化) 오록(梧麓)마을의 족보(族譜)를 바탕으로 - (A Study on the Transition of the Ddeulzip on Omi Village in Andong and Orock Village in Bonghwa)

  • 김화봉
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.51-67
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to bring light on the characteristics of the transition in the Ddeulzip. The subject of this study is clan village of Pungsan Kim's family in Andong Cultural Area. Architectural transition of Ddeulzip is analyzed into three part. The first part is settlement of family. In this process, there is a background and many types of settlement. The second part is the extension of family. The extensional types are 'near-by branch' and 'far-away branch'. The last part is variation of housing. Spacial requests of residence are changed endlessly. Thus the spacial types of Ddeulzip are changed by the construction time of building. In many case, we couldn't decide the building period. The genealogy of Chosun Dynasty is the base of family history. In this study, the construction activity of Ddeulzip is based on the genealogy. The phylogenetic tree of Ddeulzip in clan village is constructed by the genealogy. The figures of the type of bunch of grapes is made by phylogenetic tree based on the genealogy. Omi Village in Andong was settled at first in the 15C. The cause of settlement is the aim of escape from political oppression. For long time, Omi Village is developed gradually. There area is divided in some small family boundary. There spacial types are contained the characteristics of many times. Orock Village in Bonghwa is settled for search of best environment in the last of 17C. At that time, a lot of families of same clan are gathered in that village. For short time, Orock Village is enlarged quickly. Thus there spacial type is similar each other. But boundary of entire space of outdoor is constructed clearly by pavilion area, housing area and sanctuary area.

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집과 같은 어린이집 모형 제안을 위한 국내외 사례연구 (Domestic and Foreign Case Studies on the Residential Core Model of the Second Home Child Care Center)

  • 김영애;최목화;박정아
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2013
  • Number of children cared by child care centers has getting up almost half of the from zero to five year age group in korea. Home care children' activities are reported more active and natural than those of center care children. So this study seek the design guidelines for the residential core model of child care centers as second home in korea. The residential core model by Anita Lui Olds was selected and ten domestic center cases were surveyed for guidelines. Firstly, daily-residential core model is learning by daily life at home, and is equiped with cooking kitchenet and group activity area in group room. Secondly, play-residental core model is learning by playing by self, and is equiped with acting, eating and reading common area clustering two or three group room. Thirdly, eco-residental core model is learning by eco-friendly activities, and is equiped with companying, cooperating and sharing area. Fourthly, project-residental core model is learning by project by self, and is equiped with drawing, experimenting and presenting common area. Fifthly, the space of residential core model is organized with three or four group room and clustering living or common area. The larger the center is, the more the cluster is vertically. Facility area and outdoor playground per child is about 7 and 3m2.

장수벨트지역 장수인의 식생활 특성 (The Dietary Habits of the Nonagenarian Population in Longevity Belt in Korea)

  • 이미숙
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.513-524
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    • 2005
  • The dietary habits and eating behaviors of nonagenarian subjects over 90 years old in Korean representative longevity belts of Damyang, Gokseong, Kurye, Sunchang were evaluated. The subjects of the study were 91 elderly people (26 males and 65 females) over 90 years old and their dietary habits, food preferences and meal patterns were collected by individual interview. The percentage of subjects, who answered 'very good' or 'good' for their health status, was 65.9%. In this study, 55% of subjects were without chronic diseases, and there was no significance difference in gender. Many subjects had performed regular exercise and outdoor activity. The rate of eating together with their family was 79.1%. Most of subjects (91.2%) had a regular mealtime consuming three meals a day, and they had good appetite and pleasure of eating. The higher preference of food group was fruits (95.6%), legumes (94.5%), mushrooms (93.4%) and vegetables (92.3%), but the amount of intakes is higher in vegetables than the others. Eating with family, regular exercise and self-rated good health are improved their nutrient intakes. Most frequently consumed meal pattern was rice plus soup and side dishes. The side dish consumed frequently was Namul (blanch and seasoned vegetables). From this study, the nonagenarian populations in longevity belt in Korea have good dietary habits such as regular mealtime, constant amount of meal and eat with pleasure. They are taking Korean traditional meal pattern, providing enriched antioxidant vegetable foods. Also, it can be concluded that the amount and quality of diet in the long-lived elderly are responsible for the Korean traditional family system.

