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The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Helping Behavior and Deviant Behavior - Focuse on the moderating effect of value congruence - (변혁적 리더십이 조직원의 도움행동과 일탈행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 가치일치성의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Jin, Jae-Keun;Chang, Sug-In
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.183-208
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the transformational leadership on helping behaviors and deviant behaviors of organizational members and to verify the control effect of value consistency and to suggest a process for effective business management and human resource management. For this purpose, questionnaires were distributed to employees working in office management, area marketing, and manufacturing industries in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Chungcheong provinces, and the final 334 copies were used for empirical analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0, and reliability analysis, factor analysis for validity, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were conducted to verify the research hypothesis. The results of the empirical analysis based on the questionnaire based on the object are as follows. First, charisma of transformational leadership showed negative impact on helping behavior, and intellectual stimulation of transformational leadership and individual care showed positive influence on helping behavior. Second, charisma of transformational leadership showed negative influence on deviant behavior, whereas intellectual stimulation of transformational leadership and sub - constitutional factor of individual care did not show significant influence on deviant behavior. Third, as a result of confirming the moderating role of transformational leadership and helping behavior on the level of value consistency, it showed moderating effects on charisma and individual consideration of transformational leadership. Through this study, we proved the effectiveness of transformative leadership which increases the helping behaviors of the members and reduces the deviant behavior. Based on this, we proposed the necessity of developing managers' transformational leadership improvement program to enhance the sustainability of the organization. And we confirmed the partial influence relationship on the adjustment effect of value consistency. In addition, negative influence of charisma suggests a significant point in the management process design.

Mediating Effect of Customer Orientation and Customer Satisfaction Between Entrepreneurship and Financial Performance: Focusing on the Beauty Service Industry (기업가정신과 재무적 성과 간의 고객지향성, 고객만족의 매개효과: 미용 서비스산업 중심으로)

  • Kwak, jinman;Lee, sehee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.197-211
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    • 2021
  • In the service industry the types are diversifying and the scale of service companies is greatly improving. Such a phenomenon is caused by economic growth and technological development diversifying consumer needs creating demand for new services maturing the service industry and intensifying competition among companies in the form of global competition. It can be said that this is because it is necessary to improve competitiveness by utilizing the economy of scale. Research is needed on the impact of entrepreneurship on various outcome variables in order for service organization managers to respond quickly to diverse and rapidly changing environments and achieve organizational outcomes and corporate goals of management outcomes. The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the relationship in which the entrepreneurial spirit of a manager influences the relationship between customer orientation, which is an organizational result, customer satisfaction, and financial result, which is a management result. In order to verify such research, the questionnaire was composed of one business owner questionnaire, two employee questionnaires, and two customer questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed to a total of 400 companies, and the questionnaires of 340 companies were collected. Of these, 303 companies, excluding the questionnaires of 37 companies with many dishonest or missing values, were used for hypothesis testing. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, entrepreneurship had a positive (+) effect on customer orientation, supporting the hypothesis. Second, customer orientation showed a positive (+) effect on customer satisfaction, supporting the hypothesis. Third, customer satisfaction showed a positive (+) effect on financial outcomes, supporting the hypothesis. Fourth, it was found that entrepreneurship influences customer satisfaction through customer orientation, and customer satisfaction affects financial outcomes. It turns out that customer orientation between entrepreneurship and customer satisfaction is completely mediated, and customer satisfaction is completely mediated by customer orientation and financial outcomes. The relationship between entrepreneurship and management improved employee behavior and attitudes, which is an individual outcome, and this change was found to improve customer satisfaction, which is an organizational outcome. It makes frequent contact with customers in the process of servicing them. Employee roles are important at service contacts and influence service purchases. Employees facing customers through service contacts act as a decisive factor in maintaining a continuous relationship with customers. Within a beauty service company, it is necessary to create a customer-oriented environment among workers. It suggests that customer-oriented companies and employees can anticipate their desires and provide products or services of superior value to achieve greater customer satisfaction and a competitive advantage. In addition, it was clarified that customer satisfaction has an aspect relationship with financial management, which is a management result. Therefore, it is suggested that the entrepreneurial spirit is an important factor for the management of a beauty service company to secure competitiveness and improve results.

