• Title/Summary/Keyword: ore deposit

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A Geochemical Study on Trace Elements in the Granitic Rocks in relation to Mineralization in the Limestone Area of the Taebaegsan Basin (화강암류중 미량원소와 태백산분지내 석회암지역 광화작용과의 지구화학적 관계)

  • Lee, Jae Yeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.179-196
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    • 1987
  • Various skarn ore deposits of Pb-Zn, Fe-Cu, W-Mo and others are widely distributed in the study area which consists mainly of Cambro Ordovician calcareous rocks. The ore deposits are all in close association with specific types of granitic rocks of mid-late Cretaceous age according to the kinds of ores: Fe-Cu deposit with granodiorite-quartz monzodiorite, Pb-Zn deposit with granite-granodiorite, W-Mo deposit with granite, and Mn deposit with quartz porphyry. The granitic rock of Fe-Cu deposit has lower content in K and higher in Ca than those of Pb-Zn deposits. On the contrary, the granitic rock of W-Mo deposit has much higher content in K and lower in Ca in comparison to those of Pb-Zn deposits. However, the granitic rock of Mn deposit shows similar variation to those of Pb-Zn deposits. Lithophile trace elements of Sr and Rb tend to vary in close relation with major elements of K and Ca, respectively. In good contrast, chalcophile elements of Cu, Pb, Zn, Wand Mo are enriched in the granitic rocks of their ore deposits, and other trace elements of Ni and Co show a trend to vary in relation with Mg, Fe and Cu, which have the same replacement index (0.14) as Ni and Co. Average K/Rb and Ca/Sr ratios of the granitic rocks range nearly within 300~150 and 150~40, respectively, and the distribution pattern of the ratios is different according to the kind of ore deposits: Fe-Cu deposit is plotted toward K-Rb poor region whereas Pb-Zn and W-Mo deposits toward K-Rb rich region. In contrast, Fe-Cu and Fe deposits are plotted toward Ca-Sr rich region whereas Pb-Zn deposit toward Ca-Sr poor region. The variation trend of chemical elements of the mid-late Cretaceous granitic rocks in the study area is similar to that of the Cretaceous granitic rocks in the Gyeongsang Basin. Therefore, this geochemical result may be applicable to determining what kinds of ore deposits a Cretaceous granitic rock is favourable for, and whether it is productive or non-productive for systematic geochemical exploration works.

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Hydrothermal Gold Mineralization of the Sambo Deposit in the Muan Area, Korea (무안 지역, 삼보 광상의 금광화작용)

  • Pak, Sang-Joon;Choi, Seon-Gyu
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.275-286
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    • 2008
  • The Sambo gold deposit located nearby the Cretaceous Hampyeong basin is composed of gold quartz fine vein(the Jija vein) within Cretaceous rhyolite showing $N10{\sim}20W$ trends as well as $N5{\sim}10E$ trending quartz veins(the Pungja, Gwangsan and Pungjaji veins) in Precambrian gneiss. The gold vein typically displays the intermittent and irregular fine veins within rhyolite. Electrum is disseminated in wallrock along the fine cracks as well as coexists with hematite replacing pyrite. Ore-forming fluids from the mineralized vein($H_2O/-NaCl$ system, Th; $340{\sim}200^{\circ}C$, Salinity <2.7 eq. wt.% NaCl) and NE-trending veins($H_2O-NaCl/-CO_2$ system, Th; $400{\sim}190^{\circ}C$, salinity <7.9 eq. wt.% NaCl) are featured by dissimilar physicochemical conditions but their fluid evolution trends(boiling and mixing) are similar with each other. Gold veins of the Sambo deposit filled along NNW-trending tension crack are related to pull-apart basin evolution. Selective gold mineralization of the deposit reflect to dissimilarity between two ore-forming fluid sources. Consequently, gold veining of the Sambo deposit formed at shallow-crustal level and could be categorized into epithermal-type gold deposit related to tensional fractures filling triggered by Cretaceous geodynamics.