광주지역 일부 초등학생에서 어린이 식생활실천지침 이행정도에 따른 영양소 섭취수준 비교 (Comparison of the Nutrient Intakes by the Score of Dietary Action Guides for Korean Children among the Elementary School Students in Gwangju City)

  • 김복희;성미영;이윤나
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.411-425
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to examine differences in nutrient intakes by the compliance with the Dietary Action Guide for Korean Children. The subjects included 343 elementary school students in Gwangju city. Compliance with the Dietary Action Guide for Children showed that 62.4% of subjects had breakfast everyday; 44.3% of subjects ate vegetables/fruits/milk and dairy products daily; 26.8% of subjects ate a variety of lean meats/fish/eggs/bean products daily; 32.9% of subjects enjoyed outdoor activity everyday and ate according to their energy needs; 40.2% of subjects chose healthy and nutritious foods for snack; and 15.5% of subjects avoided food waste. Intakes of most of nutrients including energy were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in those who complied with the Dietary Action Guide well. Also nutrient intakes had the positive correlation with the scores of Dietary Action Guide (p < 0.05). From these results, nutrient intakes of children were significantly influenced by dietary factors suggested in the Dietary Action Guide for Children. In addition, the results also confirmed that good food behaviors were indispensible to maintaining a proper nutritional status. Based on these results, good food behaviors and practice were critical to secure good health and proper nutritional status for children, and that nutrition education should be strengthened in school as well as at home.

시티 노마드의 라이프스타일과 패션스타일에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Lifestyle and Fashion Style of City Nomads)

  • 김혜정
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to examine modern people's lifestyle and identify their needs by analyzing clothing behavior through city nomads' attitudes in dairy life, tastes, and methods to pursue in their life. This study tries to understand substitute values as ethical life emerging recently, free life style of mental emotion, clothing behaviors, and fashion style represented by the results. Upon observing city nomads' fashion trend, tunics symbolizing flexibility and comfort and simultaneously reflect colors in a monk style or from basic items that have been used. City nomads' fashion trend also reveals androgynous freeness-and-easiness. City nomads reflect a folksy inspiration, and different cultural perspectives appear in a mixed fashion. Multi-purpose gypsy/boho style is ideal for traveling and occupying smaller spaces in line with the nomadic lifestyle reflectings an American casual image partially by way of gypsy or bohemian nuances. Motorcycle jeans symbolizing functionality for traveling are becoming a part of everyday life. The fashions discussed are categorized as urban, tourer, sports and road. Everyday sportswear - athleisure - is attracting attention enabling a healthy and sound lifestyle. Athleisure is fashion wear harmonizing workplace with leisure, and everyday life and social gatherings. Athleisure represents a significant collapse of the boundary of high fashion and street fashion. Urban- tech wear is light and enables modern people to perform garment and gear functions simultaneously, making storage useful using various technical devices by elevating activity and functionality. Urban outdoor fashion holding functionality and adding modern fashion in appearance has appeared.

Utilizing the grazing effect of fresh water clams (Unio douglasiae) for the remediation of algal bloom during summer

  • Nam, Ki-Woong;Lee, Jeong-Ryul;Park, Kyung-Il
    • 한국패류학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2015
  • The occurrence of 'algal bloom', caused by the mass proliferation of phytoplankton, causes serious problems in streams and lakes in Korea. Therefore, in this study, the phytoplankton filter-feeding trait of Unio douglasiae, a type of freshwater clam, was used to reduce the algal bloom in outdoor water tanks during the summer. This involved the construction of a U. douglasiae cultivation apparatus, wherein 1,000 clams were divided into 8 rectangular baskets arranged in the shape of an empty square. The control tank was manufactured in exactly the same shape within the water tank, but without the addition of clams. The algal bloom-reducing effect of U. douglasiae was confirmed by the measurement of (and comparing between) the water quality at the center and periphery of the test and control cultivation apparatus. Water quality measurements included the measurement of water temperature, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO) content, and chlorophyll-α concentrations; the water quality was measured twice a month between June and November 2014.The results of these analyses did not show a significant difference in water quality (temperature, pH, turbidity, DO) between the center and periphery of the test and control tanks. However, the chlorophyll-α concentration was observed to be much lower at the center of the test tank compared to that at the center and periphery of the control tank, as well as at the periphery of the test tank. This was believed to be a result of the U. douglasiae surrounding the center of the test tank, which prevented the influx of plankton from the periphery. Accordingly, the results of these analyses suggest the possibility that U. douglasiae cultivation could reduce the proliferation of algal blooms in lakes and streams during the summer. In particular, these results indicate possible improvements in U. douglasiae activity (reduction in algal blooms) by their effective arrangement in the water bodies.

스웨덴의 영유아 영양권장량 및 유아교육기관을 위한 급식지침 (Recommended Dietary Allowances for Young Children and Food Guideline for Preschool Children in Sweden)

  • 박은숙;이영환;이진숙
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.742-752
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to offer information related to recommended dietary allowances for young children and food guidelines for preschool children in Sweden. Sweden, located in Europe, is the most developed country for young child care system. Swedish nutrition policy background, Swedish recommended dietary allowances for young children, and food guidelines of early childhood education center in Sweden were used. The number of Swedish child care centers increased from 70,000 in 1970 to 700,000 in 2000. The Swedish Institute of Public Health promoted children's indoor and outdoor activity. The aim of the Swedish public health contains children's safety, good food habits, and eating food safely. Swedish Food Administration made recommended dietary allowance and food guidelines for children care centers. The aim of food guidelines was to increase energy, calcium, iron, and dietary fiber intake. Swedish RDA contains minimum and maximum intake as well as mean intake for macro and micro nutrients. The fat intake ratio of energy is increased for younger children. For preschool children, the food guideline is determined by dietary allowances for breakfast, lunch, and snack respectively. Food guideline contains meal time schedule, menu for each meal using food model, amount of food for age group, and recommended dietary allowance for each meal. It is recommended for Korean early childhood education center: 1) Korean RDA for young children should be made range of intake, minimum and maximum intake. 2) Food guideline should be make for Korean child care center. 3) Korean child care centers should offer an afternoon snack twice for children who return home late. 4) Nutrition education program for preschool teachers should be developed for children's good eating habits and health promotion.