Experimental Study on Energy Saving through FAN Airflow Control in the Generator Room of a 9200-ton Training Ship (9200톤급 실습선 발전기실 FAN 송풍유량 제어를 통한 선박에너지 절약에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Moon-seok Choi;Chang-min Lee;Su-jeong Choe;Jae-jung Hur;Jae-Hyuk Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.697-703
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    • 2023
  • As a part of the global industrial efforts to reduce environmental pollution owing to air pollution, regulations have been established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The IMO has implemented various regulations such as EEXI, EEDI, and CII to reduce air pollution emissions from ships. They are also promoting measures to decrease the power consumption in ships, aiming to conserve energy. Most of the power used in ships is consumed by electric motors. Among the motors installed on ships, the engine room blower that takes up a significant load, operates at a constant irrespective of demand. Therefore, energy savings can be expected through frequency control. In this study, we demonstrated the efficacy of energy savings by controlling the frequency of the electric motor of the generator blower that supplies combustion air to the generator's turbocharger. The system was modeled based on the output data of the turboharger outlet temperature in response to the blower frequency inpu. A PI control system was established to control the frequency with the target being the turbocharger outlet temperature. By maintaining the turbocharger design standard outlet temperature and controlling the blower frequency, we achieved an annual energy saving of 15,552kW in power consumption. The effectiveness of energy savings through frequency control of blower fans was verified during the summer (April to September) and winter (March to October) periods. Based on this, we achieved annual fuel cost savings of 6,091 thousand won and reduction of 8.5 tons of carbon dioxide, 2.4 kg of SOx, and 7.8 kg of NOx air pollutants on the training ship.

A Study of the Bracelets Excavated from Fifth-and Sixth-century Silla Kingdom Tombs: Physical Characteristics and Wearing Practices (신라 5~6세기 무덤 출토 팔찌에 대한 연구 -물리적·형태적 특성 및 착장 양상을 중심으로)

  • Yoon Sangdeok
    • Bangmulgwan gwa yeongu (The National Museum of Korea Journal)
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    • v.1
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    • pp.174-197
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    • 2024
  • Personal ornaments made from precious metals that have been excavated from tombs dating to the Maripgan period (4th-6th century) of the Silla Kingdom are a major subject of analysis in the study of gender and hierarchy among the tomb occupants. Nonetheless, bracelets had been neglected until Ha Daeryong's recent research on determining gender through bracelets attracted attention. Accordingly, an examination and organization of the fundamental elements of Silla bracelets was needed. In response, this paper examines their physical characteristics, appearance, changes over time, and related wearing practices. The data for this study is derived from 176 bracelets, mostly made from silver or gold. Copper and glass bracelets are also included. Many of them were cast in a single-use earthen mold. Even the notched and protruding designs were created by casting rather than carving. Glass bracelets and bracelets with dragon designs were made using molds with round cavities. Excluding those produced using metal sheets, the rest of the bracelets are thought to have been cast in a mold with a long-string-shaped cavity and then bent round. After being bent, the two ends were either soldered together (closed type) or left open (open type). As demonstrated in the study by Lee Hansang, Silla bracelets evolved from plain rounded rod-shaped bracelets, such as the one excavated from the Northern Mound of Hwangnamdaechong Tomb, to versions with notched designs, and eventually to those with protruding designs, which gained popularity by the sixth century. The precedents of plain rounded rod-shaped bracelets are presumed to have been thin rod-shaped bracelets from the Proto-Three Kingdoms period. Bracelets need to be fit to the wrists so that they do not slip off easily when worn. The open type design was the preferable way to achieve this. Moreover, given the ductility of gold, silver, and copper, it seems that it would have been possible to stretch or deform them. In the end, I concluded that even if a bracelet is too small to pass man's hand, the open type could have been worn. Furthermore, if a closed-type bracelet were pressed into an oval shape, it would not be impossible for a man to put it on. When bracelets are divided according to their degree of deformability into type A (the open type) through type D, which is almost impossible to deform, type A is commonly found with wearers of thin hollow earrings, and types C and D (which are difficult to deform) are not found with wearers of thin hollow earrings, but only with wearers of thick hollow earrings. Therefore, it can be seen that men were allowed to wear bracelets, and the existing studies that differentiate between men and women based on the wearing of thin hollow earrings, thick hollow earrings, and swords remain valid.