Mineral Paragenesis and Chemical Composition of Sangeun Au-Ag Ore Vein, Korea (상은광산(常隱鑛山)의 Au-Ag 광맥(鑛脈)의 광물(鑛物) 공생(共生) 및 화학조성(化學組成))

  • Kim, Moon Young;Shin, Hong Ja;Kim, Jong Hwan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.347-361
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    • 1991
  • The Sangeun ore deposit is located in a volcanic belt within the Gyeongsang Basin in south western Korea. The ore deposit is of representative epithermal Au-Ag quartz vein type developed in lapilli tuff. This paper presents the mineralization with special emphasis on mineral zoning of the deposits. Principal points are summarized as follows: (1) Four stages of mineralization are recognized based on macrostructures. From ealier to later they are stage I(arsenopyrite-pyrite-quartz), stage II(Au-Ag bearing Pb-Zn-quartz), stage III(barren quartz), and stage IV(dickite-quartz). (2) Electrum principally occurs with arsenopyrite and galena in stage II, and has chemical compositions of 72.9-67.1 Ag atom %, and has Ag/Au ratio of 2.69-2.04. (3) Sphalerite varies in its FeS content according to the mineralization stages; 22.03-18.60 mole % FeS and 1.33-0.23 mole % MnS in stage IB, 16.11-8.64 mole % FeS and 1.33-0.23 mole % MnS in stage II. (4) Alteration zones of mineral assemblage, from the vein to the wall-rock, consist of sericite - quartz - pyrite, sericite - quartz - dickite, sericite - chlorite plagioclase respectively.

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Chemical Methods Used in Petrological Analysis of Koongarra Uranium Ore Samples in ASSAR Natural Analogue Program

  • Park, Yong-Joon;Pyo, Hyung-Ryul;Kim, Ji-Young;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.518-530
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    • 1998
  • A natural analogue study has been performed for the Koongarra uranium ore deposit in Australia as an international agreement of the Analogue Studies in the Alligator Rivers Region (ASARR). Rocks obtained from the Koongarra deposit, Northern Territory of Australia, were examined in order to understand uranium migration processes of primary and secondary ore-body in both weathered and unweathered zones. Total alpha activities of rock samples were measured to compare the relative amount of uranium in the sample. Uranium distributions have been investigated by means of both the alpha-autoradiography and the fission track registration technique after irradiation in a flux of thermal neutrons (~10$\times$$10^{13}$nㆍ$cm^{-2}$ㆍs$^{-1}$) for 2 minutes. The mineral phases corresponding to the registered alpha-tracks and fission tracks were identified by petrological observation with optical microscope as well as X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis (EPMA). Uranium was found mostly inside of the fracture of the quartzite and its mineral phase was identified as sklodowskite. The mineral phase associated with high uranium concentration was found as illeminite by petrological observation with optical microscope as well as EPMA.

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Skarn Minerals of Samhwa Iron Ore Deposit (삼화 철 광상의 Skarn 광물)

  • Chi, Jeong mahn;Jang, Yoon ho;Sung, Il yeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.423-440
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    • 1994
  • The Samhwa iron ore deposit, which is of typical magnetite skarn type, is located in the Samhwadong area of Donghae city, Kangwon-do, Korea. Skarn minerals are mainly composed of garnet, clinopyroxene, vesuvianite, wollastonite and small amounts of epidote and quartz. The garnets are isotropic $(Ad_{92.82{\sim}98.37})$ or anisotropic andradite $(Ad_{45.30{\sim}75.85})$ and grossular $(Gr_{86.26{\sim}24.47})$, the clinopyroxenes are ferrosalite and salite, Homogenization temperature of gas rich two phase inclusions in garnet are $368{\sim}593^{\circ}C$, and salnities of polyphase inclusions in garnet have 33.9~68.4 equ. NaCl wt. %. Garnet grain often shows composional variation from its core to rim. In other words, Fe and Al contents in garnet vary inversely, which suggest that the variation depends upon $f_{o2}$ during skarn formation.

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Fe-REE Mineralization of the Hongcheon-Jaeun District (홍천-자은지역 철-희토류광상의 광화작용)

  • 김상중;이현구;윤경무;박중권
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.319-328
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    • 2001
  • The Fe-REE deposit of the Hongcheon-Jaeun district occurs in Precambrian gneiss, and is classified into two ore bodies: the Jaeun ore body (northern ore body) and the Hongcheon ore body (southern ore body). Ecomonically important minerals consist of magnetite, monazite, strontianite and barite. Based on mineral assemblages and textures, the mineralization can be classified into two stages (Na-carbonatite stage and Fe-carbonatite stage). Main REE minerals were precipitated during the Fe-carbonatite stage. Some evidences of the carbonatite origin include: 1) strontianite-monazite exolution texture, 2) strontianite-barite exolution texture, 3) the occurrence of acmite of igneous origin at the area with abundant rare earth minerals, 4) the occurrence of the mineral assemblage consisting of carbonate minerals + magnetite + REE minerals. Therefore, we suggest that Fe-REE mineralization in the study area was related to carbonatite of igneous origin.