국내 노인에게 적용한 원예치료의 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 (Effects of Horticultural Therapy for the Korean Elderly : A Systematic Literature Review)

  • 김주현;권성복;김현주;최경혜;이향미
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of horticultural therapy by analyzing researches on horticultural therapy applied to elderly Koreans. Methods: We evaluated 401 research papers including dissertations on horticultural therapy applied to elderly Koreans from Jan. 2000 to Feb. 2016. We reviewed the appropriate 12 papers among them for the final analysis. Results: Horticultural therapy had physiological and psychosocial effects. First of all, it showed the physiological effects of reducing stress hormones. Outdoor horticultural therapy improved the gross motor movements of the body. Indoor horticulture therapy improved delicate cognitive & operating functions. Second, horticultural therapy showed the psychosocial effects of reducing depression and improving cognitive functions, language abilities, comprehension, daily activity, life satisfaction and sociality. But the effects appeared differently dependent on the implementation protocol & period of horticultural therapy, as well as the professionalism of the therapists. Therefore, if horticultural therapy were to be administered through nursing, it should be based on its key principle, in other words, the principle of action-interaction-response of horticultural therapy. Conclusion: The results of this study will be useful for developing therapeutic interventions through nursing. Also they will be helpful in applying horticultural therapy programs in nursing practice.

포식압력 하에 치어 보호 구조물이 피식자의 생존율에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on Effect on Prey Survival by Juvenile Fish Shelter (JFS) under Pressure by Piscivorous Fishes)

  • 안창혁;주진철;이새로미;안호상;박재로;송호면
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제29권6호
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    • pp.746-753
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate artificial fish shelter, which was known to increase prey survival and expand habitat space to improve species diversity and fish communities in a freshwater ecosystem. The experiment was performed at an outdoor test-bed for three months from 2011 by comparing the responses to adjustments in the volume of the artificial patch (juvenile fish shelter, JFS) in the control and experimental groups. Analysis of the environmental conditions over two periods (Period1 ~ 2) showed minor differences in the physichemical characteristics of water quality, phytoplankton, and zooplankton biomass, thus, allowing comparative analysis of feeding ecology. However, high water temperature conditions in Period1 (25.6±2.0C), affected the predation activity of the piscivorous fishes, Coreoperca herzi (C. herzi, size 89±4mm). Survival rates of the prey fishes, Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (R. oxycephalus, size 29±1mm), improved as the patch volume increased and were higher than those of the control group by 35.9 ~ 46.7%. Analysis showed that JFS reduced the chances of predator-prey encounter, and thereby minimized prey vulnerability.

학령 전 아동들의 식습관과 영양소 섭취가 신체발달 지수에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Eating Habits and Nutrient Intake on the Physical Growth Indices in Preschool Children)

  • 최미자;윤진숙
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate the nutrient intake, dietary habits, and body indices among preschool children. The study subjects were 166 kindergarten children, aged 4 to 6 years. A measurement of the weight, height, chest circumference, and head circumference of the children was conducted. The general home environment and factors related to the eating habits of children were collected using a questionnaire that included information about physical activity, outdoor playing time, television watching, family income, and parents education and occupations. Underweight, overweight were defined based on a value of less than 110 and more than 140 on the Rohrer Index, or less than 90 and more than 120 on the weight-length index (WLI). The average Rohrer and WLI for the preschool children were 14.3 ± 23.2% and 104 ± 13.5%. Using the WLI, 12.7% of the preschool children were underweight 62.6% were normal, and 24.7% were overweight or obese. On the Rohrer Index, 32.0% of the preschool children were underweight, 34.7% were normal, and 34.1% were overweight or obese. With regard to frequency of regularity of eating breakfast, 2.5% of preschool children skipped breakfast every morning. The risk of being overweight increased in preschool children who had faster eating times. The Rohrer and WLI were negatively related to faster eating times. The average daily energy intake was 1272 Kcal, which corresponded to 79.5% of the Korean RDA. In particular, the average intakes of calcium, iron, and vitamin B2 were much lower than the Korean RDAs for each of those nutrients. Children whose mothers had occupations were at greater risk of decreased nutrient intake than those whose mothers were at home. The data presented in this study confirm that, in preschool children, undernutrition remains the nutritional problem of great concern in Korea, even though Koreans are starting to have worrisome rates of overweight. Therefore, during the early years of life, focus should remain on sustaining Proper growth and development.