The Influence of Self-Leadership of Research and Development Practitioners on Innovative Behavior via Job Satisfaction : A Comparison between Manufacturing and ICT Industries (국내 기업 연구개발 종사자의 셀프리더십이 직무만족을 매개로 혁신행동에 미치는 영향 : 제조업과 정보통신업 비교)

  • Choi, Min-seog;Hwang, Chan-gyu
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.91-110
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we compared and analyzed the influence of self-leadership on innovative behavior and the mediating effect of job satisfaction among R&D practitioners in manufacturing and information communication technology (ICT) industries. To accomplish this, we conducted an online survey using random sampling methods and collected data from 209 respondents. We employed exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and mediation analysis using SPSS 20.0 software to analyze the data and to compare differences between the manufacturing and ICT sectors. The research findings are as follows: Firstly, both in manufacturing and ICT sectors, self-leadership showed significant positive correlations with job satisfaction and innovative behavior. Secondly, in the analysis of the impact of self-leadership on innovative behavior, in the manufacturing sector, only natural reward strategy and constructive thought strategy showed significant positive effects, while in the ICT sector, behavioral-oriented strategy, natural reward strategy, and constructive thought strategy all showed significant positive effects. Thirdly, in the analysis of the impact of self-leadership on job satisfaction, in the manufacturing sector, only natural reward strategy and constructive thought strategy showed significant positive effects, while in the ICT sector, behavioral-oriented strategy and natural reward strategy showed significant positive effects. Fourthly, in the analysis of the impact of job satisfaction on innovative behavior, significant positive effects were observed in both manufacturing and ICT sectors, with manufacturing sector having relatively greater impact than ICT sector. Lastly, the results of the analysis on the mediating effect of job satisfaction indicate that in the manufacturing sector, only a constructive thinking strategy significantly influences, showing partial mediating effects. However, in the ICT sector, no mediating effects of job satisfaction were observed for any sub-factors of self-leadership. These research findings highlight differences in the mechanisms of action of self-leadership on innovative behavior and its mediating effects between the manufacturing and ICT sectors. Furthermore, the results suggest the importance of improving organizational strategies and culture towards promoting leadership, job design, and job satisfaction, considering the characteristics of each industry and research and development organization.

Application of Support Vector Regression for Improving the Performance of the Emotion Prediction Model (감정예측모형의 성과개선을 위한 Support Vector Regression 응용)

  • Kim, Seongjin;Ryoo, Eunchung;Jung, Min Kyu;Kim, Jae Kyeong;Ahn, Hyunchul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.185-202
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    • 2012
  • .Since the value of information has been realized in the information society, the usage and collection of information has become important. A facial expression that contains thousands of information as an artistic painting can be described in thousands of words. Followed by the idea, there has recently been a number of attempts to provide customers and companies with an intelligent service, which enables the perception of human emotions through one's facial expressions. For example, MIT Media Lab, the leading organization in this research area, has developed the human emotion prediction model, and has applied their studies to the commercial business. In the academic area, a number of the conventional methods such as Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) or Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been applied to predict human emotion in prior studies. However, MRA is generally criticized because of its low prediction accuracy. This is inevitable since MRA can only explain the linear relationship between the dependent variables and the independent variable. To mitigate the limitations of MRA, some studies like Jung and Kim (2012) have used ANN as the alternative, and they reported that ANN generated more accurate prediction than the statistical methods like MRA. However, it has also been criticized due to over fitting and the difficulty of the network design (e.g. setting the number of the layers and the number of the nodes in the hidden layers). Under this background, we propose a novel model using Support Vector Regression (SVR) in order to increase the prediction accuracy. SVR is an extensive version of Support Vector Machine (SVM) designated to solve the regression problems. The model produced by SVR only depends on a subset of the training data, because the cost function for building the model ignores any training data that is close (within a threshold ε) to the model prediction. Using SVR, we tried to build a model that can measure the level of arousal and valence from the facial features. To validate the usefulness of the proposed model, we collected the data of facial reactions when providing appropriate visual stimulating contents, and extracted the features from the data. Next, the steps of the preprocessing were taken to choose statistically significant variables. In total, 297 cases were used for the experiment. As the comparative models, we also applied MRA and ANN to the same data set. For SVR, we adopted 'ε-insensitive loss function', and 'grid search' technique to find the optimal values of the parameters like C, d, σ2, and ε. In the case of ANN, we adopted a standard three-layer backpropagation network, which has a single hidden layer. The learning rate and momentum rate of ANN were set to 10%, and we used sigmoid function as the transfer function of hidden and output nodes. We performed the experiments repeatedly by varying the number of nodes in the hidden layer to n/2, n, 3n/2, and 2n, where n is the number of the input variables. The stopping condition for ANN was set to 50,000 learning events. And, we used MAE (Mean Absolute Error) as the measure for performance comparison. From the experiment, we found that SVR achieved the highest prediction accuracy for the hold-out data set compared to MRA and ANN. Regardless of the target variables (the level of arousal, or the level of positive / negative valence), SVR showed the best performance for the hold-out data set. ANN also outperformed MRA, however, it showed the considerably lower prediction accuracy than SVR for both target variables. The findings of our research are expected to be useful to the researchers or practitioners who are willing to build the models for recognizing human emotions.