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Study on the Metal Ore Deposits of Gyeongsang buk-do Area (경상북도(慶尙北道) 일원(一圓)에 부존(賦存)하고 있는 금속지하자원(金屬地下資源)의 지질광상학적(地質鑛床學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Y.K.;Lee, J.Y.;Kim, S.W.;Koh, I.S.
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 1976
  • The Cretaceous metal ore deposits in the Gyeongsang basin of Gyeongsangbuk-do are characterized by the formation of metallogenic provinces which show zonal distribution pattern around Yeonil province where pneumatolytic type is dominated and hydrothermal type are distributed in the order of decreasing temperature type outward. Some Cretaceous granitic rocks include zoned alkali feldspars which reflect rapid variation of $H_2O$ during emplacement and crystallization of the water-saturated granitic magma. The ore deposits are considered to be originated from upward transportation of ore solution from the excess of water exhausted from uprising magma, which seems to be intimately related to the fact that the majority of the ore deposits in Daegu area are cummulated around the granites including zoned alkali feldspars. In order to collect geochemical data necessary for geochemical exploration in the study area, certain trace elements were chosen as pathfinders from monzonite and soil in the vicinity of Dalsung Tungsten Mine by studying the dispersion patterns of trace elements: Ba and Sr show trends to decrease toward ore deposit while Cu, Pb, and Mo increase. Around mining area there are distributed apparently Equisetum arvense Linne and Mentha sachinensis Kudo which may be used as index plants. In the viewpoint of geologic structure, the trends of the ore veins in contact aureole around the Palgongsan granite body correspond with the pre- and syn- plutonism joint pattern in hornfels in the area.

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Copper Mineralization of the Donghwa and Hwanghagsan Mine (동화-황학산광산의 동광화작용)

  • Lee, Hyun Koo;Kim, Sang Jung;Kim, Mun Young
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1998
  • Copper mineralization of the Donghwa and Hwanghagsan mines was deposited in hydrothermal quartz veins which filled fissures in Cretacous sedimentary rocks. Ore minerals are pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, bornite, galena, wittichenite and unidentified Cu-Bi-Pb-Sb-S mineral. On the basis of salinities and homogenization temperatures for fluid inclusions, the Donghwa deposit was deposited from $300^{\circ}C$ to $220^{\circ}C$ with 2.5 to 0.2 wt.% eq. NaCl, and the Hwanghagsan deposits was deposited from $300^{\circ}C$ to $160^{\circ}C$ with 4.0 to 0.0 wt.% eq. NaCl. Evidence of boiling suggests pressure of 170 to 60 bar, these pressures correspond to 1700 m to 600 m. The ${\delta}^{34}S_{H_2S}$ values of the Donghwa deposit (4.8~7.4%) are higher than those of the Hwanghagsan deposit (3.5~4.5%), sulfur isotope compositions indicate that ore fluids partially reacted with meteoric water and wall-rock. Equilibrium thermodynamic interpretation indicates that the temperature versus $fs_2$ of the Donghwa deposit (> $420^{\circ}C$, $10^{-3.2}atm$) is higher condition than that of the Hwanghagsan deposit (> $290^{\circ}C$, $10^{-7.0}atm$). K-Ar ages for biotite granite and quartz porphyry in the study area are 64.7 Ma, and 60.9 Ma, reapectively. Mineralization age using sericite in the Donghwa deposits is 59.8 Ma. Therfore, Copper mineralization in the study area was associated with acidic igneous activity such as biotite granite or quartz porphyry.

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Characteristics of Polymetallic Occurrence in Kau Loc Area within Northern Vietnam: Preliminary Study (베트남 북부 카우록 다중금속 산출지의 특성: 예비연구)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho;Chi, Se-Jung;Park, Sung-Won;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.345-357
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    • 2011
  • It was carried out to the survey on the lead-zinc and tungsten occurrences in the Kau Loc mineralized belt within northern Vietnam. The lead-zinc occurrence bear the ore body parallel to the bedding of limestone formation. Assuming the surface grade and geological reserve, Pb+Zn deposit is estimated to the small to medium-sized ore deposit. On the other hand, considering the distribution of small-scale stock intruding the Devonian limestone, it is thought that the tungsten occurrence has the proper geological conditions anticipating the presence of skarn mineralization. However, there is no evidence to recognize economic feasibility in the present situation because of the absence of detailed geology and ore deposit survey on the tungsten occurrence.