Memory Organization for a Fuzzy Controller.

  • Jee, K.D.S.;Poluzzi, R.;Russo, B.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1041-1043
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    • 1993
  • Fuzzy logic based Control Theory has gained much interest in the industrial world, thanks to its ability to formalize and solve in a very natural way many problems that are very difficult to quantify at an analytical level. This paper shows a solution for treating membership function inside hardware circuits. The proposed hardware structure optimizes the memoried size by using particular form of the vectorial representation. The process of memorizing fuzzy sets, i.e. their membership function, has always been one of the more problematic issues for the hardware implementation, due to the quite large memory space that is needed. To simplify such an implementation, it is commonly [1,2,8,9,10,11] used to limit the membership functions either to those having triangular or trapezoidal shape, or pre-definite shape. These kinds of functions are able to cover a large spectrum of applications with a limited usage of memory, since they can be memorized by specifying very few parameters ( ight, base, critical points, etc.). This however results in a loss of computational power due to computation on the medium points. A solution to this problem is obtained by discretizing the universe of discourse U, i.e. by fixing a finite number of points and memorizing the value of the membership functions on such points [3,10,14,15]. Such a solution provides a satisfying computational speed, a very high precision of definitions and gives the users the opportunity to choose membership functions of any shape. However, a significant memory waste can as well be registered. It is indeed possible that for each of the given fuzzy sets many elements of the universe of discourse have a membership value equal to zero. It has also been noticed that almost in all cases common points among fuzzy sets, i.e. points with non null membership values are very few. More specifically, in many applications, for each element u of U, there exists at most three fuzzy sets for which the membership value is ot null [3,5,6,7,12,13]. Our proposal is based on such hypotheses. Moreover, we use a technique that even though it does not restrict the shapes of membership functions, it reduces strongly the computational time for the membership values and optimizes the function memorization. In figure 1 it is represented a term set whose characteristics are common for fuzzy controllers and to which we will refer in the following. The above term set has a universe of discourse with 128 elements (so to have a good resolution), 8 fuzzy sets that describe the term set, 32 levels of discretization for the membership values. Clearly, the number of bits necessary for the given specifications are 5 for 32 truth levels, 3 for 8 membership functions and 7 for 128 levels of resolution. The memory depth is given by the dimension of the universe of the discourse (128 in our case) and it will be represented by the memory rows. The length of a world of memory is defined by: Length = nem (dm(m)+dm(fm) Where: fm is the maximum number of non null values in every element of the universe of the discourse, dm(m) is the dimension of the values of the membership function m, dm(fm) is the dimension of the word to represent the index of the highest membership function. In our case then Length=24. The memory dimension is therefore 128*24 bits. If we had chosen to memorize all values of the membership functions we would have needed to memorize on each memory row the membership value of each element. Fuzzy sets word dimension is 8*5 bits. Therefore, the dimension of the memory would have been 128*40 bits. Coherently with our hypothesis, in fig. 1 each element of universe of the discourse has a non null membership value on at most three fuzzy sets. Focusing on the elements 32,64,96 of the universe of discourse, they will be memorized as follows: The computation of the rule weights is done by comparing those bits that represent the index of the membership function, with the word of the program memor . The output bus of the Program Memory (μCOD), is given as input a comparator (Combinatory Net). If the index is equal to the bus value then one of the non null weight derives from the rule and it is produced as output, otherwise the output is zero (fig. 2). It is clear, that the memory dimension of the antecedent is in this way reduced since only non null values are memorized. Moreover, the time performance of the system is equivalent to the performance of a system using vectorial memorization of all weights. The dimensioning of the word is influenced by some parameters of the input variable. The most important parameter is the maximum number membership functions (nfm) having a non null value in each element of the universe of discourse. From our study in the field of fuzzy system, we see that typically nfm 3 and there are at most 16 membership function. At any rate, such a value can be increased up to the physical dimensional limit of the antecedent memory. A less important role n the optimization process of the word dimension is played by the number of membership functions defined for each linguistic term. The table below shows the request word dimension as a function of such parameters and compares our proposed method with the method of vectorial memorization[10]. Summing up, the characteristics of our method are: Users are not restricted to membership functions with specific shapes. The number of the fuzzy sets and the resolution of the vertical axis have a very small influence in increasing memory space. Weight computations are done by combinatorial network and therefore the time performance of the system is equivalent to the one of the vectorial method. The number of non null membership values on any element of the universe of discourse is limited. Such a constraint is usually non very restrictive since many controllers obtain a good precision with only three non null weights. The method here briefly described has been adopted by our group in the design of an optimized version of the coprocessor described in [10].

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